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Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam - Religion - Nairaland

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Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by UltimatePals: 9:03pm On Sep 26, 2017
Nigerian-born Evangelist, Pastor Victor Ajisafe has been arrested by the Sierra Leone Police force is currently been questioned for allegedly using hate speech.

His arrest comes after the famous preacher, founder and President of the Sanctuary Praise Church had blasted prominent Islamic scholar and Grand Mufti of Zimbabwe, Mufti Ismail Menk over alleged claims that Sierra Leone is an Islamic state.

Ajisafe described Mufti as “a liar and an angel of Darkness who have come to deceive Sierra Leoneans”. He further added that Islam as a “religion of terrorism”.

Recall that Mufti was in Freetown on a two-days visit (Islamic lecture) mission on from 21 -23 September. Menk landed at the Lungi International Airport on Thursday, 21 September on the invitation of the Foundation of Islamic Information Sierra Leone (FOISIL) and held an inspirational lecture at the jam-packed National Stadium on Friday and at the Freetown Central Mosque at Rokupa. It is worthy to note that over 50,000 people filled the National stadium during Multi’s lecture, a record which is the first of it’s kind in the history of Sierra Leone.

Multi, during his visit to President Koroma at the state house lodge in Freetown has said that part of the reasons why he has visited the country was to sympathize with the victims of the August 14th Mudslide and Flood disasters and also pray for those who lost their lives, as well as for the country.

However, Pastor Ajisafe has countered his claim and his religion describing Islam as a “religion of terrorism”. The man of God said that Mulfti’s preaching about Jesus is not true. He also added Sierra Leone does no have a trace of Islam. “You have idol worshiping and Christianity, those are the two religion here.”, Ajisafe added. He further alleged that Ex Late Sierra Leone President, Alhaji Tejan kabbah sold Sierra Leone out to the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) through a back market.

The audio and video of Ajisafe’s preaching which is currently trending across WhatsApp and other social media platforms in Sierra Leone has been obtained by Sierra Leonean local website, Sierraloaded – [b]WATCH IT HERE[/b]

Meanwhile, mixed reactions has trailed the speech of the famous Evangelist. While many has described it as an hate speech which could bring up hatred in a religious tolerant country like Sierra Leone, others have supported him claiming that Imam’s and other Islamic leaders are also known to use hate speeches against Christians in the country.

Some sects have called for his deportation back to Nigeria while others have threatened to burn down his churches across Sierra Leone.

SOURCE: http://www.ngreporters.com/nigerian-pastor-trouble-hate-speech-islam-sierra-leone/

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Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by UltimatePals: 9:05pm On Sep 26, 2017
Mufti Is An Angel Of Darkness, Sierra Leone Is Not An Islamic State, Islam Is Terrorism – Pastor Ajisafe Drops BombShell >> http://sierraloaded.net/ajisafe-blasts-mufti-says-sierra-leone-is-not-an-islamic-state/

BREAKING: Sierra Leone Police Arrests Pastor Ajisafe >> http://sierraloaded.net/police-arrests-pastor-ajisafe/

Sierra Leone Government Suspends License Of Pastor Ajisafe’s Churches Nationwide >> http://sierraloaded.net/sierra-leone-suspends-license-ajisafe-church/


Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by Nutase: 9:40pm On Sep 26, 2017
Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by Nobody: 10:28pm On Sep 26, 2017
It shall be well

1 Like

Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by zionmade1: 10:46pm On Sep 26, 2017
They are more interested in threatening people not to fuel religious crisis than they are interested in preaching to their dumb followers that if their god has any strength in him, let him fight for himself wen he is insulted.
Why must their so called powerful god unleash murderous humans to go on killing spree wenever he is insulted?
From my own point of view the pastor is correct, but its foolishness to voice out the truth in some environments


96 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by adadike281(f): 10:44am On Sep 27, 2017
Come to think of it, d pastor is right

55 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by OtemSapien: 11:16am On Sep 27, 2017
grin cheesy
Two religion of lies castigating themselves.
Abeg where is my chewing stick joor? grin cheesy

Doctufos: Adspiramen 16:1-6

1. There are two ways of destroying a million people--first is through violence and the other is through (false) peace.

2. Do you think destruction through violence is the more effective of the two? No, but it is the destruction through peace.

3. When you come with peace, your enemies shall accept you wholeheartedly and pose no resistance, but when you come with violence, you shall be met with much resistance.

4. And in the far future, I see two beliefs that shall be made to stand--the first shall stand through false peace and the second shall stand through violence.

5. And these two beliefs shall resist the development of this planet greatly, until a time when it would no more be possible to suppress development.

6. And the founders of these two beliefs shall be two of the sons of God. They shall not cease to upgrade their beliefs every now and then to suit the time.


24 Likes 6 Shares

Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by tartar9(m): 3:30pm On Sep 27, 2017
Serria leone belongs to christ indeed...The country's Muslim population is close to 80% with the christains constituting a minority-essentially a Muslim Nation,and yet he openly disregards and spits at the face of his host.I blame the Serria leoneans for being too hospitable to these thieves.

90 Likes 8 Shares

Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by InwehAkpevwe(m): 2:44pm On Sep 29, 2017
wisdom is profitable 2 direct... Shine ur light as a christain and let odas see... Ur lifestyle should preach d gospel.

6 Likes 1 Share

Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by nairavsdollars(f): 2:44pm On Sep 29, 2017
Oya CAN, go and rescue your member ooo

11 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by Nobody: 2:44pm On Sep 29, 2017
cheesy daredevil Evangelist..


Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by melzabull(f): 2:45pm On Sep 29, 2017
Ajisafe.... AFONJA pastor

Abobakus causing trouble where ever they find their dirty scratchfaced coneheads. Always disrespecting their hosts where ever they go with their intolerance, hate and tribalism. Stupid fools

Just imagine what those slimy ewedu munching Dunderheads would be saying if the pastor were igbo

13 Likes 1 Share

Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by mrlaw93(m): 2:45pm On Sep 29, 2017
It amuses me when i see people (especially blacks) who claim to be civilized argue on the superiority of one religion over another.. undecided embarassed

14 Likes 1 Share

Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by melzabull(f): 2:45pm On Sep 29, 2017
Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by Saheed9: 2:46pm On Sep 29, 2017
it's one thing to disagree with mufti menk, it's another to disagree constructively with him


Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by RussianICBM(m): 2:46pm On Sep 29, 2017
Serria leone belongs to christ indeed...The country's Muslim population is close to 80% with the christains constituting a minority-essentially a Muslim Nation,and yet he openly disregards and spits at the face of his host.I blame the Serria leoneans for being too hospitable to these thieves.

West African Creoles from southern Nigeria and a few other places birthed the nation known today as Sierra Leone.
And they were predominantly CHRISTIANS
Krio has even become the language of every sierra Leonian.

Come to think of it- everything the pastor said was right. Also, aren't your alfas and mallams here in Nigeria Bigger thieves?

58 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by free2ryhme: 2:47pm On Sep 29, 2017
Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by Originality007: 2:47pm On Sep 29, 2017
Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by jegz25(m): 2:47pm On Sep 29, 2017
Good for him. He thought he can speak anyhow in another man's land


Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by ILoveToFuCcK: 2:47pm On Sep 29, 2017
Say no to Religious terrorism undecided and say yes to pussy terrorism cheesy cheesy
Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by aycorporat(m): 2:48pm On Sep 29, 2017
Serria leone belongs to christ indeed...The country's Muslim population is close to 80% with the christains constituting a minority-essentially a Muslim Nation,and yet he openly disregards and spits at the face of his host.I blame the Serria leoneans for being too hospitable to these thieves.
Are you one of the bigots?


Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by olusledge: 2:48pm On Sep 29, 2017
They are more interested in threatening people not to fuel religious crisis than they are interested in preaching to their dumb followers that if their god has any strength in him, let him fight for himself wen he is insulted.
Why must their so called powerful god unleash murderous humans to go on killing spree wenever he is insulted?
From my own point of view the pastor is correct, but its foolishness to voice out the truth in some environments

you are guilty of the same offense the pastor was arrested for

19 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by Nobody: 2:48pm On Sep 29, 2017


Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by Angelb4: 2:49pm On Sep 29, 2017
They think it's Nigeria that they talk any how

17 Likes 1 Share

Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by Geoxplorer: 2:49pm On Sep 29, 2017
Serves him right

12 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by Nobody: 2:49pm On Sep 29, 2017

1 Like

Re: Pastor Victor Ajisafe Arrested In Sierra Leone Over Hate Speech Against Islam by tuoyoojo(m): 2:49pm On Sep 29, 2017
excerpts from the interview could not be put better

its important that Christians rise and and speak for Christ

its important we go back to go old evangelism for Jesus

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