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The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by newsynews: 6:18am On Oct 29, 2017
This week saw social media buzzing due to the disagreement between Nigerian Singer, Timi Dakolo and Cool FM OAP, Daddy Freeze over the issue of marriage and divorce.
While Timi disapproved of divorce and says people are the problem and not marriage, Daddy Freeze opposed such giving instances that support divorce.

The reason why I am writing on this issue is that many Christians have now seen divorce as something cool without knowing how dangerous it is to them. You can't support divorce to an extent and still remain a Christian. You can't even claim to be a Christian when you remarry after a divorce.
The reason why it is so is because Christians are to follow the commands and teachings of Jesus Christ. The moment you disobey them, you stop being a follower of his. So what did he say about marriage and divorce?

1. Does Jesus Christ support marriage?

Mark 10:7-8
7. For this reason shall a man leave his father and mother and be united with his wife
8. and the two will become one flesh.' So they are no longer two, but one flesh.

He even attended a wedding where he performed his first miracle which is turning water to wine. John2:1-12

2. What's his view on divorce?

Divorce is something God hates and doesn't wish for mankind in the union of marriage. But God understands that certain things can hurt a man/woman so much that he/she will want to do away with his/her wife/husband. It could be domestic violence, irresponsibility, dirtiness, adultery etc. Out of all those things, adultery is the only grounds on which a CHRISTIAN marriage can be dissolved.

Mathew 19:9
I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

Do you know that you can still forgive the adulterous partner and continue the marriage? Doing that shows that you are a true follower of Christ who says we should forgive those who offend us. What if the partner repeats the same thing over and over again? You have to keep forgiving until it reaches 77 times.

Mathew 18:21-22
Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?"
Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

You might see the task of forgiving that adulterous partner as something too huge to bear. You just have to do it as part of your Christian journey which is filled with trying times.

Before you conclude that you rather opt for the divorce option, you should know that the burden in that is way huge than remaining with the partner who has hurt you so much.

continued below...

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Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by newsynews: 6:21am On Oct 29, 2017
3. Did Jesus Christ support remarriage after divorce?
Reading Mathew 19:9 above, one can immediately conclude that he or she can remarry as long as the reason for the divorce is due to adultery on the partner's side.

But was Jesus supporting remarriage for a divorcee? No, cos he explained more in the gospel of Luke.

Luke 16:18
"Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.

Earlier, we saw that the only reason a Christian marriage can be dissolved is if a partner engaged in adultery. Now, we see that a divorced Christian man cannot remarry. If he does, then it means he has committed a sin called adultery.

What about a divorced woman? Any man who marries her commits adultery with her. What this implies is that to divorce as a Christian means you have to remain single for the rest of your life. To avoid this faith, you have the option of forgiving the partner.

Well, there are instances that may appear gravey and which are one of the reasons why Christians of today wrongly divorce and even go ahead to remarry. One of such is domestic violence.

Daddy Freeze, in his argument with Timi Dakolo, gave an instance of a man who woke to see his wife in the middle of trying to cut off his manhood. He wondered why anyone would advice such a man to remain in the life-threatening relationship. We also see cases of men beating their wives to stupor like she's a criminal. Do such instances require a Christian marriage to be divorced? No.

Mathew 19:9
I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

What can be done in such instance where you feel your life is threatened is to file for separation, not divorce. Separate from the partner for a while which might include you leaving the house. After a while, the partner will come to his or her right senses. If it's a man, he will definitely miss your loving care, how you wash his clothes, cook his meal, clean the house and the warmth of your body. If it's a woman, she will miss you cos women always want a manly authority over them. She will realize that you are the only person who can tolerate her shortcomings.


Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by newsynews: 6:25am On Oct 29, 2017
If separation appears too hard, then go for counselling. The issues in the marriage will be ironed out.

If after all of that the partner doesn't change, then divorce is still not the answer. Go to God in prayer and let Him know what you are facing. Let Him know that you are still in the marriage because you want to remain obedient to Him. He will surely give you rest. Remember "come to me ye that labour and heavy laden and I will give you rest".

You see, when you remarry, you make God distant from you. He's someone that hates divorce.

Malachi 2:16
NET Bible
"I hate divorce," says the LORD God of Israel, "and the one who is guilty of violence," says the LORD who rules over all. "Pay attention to your conscience, and do not be unfaithful."

If He was part of your first marriage and is also Someone that hates divorce, do you think he will part of the new union? No. That's why Jesus stated it that such union is adultery which is one of the things God hates.

Take a look at the wedding Jesus Christ attended in the Bible. What if it ended in divorce and one party decides to remarry. Do you think Jesus Christ would honor an invitation to such?

You see, most people might see this to be tasking, some might even think Jesus is laying a heavy burden on Christians. No, the opposite is the case.

Mathew 11:29-30
Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Above, we see Christ telling us to learn from him. Learning from him makes us Christians. He loved us so much that he gave his life for us. That's why his apostle told men to love their wives in the same manner.

Ephesians 5:24-25
… 24 Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything. 25 Husbands, love your wives,
just as Christ loved the church and gave Himself up for her

If you say you don't want to bear the burden he is placing on you which is light, then you need to go for counselling so as to see what you will face when you ignore him, which are the horrors that accompany divorce.

Examples are the trauma the children will go through, distance from friends and family who wouldn't want to pick a side etc. You expose yourself to dangers of eternal damnation.

Divorcing for reasons other than sexual immorality is equal to committing sin. Remarrying is also committing sin. Staying in such marriage is equivalent to living in sin. All of these make you liable for eternal damnation.

Now, which burden is light? The One that has you forgiving an offending partner, remaining single after divorcing a cheating partner and gaining eternal life or the one that sees you divorcing your partner for reasons other that adultery, the One that sees you remarrying and ending up in damnation eternally?

When you divorce due to reasons other than adultery, you tell God that you cannot stand the tests that a Christian should be built for. Just a problem of domestic violence and you are ready to disobey your Lord Jesus Christ. What Will you now do when you come across the violence of the Great Tribulation? What Will you do when a cutlass is placed on your neck asking you to deny Jesus or your head falls off? Yes, you will deny him since you disobeyed him concerning divorce. Disobeying his commands concerning divorce shows how much you hold him dear. Domestic violence made you disobey him. This means that the violence of the Great Tribulation will make you deny him cos you can't endure anything for him.

Source: http://www.purplefeel.com/2017/10/dangers-of-divorcing-christian.html?m=1#more

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Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by Nobody: 6:28am On Oct 29, 2017
And if the partner kills you its straight to hell because you saw danger yet you lived with it. Its suicide in disguise


Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by newsynews: 6:51am On Oct 29, 2017
And if the partner kills you its straight to hell because you saw danger yet you lived with it. Its suicide in disguise
A thing will always kill you.

If the partner kills you, as long as you were obedient to the commands of your Lord and Saviour, you will be saved from eternal damnation.

But the moment you flee, you definitely show your Saviour that you don't need him and that you can save yourself by yourself. That's the moment you stop being a Christian just because of a trying time.

See what he said about those who love to save their own life by disobeying him.

Mathew 16:25

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.


Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by Redoil: 6:56am On Oct 29, 2017
Go and tell that to ur 2 jerry curl pastors

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Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by alBHAGDADI: 7:15am On Oct 29, 2017
Go and tell that to ur 2 jerry curl pastors
Those 2 Jerry curl pastors just proved to you guys how much of a fake they are.

lalasticlala OAM4J Seun pls FP


Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by newsynews: 8:53am On Oct 29, 2017
lalasticlala FP
Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by OtemSapien: 9:16am On Oct 29, 2017
Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by ATIKUisCOOL(m): 9:17am On Oct 29, 2017
Not only in Christiandom,every religion abhors divorce.
It leads to broken home and family ties especially when there are kids.

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Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by tstx(m): 9:17am On Oct 29, 2017
Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by Jaynom(m): 9:19am On Oct 29, 2017
A thing will always kill you.

If the partner kills you, as long as you were obedient to the commands of your Lord and Saviour, you will be saved from eternal damnation.

But the moment you flee, you definitely show your Saviour that you don't need him and that you can save yourself by yourself. That's the moment you stop being a Christian just because of a trying time.

See what he said about those who love to save their own life by disobeying him.

Mathew 16:25

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
Lol talk is cheap o! You will NEVER understand Domestic violence if you've NEVER been a victim.
REMEMBER "for better or worse, in Sickness and in health" is not a biblical Vow but a creation of MAN


Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by OtemSapien: 9:20am On Oct 29, 2017
Those 2 Jerry curl pastors just proved to you guys how much of a fake they are.

lalasticlala OAM4J Seun pls FP
if they are your pastors, you would have supported their deeds. BTW, what's the name of your church? By their church we shall know them.

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Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by Nobody: 9:21am On Oct 29, 2017
Using an ancient book to judge modern life kikikikikiki. As long as we keep embracing gender equality, women empowerment nd the likes divorce go plenty. Women know now thier rights .


Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by Nobody: 9:26am On Oct 29, 2017
Great epistle here
Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by Deflorence(f): 9:32am On Oct 29, 2017
This is REAL Sermon.
We don't study the bible again thats why divorce is rampant nowadays, we are just church goers. I pray GOD gives us strenght and wisdom to read and understand his words, AMEN.

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Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by tunnamaniah(m): 9:33am On Oct 29, 2017
if they are your pastors, you would have supported their deeds. BTW, what's the name of your church? By their church we shall know them.
I am suspecting Deeper life Bible Church, na us.
Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by Nobody: 9:37am On Oct 29, 2017
Una wen done oo
Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by IForgotMyLoginD(f): 9:37am On Oct 29, 2017
I am NOT an advocate for divorce. But pls, do not speak for people you do not know.
Yes, separate from a violent partner.... But how will you say they'll "definitely come to their senses and miss" the abused spouse?
A violent person that you the OP does not know?
How can you write with certainty that such person will repent?
Please before posting anything, construct your tenses appropriately.

Domestic violence is a matter of life and death. Not a trivial thing to be taken lightly. Pls.



Well, there are instances that may appear gravey and which are one of the reasons why Christians of today wrongly divorce and even go ahead to remarry. One of such is domestic violence.

Daddy Freeze, in his argument with Timi Dakolo, gave an instance of a man who woke to see his wife in the middle of trying to cut off his manhood. He wondered why anyone would advice such a man to remain in the life-threatening relationship. We also see cases of men beating their wives to stupor like she's a criminal. Do such instances require a Christian marriage to be divorced? No.

Mathew 19:9
I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

What can be done in such instance where you feel your life is threatened is to file for separation, not divorce. Separate from the partner for a while which might include you leaving the house. After a while, the partner will come to his or her right senses. If it's a man, he will definitely miss your loving care, how you wash his clothes, cook his meal, clean the house and the warmth of your body. If it's a woman, she will miss you cos women always want a manly authority over them. She will realize that you are the only person who can tolerate her shortcomings.


Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by SuperSuave(m): 9:39am On Oct 29, 2017
Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by hotspec(m): 9:40am On Oct 29, 2017
So OP is waiting for his wife to be SCREWED 70 *7 times before he can stop forgiving her. U said its bad to divorce, but u can file for SEPARATION! so, what's d essence, if ure married, but separated-not divorced? Next.....

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Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by keepingmum: 9:47am On Oct 29, 2017
My God deliver us from such deadly and foolish advises like the op's
But a man can divorce his wife for
Inability to bare children
Not cooking and cleaning
Not been submissive
Been social and keeping late nights
Not accepting his excesses and his choice of a 2nd or 3rd wife
Talking back at him and/or retaliating when he hits her
Not attending the same church as him
Not agreeing to more children
Not tolerating his bullsht and that of his folks.....

And whilst at it remember murder, theft, bullying, defiling the mareige bed, sleeping with another individual, lusting after another, cheating ur biz partners, boss, bribery etc are all sins.....na the same hell fire una go follow enter


Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by ivolt: 9:48am On Oct 29, 2017

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Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by Only1mi(f): 9:49am On Oct 29, 2017
I am NOT an advocate for divorce. But pls, do not speak for people you do not know.
Yes, separate from a violent partner.... But how will you say they'll "definitely come to their senses and miss" the abused spouse?
A violent person that you the OP does not know?
How can you write with certainty that such person will repent?
Please before posting anything, construct your tenses appropriately.

Domestic violence is a matter of life and death. Not a trivial thing to be taken lightly. Pls.

People don't understand the effects of domestic violence, especially when it isn't physical.


Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by EazyMoh(m): 9:54am On Oct 29, 2017
Divorce is an emergency exit in Marriage, every structure should have one to be considered safe.


Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by SuperSuave(m): 10:06am On Oct 29, 2017

Mathew 19:9
I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”
Stop preaching fallacy please. which bible version did you get that from?

The king James version clearly says "And I say unto you, whosoever shall put away his wife, Except it be for fornication, and shall marry another commits adultery, and who so marry her which is put away does commit adultery."

The part "except it be for fornication" should mean something to you. Married people don't fornicate instead they commit adultery. Then why did Jesus use the word fornication instead of adultery? Jesus is just trying to say you can divorce someone who became your wife through fornication, that is single male and female who fornicated can decide not to marry one another either a child is involved or not if they are yet to have a marriage with their consent in the presence of people and not someone who went into a marriage with his/her consent


Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by Daboomb: 10:08am On Oct 29, 2017

2. What's his view on divorce?

Divorce is something God hates and doesn't wish for mankind in the union of marriage. But God understands that certain things can hurt a man/woman so much that he/she will want to do away with his/her wife/husband. It could be domestic violence, irresponsibility, dirtiness, adultery etc. Out of all those things, adultery is the only grounds on which a CHRISTIAN marriage can be dissolved.

Mathew 19:9
I tell you that anyone who divorces his wife, except for sexual immorality, and marries another woman commits adultery.”

In summary, God supports divorce, if one of the spouse has committed adultery.
No long story!

Do you know that you can still forgive the adulterous partner and continue the marriage? Doing that shows that you are a true follower of Christ who says we should forgive those who offend us. What if the partner repeats the same thing over and over again? You have to keep forgiving until it reaches 77 times.

Mathew 18:21-22
Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?"
Jesus answered, "I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.

You might see the task of forgiving that adulterous partner as something too huge to bear. You just have to do it as part of your Christian journey which is filled with trying times.

Before you conclude that you rather opt for the divorce option, you should know that the burden in that is way huge than remaining with the partner who has hurt you so much.

continued below...

These is your own personal opinion, twisted and then mixed with a Bible verse to make it look as if it is Biblical.

STOP the Bullshyte please.

The "forgive 7 times you quoted has NOTHING to do with Divorce.
it is just a general priciple used to illustrate that we should be willing to forgive.

Adultery is a Sin against the body, which is the temple of God.

better to let the offending party go and continue from where they stopped so as not to "dirty" your own body as well.
Two men sleeping with one woman (or vice versa) at the same time is meant for the Devil.
Dont corrupt the body of an innocent psouse.

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Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by onenext2me: 10:10am On Oct 29, 2017
I am NOT an advocate for divorce. But pls, do not speak for people you do not know.
Yes, separate from a violent partner.... But how will you say they'll "definitely come to their senses and miss" the abused spouse?
A violent person that you the OP does not know?
How can you write with certainty that such person will repent?
Please before posting anything, construct your tenses appropriately.

Domestic violence is a matter of life and death. Not a trivial thing to be taken lightly. Pls.

After she gets back to her senses , how do you want me yo trust someone that wants to cuff off my dick again , who know what else she has in mind ? Biko
Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by Daboomb: 10:12am On Oct 29, 2017
Stop preaching fallacy please. which bible version did you get that from?

The king James version clearly says "And I say unto you, whosoever shall put away his wife, Except it be for fornication, and shall marry another commits adultery, and who so marry her which is put away does commit adultery."

The part "except it be for fornication" should mean something to you. Married people don't fornicate instead they commit adultery. Then why did Jesus use the word fornication instead of adultery? Jesus is just trying to say you can divorce someone who became your wife through fornication, that is single male and female who fornicated can decide not to marry one another either a child is involved or not if they are yet to have a marriage with their consent in the presence of people and not someone who went into a marriage with his/her consent

Your explanation is not "communicating", to put it mildly.
That your explanation of fornication and divorce viz-a-viz divorce doesnot make any meaning at all.
Read the last part again

Jesus was certainly talking about marriage (which is the only place a Divorce can happen) between two adult people, not some children as you infer.

This is how the New International version (NIV) puts it:
Mathew 19:9 - ..I tell you tha anyone who divorces his wife, except for MARITAL UNFAITHFULNESS and marries another woman, commits ADULTERY.

So, you can see that your explanation is way off-mark.

Adultery is defined as having romantic/sexual relationship by a married person, with someone that is not their spouse. SIMPLE.

Even looking at the opposite gender lustfully, when you are already married, is considered Adulterous by the Bible (NIV, Matthew 5:27-28: “You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery.’ But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart".)
Re: The Dangers Of Divorce As A Christian by emerged01(m): 10:12am On Oct 29, 2017
I can't say much. I won't advice anyone to die in marriage to prove you are a follower of Christ,I will rather advice the victim to divorce and abstain from sex(adultery) to prove he/she is a follower of Christ instead.

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