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What People Belived About Pimples That Is Not True. - Health - Nairaland

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What People Belived About Pimples That Is Not True. by AtkinsPlanet(m): 1:41pm On Aug 25, 2017
As you have seen in the previous chapter that, what people assumed to be how Pimples are formed is not really how they are formed. The same goes to some other believe about Pimples that are mostly, purely, untrue.
Let's go check out...
Re: What People Belived About Pimples That Is Not True. by Antonblack(m): 1:45pm On Aug 25, 2017
my park here
Re: What People Belived About Pimples That Is Not True. by AtkinsPlanet(m): 1:48pm On Aug 25, 2017

Just because Pimples is very common at puberty
stage, this has made people to erroneously believe
that Pimples is normal and it shows up to show that
the sorry victim is at puberty stage. Well, I don't
know what you want to say about those that
remained fresh passing through their puberty. Are
you saying, the good looking ones are not normal?
Or are you saying because a bad thing is common
make it acceptable? You can read the chapter talking
about 'causes of Pimples and how they are formed' to know more about why Pimples occur mostly at

Re: What People Belived About Pimples That Is Not True. by AtkinsPlanet(m): 1:54pm On Aug 25, 2017

People believe that popping of Pimples will make it
go down. If you are one of these people am sad to
tell you that, you are the reason your Pimples grow
bigger, redder, and harder. When you pop a pimple, you are opening a scar. You open the blockage to bacteria. As more
propionibacterium enters the blockage formed by the
sebum, the more your
Pimples grow. Can't you see when you pop it, it
continues to grow bigger. And it increases in number. This is because more bacteria have entered it! It's
recommended to let the Pimples run through their
life span. Even after applying the cure, let them go down
themselves, don't pop them! If you apply your cure
and pop it so it will go down quickly, you are only
introducing more bacteria into it. And also as you
pop it, you are leaving scars on your skin. Even if
the Pimples did go, you will start nursing spot, as a
result of the scars left behind while curing the

Re: What People Belived About Pimples That Is Not True. by AtkinsPlanet(m): 1:58pm On Aug 25, 2017
3. Oh my God! You won't believe I just found out some people believe that Pimples is as a result of stress. I can't stop laughing. Well... I can't say they are wrong, neither am I saying they are right, but my research never said something like that. Have you read the chapter of this book talking about 'how Pimples are formed'? Do you think there is anything that would have relations with stress? If you think so, you can inform us

Re: What People Belived About Pimples That Is Not True. by AtkinsPlanet(m): 2:02pm On Aug 25, 2017
4. Taking no fat:
It is also believed that since oil plays a significant
role in the formation of pimples, then taking less of
oily food (fat) will reduce Pimples. That may be true, but look at this. The oil
moisturizes the skin. It prevents skin irritations. it
also performs a lot of biological functions in the
body. As much as I would have loved to discuss the
10001 importance of oil that I found during my
research but that is beyond the scope of this book. So are you saying you want to let go of all these
importance and also develop all other worse skin
irritations just to cure Pimples. But rest your mind,
because the solutions that will be stated in this book
will cure your Pimples in a WEEK without
developing skin irritation. See you in the next chapter…

Re: What People Belived About Pimples That Is Not True. by Robinscrusoe(m): 2:14pm On Aug 25, 2017
Nice dear
Re: What People Belived About Pimples That Is Not True. by AtkinsPlanet(m): 3:43pm On Aug 25, 2017
Nice dear

Thanks, I do hope this gets to the front page so that more people can learn from it.
Re: What People Belived About Pimples That Is Not True. by AtkinsPlanet(m): 3:45pm On Aug 25, 2017
my park here
Really? You surely parked well...
I hope this gets to front page, so people can get to learn from it.

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