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A Lonely Heart (A Story) - Literature (5) - Nairaland

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Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by xblinks98(m): 10:36pm On Sep 24, 2017
nice write up..... wow....... next episode plsdd

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Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by Pearl05(f): 5:48am On Sep 25, 2017
Finally I found another one!!

Deeejah, Gloryejims.

Lets enjoy

She didn't call me .

1 Like

Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by cbella(f): 6:01am On Sep 25, 2017

She didn't call me .

I did it on purpose, knowing you would appear....
Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by greenstar: 6:39am On Sep 25, 2017
Hello bibijay123
I was your mail. But I can't reply pms on nairaland. Dunno why.
Send me a whatsapp message.

. Please don't quote my number.
I'll come by to modify
Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by bibijay123(f): 6:47am On Sep 25, 2017
Hello greenstar,

You may take off the number now. Thanks.

1 Like

Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by greenstar: 7:02am On Sep 25, 2017
Hello greenstar,

You may take off the number now. Thanks.
expecting your message
Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by Deeejah(f): 9:05am On Sep 25, 2017

She didn't call me .

No vex.
Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by biddieluvzyaho(f): 9:27am On Sep 25, 2017
Getting interesting#nice work ma'am

1 Like

Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by room089: 10:13pm On Sep 25, 2017
Aunty Bibi I don land!

1 Like

Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by Creeza(m): 12:31am On Sep 26, 2017
Update pls smiley bibi.
Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by HORLADSTAR(m): 2:39pm On Sep 26, 2017
(INTRO) Don't step on it O
Itz ur gentle boi HORLADSTAR O
Okay now,let's keep moving it O.
(LYRICS) Haa Bibijay123
My love for ur story gat no LIMIT
And if u doubt me u can ask my COLLEAGUE
This one no be lie mehn u gat the best STORY
You are a WRITER
Oyah people enter into the MATTER.
To read the best story from our SISTER.

Or what do you think my CO-READER.

You gat the best story here mehn.NICE WRITE-UP LIKE NO OTHER.

1 Like 2 Shares

Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by itsandi(m): 2:46pm On Sep 26, 2017
Nice one... Continue. Read other cool stories on Tushstories via



1 Like

Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by ADECULATE(f): 2:54pm On Sep 26, 2017
(INTRO) Don't step on it O
Itz ur gentle boi HORLADSTAR O
Okay now,let's keep moving it O.
(LYRICS) Haa Bibijay123
My love for ur story gat no LIMIT
And if u doubt me u can ask my COLLEAGUE
This one no be lie mehn u gat the best STORY
You are a WRITER
Oyah people enter into the MATTER.
To read the best story from our SISTER.

Or what do you think my CO-READER.

You gat the best story here mehn.NICE WRITE-UP LIKE NO OTHER.
haaha guy u be singer ni. Lol


Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by Creeza(m): 3:18pm On Sep 26, 2017
haaha guy u be singer ni. Lol
no be small one. The guy dae try wella

1 Like

Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by ADECULATE(f): 3:23pm On Sep 26, 2017
no be small one. The guy dae try wella
lol, abi na
Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by HORLADSTAR(m): 3:24pm On Sep 26, 2017
haaha guy u be singer ni. Lol
yea sure am an upcoming artiste.Lol
Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by ADECULATE(f): 3:27pm On Sep 26, 2017

yea sure am an upcoming artiste.Lol
hmmm i thought as much cus dis ur lyrics no be work of amateur atall. More grease to ur elbow dear
Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by HORLADSTAR(m): 4:20pm On Sep 26, 2017
hmmm i thought as much cus dis ur lyrics no be work of amateur atall. More grease to ur elbow dear
Thanks 2 u my dearly beloved sister
Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by ADECULATE(f): 5:30pm On Sep 26, 2017
Thanks 2 u my dearly beloved sister
u wlcm bro
Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by murphymakun(m): 7:50pm On Sep 26, 2017
(INTRO) Don't step on it O
Itz ur gentle boi HORLADSTAR O
Okay now,let's keep moving it O.
(LYRICS) Haa Bibijay123
My love for ur story gat no LIMIT
And if u doubt me u can ask my COLLEAGUE
This one no be lie mehn u gat the best STORY
You are a WRITER
Oyah people enter into the MATTER.
To read the best story from our SISTER.

Or what do you think my CO-READER.

You gat the best story here mehn.NICE WRITE-UP LIKE NO OTHER.
nice one bro

1 Like 1 Share

Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by HORLADSTAR(m): 8:44pm On Sep 26, 2017
nice one bro
Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by Eyinimofeoluwa(f): 9:58pm On Sep 26, 2017
(INTRO) Don't step on it O
Itz ur gentle boi HORLADSTAR O
Okay now,let's keep moving it O.
(LYRICS) Haa Bibijay123
My love for ur story gat no LIMIT
And if u doubt me u can ask my COLLEAGUE
This one no be lie mehn u gat the best STORY
You are a WRITER
Oyah people enter into the MATTER.
To read the best story from our SISTER.

Or what do you think my CO-READER.

You gat the best story here mehn.NICE WRITE-UP LIKE NO OTHER.
Hmmm really ur lyrics make sense ooo bro weldone.#nice

1 Like

Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by HORLADSTAR(m): 12:24am On Sep 27, 2017
Hmmm really ur lyrics make sense ooo bro weldone.#nice
thanks so much
Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by bakeuhappy: 10:53am On Sep 27, 2017
Thank you so much for the writeup..

1 Like

Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by queenDD(f): 5:00pm On Sep 27, 2017
Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by bibijay123(f): 1:40pm On Sep 28, 2017
Chapter Five

Sam was nursing a cup of coffee on a chilly saturday morning when he spotted Bianca outside the cafe. She looked so delectable in a faded jean and red sweater. Her blonde hair was pulled into a pony tail. She looked very pretty even though she had no make on on. Sam observed her silently, wondering why he was attracted to her. She wasn't his type. His late wife, Felicity was the kind of woman he went for. Red hair, big boobs with a killer ass. Yes, that was his type but he had been seared badly in the past by Felicity. She had no idea that for better for worse mean sticking by your partner no matter what. As soon as things got a bit rough, Felicity had had hopped onto the next greener pasture. He heard she was in L. A one time and another time she had gone to Africa! Then one morning she showed up on his doorsteps with her bags and begged him to take her back. She said she was ready to be a good mother to their daughter and a good wife to him. Sam had forgiven her because he knew in his heart that wasn't cut out for the farm life. He was a rancher and that was all he knew how to do. He had a successful spread in Montana and he did his best to give her good life. But she wanted more. She had never been satisfied. She had cheated on him several times. He had hated her for all she did to him and everyone knew this. Then she brought a greedy lawyer to the house and asked him for a divorce. She said she would go away forever and not bother him again but he would have to give her half of everything he had worked hard for. She also wanted half of the ranch. She also turned their five year old daughter against him. Felicity filled thg girl's head with so much lies that she always turned away whenever Sam tried to touch her. Few months after that Sam's younger brother went missing, along with a huge sum of money. Nathan, was the only person apart from Sam who knew about the money. One night Sam got really drunk and things took a turn for the worse. He lost both his wife and daughter that night. He also lost his freedom because he spent five years in the prison. Sam walked out of the cafe and walked towards Bianca.

"Hey Bianca," Sam said.

"Hi Sam," She replied, she was looking at everywhere but him.

He guessed she was shy about the kiss they shared the other night.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I..." She started to say but broke off.

“Who’s your friend?” A tall, dark skinned man walked to them with two cups of coffee in his hand. He handed one to Bianc and turned to Sam, hand stretched out. Sam took his hand and shook it and instantly felt a dislike for him. His hands were so feminine soft and manicured and he had a sly smile on his face. He also looked so familiar and Sam wondered remember where he might have seen him before.

“Ian Brooklyn,” He said, sizing Sam up.

Yea, he was a music producer and he was the Co-owner of Brooklyn & Ralph Records. Interesting, what was was he doing with Bianca? Sam was curious and decided to linger abit longer. Ian Brooklyn was a dangerous man. Sam had heard a lot about him from his cellmate in prison.

“Sam Tucker,” Sam said. “Bianca’s neighbor”

Ian turned to Bianca with a smirk.” I see now why it takes you so long to answer your calls these days. Don’t forget what we talked about. Call me as soon as you’ve made your decision.” He sauntered off like he owned the world. A black limousine pulled over and he got into it.
“I don’t like that guy. Something about him is off” Sam said, carefully. He did not want Bianca to ask questions and neither does he want to scare her.

Bianca sighed.” Yea me too.”

“You want me to keep him away from you?” Sam asked.” By the way, what does he want?”
“You’re what now? A professional assassin?” she asked with laughter.” He wants me to be their official songwriter and he also wants me to give him the songs Mj recorded before he…” she broke off.

“Who is Mj?”

“The guy you killed” She replied.

“What?” he asked stupefied.

“I…I mean… never mind.” Bianca said, walking away. Sam held her hand to stop her.

“Did I hear you right?” Sam asked.

“It was a slip of tongue, okay?” She snapped.

“Okay” He said. “How about dinner tonight, at my place? I make good steaks”

Bianca pretended to mull it over. She couldn't wait to get him to talk or let something slip. “If you making dinner I will pick up the drinks. Beer or wine?”

“Beer” He said,” but you don’t have to. I can pick up some.”

“No please, Sam, I insist.” Bianca said.

He grinned.” That’s the first time you’ve used my first name. What time are you coming by?”

“Is six fine?” Bianca asked.

“Six is perfect. Bianca?”


Sam gave her directions to his house and she reeled it out to be sure hadnt made a mistake.

“You will let me know if that Ian guy or any other person bothers you, okay?” Sam said.

“Yes I will.” Bianca replied.
By noon Bianca made two trips to town. First she made a stop at the electonic shop and then a boutique. She bought a red dinner gown and stilettos. She spent time washing her hair and wearing her make up. Bianca decided to drive the short distance to his house. She left a note on her counter, giving details about Sam just in case…. She had no idea what could go down. She decided to drive the car Mj bought for her instead of her old car. She hadn’t driven the car since the day Mj was lowered to the ground. it was his wedding gift to her and it brought a lot of memories but she couldn’t say why she decided to use it tonight. Who would have told MJ would die so young at the age of twenty nine and on the night of his wedding? Bianca navigated her way through the streets and parked the car infront of Sam's house. Her phone rang out and she slipped it out of her purse. The name on the screen brought a smile to her face.

"Hello Ralph," Bianca said.

“ Hello Bianca,” Ralph said.

“ Ralph! Oh Ralph! It’s been a while” She said excitedly.

Ralp Benny was Mj’s former boss and a co- founder of Brooklyn and Ralph label which Mj was signed to. He believed so much in Mj and treated him as his son, he cried the most during the funeral and he settled the bills which Mj had incurred without her knowledge. He was burly short man in fifties with big eye balls but his kind heart draws people to him rather than scare them away because of his looks. Ralph had been the big brother she never had. Ralph had been there for her and even offered her money on several occasions but shr took only what he owed Mj and that went into his mother’s health care.

“How’s my baby girl doing?” He asked, laughing heartily.

“I’m fine, you? Where have you been Ralph?”Bianca said, laughing. Only Ralph could get her to laugh like this.

“I am fine. You’ know how much I love the sea, I went sailing in my new baby. You need to see her and I named her after you. Lady Bianca!” Ralph replied.

“Oh Ralph,” She said, cheerfully.” Thank you,”

“How about I take you sailing on her this weekend?” Ralph asked.

“Oh I’d I love to but I am booked for the weekend.” Bianca said.

“You still teaching music?” Ralph asked.


He sighed loudly and Bianca knew right away what he was thinking. Ralph thought she should go international by signing a contract with them. But shg wasn't ready for that yet. She wasn't ready for fame. She wanted to nurse her broken heart in peace before making any major like decision.

“How about next weekend then?” He asked.

“I will check my schedule and let you know. I know you meant well Ralph but the sea…” Bianca broke off.

“ Reminds you of Mj. Trust me, you will be glad you decided to sail. I heard Ian has been an ass and he’s been troubling you, I apologize and that is another reason I want to see you.” Ralph said.

She sighed. Maybe its time. Then another thought occurred to her.” Ralph, I will see you but I also need your help with something.”

“You know you can ask me anything.” Ralph said, " What's the problem?"

“I want you to run a check on a guy for me. His name is Sam Tucker, I’m afraid that’s all I know about him for now and oh he was born here in Dallas. He lives on the same street as me.” Bianca said.

“Sure, anything for you.” Ralph said.

“Thank you Ralph, I’ve got to go now.” Bianca said.

"Take care Lady Bianca!"

"I will your highness, sire!" Bianca replied.

Sam came out of his house and she got out of the car.

“ Hi,” He said.”You look so pretty,"

“ Thank you.” She replied and opened the car trunk.” The beer is in the trunk of the car.”

He laughed.” Just how many beer did you get?”

“ Six packs,” She said.

He looked stunned and he laughed and carried the packs of beer out of the trunk without a word. He led her to the house and stepped aside for her to go in first. She was stunned with the interior décor, strangely it had feminine touches but she didn’t comment on it. The place was so neat and tidy, he excused himself and went into the kitchen.

She quickly slipped the pen out of her purse and hid it inside the arm of his couch. He returned with a chilled glass of white wine. Bianca collected it from him and thier fingers brushed accidently, causing the drink to splash on the front of her gown. So much for wanting to look my best, she thought.

“Sorry, I’m sorry about that.” He said and looked truly sorry.

“It’s okay. Can I use your bathroom?” Bianca asked.

“Yea, it’s that way.”

“Thanks,” She said and made her way into the guest bathroom. She poured some water on the affected part of the gown and tried to wash it out but it just got messier and I ended up wetter than I intended to. She squeezed out the water and made her way back into the living room. Sam had already set the table and he was waiting for her. He gave her a look and burst into laughter.

“What’s funny?”She asked.

“ Don’t take this the wrong way but you look like a hen caught in a storm. Only that you look more beautiful.” Sam said with a grin.

A bubble of laughter escape from her lips before she could stop herself.

“You’ve got a beautiful laughter,” He said.

“Thank you," Bianca replied.

“ Excuse me,” He said, opened another door and came back with an oversized polo.” You can put on this while I laundry yours. Its only fair I do so since I spilled wine on your gown.”

“ Thank you,” I said and took the polo from him.

She went into the bathroom and changed into the polo. It was not only big but it was also long. It fell a little above her knees and she loved the smell of it.

After the dinner of juicy steaks they sat on the couch and she reached her hand into the side of the couch to check if the pen was still there but to her surprise it was gone. Did I slip it in too deep? Or was it the other end of the couch I slipped it in? She asked herself.

“Are you alright?” Sam asked, observing her with a sly smile.

“Yes,” She said and tried to keep the tremor from her voice.

“Tell me about your childhood,” Sam said.

Okay, that’s easy. I would try not reveal much. If only I know where that goddamn pen is. Bianca thought, resting her back against the couch.

“ I am from a family of five. I am the last child, I have an older brother and older sister who is a lawyer. I am closer to my older brother than my sister.”

“Why’s that?” He asked.” Any particular reason?”

“ We just don’t get along well, My sister and I.” Bianca said.

“I’ m sorry about that. I know how it feels when you love someone but they don’t feel particularly warm towards you.” He said.

She could hear the pain in his voice and she knew right then that he was a man with a bitter past. Maybe if she got to know him better, she would be able to figure out why he killed Mj.

“ You want to talk about it?” She asked.” You and your sister don’t get along too?”

“No my brother.” He said.

She nodded her head.” You guys have made your peace now?”

“ I don’t think can ever forgive him although he's dead now, " Sam replied.

“Why? What did he do?” Bianca felt like a leech for pressing but she needed to know all she could about this man.”

She stood up and got a bottle of beer for him, he opened it and gulped it down.

“Thanks, how did you know that I needed that?”

“You’re welcome. So what ever did your brother do to you?” Bianca asked.

“He bleeped my wife” he replied.” And got her with child,”

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Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by queenitee(f): 1:52pm On Sep 28, 2017


Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by bibijay123(f): 2:08pm On Sep 28, 2017
(INTRO) Don't step on it O
Itz ur gentle boi HORLADSTAR O
Okay now,let's keep moving it O.
(LYRICS) Haa Bibijay123
My love for ur story gat no LIMIT
And if u doubt me u can ask my COLLEAGUE
This one no be lie mehn u gat the best STORY
You are a WRITER
Oyah people enter into the MATTER.
To read the best story from our SISTER.

Or what do you think my CO-READER.

You gat the best story here mehn.NICE WRITE-UP LIKE NO OTHER.

Lol thanks oo cheesy me likey!


Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by veekid(m): 2:46pm On Sep 28, 2017
I have doubts! Sam ain't the killer

Nice update though

1 Like 1 Share

Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by bibijay123(f): 7:31pm On Sep 28, 2017
I have doubts! Sam ain't the killer

Nice update though

Thanks. Sorry the updates are slow


Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by Creeza(m): 8:11pm On Sep 28, 2017
Where the pen go nah?

Are sam and Mj brothers?

My fingers are crossed. O!
This is getting interesting, I'm curious to know the actual deal between Ian and Mj,

over curiosity wan kimme here grin BIBI i want more #oliver twist

thank you for the wonderful update . Like always, i apologize for reading just now but then again, its when i'm chanced to.
I'm very busy these days. My life depends on my daily hutsle and there is also these bunch of scenes in stories that need editing and writing...
Anyways long story cheesy YOU undestand what i mean .

I dae kampke! Ride on. We must find out who really kill Mj.

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Re: A Lonely Heart (A Story) by biddieluvzyaho(f): 8:27pm On Sep 28, 2017
Interestttttttttinggggg#nice one Bibi!

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