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Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk - Health (3412) - Nairaland

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by luvtoteach(f): 1:18pm On Aug 31, 2017
I went to the extent of calling this girl and was speechless when she started apologising and promised to stay away from my dh.

How is muna and hope the baby is kicking fine she asked. shocked shocked shocked this girl knows too much about me.

With her number I was able to find her on Facebook.

Still waiting for our husband to come back this evening shocked

Part two go start

Why using 'our husband' instead of my. But try and settle it peacefully, all this yeye girls na was days. Na where food don't ready dem dey luk for
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by luvtoteach(f): 1:22pm On Aug 31, 2017
sad angry Awon edible caterers. May their fake foundation discolor their face. So she even know you wella and was sending love sms to your hubby.

May God give you the strength to tackle this dear and may He also protect our marriages.

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Giddyperson: 1:23pm On Aug 31, 2017

Gbeborun grin

Dey eat popcorn wey liftedhands serve you first. I dey come embarassed embarassed embarassed you can not even tell me sorry embarassed embarassed embarassed pls tell me sorry now embarassed embarassed
lol I did not collect the popcorn o, I'm fasting. Please don't call the nonsense girl again. She's forming that she knows you so that she can create the impression of 'our husband tells me all about you, we are that close'.


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by lioha(f): 1:25pm On Aug 31, 2017
sad angry Awon edible caterers. May their fake foundation discolor their face. So she even know you wella and was sending love sms to your hubby.

May God give you the strength to tackle this dear and may He also protect our marriages.

I was supriesd my dear

Come and hear begging. Madam no vex abeg no vex

Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by miraclefromGod: 1:34pm On Aug 31, 2017
@ lioha, Pls don't call the idiot again, if she knows you that much why sending love msg to your husband? Just concentrate on your husband...


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by sassyangel1(f): 1:41pm On Aug 31, 2017
sad angry Awon edible caterers. May their fake foundation discolor their face. So she even know you wella and was sending love sms to your hubby.

May God give you the strength to tackle this dear and may He also protect our marriages.

When I say we women r our own enemies some ppl jst simply shrug. Pls lioha, as much as it's painful n can disorganize ur system, try to breathe in and out cos of wellbeing n baby in ur womb. Jst ask the girl if she was the one in ur shoes Hw would she feel n tell her if she doesn't wnt u to table her b4 God in ur naked self, she shd stay away from ur husband. Talk to ur husband n ask him innocently dt a friend of urs is in this kinda situation n hear wat he'll say. PLS, DO NOT ARGUE WTH UR HUBBY COS It'll make d matter worse. God's wisdom to u.
Cc: lioha


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nobody: 1:42pm On Aug 31, 2017

I was supriesd my dear

Come and hear begging. Madam no vex abeg no vex


Please calm down, for your hubby to hide it that means he's scared of you finding out. I am sure the girl has called your hubby to tell him and he has already packaged what to tell you. He'll expect you to bring it up when he comes back or maybe quarrel with him and maybe or maybe not he'll try to put the blame on you.

Please don't call the girl again, she's a heartless fellow who doesn't have any respect for marriage. So assuming you didn't find out nko she won't pick her brains up.

May God guide you dear.

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by lioha(f): 1:44pm On Aug 31, 2017

Why using 'our husband' instead of my. But try and settle it peacefully, all this yeye girls na was days. Na where food don't ready dem dey luk for

My sweet darling husband jooh

Husband that has always been there for me . So loving , so caring I wonder what happened.

May be na kpecus wey I never give him for some time cos am. But it's not my fault because he is always scared of causing harm to the baby in the process. But that dos not stop me from using my hand and breast( grin to milk the cow without stress


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by lioha(f): 1:45pm On Aug 31, 2017
@ lioha, Pls don't call the idiot again, if she knows you that much why sending love msg to your husband? Just concentrate on your husband...

Thanks dear
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by lioha(f): 1:48pm On Aug 31, 2017

When I say we women r our own enemies some ppl jst simply shrug. Pls lioha, as much as it's painful n can disorganize ur system, try to breathe in and out cos of wellbeing n baby in ur womb. Jst ask the girl if she was the one in ur shoes Hw would she feel n tell her if she doesn't wnt u to table her b4 God in ur naked self, she shd stay away from ur husband. Talk to ur husband n ask him innocently dt a friend of urs is in this kinda situation n hear wat he'll say. PLS, DO NOT ARGUE WTH UR HUBBY COS It'll make d matter worse. God's wisdom to u.
Cc: lioha

I told her all that

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by jaysmama(f): 1:56pm On Aug 31, 2017

My sweet darling husband jooh

Husband that has always been there for me . So loving , so caring I wonder what happened.

May be na kpecus wey I never give him for some time cos am. But it's not my fault because he is always scared of causing harm to the baby in the process. But that dos not stop me from using my hand and breast( grin to milk the cow without stress
Mama this thing that is happening is not new , it is replicated in so many marriages across the globe. Please handle with wisdom. No need to think of what you did or didn't do. The reason why men cheat or want to cheat remains a mystery. Calm yourself even though it's hard , voice your grievances in a mature manner, no fighting please. I remember one girl that was calling my hubby a couple of nights some years back. Immediately I heard him on the phone one night I started those hot mfm prayers anybody that will not give me peace in my home God destroy that persons life like like dat o. I was doing that at the top of my voice knowing both caller and caller will hear wether na fear or annoyance phone call stopped and those rubbish calls ended. It is well with you.

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by toyeem(f): 2:01pm On Aug 31, 2017
Some ladies sha,she even knows that ur dh is married and with children. The thunder that will fire some girls ehnn.Pls don't stress ur self unnecessarily this period. It is well with you. And pls don't 4get to wake hubby up in the middle of the nite for a heart-to-heart discussion,tell him exactly aw u feel.


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nobody: 2:07pm On Aug 31, 2017
Make I talk my own ohhh. My able mamas am 20 weeks pregnant and have not been given anti malaria drugs.when is it supposed to be administered .secondly after I gave birth July last year I didn't take tetanus injection to complete the dose what should I do would I be given again?
CC: curvilicious
CC: all mamas

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by omotolanibaby(f): 2:15pm On Aug 31, 2017
Time to rant shocked shocked shocked embarassed embarassed embarassed embarassed

Give Me back my phone! Am not giving you! I said give me back my phone! And i said am not giving you. As he tried too forcefully collect it from me, gbosaa the whole set scattered on the floorembarassed embarassed embarassed embarassed

All of a sudden dh started carrying his handset around like Mary and her little lamb. To the toilet, bathroom name them. He will wake up in the middle of the to ease himself and stay hours in the toilet. Doing what? If you ask me na who I go ask.

I became very suspicious of him couple with the bad dreams I have been having for some time now.

The day before yesterday I decided to confirm my suspicion . Behold this was the msg a girl sent him "Do u think I can hurt u never or Accuse u of anytin my dear I will never do dat ok. It didn't mean so much to me. Don't worry I will try again. I consold myself. Yesterday again while he was asleep I decided to execute my mission once more and this was rhe massage from the same girl "I do I swear with my blood am loving u everyday but just want us to amend it". Gan gan! Lioha what again do you want to see. I asked myself. Immediately my mode changed. I couldn't sleep anymore. When he woke up and saw my eye wide open ,nne what is it he asked, nothing I answered immediately still thinking of what my next action will be. He knew I was not just myself.

This morning I intentionally asked for his handset to make a call. Come and hear question who? Don't you have credit on yours? yes I don't. Oya take, he brought out a thousand naria. I rejected it and insisted on using his handset. While we still arguing I went straight to his msg all deleted inukwa! Even the girls name disappeared.

As God will have it immediately another msg came inn from the same number " good morning my love hope you sleep well, I spent all night thinking of you"
don't stress ur self too much on it because of ur condition.dnt know y God created most men like that.when they av meat at home but always looking for fish abt.

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by ebonychic18(f): 2:38pm On Aug 31, 2017

Does it mean folic acid and fesolate isn't enough for the fetus? I need to know more cus my hospital gave just these for antenatal and I know it isn't enough.

I don't mind dropping the previous for a better one. I wanted to start with pregnacare but as the hospital was giving folic and fesolate I just didn't bother. I was thinking maybe the hospital felt its cheaper for them.

Please which is better I don't mind the money and I hope it isn't too late to start a new drug. I'll be 5months next week, edd Jan.
hello dear folic acid and fesolate are more than enough specially if you feed well. Let me give you some scenarios they're my friends and some my colleagues 1. A doctor with 3 children presently for all she took strictly folic acid, fesolate, bco, calcium. See her babies very correct! 2. A nurse her own sef nawa, she refused to take anything even folic acid, she said she was taking them all via food. Plenty of dark leafy veggies at every meal. I preach tire she told me not to bother myself that she did it for the first and second this was her third. Hmm... actually her boys all came out very healthy and fresh still saw one yesterday when I went for ANC. 3. Already getting tired of typing there are lots of them so let's make 3 me. For my first I did pregnacare and some yummy gummies I got from my sis in the US plus one fish oil omega something like that. Baby came out very normal to me nothing extraordinary. Just hale and hearty. Complexion, hair, skin, weight all hereditary gotten from parents. So nothing fancy. The 2nd pregnancy I decided to do routine folic acid, fesolate(which I stopped cos my pcv was always high 44% and above), calcium also stopped later, bco was stopped too my appetite was over healthy. So I was on folic acid alone which I took whenever I remembered. But in all these I tried doing the balanced diet stuff while curbing my calorie intake to avoid big baby. The baby still came out over fresh, big, healthy, strong like wetin, lots of hair(that later fell off lol). That babe made money from people ehn....smiling , eating and sleeping were her hobbies cheesy. For this number 3 I'm taking just pronatal nothing more nothing less. So dear just do the maths. Go as the spirit leads as long as it's approved my your doc go ahead. Don't go and do because someone else is doing o. Genes are also involved in these things. Even in primitive areas where women are not privileged to take prenatal they still have fresh healthy babies. Just do your own and let God perfect it. I have many scenarios but manage this one. grin


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by yinks13: 2:38pm On Aug 31, 2017

I use Puritan's pride Omega 3 at the moment with the drug they gave me at the Hospital, and it's mercury free..i used to take pregnacare Plus before but the vitamins in it were not enough for me cos it's compressed so they gave another Drug at the Hospital(contains all the vitamins needed), dats was why I got the Puritan's pride Fish oil cos I use Fish oil even before pregnancy, it's very good for the skin.

Asked my Doc before I started using it,he told me I just wanted to waste my money grin but it's safe...Even my pharmacist said it's safe so you have nothing to worry about dear, you can still use your Fish oil!!
Thank you dear, the puritan's pride fish oil you are taking, is it in the red plastic container?
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by sassyangel1(f): 3:00pm On Aug 31, 2017

I told her all that

Very gd. Don't disturb urself as per her side. Anoda twist is if u n ur husband pray together, use dt avenue begin talk ur mind n hear Hw his amen will sound. If u don't pray together, use dt 1st system (as per jisting mode) to ask n hear his opinion.it's well.

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by LholarB(f): 3:00pm On Aug 31, 2017
Thank you dear, the puritan's pride fish oil you are taking, is it in the red plastic container?

Yes, it's in a Red plastic.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by prettymaxy(f): 3:08pm On Aug 31, 2017
Yes o I have port, God have change my story, team April


Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by LholarB(f): 3:31pm On Aug 31, 2017

Does it mean folic acid and fesolate isn't enough for the fetus? I need to know more cus my hospital gave just these for antenatal and I know it isn't enough.

I don't mind dropping the previous for a better one. I wanted to start with pregnacare but as the hospital was giving folic and fesolate I just didn't bother. I was thinking maybe the hospital felt its cheaper for them.

Please which is better I don't mind the money and I hope it isn't too late to start a new drug. I'll be 5months next week, edd Jan.

If you feel the drugs aint enough, you can do pregnacare plus or Obron 6.you really don't need to use any Extra folic acid with it but I don't know if u can use the Fesolate with it. When my PCV was low I was using Pregnacare with Astymin Forte in my first Trimester, then there was a period another Doc advised I use the pregnacare with Folic Acid,which I later stopped.

What am trying to say is dat it all depends on your body and pregnancy, what works for me might not work For you. But you shld let your Doc know if u wantu take any other prenatal drugs asides the one you. using at the moment and No it ain't too late to start using another pre natal Drug!!
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Pweetiebabe(f): 3:35pm On Aug 31, 2017
Yes o
I have port, God have change my story, team April
Congratulations sis, may d Hebrew women anointing fall on u in Jesus name

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nobody: 4:05pm On Aug 31, 2017
I went to the extent of calling this girl and was speechless when she started apologising and promised to stay away from my dh.

How is muna and hope the baby is kicking fine she asked. shocked shocked shocked this girl knows too much about me.

With her number I was able to find her on Facebook.

Still waiting for our husband to come back this revening shocked

Part two go start
Easy mbok. God's wisdom. Remember your babies.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nobody: 4:18pm On Aug 31, 2017
This is very serious. I don't understand why some men cheat? With all the STIs in town, they are not even afraid. Condom will not save them from HEP B.

He has a wife (free kpekus) but they rather spend money on all those ladies out there that will not sex for free.

He has a baby on the way (instead of him to concentrate on God's blessing) mbanu, he said he wants to do waka.

I pray, I sing to my hubby about STIs sometimes, I make sure he hears only the horrible parts (he nicknamed me Dokitor) and the cost implication and what it can do to our home. So God forbids he even harbour thoughts of cheating. He knows the deal!

Please ma'am start praying for your home and hubby in particular because you might think it's ordinary but sometimes it's not. Home breakers gboko gboko(husband snatchers) they are everywhere and now just like yahooplus , those ladies go spiritual too because they know only vagina no dey reach sometimes.

Don't quarrel with him. It's best you speak to him peacefully. May God guide you on what to do!

I was supriesd my dear

Come and hear begging. Madam no vex abeg no vex



Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by olalayo1710(f): 4:24pm On Aug 31, 2017

Thank you so much ojare mama Ekene. That 2015 cappo ish showed me gobe, all my team members born finish only me come remain sotey na induction come win am last last @almost 42wks.

My sister, afraid is still catching me o as the memory is still fresh!
hey fear fear u beta come and carry d cappo they give u(don't mind me I dey joke) I could remember that time too wey we dey use torch light to look for proudy BA. it will all end in praise.

make I quickly carry my bombom comot b4 she use breast fight me
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by olalayo1710(f): 4:29pm On Aug 31, 2017
@lioha pls as some mamas have advice use wisdom to solve this matter abeg, as for the girl abeg no call am again she is a yeye child, she is not worth d stress. May God be wit u.

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by angeltolly(f): 4:33pm On Aug 31, 2017
Phew!! Finally August is coming to an end today embarassed After all the slow motion, it's like there are 60 days in August. In all glory be to God for keeping us thus far. May the remaining days of this year bring to us good tidings of great joy. Amen. #EmberMonthsIn

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by olalayo1710(f): 4:35pm On Aug 31, 2017
Yes o
I have port, God have change my story, team April
welcome mama, what God has done shall be permanent, happy bumping.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by MoyosBlog123: 4:36pm On Aug 31, 2017
Good evening everyone .
Pls if scan result reads "Placenta Grade III. What does it mean biko.
Cc: Giddyperson
I don't understand what google is saying.
Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by imurboss: 4:55pm On Aug 31, 2017
There are enemies within, that lady must be some close or living close to you for her to know much about you......just don't get yourself worked up.....use your wisdom and let God take control @ lioha

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nobody: 5:00pm On Aug 31, 2017
@Arihodo, I see you! How is you and the kids?

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Nobody: 5:18pm On Aug 31, 2017
Not to scare u but once u miss one,even if is the last,u have to start all over again!Abt d anti malaria,have u started anti-natal alrdy?
Make I talk my own ohhh. My able mamas am 20 weeks pregnant and have not been given anti malaria drugs.when is it supposed to be administered .secondly after I gave birth July last year I didn't take tetanus injection to complete the dose what should I do would I be given again?
CC: curvilicious
CC: all mamas

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Re: Pregnancy Are You Pregnant Or Going Through A High Risk Pregnancy,,lets Talk by Giddyperson: 5:19pm On Aug 31, 2017
Not to scare u but once u miss one,even if is the last,u have to start all over again!Abt d anti malaria,have u started anti-natal alrdy?
Ive missed mine cry

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