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Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? - Religion (6) - Nairaland

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 10:43pm On Oct 24, 2017

I was under the impression the tread was if religion and or atheism indoctrinats (as in brainwashs) (or "teaches" if you prefer) it's adherents into believing without questioning.

My stand which you might figure out is that religion unequivocally indoctrinates it's followers and my prove is found in the holy book of each religious body. Take the Bible for example, it is well written to "believe without questioning". Going against this, is never accepted by the religious bodies.

While atheism on the other hand, wound encourage you to challenge whatever you are told until they are proven to be factual. To do away with beliefs and find facts. Because beliefs can be false while facts will always be true. Then on how to find these facts, atheism recommends science.

The Bible does not teach "believe without questioning "

1st John 4:1

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world

1st Thessalonians 5: 19

19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt 21 but test them all; hold on to what is good, 22 reject every kind of evil


Testing here means to prove the word of God. How does one prove the word of God, when it becomes FACT through occurrence or confirmation.

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 10:44pm On Oct 24, 2017

Evolution is and has always been a scientific theory on its owN.

It is dogmatic creationists who started becoming deeply pained because science didnt bend to their religion.


Do you doubt creationism? If yes, why?
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 10:45pm On Oct 24, 2017

Isn't evolution a counter to creationism?

Do atheists believe in creationism or evolution? Even when they are neither here nor there they still say they are agnostic to a creator God. So what then is your point?

At first , when Charles Darwin made the 'discovery' that natural things evolve overtime ,the reception was that it was to counter creationism and that it questions God's existence . But with time , they got to discover that it does not and that God could have taken active or passive part in evolution and that's when theistic evolution (God orchestrated evolution ) and special creationism (hybridization of creationism and evolution ) sprung up .

There are atheists in Raelism who accept intelligent design (aliens were responsible for life on earth) .

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 10:47pm On Oct 24, 2017

The Bible does not teach "believe without questioning "

1st John 4:1

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world

1st Thessalonians 5: 19

19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt 21 but test them all; hold on to what is good, 22 reject every kind of evil


Testing here means to prove the word of God. How does one prove the word of God, when it becomes FACT through occurrence or confirmation.

Excellent cool .
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by budaatum: 10:48pm On Oct 24, 2017

Atheistic teachings of evolution is also a very good example of indoctrination wouldn't you agree
I do not mind discussing with you provided you are honest.

I can see how a Christian can claim that the teaching of evolution is an example of indoctrination, just as I might indoctrinate a 2 year old child that 2 + 2 = 4. However, that is not how 2 + 2 is taught. Not unless I want to spend my time telling my child the result of adding any two numbers. If I did indoctrinate that 2 year old that way, I would be setting my child up to fail.

Evolution is taught in an environment where the student already has immense opposing views to compare and contrast. Its teaching does not appeal to a higher superbeing for authority for its acceptance. The worst that would happen to one who does not accept it is a failure in an exam paper where questions on it are asked. Whereas if I say there is no god you would call me a fool, and I will go to hell, or believe I would, if the indoctrination on the existence of hell has worked.
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by JackBizzle: 10:49pm On Oct 24, 2017

The Bible does not teach "believe without questioning "

1st John 4:1

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world

1st Thessalonians 5: 19

19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt 21 but test them all; hold on to what is good, 22 reject every kind of evil


Testing here means to prove the word of God. How does one prove the word of God, when it becomes FACT through occurrence or confirmation.

I find it funny that a christian would avoid quoting christ.

"Blessed is he who believes but has not seen".



Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Sylvekzee(m): 10:49pm On Oct 24, 2017

Isn't evolution a counter to creationism?

Do atheists believe in creationism or evolution? Even when they are neither here nor there they still say they are agnostic to a creator God. So what then is your point?

One thing you misunderstand is Atheism is not Science. Atheism did not propound Evolution, science did. And no, Atheism does not "BELIEVE" in Evolution. Atheism sees that by evaluation, evolution is more plausible than creationism, the same way your brain would let you understand that a Toyota Venza wound reach Abuja faster than a Yamaha mate 50, both traveling from Lagos. Whether or not you believe in the Toyota Venza, it makes no difference.


Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by budaatum: 10:50pm On Oct 24, 2017

The Bible does not teach "believe without questioning "

1st John 4:1

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world

1st Thessalonians 5: 19

19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt 21 but test them all; hold on to what is good, 22 reject every kind of evil


Testing here means to prove the word of God. How does one prove the word of God, when it becomes FACT through occurrence or confirmation.
And when the Bible agrees and confirms it!

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 10:50pm On Oct 24, 2017

At first , when Charles Darwin made the 'discovery' that natural things evolve overtime ,the reception was that it was to counter creationism and that it questions God's existence . But with time , they got to discover that it does not and that God could have taken active part in evolution and that's when theistic evolution (God orchestrated evolution ) and special creationism (hybridization of creationism and evolution ) sprung up .

There are atheists in Raelism who accept intelligent design (aliens were responsible for life on earth) .

How these atheists twist and turn everything to try in desperation to win arguments is just pathetic and laughable.

Just like you said, I do know there are non religious skeptics of Darwinian evolution and lean more toward an intelligence behind the universe but simply stop short of claiming it's God. They believe it's an energy source that is alive or aliens or some deliberate quantum manipulation that shows intelligence at its core.

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by JackBizzle: 10:51pm On Oct 24, 2017

Do you doubt creationism? If yes, why?

Lol....it has no logical or scientific backing.

No evidence whatsoever.

Seriously why should i beluve the bibles creation story over that of other religuons creation story?
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 10:51pm On Oct 24, 2017

I find it funny that a christian would avoid quoting christ.

"Blessed is he who believes but has not seen".


That quote by Christ was specifically about THE RESURRECTION and nothing more.
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 10:52pm On Oct 24, 2017

Please can you state where atheism made all these statements and encouragements ?

Sylvekzee . I'm still waiting for you to prove the claims you made

Where did atheism encourage you to seek facts and do away with beliefs ? Where did atheism encourage you to embrace science ?

After you still would be chanting the atheist's mantra that it is not an ideology , religion , creed etc after saying all these things that have no base in reality .
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by JackBizzle: 10:53pm On Oct 24, 2017

That quote by Christ was specifically about THE RESURRECTION and nothing more.

I have nothing to say. I am still in shock that christians like you avoid quoting christ.

Damn. Judas would be proud.
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 10:55pm On Oct 24, 2017

One thing you misunderstand is Atheism is not Science. Atheism did not propound Evolution, science did. And no, Atheism does not "BELIEVE" in Evolution. Atheism sees that by evaluation, evolution is more plausible than creationism, the same way your brain would let you understand that a Toyota Venza wound reach Abuja faster than a Yamaha mate 50, both traveling from Lagos. Whether or not you believe in the Toyota Venza, it makes no difference.

Atheists lean towards evolution simply because it helps their deception of themselves better and makes them feel they were right to run from God.

It does not seem plausible to all because a lot of atheists are still skeptical of evolution and accept intelligence behind the universe.

Originally evolution was pushed forward as a counter for creationism. You can at least read up on that and stop being ignorant. This was why atheists NATURALLY gravitated towards it. As long as its on their side, they are good to go.

Why do you think atheism thrives ONLY in science and relies HEAVILY in science and like science does, atheists say they would not believe without EMPIRICAL MATERIAL evidence.

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 10:55pm On Oct 24, 2017

I have nothing to say. I am still in shock that christians like you avoid quoting christ.

Damn. Judas would be proud.

For close to 2 hours now , you have avoided this question .

But if I mention the atheist tyrants who killed people for questioning atheism and acknowledging God's existence ,will you accept that atheism rejects skepticism ?

JackBizzle answer this question

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 10:57pm On Oct 24, 2017

I have nothing to say. I am still in shock that christians like you avoid quoting christ.

Damn. Judas would be proud.

Your ignorance is dancing ONE CORNER somewhere as all can see. cheesy

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 10:58pm On Oct 24, 2017

Lol....it has no logical or scientific backing.

No evidence whatsoever.

Seriously why should i beluve the bibles creation story over that of other religuons creation story?

Why then do you trust in evolution? Where is your evidence for evolution?

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by JackBizzle: 10:59pm On Oct 24, 2017

For close to 2 hours now , you have avoided this question .

But if I mention the atheist tyrants who killed people for questioning atheism and acknowledging God's existence ,will you accept that atheism rejects skepticism ?

JackBizzle answer this question

I have nothing to say.

where is mourinho whem you need him?

Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Sylvekzee(m): 11:02pm On Oct 24, 2017

Please can you state where atheism made all these statements and encouragements ?


Sylvekzee . I&#039;m still waiting for you to prove the claims you made

Where did atheism encourage you to seek facts and do away with beliefs ? Where did atheism encourage you to embrace science ?

After you still would be chanting the atheist&#039;s mantra that it is not an ideology , religion , creed etc after saying all these things that have no base in reality .

Unlike religion, atheism does not have a guide book. It relies on common sense and intellectual prowess of the individual. That innate curiosity and quest to know more. From thence is born science. The very basis of science is to seek facts and facts only. That's how atheism encourages one to seek facts and not beliefs.
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 11:02pm On Oct 24, 2017

Atheists lean towards evolution simply because it helps their deception of themselves better and makes them feel they were right to run from God.

It does not seem plausible to all because a lot of atheists are still skeptical of evolution and accept intelligence behind the universe.

Originally evolution was pushed forward as a counter for creationism. You can at least read up on that and stop being ignorant. This was why atheists NATURALLY gravitated towards it. As long as its on their side, they are good to go.

Why do you think atheism thrives ONLY in science and relies HEAVILY in science and like science does, atheists say they would not believe without EMPIRICAL MATERIAL evidence.

Funny enough when they say 'science will determine all truths' , the statement is self -refuting because the statement is not even a scientific but they are claiming its the truth .

Science can only help discover some truths but on all truths .

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by JackBizzle: 11:05pm On Oct 24, 2017

Funny enough when they say 'science will determine all truths' , the statement is self -refuting because the statement is not even a scientific but they are claiming its the truth .

Science can only help discover some truths but on all truths .

what truth can be found in your religion that make people roll in mud?

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 11:06pm On Oct 24, 2017

what truth can be found in your religion that make people roll in mud?

Where is your personal evidence for evolution?
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 11:08pm On Oct 24, 2017

Funny enough when they say 'science will determine all truths' , the statement is self -refuting because the statement is not even a scientific but they are claiming its the truth .

Science can only help discover some truths but on all truths .

Science that is limited to the limitations of man. How can it then determine ALL truths? What is this STANDARD for the determination of ALL TRUTHS? Is it an unbiased standard outside mans input or a standard still orchestrated by man? cheesy

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by JackBizzle: 11:10pm On Oct 24, 2017

The funny lies and dishonesty from the king and the lion.

One tried to lie about the definition of "indoctrination".

The other is a christian that refuses to quote christ.

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 11:10pm On Oct 24, 2017

Unlike religion, atheism does not have a guide book.

Atheism is not the opposite of religion , so I don't get why you are trying to make it seem like there is a contrast . There are religious atheists . And atheists who have superstitious beliefs in magic , reincarnation , voodoo , fairies , spirits etc

It relies on common sense and intellectual prowess of the individual. That innate curiosity and quest to know more. From thence is born science. The very basis of science is to seek facts and facts only. That's how atheism encourages one to seek facts and not beliefs.

Funny enough the founders of modern science were Christians . Most discoveries in science were made by religious people . Most Nobel prize laureates , fathers of different areas in science were all religious .

Atheism rejects deification , nothing more , nothing less . It does not make you curious , it does not encourage you to embrace science . In fact , most hideous and dangerous ideologies like Nihilism that encourages rebellion and suicide were atheistic ideologies .

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Dalam0n: 11:11pm On Oct 24, 2017

I dont think you know what a strawman is .

You claimed that Christians aren't allowed to question the bible and that questioning the bible is questioning God's authority .

I showed you why that that claim is so false with Christians who question bible inerrancy . Bible inerrancy means that the bible is ultimately God's word- that there are no errors , it is infallible and undeniably the word of God . Questioning bible inerrancy means not accepting that the bible is God's word and this does not mean God's authority is challenged .

Is the bible inerrant? Answer it and don't run away from it. Again is the bible inerrant?
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Dalam0n: 11:14pm On Oct 24, 2017

Funny enough when they say 'science will determine all truths' , the statement is self -refuting because the statement is not even a scientific but they are claiming its the truth .

Science can only help discover some truths but on all truths .

Which truth has christianity helped people to discover that is objectively and univesally accepted?
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 11:15pm On Oct 24, 2017

Is the bible inerrant? Answer it and don't run away from it. Again is the bible inerrant?

My brother , will my position determine if the bible is inerrant or not ? Of what use is my response ?

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 11:16pm On Oct 24, 2017

The funny lies and dishonesty from the king and the lion.

One tried to lie about the definition of "indoctrination".

The other is a christian that refuses to quote christ.

When your thread is sent to the shredder emergency sleep entered your eye grin cheesy

Next time think before you type

Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Sylvekzee(m): 11:17pm On Oct 24, 2017

Atheists lean towards evolution simply because it helps their deception of themselves better and makes them feel they were right to run from God.

No, that's not true. Atheists accepts evolution because it provides more evidence of the origin of life than any other theory does at present. If at any point in time another theory comes along and proves evolution inclusive, providing more evidence and promising prove, evolution would be completely abandoned by everyone, including atheists.

It does not seem plausible to all because a lot of atheists are still skeptical of evolution and accept intelligence behind the universe.

There you go proving my point sir. Evolution is still a theory, you are very much invited and encouraged to prove it wrong or right. That's the way of science. Always question your answers.

Originally evolution was pushed forward as a counter for creationism. You can at least read up on that and stop being ignorant. This was why atheists NATURALLY gravitated towards it. As long as its on their side, they are good to go.

Why do you think atheism thrives ONLY in science and relies HEAVILY in science and like science does, atheists say they would not believe without EMPIRICAL MATERIAL evidence.

Atheists relies in science because science relies in Facts. That's all. If religion relied in facts atheists would rely in religion.


Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by budaatum: 11:17pm On Oct 24, 2017

At first , when Charles Darwin made the 'discovery' that natural things evolve overtime ,
Not true! In the 6th edition of Darwin's Origin of Species, he said he was "shadowing forth the principle of natural selection."

Empedocles was the first person to put forward a theory of evolution by survival of the fittest. First flesh, he said, being constituted of fire, air and water in equal parts; and bone, being two parts water to two parts earth and four parts fire; emerged as chemical mixtures of the elements. From these unattached limbs and organs (unsocketed eyes, arms without shoulders, and faces without necks) were formed. These roamed around until they found partners and formed unions which were initially unstable - human headed oxens, ox-headed humans, androgynous creatures with faces and breasts front and back. These creatures were fragile or sterile but the fittest structures survived to become the humans we now see. (Empedocles c. 492—432 B.C.E.)

Don't laugh though. In his day all existence came from the elements which were air, water, fire and earth, and each were said be the god at different times by different philosophers.
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by budaatum: 11:18pm On Oct 24, 2017

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