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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] (7372 Views)
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Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Babalawos(m): 9:02am On Oct 20, 2017 |
Please pick up the challenge by IditaBoy. I would like to see the outcome. ATR is not theory, it is practical. Don't let nollywood deceive you maninchrist: |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Kingstel(m): 9:05am On Oct 20, 2017 |
Babalawos iditaboy Kingstel: |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Nobody: 9:25am On Oct 20, 2017 |
Kingstel: I typed a longer response but NL decided to throw it away. Charms only work on a person or persons who is/are predisposed or are likely to do what the charm is intended for. If you feel the ‘pull’ is a charm, you’d need to work on yourself first and you’ll find the ‘pull’ fading away. You go there helplessly because you are already predisposed or you have it as your first go to spot for anything. |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Nobody: 9:35am On Oct 20, 2017 |
Babalawos: LOL People like that man have let nollywood & mike bamiloye type fool them. They think you can clean out an ink stain with a pencil eraser or a pencil scribble with a pen. They are ignorant not knowing that things are linear: Problems created in Isese can only be reslved with Isese. How they expect Jesus, fasting & Holy water to undo things done by etutu, mixtures of leaves, animal blood/parts & incantation beats me. Things in Isese can only be prevented/resolved using the same materials used in preparing the offensive. This is same reason Isese can not resolve problems generated by Cele/C&S, Alfas/Islam. Soutions for such problems can only be found within the systems they were created. It will be sheer stupidity to take up the challenge thinking speaking in tongues snd getting touched with a ring or strap or dried out frog intestine won’t leave him writhing in pains, discomfort and possible death. Even Ooni Sijuade, a person occupying a throne where you are fed the most powerful charms for the first 10 years on the throne and his wife not to step out of bounds when they erected a church within the palace premises and some spirit shaved his wife’s head, underarm and vagina hairs while they were in bed together in their locked bedroom. That guy is confusing movie with real life ![]() |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Nobody: 9:37am On Oct 20, 2017 |
Kingstel I just read your post again. Yes, indeed, not responding meant it failed. |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Nobody: 10:01am On Oct 20, 2017 |
Babalawos:you Say You Serve The Almighty God... Is It The Same God As The Christians |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Kingstel(m): 10:07am On Oct 20, 2017 |
Ok, thanks. I think it was because I am now closer to Jesus, if not, I would not have been able to resist it. And this kind of thing there is nobody to tell to that they dont think one is going insane. I have not been there for over a month and I wonder what she would be thinking. We used to be that close, but I am now suspecting her. ![]() But if she is a nice woman, she would have looked for me to find out the problem. I did not ever believe i will stop buying things there so long as i live there. IditaBoy: |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Kingstel(m): 10:12am On Oct 20, 2017 |
Please is there any negative effect to the charm/spell or to the spell caster since it failed? Perhaps it had been working on me before when I was not born again. I am enjoying my new life in Christ Jesus and I am becoming so tasty for spiritual things eveeryday, particularly through Almighty God's ways. That's why I am following you, babalawos, etc. IditaBoy: |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Nobody: 10:20am On Oct 20, 2017 |
Kingstel: It may not have been anything spiritual, it may just have been you having preference for the store. 1 Like |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Nobody: 10:23am On Oct 20, 2017 |
Kingstel: The emboldened is so very contradictory, an irony if you will. No, there’s no negative effect on charm user. I do not think it has anything to do with Jesus and being born again. It was just you having control on your own will. And this is why our creator gave us the power of will, to make decisions and take actions that we consider beneficial to us. |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Kingstel(m): 10:25am On Oct 20, 2017 |
But I was not thinking or planning to go there, you get? IditaBoy: |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Kingstel(m): 10:27am On Oct 20, 2017 |
Yea, I did not put it well. I meant that I follow you & him to have an understanding of how herbalists, witches, etc, work, ok? That are spiritual stuffs. ![]() It helps me pray better. IditaBoy: |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Nobody: 11:46am On Oct 20, 2017 |
Kingstel: Africans need to wake up. In every sphere including politics, economic & social, looking to imported ideas as solutions/superior to what we have is in itself a process towards neo-coloniaism. It is only normal to become second fiddle or mentally chained to a lower role when you think of your local tradition as evil & the white man’s religion as the way. You find yourself to be at war with your ancestral culture & try not to indentify with it meanwhile never unable to master the white man’s culture or be recognized by him as one of his. It is crazy. Well, most folks don’t understand every religion is an offshoot of a culture/civilization, hence, each has its own evil that it seeks to fight. Your evil in Christianity is different from the evil in Islam; the evil in Hinduism is different from the one in Christianity; te evil in Yoruba is different from that in Christianity & other religions. Your religion is aimed at Satan & his minions. Satan is absent in Yoruba religion, in fact he has no place in it. Now imagine someone making etutu or ebo or charm for protection against Satan, the biblical/Jewish evil. How stupid does that look to you? It is the same with Yoruba christians who have localized christianity. This started with C&S & Cele, two products of nationalist movements in Nigeria in the religious angle. In order to break away from European/Colonialists domination of christianity they came up with Cele/C&S then merged up traditional belief system and European christianity. This gave birth to protestant churches of today a la Redeemed, Winners and the likes whose idea of Christianity is to be anti-traditionalists, being in an endless battle against witches, esu, babalawo & so on, all having no place in the foundational philosophy of Christianity. The same thing the religion based movies latched on to in later years when cinema began to take shape. In Yoruba belief system, no one rivals God but Christianity says Satan, a creation of God is as powerful as God. In Yoruba religion Esu is the messemger of God, he brings forth answers to prayers of people from God, he checks people to make sure they remain on the path they chose before being born while Satan’s only job is to cause people to commit sins. In Yoruba religion evil/sin & good is innate to humans, mastery of dominating one’s personality towards consant good is the patg towards being like Orisas; meanwhile in Christianity human’s reason for evil/sin is the Satan. In Yoruba religion there’s no hell or heaven, your rewards are here on earth if not before you die, when you re-incarnate; while for Christianity there’s a heaven for you even after committing worst sins & seeking forgiveness on death bed & hell even if after being good through life & committing the slightest sin on death bed. In Yoruba religion witches are neither good nor bad, their power like being an Ogboni, a Babalawo, an Olorisa, an Onisegun is what you make of it when you have it (refer to good/evil being innate) meanwhile in Christianity there are no witches as in the Yoruba context - I’ll stop here. You should review your religious stand and who your battles are supposed to be directed at. Do not let the movies where they speak in tongues & witches die fool you, it does not & has never worked that way. If witches get your time or sign up for your case, even Adeboye or Oyedepo nor go fit help you, facts. Just be in a constant state of respecting females both old & young and also display good manners towards them every time & be mindful of your temprament & utterances towards females. This is the easiest way to not pull their attention or get into trouble with them. Cheers. 1 Like |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Kingstel(m): 12:25pm On Oct 20, 2017 |
@Iditaboy, So, which religion do you practise? What are the laws in your religion as every religion has its laws? What makes you think your religion is the best for you and anyone else? |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Nobody: 12:43pm On Oct 20, 2017 |
Babalawos:please, I need help, I want rich client to come. Can you do its for me? |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Nobody: 1:18pm On Oct 20, 2017 |
Kingstel: You're asking me to do evangelism like the Abrahamic religions? I was born into an Olorisa family and I'm also an initiated Onifa/Babalawo. Yoruba spiritual system isn't really a 'religion', it is more of an extension of the Yoruba culture. You can not practise either in isolation, they go together. Iseese (Yoruba spirituality) is my 'religion', I see it as more of a way of life than religion. As for being best for me and others, I think this is relative per individual - it adds to each person in specific ways. For some it could be being able to use herbs as personal medical treatments, for some having the knowledge of Orisa/Ifa, for someone it could being versed in Owe, Ayajo, Ifa kiki, for some it could be being able to make charm to help/harm people, for some it could be being able to gather indepth knowledge on Yoruba. Overall, the belief system does not have a general philosophy of benefit like the Abrahamic religion of heaven & everlasting life. In yoruba spiritual system, everything depends on the individual. You get what you want out of it. 1 Like |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by maninchrist(m): 2:36pm On Oct 20, 2017 |
IditaBoy:You think of Jesus in a very wrong way. Your aluwo and bante is harmless. I do not need to travel from Ibadan to Ife to proof that (It is a disgrace to me and a waste of my time if I do that). A battle you've lost already. You're wrong to think I will need to hold a "bible & any other christianity stuff" to challenge you. Christ has defeated your gods and their powers when he died and rose. He triumphed over them on the cross. Glory to God! @ the bolded: for you to think that of believers shows that you really need to be taught. We believe in the death & resurrection of jesus and the glory to follow. Let that stick to your head. We do not have the ten commandments, neither do we "need" to follow them to be righteous. We are the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus. It's Judaism that requires keeping the law of moses, we believe that Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to anyone that believes. Anyone that has believed on Christ has the Spirit of God; and such a person is a believer. You should not be mixing Jews with believers, the difference is too clear |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by maninchrist(m): 2:40pm On Oct 20, 2017 |
IditaBoy:Whether you call it offshoot or "onshoot", the fact remains that Judaism IS NOT christianity. The difference is clear. Write that down now. |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by maninchrist(m): 2:57pm On Oct 20, 2017 |
IditaBoy:Fellow Nairalanders, It is with Joy and gladness that I announce to you that unlike the gods which these men preach where different taboos, laws and rules need to be kept to avoid the wrath of the gods they serve, the God I serve is a loving father who is willing that anyone & everyone should come into sonship with him. He's ever willing to save anyone who believes in him from the impending wrath (eternal damnation), give them peace of mind & eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that WHOSOEVER believes in him should not perish but have eternal life Believe in God today and you'll receive the Spirit of God which will empower you for a victorious living. There are no taboos in the family of God. Peace unto us. |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by maninchrist(m): 3:10pm On Oct 20, 2017 |
IditaBoy: You really have a lot to learn. For you to think I need one holy water or to fast to destroy your charrms. You need to learn about the finished works of christ. All those items and rags you guys use are nothing against any believer. Why? Because he believes in the finished works of christ. That is the reality of the man in Christ. |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by maninchrist(m): 3:23pm On Oct 20, 2017 |
IditaBoy:You this boy, you keep making wrong statements out of sheer ignorance and you never learn. How has christianity said Satan is as powerful as God? (Someone christ defeated over 2,000 years ago) Look, a believer doesn't need those men of God to exercise the victory he has in Christ. Of course the witches that have tried working against them have failed woefully in the past. People, please don't let them scare you with vain boasting and empty threats. Anybody who believes in Christ has full authority over the workings of darkness. Such a person is sitted with Jesus in high places; FAR ABOVE principalities and powers. Glory to God. PS: IditaBoy, I'll ignore the part where you spoke about tongues because you'll never understand the explanation the way you are. Spiritual things are foolishness to the carnal mind. |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Nobody: 5:27pm On Oct 20, 2017 |
@maninchrist You seem so rattled you had to mention me 4 times! ![]() While you were busy rambling and displaying your folly, you missed all the points but I will outline them: — You wnd many other Christians have derailed ‘Christianity’ and what you are practising is what emerged in the 50s/60s when Cele/C&S started the war on traditionalists which you call protestantism/pentecostal (See Groundwork on Nigeria History, it is under the chapter dedicated to Nationalist Movement, read this & run through the references you’ll see reports and archival documents proving this). — Christianity in its purest form as brought by Bowen, Hinderer and a few other missionries was not directed at fighting witches & traditionalists. It was about accepting jesus, going to church, building schools and fighting against the Judaic Satan. — No Christian bible starting from the ones found in Catholicism recognizes Witches, Babalawo, Olorisa, Charms, Ifa, Ogboni & the like. Only Satan. Automatcaly finding Satan in a culture different from the one Christianity ekerhed from is pure stupidity. — If you were in Europe/Americas practising Christianity or at least tried to practise it as it was brought, your fight would not be towards Yoruba traditional belief components. Ever seen or heard of European/American churches driven by an insane obsession about related matters? Why? Because ‘principalities & powers’ in the bible refers to Satan & his minions. Automatically assuming a Babalawo, Olorisa, Witches, Ogboni are part of the principalities & powers is outright foolishness ![]() ![]() — That you are pursuing the wrong battle. It is like having NYPD or LAPD trying to fight ‘crime’ in the Nigerian clime when they were fully developed for crimes peculiar to their own separate worlds. Praying against Esu, a messenger of God a la angel Gabriel is stupid, don’t you think? There is no ‘Esu’ in the bible but you pray endlessly against the man & feel your prayers are unanswered, no it is because your Religion/God is designed for a specific antagonist. The same Esu, if you’re Yoruba, will still set you straight if you tried to depart from what your Ori chose. — You’ll agree nollywood movies have damaged your mind to think you can withstand aluwo, bante, & the likes. Dude, you’ll get killed and not even make that heaven you’re obsessively deluded about ![]() Lastly, it is the effect of colonialism & neo-colonialism that has people like you classing your own cultural heritage as ‘evil’. You undo your every connection to your heritage while the Westerners gleefully gubble them up. You’llfind there are many caucasians getting initiated in traditional belief system, yes your masters whp brought you Christianity are taking up your own cultural identity while you remain caught up in an endless battle against your cultural heritage you consider evil. |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by maninchrist(m): 6:14pm On Oct 20, 2017 |
IditaBoy: You have not made a single point. From all these I can conclude that all you have is ignorance. One thing I won't let you do on this forum is to mislead people with your ignorance. You just make wrong misleading facts and false conclusions. Where have I said I pray (or will pray) against you or your master, Satan? Let me make myself clear again. I will NEVER waste my time doing that. The victory over satan has been gotten by the death and resurrection of christ. There's no point praying for a victory I have. All that is needed for anyone to render you guys useless is faith in Christ. My prayer is that the eyes of your mind are opened, that the light of the glorious gospel shines on you, and that you repent from dead works to serve the only living God. Probably you should read my replies over again. Darkness seem to have eaten deep into you that you can't read simple messages to set yourself free. As for the rags you call charms (alowo,bento etc), It remains powerless against any believer. It cant as much as cause a scratch on our skin. Don't be hurt by that boy, its the truth. And of course witches, babalawo, olorisa, charms, ifa, ogboni & the like are all part of the kingdom of darkness. They were all defeated together with Satan The word of God wins. Glory to God! |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Nobody: 7:04pm On Oct 20, 2017 |
maninchrist: LMAO! Someone is very deluded. You need to get your head out of your shitter & approach your religion with analytical mind — your creator gave you intelligence for a reason not for you to be a sheeple. At the emboldened: — I do not follow your religion. Hence, like other belief systems outside of Christianity & Islam, Satan is meaningless to me but to you & many Christians before you, he is the beginning of all your woes ![]() — You can subject yourself to have these rags tested out on you. You’ll be doing a lot for Christ and who knows, it may add to how big your mansion will be in heaven if you take up the challenge for Christendom. ![]() |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by maninchrist(m): 9:40pm On Oct 20, 2017 |
IditaBoy: How many times will I tell you that satan has been defeated already by Jesus, and believers live in victory? Please let that stick once and for all I have told you earlier. Your rags mean nothing to me. It will be a naive waste of my time and money for me to travel from Ibadan to Ife to proof that. You can do whatever you want to do against me from where you are if you're still doubting... you'll be the same person to tell the story of how it failed (that, of course, will be if you are truthful). You should stop hiding your shame under false humour by using words like lol, lmao... We know you're not laughing where you are... Your gods have been exposed... Don't you think it's high time you swallow your pride and accept the truth? Dont you think it's high time you release your soul from the bondage it is in? Dont you think it's high time you cross from death to life? |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Nobody: 9:48pm On Oct 20, 2017 |
maninchrist: 1. Your bible says otherwise in the book of revelations. Asides that, don’t you guys deficate the larger part of your lives rebuking the devil & holding him responsible for whatever sins you commit? 2. Where in Ibadan are you? I have a house at Bashorun Estate, Behind General Gas/Esmak plasza. I have connects at Popo Yemoja, we can meet up there and we can have this test carried out. That way you won’t have to waste money & time. Holla at me ASAP. |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by maninchrist(m): 10:21pm On Oct 20, 2017 |
IditaBoy: You always make wrong misleading statement about things pertaining to believers. If you need to know anything the bible you should ask. You cannot just read any part of the bible out of context and twist it to suit your idols. Here's what the bible teaches: Luke 10:17-19 KJV And the seventy returned again with joy, saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name. [18] And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven. [19] Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Colossians 2:15 KJV And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in the cross. Those part of the scriptures are clear enough and are in context. As for the second part of the bolded text, it's also a wrong conclusion. Please let this be the last time you'll make wrong statements. If you don't know anything just ASK. Is it that hard? Are your gods so powerless that I need to be there physically for your charm to work? If your answer is yes, won't you rather throw the rags away? |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Nobody: 10:34pm On Oct 20, 2017 |
maninchrist: You think you’re slick with the enboldened? ![]() If you’re that sure of everything you’ve been mouthing about, present yourself to get touched & watch your life never being the same again ![]() From ‘I cannot travel’, to ‘Do I need to be represent’. Dude, if you truly believe in the efficacy of your religion provide your mother’s name, your full name or your first name, mother’s name& photograph without you being present, you’ll get the message ![]() It is people like you who make Awos reach into the evil innate in man. Rather than practise your religion without hinging it on attacks on other religions, you’d froth all over the mouth about other people instead of focusing on Satan the antagonist to your God. If Satan has been defeated then why is Jesus coming to fight him again as said in the revelation? If Satan has been defeated why are all your prayers in all your churches against Satan? If Satan has been defeated why is ‘Hell’ not shut down? Let me know if you’re still up for the challenge.
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Kyase(m): 12:04am On Oct 21, 2017 |
MhizzAJ:hahaha i think say you no dey fear |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by maninchrist(m): 8:52am On Oct 21, 2017 |
IditaBoy: As I have said earlier, the wrong statements Babalawos and you made about believers made me speak. I have been watching his fake video tricks and haven't spoken against them (You can read up my previous posts). If you desist from making those statements I might as well not speak. After correcting you countless times to stop saying rubbish, you keep repeating the same thing. How many churches have you been to? The book of Revelations is a prophetic book, yet you pick one verse, misinterprete it, and run into errors. If you need explanation to the scriptures ask someone who can rightly explain it to you. The authority of the believer is in the name of Jesus, and that gives him victory over the workings of darkness (Including those rags). We normally don't do this, however, you have boasted too much, and i'll accept this on the condition that when you fail you will accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. If your answer is yes, drop your WhatsApp number and let's talk. |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Nobody: 9:02am On Oct 21, 2017 |
maninchrist: @the emboldened: you just played the muslim card there. Y'all are the same, flippant bunch of people who shift goal posts bending and twisting verses when caught in a corner. You know I can not and will not put my phone number on a public forum. Leave me yours or I send you a DM and you respond sending me yours. If you do not accept this, we can both arrange a meeting here. Just tell where in Ibadan you reside, we can meet up in the middle. You may need to write and sign a document stating you're subjecting yourself to the test willingly and if you happen to die, no one should be held responsible. And I am uninterested in what Mr. Babalawos is doing. I chose to speak up because of your fellow believers have continued to tag my cultural belief system to negativity. |
Re: Occult Altar: Powerful Spells On My Occult Altar At Midnight [video][photos] by Nostradamus: 12:54pm On Oct 21, 2017 |
IditaBoy:tanks for correcting the wrong belief these Christians have been spreading about our ancestors religion,kudos sir,I have a question about that witches,is witchcraft only meant for females by default?is it possible for a man,presumably a young adult to be involved in witches(African witches gangan,the osoronga cult,not some esoteric occult group)? |
If The Writers Of Adam And Eve Were Honest / Why You Must Get Into The Ark Before "Soon" Becomes "Too Late" / Someone Should Please Call The Catholic Faithfuls Of Ahiara Diocese To Order.
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