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Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? - Religion (9) - Nairaland

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 9:15am On Oct 25, 2017

I am an atheist and my children are not atheist. I've never indoctrinated them with anything about atheism so your whole assertion is false.

That's your opinion and not a universally accepted one.

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 9:18am On Oct 25, 2017
In that case, Medical doctor also means Medical TEACHER, right? grin

No. The derivation is from DOC which means TO TEACH. in other words it's medical knowledge which IS TAUGHT! That's simply what doctor means.
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 9:21am On Oct 25, 2017

It is true that it is not all scientific truths that are universally accepted but science remains the only things that has truth that are objectively verified and universally accepted. Religion has NONE, and that is why indoctrination remains the only way it gains adherents. Childhood indoctrination remains the greatest weapon religion has in its arsenal.

Religion has none ? There are diverse religions with different beliefs , practices . And what is knowledge ? Justified true belief . Are you saying that no belief in religion has been justified ? And justification leads to truth
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 9:22am On Oct 25, 2017

When I was reading through your post and I saw this what came to my mind was our mirror neurons which allows us to mimic or learn by mimicking just anything from behavior to life style . That's why they say surround yourself with the right people because they intend to subtly influence us . Our mirror neurons allows for subtle influence from the outside world . And the mirror neurons in the brains of children are very active , mimicking the behavior of the parents , internalizing their beliefs , ideologies etc subtly .

So this means that one does not necessarily need to be direct about indoctrinating his child , the mirror neurons are there for the subtle or indirect way of doing that .

exactly. indoctrination can be via observation of a lifestyle and not by words.

A child who grew up with a father who drinks and smokes has a high tendency of also becoming a smoker and a drunk.

They do say that ACTION SPEAKS LOUDER THAB WORDS. So most times our specific lifestyles which are observed are thought to be more powerful than spoken words. After all everyone believes in DO AS I DO and not DO AS I SAY.

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Nobody: 9:23am On Oct 25, 2017

No. The derivation is from DOC which means TO TEACH. in other words it's medical knowledge which IS TAUGHT! That's simply what doctor means.
Invalid answer! A doctor is a PERSON not an abstract idea, so there's no way a doctor can be "Medical knowledge which is TAUGHT!". LMAO. grin

I'm trying to show you that the meaning of a word can DEVIATE from its roots, and words can come to mean ENTIRELY DIFFERENT THINGS overtime. Plus, words being synonymous in certain contexts does not mean they have the same exact meaning!

Assasination involves KILLING

Execution of criminals involves KILLING as well!

Does that mean assasination and excecution mean the same thing?!!
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 9:25am On Oct 25, 2017
Invalid answer! A doctor is a PERSON not an abstract idea, so there's no way a doctor can be "Medical knowledge which is TAUGHT!". LMAO. grin

I'm trying to show you that the meaning of a word can DEVIATE from its roots, and words can come to mean ENTIRELY DIFFERENT THINGS overtime. Plus, words being synonymous in certain contexts does not mean they have the same exact meaning!

Assasination involves KILLING

Execution of criminals involves KILLING as well!

Does that mean assasination and excecution mean the same thing?!!

A doctor is not a person. A doctor is an office occupied by a person.

Knowledge acquired in medicine made him or her a doctor and they were not born one.

Saying a doctor is a person is the height of tomfoolery.

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by 4kings: 9:32am On Oct 25, 2017

Isn't the Law of Causality a scientific truth ? Is it possible for nothingness that has no causal potency to produce something ?
Is nothingness(quantum mechanics) fully understood?
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by wirinet(m): 9:35am On Oct 25, 2017

I will make this simple. Nobody is brainwashed in ALL THINGS. brainwashing is carried out on a specific thing and what is used to achieve any form of brainwashing is through teaching and techniques associated with teaching.

So in its root form brainwashing is derived through teaching.

One can be taught to be a killer, a doctor, a lawyer, a businessman etc but they all have that one thing in common and that is importation of knowledge via teaching.

If you still think indoctrination is all about brainwashing when it has other synonyms then I am sorry to say you are doing English a great disservice

False premise resulting in false assertions resulting in false conclusions.

Brainwashing has nothing to do with impartation of knowledge. It involves using using subtle and sometimes violent means to make the mind accept things it might not accept through teaching and reasoning.

I have read extensively and practiced limitedly brainwashing techniques. Subtle techniques include the use of hypnotism, mantra, rites and ceremonies, others are threats, fear and reward and punishment system.
Sometimes it is outright violence aka murders, beatings and maiming. Christianity and Islam extensively employed violence during their spread.

You cannot be trained to be a killer doctor, lawyer or businessman, you can be trained to be a doctor, lawyer or businessman and then be indoctrinated to be a killer. A killer needs a reason to kill, either he/she feels threatened or is made to see the other person as an enemy or threat.
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 9:35am On Oct 25, 2017

Is nothingness(quantum mechanics) fully understood?

Abeg we all what nothingness is . All these equivocations are unnecessary, intended to deceive . Anyway , here is what cosmologist Sean Carrol said :

This kind of scenario is exactly what quantum cosmologists like James Hartle, Stephen Hawking, Alex Vilenkin, Andrei Linde and others have in mind when they are talking about the ‘creation of the universe from nothing.’ In this kind of picture, there is literally a moment in the history of the universe prior to which there weren’t any other moments. There is a boundary of time (presumably at the Big Bang), prior to which there was . . . nothing. No stuff, not even a quantum wave function; there was no prior thing, because there is no sensible notion of ‘prior.

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 9:43am On Oct 25, 2017

False premise resulting in false assertions resulting in false conclusions.

Brainwashing has nothing to do with impartation of knowledge. It involves using using subtle and sometimes violent means to make the mind accept things it might not accept through teaching and reasoning.

I have read extensively and practiced limitedly brainwashing techniques. Subtle techniques include the use of hypnotism, mantra, rites and ceremonies, others are threats, fear and reward and punishment system.
Sometimes it is outright violence aka murders, beatings and maiming. Christianity and Islam extensively employed violence during their spread.

You cannot be trained to be a killer doctor, lawyer or businessman, you can be trained to be a doctor, lawyer or businessman and then be indoctrinated to be a killer. A killer needs a reason to kill, either he/she feels threatened or is made to see the other person as an enemy or threat.


Here are two things Involved.

1. Accept to be brainwashed ------ WITH WHAT?

2. reject being brainwashed ------- WITH WHAT?


Hypnotism ---- still involves suggestive thought impartation (which is the recipient being taught what the hypnotist wants to see)

Threats ------ threats are based on a persons view and preferred acceptable view which is ALREADY KNOWN. nobody is threatened over NOTHING. There is ALWAYS a foundation for a threat.

Mantra ----- A word or sound repeated to aid concentration in meditation.( this means an already established thought process which is being imparted through REPETITION)

rites and ceremonies ------ Are always based on an ALREADY known or ALREADY TAUGHT principle.

Reward and punishment ----- Carrot and stick approach is simply a reward based on an intended action or a denial of reward based on a rejection of an intended action. All are TEACHING INDUCED!

When a killer is made to see another as a threat In order to make him or her a killer is that not SUGGESTIVE THOUGHT OR IDEAS? is that not TEACHING? is that not found in INDOCTRINATION and DOC which means TO TEACH?

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by 4kings: 9:59am On Oct 25, 2017

Abeg we all what nothingness is . All these equivocations are unnecessary, intended to deceive . Anyway , here is what cosmologist Sean Carrol said :

This kind of scenario is exactly what quantum cosmologists like James Hartle, Stephen Hawking, Alex Vilenkin, Andrei Linde and others have in mind when they are talking about the ‘creation of the universe from nothing.’ In this kind of picture, there is literally a moment in the history of the universe prior to which there weren’t any other moments. There is a boundary of time (presumably at the Big Bang), prior to which there was . . . nothing. No stuff, not even a quantum wave function; there was no prior thing, because there is no sensible notion of ‘prior.
I read speculations(or hypotheses).
Don't get me wrong i'm also open to the possibility of indeterministic nature of quantum mechanics which can give rise to something from nothing based on what i've read so far concerning quantum fluctuations but this is still an area with no universally accepted answer just speculations(but important however). Some try to isolate virtual particles as properties not event to buttress on causality, some see the possibility of Heisenberg Uncertainty principle absolutely applying here, Michio Kaku is talking about the application of String Theory, but still this is an area of scientific ignorance(i'm not sure there is a generally acceptable theory at the moment).
Afterall even Isaac Newton made a wrong speculations based on what he could observe back then.

Maybe Teempakguy Cloudgoddess Johnydon22 and JackBizzle can share more insight.
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 10:04am On Oct 25, 2017

I read speculations(or hypotheses).
Don't get me wrong i'm also open to the possibility of indeterministic nature of quantum mechanics which can give rise to something from nothing based on what i've read so far concerning quantum fluctuations but this is still an area with no universally accepted answer just speculations(but important however). Some try to isolate virtual particles as properties not event to buttress on causality, some see the possibility of Heisenberg Uncertainty principle absolutely applying here, Michio Kaku is talking about the application of String Theory, but still this is an area of scientific ignorance(i'm not sure there is a generally acceptable theory at the moment).
Afterall even Isaac Newton made a wrong speculations based on what he could observe back then.

Maybe Teempakguy cloudgoddess Johnnydon22 and JackBizzle can share more insight.

Who said that you can get something from nothing due to the 'indeterministic' nature of quantum mechanics ? And please when I mean nothing I dont mean the redefinition of nothing in science , I mean absolute nothingness .
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Nobody: 10:07am On Oct 25, 2017

A doctor is not a person. A doctor is an office occupied by a person.

Knowledge acquired in medicine made him or her a doctor and they were not born one.

Saying a doctor is a person is the height of tomfoolery.

"A footballer is not a person. A footballer is a position occupied by a person.

Skills acquired through hardwork and training made him or her a footballer and they were not born one.

Saying a footballer is a person is the height of tomfoolery".

Your stupidity is a pestilence. Allowing dunces like you to reproduce would be catastrophic for the future of humanity.

Mr Butterfly should be given the award of the Nairaland Idiot of the Year for having monkey excreta as a substitute for a brain. You're extremely retardded.

A Medical Doctor is a PERSON who has been trained in medical science, whose job is to treat people who are ill/sick or injured.

Where is "TEACHING" included, since you insist that any word that has "DOC" in it must involve "teaching"? That the meaning of a word cannever change and must always have a relationship with its ROOTS?

You need to go back to your "Comprehensive High School of Idiots" to receive your certificate of stupidity, so that we will know that you're now a certified moron_.

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Dalam0n: 10:07am On Oct 25, 2017

Your last comment supports all that has been said on this thread.

Everything you say is strictly Your Own opinion. You are trying to force us to believe that indoctrination is solely a religious thing but that has been shown to be absolutely untrue.
Even atheists on reddit which link I posted encourage the indoctrination of their kids against religion. This they either do suggestively or outrightly through a well tailored curriculum which would ensure they maintain the family atheist position.

Will you stop telling lies. I posted their comments here for all to see. All of them were against childhood indoctrination. You thought we won't go there and actually read what they wrote?

Indoctrination is in all shades and colours. Sometimes it is subtle and sometimes it is bold. As long as IDEAS, KNOWLEDGE, OPINIONS are being shared from a higher source to a lower recipient indoctrination is in process.

Lies. Many typea of Knowledge and ideas are always shared without any indoctrination.

You say you aren't an evolutionist but if I ask you if you are a creationist you would say you are not but yet are skeptical of a creator God as depicted in the Bible but does your skepticism of Yahweh mean the creation did not occur since its only Yahweh you are agnostic to?

If you are agnostic to a creator God that means you are not pro creation which would mean that there is only one place to lean to which contrasts creation and that is evolution. (hope I did not confuse you).

You can only confuse yourself. I do not believe in creationism and evolution because they both luck evidence to support them period. Period.

How many scientific claims have you personally verified in a lab?

List them please.

Diffusion and Osmosis
Effectivemeds of anti bacteria soaps
Static electricity
Voltage regulation using diode
Electical resistance
Evaporation and it's effects

These were some of the science experiments that were carried out in my secondary school with results that I was able to verify by myself.

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by 4kings: 10:15am On Oct 25, 2017

Who said that you can get something from nothing due to the 'indeterministic' nature of quantum mechanics ? And please when I mean nothing I dont mean the redefinition of nothing in science , I mean absolute nothingness .
Hmm "redefinition", that's what i observed also in Lawrence Krauss' explanations.
Anyway this is where i say I DONT KNOW, absolute nothingness does not conform with any scientific explanation that i've seen so far.
There was a debate about "Existence of Nothing" hosted by Neil deGrasse Tyson; Lawrence Krauss, Jim Holt, Prof Eva of standford and 1 or 2 others were in the panel, but no explanation of "absolute nothingness" was pointed out, except "redefinition" like you put it.

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by JackBizzle: 10:16am On Oct 25, 2017

The secular morality is morality outside religion . The communist , socialist governments had secular morality and over 250 million people lost their lives . People were tortured , burnt alive , buried alive thrown in prison etc because they believed in God - and the communists felt it was good since man not God should create moral standards . My dear friend , your thread has already been destroyed before you opened it .

Ogbeni. Lets open the thread
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 10:16am On Oct 25, 2017

"A footballer is not a person. A footballer is a position occupied by a person.

Skills acquired through hardwork and training made him or her a footballer and they were not born one.

Saying a footballer is a person is the height of tomfoolery".

Your stupidity is a pestilence. Allowing dunces like you to reproduce would be catastrophic for the future of humanity.

Mr Butterfly should be given the award of the Nairaland Idiot of the Year for having monkey excreta as a substitute for a brain. You're extremely retardded.

A Medical Doctor is a PERSON who has been trained in medical science, whose job is to treat people who are ill/sick or injured.

Where is "TEACHING" included, since you insist that any word that has "DOC" in it must involve "teaching"? That the meaning of a word cannever change and must always have a relationship with its ROOTS?

You need to go back to your "Comprehensive High School of Idiots" to receive your certificate of stupidity, so that we will know that you're now a certified moron_.

When people like you see A you call it B and when you are corrected you resort to insults as a last line of defence with the assumption that it would make you look more intelligent when in reality you are not.

From your own post

A Medical Doctor is a PERSON who has been trained in medical science, whose job is to treat people who are ill/sick or injured.

The focus is not on THE PERSON but WHO HAS BEEN TRAINED IN MEDICAL SCIENCE in the comment shows what has MADE THAT PERSON a doctor.

Training is not jogging and is not swimming for a doctor, even jogging and swimming are taught. For a doctor his training is in ACADEMIC KNOWLEDGE which IS TAUGHT EITHER PRACTICALLY OR THEORETICALLY.

if you still wish to display further ignorance after this then knock yourself out.
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Dalam0n: 10:19am On Oct 25, 2017

Religion has none ? There are diverse religions with different beliefs , practices . And what is knowledge ? Justified true belief . Are you saying that no belief in religion has been justified ? And justification leads to truth

Yes religion has none. I said science remains the only thing that has truth that are objectively verified and universally accepted by anybody that looks into it. Religion has NONSENSE of that.
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by JackBizzle: 10:19am On Oct 25, 2017

When people like you see A you call it B and when you are corrected you resort to insults as a last line of defence with the assumption that it would make you look more intelligent when in reality you are not.

From your own post

A Medical Doctor is a PERSON who has been trained in medical science, whose job is to treat people who are ill/sick or injured.

The focus is not on THE PERSON but WHO HAS BEEN TRAINED IN MEDICAL SCIENCE in the comment shows what has MADE THAT PERSON a doctor.

Training is not jogging and is not swimming for a doctor, even jogging and swimming are taught. For a doctor his training is in ACADEMIC KNOWLEDGE which IS TAUGHT EITHER PRACTICALLY OR THEORETICALLY.

if you still wish to display further ignorance after this then knock yourself out.

You sabi remix
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by ifenes(m): 10:21am On Oct 25, 2017

How do you define indoctrination?

Teaching people what to think. Giviing no options to question what is taught to them. Example.... You are a graduate of some University or related. You have been programmed in a certain way, you must believe in some Evolution, you will be called a failure if you do not accept or vomit what you have been taught in examination halls. You have no option to think for yourself in schools. Schools moulds you to think like others, no independently. If you have your own opinions, you will scrutinised.

Question: what do you think of Charles Darwin ?

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Dalam0n: 10:24am On Oct 25, 2017

Show some dignity when lying.

This is one of such comments from reddit by an atheist.

I would love to post all but dropping the link and anyone who goes through it honestly would see that indoctrination is a core acceptance among atheists.

Anything but religion! Teach them anything but religion

How many atheist there through their comments agree with childhood indoctrination? So far you've only been able to post the comment of on while I've posted the comments of about 5 that totally disagree. Majority of the comments there totally disagree with indoctrination so why are you telling lies?
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by Dalam0n: 10:25am On Oct 25, 2017

You sabi remix

He is Mr lie lie spinner. grin
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 10:27am On Oct 25, 2017

You sabi remix

It's simply an English qualifier. Whenever you see a sentence like,

A teacher is a person WHO.........

The word WHO and the expressions that follow is what qualifies a teacher to be who he or she claims to be.

A fireman is a person WHO...

Definition of fireman
:a person who tends or feeds fires:stoker
:a member of a fire department :firefighter
:an enlisted man in the navy who works with engineering machinery
:a relief pitcher in baseball

Every job or office has a QUALIFYING description. Nobody just becomes something without proof for it and the proof is what the word WHO uses to qualify them.

a person who practises or studies law, especially (in the UK) a solicitor or a barrister or (in the US) an attorney.

a person who operates the flying controls of an aircraft.

a skilled worker who repairs and maintains vehicle engines and other machinery.

It's simple english

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 10:27am On Oct 25, 2017

Ogbeni. Lets open the thread

Of course you can . If you want to suffer another humiliation I promise to handle it over to you right on the first page . grin
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 10:28am On Oct 25, 2017
Hey .... richirich713 , its been long man , where have you been bro
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 10:29am On Oct 25, 2017

You sabi remix

How does anyone become a doctor? Answer this.
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by JackBizzle: 10:29am On Oct 25, 2017

Of course you can . If you want to suffer another humiliation I promise to handle it over to you right on the first page . grin

This os going to be good. I will open the thread this evening
Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 10:31am On Oct 25, 2017

Yes religion has none. I said science remains the only thing that has truth that are objectively verified and universally accepted by anybody that looks into it. Religion has NONSENSE of that.

Science has been to buttress religious beliefs , history can also be used to buttress religious beliefs . What are you even saying grin Science can be used to discover some truths , not all truths .

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by hopefulLandlord: 10:32am On Oct 25, 2017

Teaching people what to think. Giviing no options to question what is taught to them. Example.... You are a graduate of some University or related. You have been programmed in a certain way, you must believe in some Evolution, you will be called a failure if you do not accept or vomit what you have been taught in examination halls. You have no option to think for yourself in schools. Schools moulds you to think like others, no independently. If you have your own opinions, you will scrutinised.

Question: what do you think of Charles Darwin ?

let me say this for the umpteenth time, Evolution has NOTHING to do with atheism, NOTHING!

everything I'm taught in university I can go on my own journey to find out if its true or not, in fact I'm encouraged to do that in my field; doesn't sound like what indoctrinators would allow, does it?

when it comes to religion however, are children told to go on their personal journey and question the tenets of their religion?

BTW, you still haven't told us how atheism is being indoctrinated

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 10:32am On Oct 25, 2017

This os going to be good. I will open the thread this evening

Please make sure I'm online when you open it so that the first page won't be taken . I enjoy keeping to my promises .

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by butterflyl1on: 10:34am On Oct 25, 2017

Please make sure I'm online when you open it so that the first page won't be taken . I enjoy keeping to my promises .

grin grin

He never gets tired of his butt being whipped. He must be a submissive cheesy

Always getting ass whupped excites him.

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Re: Atheism VS Christianity, Which One Is A Result Of Indoctrination? by KingEbukasBlog(m): 10:35am On Oct 25, 2017

This os going to be good. I will open the thread this evening

Let me give an example . Bestiality is due to secular morality and it is legalized in secular countries . grin And please defend sex perverts who sleep with animals and prove that they are not morally depraved . cheesy

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