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Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? - Religion (7) - Nairaland

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 11:18pm On Oct 24, 2017

Which truth has christianity helped people to discover that is objectively and univesally accepted?

How will you know if my answer is indeed objective and universally accepted ?
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 11:20pm On Oct 24, 2017

No, that's not true. Atheists accepts evolution because it provides more evidence of the origin of life than any other theory does at present. If at any point in time another theory comes along and proves evolution inclusive, providing more evidence and promising prove, evolution would be completely abandoned by everyone, including atheists.

There you go proving my point sir. Evolution is still a theory, you are very much invited and encouraged to prove it wrong or right. That's the way of science. Always question your answers.

Atheists relies in science because science relies in Facts. That's all. If religion relied in facts atheists would rely in religion.

You still do not understand.

Science believes in facts

Atheism believes in facts

Most atheists have never proven evolution to THEMSELVES but simply accept whatever they are told without any proof of their own yet someone speaks of indoctrination as a religious thing?

Please I am done going round in circles with you.
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 11:21pm On Oct 24, 2017

Not true! In the 6th edition of Darwin's Origin of Species, he said he was "shadowing forth the principle of natural selection."

Empedocles was the first person to put forward a theory of evolution by survival of the fittest. First flesh, he said, being constituted of fire, air and water in equal parts; and bone, being two parts water to two parts earth and four parts fire; emerged as chemical mixtures of the elements. From these unattached limbs and organs (unsocketed eyes, arms without shoulders, and faces without necks) were formed. These roamed around until they found partners and formed unions which were initially unstable - human headed oxens, ox-headed humans, androgynous creatures with faces and breasts front and back. These creatures were fragile or sterile but the fittest structures survived to become the humans we now see. (Empedocles c. 492—432 B.C.E.)

Don't laugh though. In his day all existence came from the elements which were air, water, fire and earth, and each were said be the god at different times by different philosophers.

That's why 'discovery' is in quote undecided . Knee-jerk reaction spotted .

I've talked about evolution as an ancient idea that has roots in paganism before on this forum .

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Dalam0n: 11:21pm On Oct 24, 2017

The Bible does not teach "believe without questioning "

1st John 4:1

Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world

1st Thessalonians 5: 19

19 Do not quench the Spirit. 20 Do not treat prophecies with contempt 21 but test them all; hold on to what is good, 22 reject every kind of evil


Testing here means to prove the word of God. How does one prove the word of God, when it becomes FACT through occurrence or confirmation.

How do you test the word of God? If this is true all the endless confusion that is christianity today will NOT be.

How do you test which is true between the young earth creationist and the old earth creationist view? How do you test the difference btw the tithers vs the non tithers view? How do you test btw the trinitarians vs the non trinitarians view? How do you test the true position in christianity and conm out with the right position? What is the criteria and process involved?

Let's start with the young earth and old earth creationist view. Which one is true and how can it be tested to know the true position?


Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 11:23pm On Oct 24, 2017

Science that is limited to the limitations of man. How can it then determine ALL truths? What is this STANDARD for the determination of ALL TRUTHS? Is it an unbiased standard outside mans input or a standard still orchestrated by man? cheesy

Exactly !! These atheists will never learn any way .


Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Dalam0n: 11:25pm On Oct 24, 2017

How will you know if my answer is indeed objective and universally accepted ?

If it is true then it will can be tested universally and accepted the same way. The multiplication table is an example of something that is universally accept to be true by all that have studied it. It is the same anywhere all over the earth and it is accepted by everybody, it can be tested and shown to be true the world over. 10×9=90 and this is true all over the world.

What truth has christianity helped to discover that is universally and objectively acceptable to all that look at it?
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 11:26pm On Oct 24, 2017

How do you test the word of God? If this is true all the endless confusion that is christianity today will NOT be.

How do you test which is true between the young earth creationist and the old earth creationist view? How do you test the difference btw those tithers vs the non tithers view? How do you test btw the trinitarians vs the non trinitarians view? How do you test the true position in christianity and cone out with the right position? What is the criteria and process involved?

Let's start with the young earth and old earth creationist view. Which one is true and how can it be tested to know the true position?

Every test is carried out under a CONTROLLED environment.

Materialistic atheists have science as their controlled environment.

Creationists have their own controlled environment who is known as THE HOLY SPIRIT.

when you do not have it then your controlled environment test cannot work and why?

1 Corinthians 2:10-16

10 these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.

The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. 11 For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12 What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. 13 This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.[a] 14 The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. 15 The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, 16 for,

“Who has known the mind of the Lord
so as to instruct him?”[b]
But we have the mind of Christ.

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 11:29pm On Oct 24, 2017

If it is true then it will can be tested universally and accepted the same way. The multiplication table is an example of something that is universally accept to be true by all that have studied it. It is the same anywhere all over the earth and it is accepted by everybody, it can be tested and shown to be true the world over. 10×9=90 and this is true all over the world.

What truth has christianity helped to discover that is universally and objectively acceptable to all that look at it?

What kind of question is this ? Ok tell me , what truth has atheism helped to discover that is universally and objectively acceptable to all that look at it ?

If you can answer this , then I'll answer yours . Deal ?

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by JackBizzle: 11:30pm On Oct 24, 2017

Every test is carried out under a CONTROLLED environment.

Materialistic atheists have science as their controlled environment.

Creationists have their own controlled environment who is known as THE HOLY SPIRIT.

when you do not have it then your controlled environment test cannot work and why?

1 Corinthians 2:10-16

10 these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.

The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. 11 For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12 What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. 13 This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.[a] 14 The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. 15 The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, 16 for,

“Who has known the mind of the Lord
so as to instruct him?”[b]
But we have the mind of Christ.

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Sylvekzee(m): 11:33pm On Oct 24, 2017

Atheism is not the opposite of religion , so I don't get why you are trying to make it seem like there is a contrast . There are religious atheists . And atheists who have superstitious beliefs in magic , reincarnation , voodoo , fairies , spirits etc

Funny enough the founders of modern science were Christians . Most discoveries in science were made by religious people . Most Nobel prize laureates , fathers of different areas in science were all religious .

Atheism rejects deification , nothing more , nothing less . It does not make you curious , it does not encourage you to embrace science . In fact , most hideous and dangerous ideologies like Nihilism that encourages rebellion and suicide were atheistic ideologies .

I would love to continue but I have to crash for the day.

But before I go I would have you know that being religious was the order of the day during those times you talk of. Those scientists being religious was just prevailing societal inclinations. Every prominent person of those times had to be religious. Just like, for example, today in
the US, society demands every President is a Christian.

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by budaatum: 11:34pm On Oct 24, 2017

The point was that the teaching of religious evolution is indoctrination. Evolution and God (of the bible) are incompatible.

Kindly Swerve.
Sorry, but I refuse to swerve. Common indoctrination, they cannot accept a meaning. Do you really think it that difficult or impossible for them to claim god started evolving? You wait till it becomes accepted knowledge. If they haven't created it yet, it would be called the Intelligent Designer and would fit into a Gap Theory!
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 11:36pm On Oct 24, 2017

Jackbizzle aka DumbBIzzle has used sleep as a cop out mechanism. He opened a thread which as usual backfired on him.

Niggah buried himself with his own hands AS USUAL cheesy grin

He never disappoints grin

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Dalam0n: 11:36pm On Oct 24, 2017

Every test is carried out under a CONTROLLED environment.

Materialistic atheists have science as their controlled environment.

Creationists have their own controlled environment who is known as THE HOLY SPIRIT.

when you do not have it then your controlled environment test cannot work and why?

1 Corinthians 2:10-16

10 these are the things God has revealed to us by his Spirit.

The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God. 11 For who knows a person’s thoughts except their own spirit within them? In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. 12 What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us. 13 This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, explaining spiritual realities with Spirit-taught words.[a] 14 The person without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God but considers them foolishness, and cannot understand them because they are discerned only through the Spirit. 15 The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments, 16 for,

“Who has known the mind of the Lord
so as to instruct him?”[b]
But we have the mind of Christ.

I asked you a simple question and went off tangent throwing meaningless biblical passages at mean that completely fail to address what I asked you. I AM NOT talking about me, I am talking about your fellow christians. It is a fact that very sincere and honest christains are ALWAYS in disagreement with each other over so many things in the bible.

If your claim is true then it will NOT be so. The endless confusion and disagreement amongst christians shows that your assertion is totally false. In reality there is no true way of confirming anything in christianity. You can only chose to believe what ever it is you want to but there is no way of confirming anything.

Use the holy spirit and tell us the true position of the bible with regards to tithing. There are many christians here on nairaland that see tithing as wrong, there are also many here that see tithing as right. Both are very sincere in their positions and they are always bickering with each other and calling each other names, they bth lay claim to the holy spirit as their guide and the spirit that made them to come to what ever conclusion they've arrived at.

It's now that atheist are very active here on the religuous section that such squabbles have reduced but they are still going on. Use the holy spirit which is the controlled environment and objectively prove to your fellow christians the true position of the bible on tithing. Tell them now and once you are done let us know how many people you've been able to convince to change their position here on nairaland. Use the holy spirit and tell the christians here that are always bickering over tithe the true position of the bible.

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Dalam0n: 11:38pm On Oct 24, 2017

My brother , will my position determine if the bible is inerrant or not ? Of what use is my response ?

Is the bible inerrant or not. Answer it. Why are you scared of answering?
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by chemystery: 11:39pm On Oct 24, 2017

Atheism is not the opposite of religion , so I don't get why you are trying to make it seem like there is a contrast . There are religious atheists . And atheists who have superstitious beliefs in magic , reincarnation , voodoo , fairies , spirits etc
Yes, just like there are Christians that believes in Allah. There are also Christians that worship Satan. I will not sit here and allow your and butterflyl1on alone win this trophy in lying

Funny enough the founders of modern science were Christians .
yet another lie and wishful thought!

Most discoveries in science were made by religious people . Most Nobel prize laureates , fathers of different areas in science were all religious .
Congrats! First truth for the day. And we all know the reason for this - fewer populace of atheists

Atheism rejects deification , nothing more , nothing less . It does not make you curious , it does not encourage you to embrace science . In fact , most hideous and dangerous ideologies like Nihilism that encourages rebellion and suicide were atheistic ideologies .
You have never been an atheist so you will never know. Yet another conclusion from wishful thought.
Atheism tends to make one embrace science after discovery that is only were answers to lives mysteries lies and not in religion
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Dalam0n: 11:42pm On Oct 24, 2017

What kind of question is this ? Ok tell me , what truth has atheism helped to discover that is universally and objectively acceptable to all that look at it ?

If you can answer this , then I'll answer yours . Deal ?

Am comparing scientific truths and religious truths. So far scientific truths remain the ONLY universally acceptable and objective truths. Religious truths on the other hand are only claims they don't even qualify as truths.
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 11:44pm On Oct 24, 2017

I would love to continue but I have to crash for the day.

butteflyl1on , this is the new cop out stratagem by the atheists . We need to be having these debates during the day so that there won't be petty excuses as this . So when they are being pummeled into one corner , they'd be sucked there for all to see .

But before I go I would have you know that being religious was the order of the day during those times you talk of. Those scientists being religious was just prevailing societal inclinations. Every prominent person of those times had to be religious. Just like, for example, today in the US, society demands every President is a Christian.

Aye o ! Excuse toh bad . There were atheists even during their time these discoveries were made . Nobel Prize Awards began in 1895 and before that time Karl Marx had developed Marxism and it was spreading with full force , the French Revolution that popularized atheism(though mostly deism ) (100 years before ) . 22 years after the Soviet Union began to form that established atheism with full force . There were atheistic revolutions in other countries world wide that pushed the atheistic population to close to 200 million by 1970 yet atheists are just less than 10 percent of the Nobel Prize laureates .

Societal inclinations my foot !

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Dalam0n: 11:49pm On Oct 24, 2017
KingEbukasBlog is the bible inerrant or not?
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by budaatum: 12:14am On Oct 25, 2017

That's why 'discovery' is in quote undecided . Knee-jerk reaction spotted .

I've talked about evolution as an ancient idea that has roots in paganism before on this forum .
So? It mustn't be mentioned again? Or you suggesting I go read where you wrote it? Are you like, 12, by any chance?
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Dalam0n: 12:21am On Oct 25, 2017

First , there is a problem we have to identify and that's the presupposition from the OP that there is indoctrination(to accept something uncritically ) in Christianity . There is not , if there were we won't have different biblical interpretations , sects in Christianity , and schools of thought in Christian theology . And why is this so ? Because Christianity allows for skepticism

Christianity does not allow for skepticism. Even the bible says that he that believes not is CONDEMNED already, because he refuses to believe in Jesus the son of God and his sacrifice. Nothing is against skepticism like those words. The difference in theology for example has nothing to do with indoctrination but everything to do with disagreement. Even the competing theological positions all try to claim that the others are wrong and only them are right.

The YEC always try to cast aspersions on the positing of the OEC, the trinitariansalways try to cast aspersions on the non trinitarians and on and on. It's not as if they accept both opposite positions as true. They always try to tell their followers that their own position is true the competing theological positions are false.

Example :
Being skeptical about the literal interpretation of the bible , we have St Augustine's allegorical exegesis
Being skeptical about the divinity of Christ led to Arianism
Critical examination of God's providence and freewill led to Molinism
Critical examination about the book of revelation led to preterism
Critical look at how God establishes His presence with man led to Sandemanianism

The list is endless ...

Let's take just one out of the rest. Is Araisim true? What is the true biblical position with regards to the divinity of Jesus?

Christian theology in fact allows for rationality while studying the tenants of Christianity and the bible .

As a child I wasn't told to take whatever being taught to me as facts . Look at me moving from creationism , progressive creationism and now to special creationism .

If Christianity allowed indoctrination as the OP claims, there wouldn't be Christian theology , St Thomas Aquinas wouldn't have made arguments for God's existence to defend his belief . Irish priest George Berkeley's profound argument for idealism - Esse est percipi - wouldn't have been made . George Lemaitre , the Belgian priest wouldn't have developed the Big Bang Theory , Christian archaeologists wouldn't bother to verify the stories in the bible etc . The list again is endless ...

Christian theological difference is as a result of disagreement and it doesn't stand against indoctrination at all. It simply shows that christians are in disagreement with each other.

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 12:39am On Oct 25, 2017

Christianity does not allow for skepticism. Even the bible says that he that believes not is CONDEMNED already, because he refuses to believe in Jesus the son of God and his sacrifice. Nothing is against skepticism like those words. The difference in theology for example has nothing to do with indoctrination but everything to do with disagreement. Even the competing theological positions all try to claim that the others are wrong and only them are right.

The YEC always try to cast aspersions on the positing of the OEC, the trinitariansalways try to cast aspersions on the non trinitarians and on and on. It's not as if they accept both opposite positions as true. They always try to tell their followers that their own position is true the competing theological positions are false.

Let's take just one out of the rest. Is Araisim true? What is the true biblical position with regards to the divinity of Jesus?

Christian theological difference is as a result of disagreement and it doesn't stand against indoctrination at all. It simply shows that christians are in disagreement with each other.

You are making my point . Skepticism is about doubts and disagreement ; if I were to agree , I wouldn't have been in doubt .Eg You doubt God's existence , I don't .Am I Are we in disagreement yes ! Another Eg Am I on OEC creationists? Yes ! Am I skeptical about (disagree with ) the YEC position ? Yes ! and vice versa When you are in doubt , you disagree ; when you are in doubt , you can also hold a position while totally pointing out flaws out of skepticism in another position.

And that's why we have myriads and myriads and myriads of disagreements in Christianity because it is clearly open to scrutiny . From the nature of God himself to every bit of each verse in the bible .

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 12:42am On Oct 25, 2017

So? It mustn't be mentioned again? Or you suggesting I go read where you wrote it? Are you like, 12, by any chance?

Just admit you were wrong about telling me that I was wrong because clearly the 'discovery' was in quote .

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 12:46am On Oct 25, 2017
KingEbukasBlog is the bible inerrant or not?

Yup , it is . Now what ? grin

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 12:53am On Oct 25, 2017

Am comparing scientific truths and religious truths. So far scientific truths remain the ONLY universally acceptable and objective truths. Religious truths on the other hand are only claims they don't even qualify as truths.

Not all scientific truths are universally acceptable . Anyway , what qualifies as a religious truth ? Define the term 'religious truth'

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by 4kings: 1:36am On Oct 25, 2017

Not all scientific truths are universally acceptable . Anyway , what qualifies as a religious truth ? Define the term 'religious truth'
It is wrong to use the word "truths".
Those that are not acceptable are hypotheses which are yet to be experimented or debunked from peer review. Those that conform to existing theories and have better empirical observations should be what to consider as "truth"(or acceptable). Science is about observation and testing not decree.

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Dalam0n: 5:47am On Oct 25, 2017

You are making my point . Skepticism is about doubts and disagreement ; if I were to agree , I wouldn't have been in doubt .Eg You doubt God's existence , I don't .Am I Are we in disagreement yes ! Another Eg Am I on OEC creationists? Yes ! Am I skeptical about (disagree with ) the YEC position ? Yes ! and vice versa When you are in doubt , you disagree ; when you are in doubt , you can also hold a position while totally pointing out flaws out of skepticism in another position.

And that's why we have myriads and myriads and myriads of disagreements in Christianity because it is clearly open to scrutiny . From the nature of God himself to every bit of each verse in the bible .

I told you that the endless disagreement and confusing that is christianity doesn't mean that people come to accept christianity based on facts, it doesn't also mean that indoctrination isnt the main way christianity is acceptable by most people.

Even the opposing theological positions are always competing with each other and casting aspersions on competition theological positions. We've seen how the YEC always state that their position is the ONLY true position. They even try to tie the message of christian salvation to their YEC message. Theological and interpretation differences simply show that the messages are not clear and people hold different opinions about them. Nothing more.

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Dalam0n: 6:05am On Oct 25, 2017

Yup , it is . Now what ? grin

How did you come to the conclusion that the bible is inerrant? Which research did you personally undertake that showed you that everything inside the bible is true and that the bible is competely without any error?

We can take one story from the bible that has a universal implications and use it to measure your claim about inerrancy and indoctrination.

Accordingto the bible about 4500 years ago there was a flood that covered and destroyed the entire earth killing all humans and land animals except the family of Noah and some animals that were taking into the Ark by Noah.

Is this actually history? Why or why not? If this is true then it means that 4500 years ago there were no people living in China, Egypt, India, Japan, Sudan, North America etc.

Which historical document did you study that showed you that there were NO people living in China 4500 years ago because China was competely destroyed by a flood that left everybody dead about 4500 years ago?

Can you point to any historical narrative from the Indians that says that 4500 years ago the entire India was destroyed or that nobody was living in India 4500 years ago?

Do you believe the Noah's story because you studied it and have hard facts to support the narrative or simply because you were indoctrinated and you accept it because you feel the bile is inerrant?

If the bible is inerrant then those christians you mentioned that believe in its inerrancy are wrong. If that is the case then why are you wasting our time with their position?
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by felixomor: 6:30am On Oct 25, 2017

Yup , it is . Now what ? grin

I like that

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by JackBizzle: 6:36am On Oct 25, 2017

I like that

Felixomoron, I take god beg you, free this thread. We dont need additional foolishness. I kneel down beg you.


Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by felixomor: 6:45am On Oct 25, 2017

[s]Felixomoron, I take god beg you, free this thread. We dont need additional foolishness. I kneel down beg you[/s].

Hehehhe grin
They mauled you. I see..... Lmaolol

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Dalam0n: 6:59am On Oct 25, 2017

Not all scientific truths are universally acceptable . Anyway , what qualifies as a religious truth ? Define the term 'religious truth'

It is true that it is not all scientific truths that are universally accepted but science remains the only things that has truth that are objectively verified and universally accepted. Religion has NONE, and that is why indoctrination remains the only way it gains adherents. Childhood indoctrination remains the greatest weapon religion has in its arsenal.

J.D. Brucker in one of his books that I read talked about childhood indoctrination as thegreatest weaponreligion has in its arsenal. I'll copy and paste a lot of what he wrote down in his book while adding my own thoughts to his own. I'll simply state why childhood indoctrination is the main reason people still stick to Christianity.

Afterall even the bible acknowledges the importance of childhood indoctrination when it says that:

Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Poverbs 22:6

When you properly indoctrinate a child even when he grows he'll hardly depart from it. That is what christianity and all religions use to increase their numbers and make sure that people still believe. Childhood indoctrination. Without it Christianityand most religions will not be what they are today. If most children are presented with the bible for the first time on their 21st birthday christianity will not ne what it is today. But for christianity to ne what it is children will have to be indoctrinated at an early age so that they will remain in the religion.

From his book J.D. Brucker states it plainly that:
"indoctrination means to heavily influence someone into believing a particular set of ideas, whether they are political, cultural, or religious. Most often, this is done when the individual is particularly young, when he or she lack the ability to reasonably conclude whether or not a statement is true. Those who’ve experienced heavy indoctrination may be unaware of competing theories, alternate hypotheses, or even whether the ideas hold any merit at all; those ideas are simply believed and held dear for an unknown period of time".

As a former christian who went through the process of childhood indoctrination I have firsthand knowledge regarding the practices of indoctrination when it comes to Christianity. As children attending Sunday school , bible stories were read to us as facts, prayers were rehashed and taught to us as very good things that we need to carry out always, Christian hymns and songs were taught, and so on. We as children had no choice in the matter. We were being taught by people we believed were authorities that these particular sets of religious beliefs were true, without a chance of error. As we were taught, so were we expected to accept them fully without question as facts. We were not taught about other competing religious beliefs on a level plain field at all.

At the end almost all of us that attended Sunday school would tell anybody that cared that we know God was real, Jesus walked on water, healed the sick, rose from the dead, was resurrected and ascended into heaven on the third day; to us, all of these things were as real as anything.

Never did we entertain the idea these things might not be true and neither were we influenced in amy way to challenge those beliefs. As I said we weren’t taught about other faiths and why other individuals find those faiths to be true. We even refrained from challenging out of fear of being mocked or punished. Most times when you gothough this indoctrination you'll have no choicd bit to indoctrinate yourself into thinking religious beliefs were off the table to debate.

J.D. Brucker says: "Children are typically open to believing almost anything told to them, without question. During early childhood, children are most receptive which is why education is most important during this period of time. Learning comes faster, the memory is crisp, and children are generally open and willing to accept new information without inhibition. The age of reason is typically considered to be around 6 or 7, when the child begins to have the capabilities to weigh options and reach conclusions. This is when we must be vigilant when trying to help them develop the how to think approach.

Most Christian church organizations heavily involve children in many different events. Sunday school, summer Bible camps, wilderness retreats, catechism or confirmation, plays, and musical ceremonies top that particular list. These organizations are quite aware how impressionable children are and it appears as though they’re taking full advantage of that. Some evangelical Christian organizations fully and publicly acknowledge what they’re doing.

From a very early age, children are taught to memorize parts of the bible and dwell so much on its stories and told that the stories are of divine origins as such they are to be accepted totally as true ; sometimes, this often holds importance over studying other more earthly curriculums which are told is of less importance as the biblical narratives. This has two significant disadvantages. Firstly, this has a long lasting effect on the child’s cognitive development, as it’s primarily based on one particular source. Secondly, as a result of that, they will learn to reject other sources of knowledge simply because it deviates from what the bible teaches. This then, as I state previously, creates an “us” versus “them” frame of mind, completely carrying the believer further from other forms of enlightenment ; never questioning and always accepting, brainwashing at its best. The very same can be said for most of the orthodox Jewish population or Muslims for example. Anywhere religious instruction exists, expect indoctrination to take place at an early age"
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Dalam0n: 7:00am On Oct 25, 2017

Felixomoron, I take god beg you, free this thread. We dont need additional foolishness. I kneel down beg you.

grin grin

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