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What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? - Religion (5) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? (17827 Views)

Bring TB. Joshua's Body Home For Burial - Ondo Youths Tell Family / Coffin ''Refuses'' To Enter Zambian Church Building For Burial (Photos) / DEBATE: Pls Present All The Biblical Contradictions And Lies Here. (2) (3) (4)

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Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by Nobody: 12:57pm On Nov 05, 2017

Stop dogging the question. Answer him.

Are u blind? grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin cheesy grin.

We were burying our dead before the white man brought their religion to Africa. cool
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by slurity1: 12:58pm On Nov 05, 2017
so, you notice the unique way Muslims handle it and you never see how Christian does it? You are too far from your Bible than how close you are to Qur'an
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by shittufarukumar(m): 12:58pm On Nov 05, 2017
e don pain am, what do want to do, throw bomb at me? because dats what u guys do, bunch of exttemists
rage aka don

I think I just heard and saw a demon talking

Get him!!!

Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by iamgenius(m): 1:03pm On Nov 05, 2017

I am a Christian. Tell me why is better to become a Muslim?
Sir, what do you have to say about the topic?

I'm busy now, please check this ::https://www.nairaland.com/3993268/how-identify-true-religion-god
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by iamgenius(m): 1:05pm On Nov 05, 2017
dont mind him, muslim think they have an opinion, moon worshipping, terrorist cult group

Are you putting the OP in suspense by not answering his question?
Bro, you wicked.
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by iamgenius(m): 1:06pm On Nov 05, 2017

Jesus always existed.

Genesis 1:1
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

Proverbs 8:23
"From everlasting I was established, From the beginning, from the earliest times of the earth.

Luke 24:53
praising God continually in the temple.

John 1:1
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:2
He was with God in the beginning.

John 1:14
The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us. We have seen His glory, the glory of the one and only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.

John 8:58
"Truly, truly, I tell you," Jesus declared, "before Abraham was born, I am!"

John 17:5
And now, Father, glorify Me in Your presence with the glory I had with You before the world existed.

Romans 9:5
Theirs are the patriarchs, and from them proceeds the human descent of Christ, who is God over all, forever worthy of praise! Amen.

Philippians 2:6
Who, existing in the form of God, did not consider equality with God something to cling to,

Colossians 1:15
The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.

I guess you are Paul's Bot.
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by iamgenius(m): 1:07pm On Nov 05, 2017
I tire o, this is a very big shame to the religion o....How I wish the op never created this thread...chai
Their pastors Don runaway.
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by iamgenius(m): 1:08pm On Nov 05, 2017
God calls for simplicity and moderacy in everything.The use of big above N70-N100,000 coffin is unwarranted and it is a waste of fund for those still living.

By this I am not driving off their creators from the market o! But why buy a costly well decorated coffin for a person and after 10days below ground it would have been spoiled by warms and termites?

Why even put your relations body in a mortuary to be washed daily and their naked objects grubbed with hands that knew no mercy? Is it because of Money? What does a dead loving one need money for?

"Bury me, some hours after death in a Baobab tied together, I do not need wood carved with metals! Do not wash me, nor touch or pull off my cloth!"

Put the body in honour to the ground, for "from the ground it came and to the ground it need return!"- The Words of Genesis
Bro, don't tell me you don answer the OP.
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by bahaushe1: 1:13pm On Nov 05, 2017

Are u blind? grin grin grin grin grin grin grin grin cheesy grin.

We were burying our dead before the white man brought their religion to Africa. cool

Answer the question. He want Biblical way of doing it.
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by 2nattie(m): 1:15pm On Nov 05, 2017
Most Christians through the centuries have wanted to be buried after death with a ceremony that proclaims the message of resurrection; that ceremony, containing various rites and traditions, has come to be known as “Christian burial.”
Christian burial is not an explicitly biblical term. The Bible doesn't give instructions on how a body should be handled after death. In the cultures of Bible times, burial in a tomb, cave, or in the ground was the common way to dispose of a human body (Genesis 23:19; 35:4; 2 Chronicles 16:14; Matthew 27:60–66). The most common mode of burial in the Bible was to place the dead in above-ground tombs, for those who could afford it. For those who could not afford it, bodies were buried in the ground. In the New Testament, above-ground tombs were still reserved as burial places for the wealthy. This is why Jesus, who had no earthly wealth at all, was buried in a borrowed tomb (Matthew 27:57–60).

Today, obeying the laws of the land regarding corpses is a significant consideration. Laws vary from country to country.Christians are to obey the government authorities, laws regarding the disposing of a body must be followed. The fact that Jews and early Christians practiced burial exclusively is enough to persuade some people to choose burial today. In the end, it is best to leave that decision to the family of the deceased.

The method used to dispose of a body is not nearly as important as the truth behind the concept of Christian burial: that the body is no longer housing the person who has died. Paul describes our bodies as “tents,” that is, temporary abodes. “Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands” (2 Corinthians 5:1). When Jesus returns, Christians will be raised to life, and our bodies will be transformed to glorified, eternal bodies. “So will it be with the resurrection of the dead. The body that is sown is perishable, it is raised imperishable; it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory; it is sown in weakness, it is raised in power” (1 Corinthians 15:42–43).

God bless you. What the big deal about burial. Put the damn thing in the grave and seal it. How you lived your life should be more important. Thank you

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Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by iamgenius(m): 1:15pm On Nov 05, 2017
Some people basically want a rule book covering every single step in life. What then is the fun in living if billions of people are to repeat the same thing over and over and over??

Of what use is culture if some religion is meant to direct every aspect of people's lives? It's like religion ultimately turns to culture and national identity.

This is very common in Islamization history. [Archaic tongue] Rules for everything. A way of life that erodes the indigenous culture of those who practice it, and over time they all see themselves as [or secretly see themselves and wish to be] "Arabs". Same, but to a far lesser extent, in Christian regions.

Most importantly, unlike culture and non-theocratic state laws which slowly changes over time, religious laws are almost immutable. This is the ultimate reason that I dislike most religions. I think it makes people have a very rigid world view, intolerant, and poor adaptability necessary for the survival of the human race.
Archaic indeed. Over 1400 years ago, the Muslims were told not to eat some animals, which monkey and its family is one. Fast-forward to today, you were told not to eat them cuz of Monkey Pox.

You see that Islam is an archaic Religion because The first Man and his wife were Muslims.


Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by canalily(m): 1:16pm On Nov 05, 2017

Ayam just understanding you are a nice invisible lily, who pelt me with bread and understanding my words told me of `no need for pollution' and smiling I gave in to smile!

The dead, flesh dead are spiritually alife and living. Like a snake pulling of its skin, we human put off our flesh to stand within the furfiture of Judgement. Hence flesh that was taking from the Earth would return to the Earthcone way or the other.

`Lily, am a bee, why not touch my beak lets fly to meet a feild of rose?'
suit ur understanding
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by Gggg102(m): 1:22pm On Nov 05, 2017
bury urself in a decomposable pod and plant a tree on top so ur dead body will act as manure for the tree.
ur initials can be carved on the tree and u can add a plaque

that way all cemeteries will become mini forests. cheesy
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by Kanoman82(m): 1:37pm On Nov 05, 2017

Who told you that Allah or jehova is the creator of human?
Are u there when they are creating?, it's not today that propaganda has been flying around, this kind of alaha/jehova(or any other gods) story is just like normal tortoise story, humans want their gods, their beliefs to take credits for what they know nothing about, adam/eve gave birth to humanity,all this thing are all lies, if this God wants us to worship him, there is nothing stop him from creating only one religion, now we have more than 5k religion with different beliefs, the same white couples (adam/eve) produced both blacks and Asian people (Chinese, Japanese etc) who form their own group according to their appearances and looks ... See, you can buried your corpse the way u know or the way u understand, if u like, cremate it, if u like bury it immediately, if u like bury it after 50years, if u like, u can mummified it ,if u like throw it for animals to feed on it, if u like throw it into the ocean/river , if u like eat it, there is no offence In all this the fact u don't allow the corpse to create diseases to others ..humans and their gods they believe in creates all this law, alot of people has died in a different way....
i pity you
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by ashawopikin(m): 1:41pm On Nov 05, 2017
rage aka don

I think I just heard and saw a demon talking

Get him!!!
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by Nobody: 1:45pm On Nov 05, 2017
The Bible specified in so many places, the necessity of burial. However, as a religion of freedom and liberty, there is no need to state steps to be taken and followed during burial. Even though God in some instances, described the nature and manner some persons Will be buried. For instance, in the book of 1kings 14:18, the son of Jeroboam was buried and mourned according to God's word (directives). God also directed in Jeremiah 22:18-19 that Johoiakim should be buried following the same steps that are taking to burial a donkey, and that the burial should take place at the gates of Jerusalem.
God's children are always free to do burial in a goldly way and in tombs the way other men of God we're buried in the Bible, as we can see in the book of Genesis 3:19, Judges 8:32, 2Kings 21:26. Note please that, the religion here is not a cult-like type where steps could be numbered for every activity. The freedom Christ has brought for his people has taken us beyond things of the world like serial steps for a burial!, rather we are expected to have more focuse on issues of the spirit.


Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by ashawopikin(m): 1:46pm On Nov 05, 2017

Are you putting the OP in suspense by not answering his question?
Bro, you wicked.
there is nothing to answer, d bible clearly states how d people of isreal bury thier dead. Once a person dies, d body is commited to mother earth, after a person dies, it is d soul dat matters


Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by Nobody: 1:50pm On Nov 05, 2017

Sir, what do you have to say about the topic?

I'm busy now, please check this ::https://www.nairaland.com/3993268/how-identify-true-religion-god

If I could live up to(unfortunately I am not) the teachings of Christianity, then I would have surpass the teachings of Islam. For while Christianity is an enhanced version of Judaism, Islam, unfortunately, is the knock off version Christianity. In other-words, Islam is a compromised version of Christianity.

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Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by femi4: 2:04pm On Nov 05, 2017

I am deeply concern as regards the dictate of Christianity as a religion, the guides and procedures for burying our dead relatives. I found it necessary to bring it up here as the Muslims has a unique way of handling it. Does bible stipulates any guidance?
Brothers, I may say to you with confidence about the patriarch David that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day.

Daniel 12:2

And many of those [b]who sleep in the dust of the earth [/b]shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by mohammad11: 2:06pm On Nov 05, 2017

Who told you that Allah or jehova is the creator of human?
Are u there when they are creating?, it's not today that propaganda has been flying around, this kind of alaha/jehova(or any other gods) story is just like normal tortoise story, humans want their gods, their beliefs to take credits for what they know nothing about, adam/eve gave birth to humanity,all this thing are all lies, if this God wants us to worship him, there is nothing stop him from creating only one religion, now we have more than 5k religion with different beliefs, the same white couples (adam/eve) produced both blacks and Asian people (Chinese, Japanese etc) who form their own group according to their appearances and looks ... See, you can buried your corpse the way u know or the way u understand, if u like, cremate it, if u like bury it immediately, if u like bury it after 50years, if u like, u can mummified it ,if u like throw it for animals to feed on it, if u like throw it into the ocean/river , if u like eat it, there is no offence In all this the fact u don't allow the corpse to create diseases to others ..humans and their gods they believe in creates all this law, alot of people has died in a different way....

Should I say ure confused or disturbed because the op ask a straightforward question and here you're pointing towards ya imaginary ways.
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by smoy: 2:07pm On Nov 05, 2017
I am deeply concern as regards the dictate of Christianity as a religion, the guides and procedures for burying our dead relatives. I found it necessary to bring it up here as the Muslims has a unique way of handling it. Does bible stipulates any guidance?
you will never find anything like that in the Christianity because many thing Jesus has to said then but they could not understood them until the last prophet come i.e Muhammad (saw)the He will guard all humanity to all truth.read Jonh16:12
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by femi4: 2:07pm On Nov 05, 2017
What does it means let the death burial their death
The people of the world are those whom the Savior describes here as the (spiritually) dead who should bury the (physically) dead
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by tunde233(m): 2:16pm On Nov 05, 2017
I am highly disappointed with Moderators how they allow non-Christians to infest here while we cannot comment on their thread. It is just not fair
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by Asidiq23(m): 2:21pm On Nov 05, 2017
I am deeply concern as regards the dictate of Christianity as a religion, the guides and procedures for burying our dead relatives. I found it necessary to bring it up here as the Muslims has a unique way of handling it. Does bible stipulates any guidance?
You have asked a very good and reasonable question, I see you want to know the truth and you really are different from majority of hypocrites non Muslims on here.. They are all gullible. Brother. I pray God gives you hidaayah (Guidance) but the truth is there are no such things in the Bible because it didn't actually touch all aspect of a human life, but in Islam,all these are explained to us.. Islam touches every aspect of a human life from the highest matter to the least.
Those shouting does the Bible explain how you to you calling you stupid and all that.. Yes.. In Islam, we are being taught even the manners of eating
There are some Christians that don't even know there is a spiritual bath that needs to be taken after having sexual intercourse with one,s spouse, it's in the Bible and full explanation of this are in the Muslim Quran too.. And maybe we should ask majority of the gullible Christians here that which was the first burial ever on earth and how was it done and check weither or not it conforms with the way we Muslim bury our dead ones...
May God guide you to the truth my bro.. If you do really need aqurate answers to your questions, let me know.. I would get you.. I don't want to start talking here because of the gullible lot we have

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Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by Dnockeror333(m): 2:32pm On Nov 05, 2017
so, you notice the unique way Muslims handle it and you never see how Christian does it? You are too far from your Bible than how close you are to Qur'an

COSTLY WEDDINGS, COSTLY CEREMONIES, COSTLY BURIALS- while some of the livings aroun us do not have enough to eat!

Your ways are too over-casted! Too costly and so full of flesh-abuse in the Mortuary werest the dead are rubbed with emotional fun filled hands and sometimes sexed for ritual by the secret ungodly workers!...

You see this?

Why not just dig holes,lay some rafia palm, bamboo palm, mat covered clothed body, and bury the soulless body?

"Who got that stupid hands that remove my granie's cloth, wash his/her body with grubery hands to touch and see their organs and to later store it, perfume it, wash it again and again and after a whole many months then brough it out for GRANDIOSE BURIAL? (Foolish children!)- Words from the Dead.
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by Dnockeror333(m): 2:37pm On Nov 05, 2017
suit ur understanding

Bless you sister Canalily.

Man who cannot play in words is not a friend to He who can. Too much play spoiled fun, but they who are playing do not know when to stop ntil they are nearly warn out.

May God bless us today.
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by shittufarukumar(m): 2:44pm On Nov 05, 2017
BTW is your mom a LovePeddler?
Was she the one who named you grin ?
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by Dnockeror333(m): 2:46pm On Nov 05, 2017
Why is there no health in the livings ariund us? Look at the dirty and begging children and see, some of the livings around us do not have enough to eat!

Your ways are too over-casted! Too costly and so full of flesh-abuse in the Mortuary werest the dead are rubbed with emotional fun filled hands and sometimes sexed for ritual by the secret ungodly workers!...

You see this?

Why not just dig holes,lay some rafia palm, bamboo palm, mat covered clothed body, and bury the soulless body?

"Who got that stupid hands that remove my granie's cloth, wash his/her body with grubery hands to touch and see their organs and to later store it, perfume it, wash it again and again and after a whole many months then brough it out for GRANDIOSE BURIAL? (Foolish children!)- Words from the Dead.

1 Like

Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by XXLDICK(m): 2:54pm On Nov 05, 2017
If if he should not preach then please tell us how to bury a christian after he/she died. You can also tell us biblical part of how to do naming,wedding and other part of life. Islam is the only true religion that touches every aspect of life which make it a unique rand complete religion from almighty Allah.
Is it wrong to use condoms or not
Are MouthAction and cunnilingus a sin or not
Is doggy style a sin or not

Give me Islam views on those with Quran verses to drive your point.


Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by shittufarukumar(m): 2:58pm On Nov 05, 2017
oga ur cap no dey stay for head till you hand shock am and this wan wey you fold like dog wey dey catch cold hope all is well@ your DP

Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by shittufarukumar(m): 3:06pm On Nov 05, 2017

Is it wrong to use condoms or not
Are MouthAction and cunnilingus a sin or not
Is doggy style a sin or not

Give me Islam views on those with Quran verses to drive your point.
stop dogging the stylishly first come first serve so counter his den he counters yours
Re: What Is The Biblical Procedures For Burial? by XXLDICK(m): 3:07pm On Nov 05, 2017
stop dogging the stylishly first come first serve so counter his den he counters yours
I would have done so if I was a Christian.

Why should I defend what I do not believe in

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