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Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 - Travel (518) - Nairaland

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Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by Nobody: 8:11pm On Nov 25, 2017
Just volunteer to be handling newbies.. Case closed. If u don't read, how do u get off and out of the newbie stage? The pages are voluminous, so na me go come read am for them? If na for cash.. No quarrels at all.
All I'm saying is that everyone was once a JJC. Some people aren't even aware there's a page 0. Everyone has a reason for being on this Canadian journey. We should learn to uplift and not lash out when someone seems lost. Everyone should learn to be kind.
All the Voltrons and go go Power Rangers it's okay. Biko


Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by Ronke1114: 8:19pm On Nov 25, 2017
I have to say, as a newbie I am very careful when it comes to asking questions here. I rather ask on other forums(not that I haven’t asked one or two questions here) some of the oldies can be condescending and rude to newbies and it is discouraging people from asking questions. If you can’t answer, move on or simply point the person to the correct pages. Like cochtrane said, ask your questions and don’t be shy. A lot of people have derailed this thread with irrelevant things. Don’t discourage newbies pls.


Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by Owlette: 8:21pm On Nov 25, 2017
Directing them to page 0 is probably enough for them. Just don't be rude about it. I don't need to volunteer to do anything.
Just volunteer to be handling newbies.. Case closed. If u don't read, how do u get off and out of the newbie stage? The pages are voluminous, so na me go come read am for them? If na for cash.. No quarrels at all.

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Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by cochtrane(m): 8:41pm On Nov 25, 2017
I have to say, as a newbie I am very careful when it comes to asking questions here
The point we don't wanna get to is where fear precedes the asking of questions. Not good at all. Answering questions here is a volunteer job and volunteer jobs, being not compulsory, should be discharged politely. I don't see how hard it is to simply ignore irritating questions and not crucify those who ask. No point fueling the fire of so-called "blunties".


Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by Medal007: 8:54pm On Nov 25, 2017
Pls to all the warring party let us all just cast a white flag and sail away enuf is enuf biko
Don't make the thread a voluminous one while trying to just pass a message
Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by tundechange: 8:56pm On Nov 25, 2017
@gurus & newbies, iyaf do. Make all of una no vex.

Let's continue to engage one another with love and mutual respect. We go all jam for Canny by God's grace.

U guys are doing a great job here fa!

I rep team silent reader.



Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by Nobody: 8:57pm On Nov 25, 2017
There's no need to sound so condescending madam. This (nairaland) might be her source of 'serious research'. You need to stop being a 'nairaland bully'.
Everyone was once a learner so cut newbies some slack. Just saying.

Hahahahahahaha, I no fit shout. Thumbs up.
Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by Nobody: 9:02pm On Nov 25, 2017
That too has been interpretated as rudeness.. Just volunteer already.
Directing them to page 0 is probably enough for them. Just don't be rude about it. I don't need to volunteer to do anything.


Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by Nobody: 9:08pm On Nov 25, 2017

The point we don't wanna get to is where fear precedes the asking of questions. Not good at all. Answering questions here is a volunteer job and volunteer jobs, being not compulsory, should be discharged politely. I don't see how hard it is to simply ignore irritating questions and not crucify those who ask. No point fueling the fire of so-called "blunties".
Ignore and they will spam the thread and later claim it is voluminous... May be they should be tagging u now on. Let me ask u one question, if they don't ask questions, who loses? Even ur link compilation means nothing to them.


Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by Nobody: 9:11pm On Nov 25, 2017
Do mature and start answering questions.
I have to say, as a newbie I am very careful when it comes to asking questions here. I rather ask on other forums(not that I haven’t asked one or two questions here) some of the oldies can be condescending and rude to newbies and it is discouraging people from asking questions. If you can’t answer, move on or simply point the person to the correct pages. Like cochtrane said, ask your questions and don’t be shy. A lot of people have derailed this thread with irrelevant things. Don’t discourage newbies pls.
Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by tehinse1(m): 9:12pm On Nov 25, 2017
Good evening guys, Pls i need an IELTS assistant links . Couple with any materials that is useful.
My mail address is :
Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by cochtrane(m): 9:19pm On Nov 25, 2017
Good evening guys, Pls i need an IELTS assistant links . Couple with any materials that is useful.
My mail address is :
Use these links:


Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by TEECANN: 9:35pm On Nov 25, 2017
People should READ, READ & READ SOME MORE but more importantly should feel free to ASK THEIR QUESTIONS WITHOUT FEAR OF BEING RIDICULED

@cochtrane, my good friend...I love your submissions on the need to keep the object of the thread from being defeated. That being said, I guess it will be a good idea to re-post that your LINKS CHECKLIST and HOW TO USE THE SEARCH FEATURE

I have read and I still read...many things popping up on my head as questions just require 30 mins of combing Canadian threads on Nairaland, CanadaVisa, the source CIC website and other fora and I'll be coming out a guru in that subject area....

As much I support people to present their queries here, politely, without fear of being ridiculed, newbies should pls present their requests in polite and undemanding manner (nobody is being paid to answer your requests here- some people can be very rude and demanding in their request as if they re paying for the service grin)

We can also all agree that we can't discontenance the fact the the preliminary queries can easily be researched out. We are all graduates for crying out load.

Finally, there is no shortcut to this hustle- KINDLY READ AND READ....ALSO ASK YOUR QUESTION after you 've read and can't find answers to your specific query.

It will all end in praise IJN!


Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by Nobody: 9:37pm On Nov 25, 2017
Good day,

Please I made a mistake on my wes application and I have paid on that account.

I used a wrong date of graduation. Instead of 2016 I put 2015 while filling my details on the wes form.
Please will this affect the evaluation ?
How can I correct this ? Every other thing is fine except this mistake.
Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by Naturalized(m): 9:54pm On Nov 25, 2017

My brother, I thought I had the strength+patience but clearly, I get worn answering the same questions over and over again. Those that go for the jugular are the ones who add "urgently" to their already answered questions, when it's obvious they've not even made any attempt at reading. Person go just weak.

Sometimes when answering, you even try to be as detailed enough but still get questioned on how you got 5 from 3+4-2, if you did 3+4 then took 2 or you did 3-2 then plus 4. In short, it's energy sapping.

Like Santino mentioned, details of ones' application goes a long helping others, one of my greatest takeaway in recent time though is the revelation of possibility of NOC combination. By the way, Santino1, great work with your ITA-AOR. Congrats to you.

Exactly, this particular one is strange as nobidy seem to be picking up on it, yet i have seen quite a number of people use it, online and offline, who are proud PR holders now.
Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by Nobody: 9:57pm On Nov 25, 2017
WES would determine that from ur transcript and certificate. Do nothing.
Good day,

Please I made a mistake on my wes application and I have paid on that account.

I used a wrong date of graduation. Instead of 2016 I put 2015 while filling my details on the wes form.
Please will this affect the evaluation ?
How can I correct this ? Every other thing is fine except this mistake.

1 Like

Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by yimiton(f): 9:58pm On Nov 25, 2017
Thanks. Does anyone know whether the other assessment bodies like ICAS or IQAS assess B.Eng as a professional degree?

Bsc. I just finished mine.

Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by Canadianfly: 10:07pm On Nov 25, 2017

I come online and I see 13 mentions, and I'm like ogini? grin

Only to come and see that while I was at a children's party with the fam, folks on here were popping nerves coz of me? Wow! I'm so honored walahi! Everyday someone just wants to roll with me in whatever a way, I was like who the sliced bread is Owlette? Do I know it? But s'all good..the other day someone registered on NL just coz of me, LMAO. So this could just be another case. I swear I didn't know I was this gooood, lil ol me sha grin

No be to write come back, you for highlight what sentences in that post that was rude? When I specifically wrote I wasn't dissing. I may just take it as lack of attention and you needed one. Good, I noticed. grin
Some of y'all need to get over yourselves! The truth is I don't sugar coat anything when I talk to Nigerians who live in Nigeria and accept the harsh conditions of living in Nigeria and their leaders. If my post causes someone to be scared and have fear, then maybe you are not ready to take that big step in life. When you are not oyibo. If you have questions and you don't ask coz you are scared, then you probably need better friends in real life. How can someone be talking about fear on a FACELESS FORUM? Where you have a choice of using whatever you like as a username? And you are scared? Of who? Me? Do I know anybody on here offline? No. Does anyone know me offline? Hell No. So what's the worst I can do, no be to type and go and sleep? That's why soqmeone will say they have fear of posting here? Lol then your question is not important to you. I could write "Good morning" and some creature will still come shouting blue murder. So no need.

Anyway shout out to the folks with the thick skin....love y'all grin wink


Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by Nobody: 10:12pm On Nov 25, 2017
Check d list of professional degrees.. They are already designated by IRCC as such. It's not for a body to determine although they can confirm or not according to how they see it.
Thanks. Does anyone know whether the other assessment bodies like ICAS or IQAS assess B.Eng as a professional degree?

Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by Dannyko: 10:24pm On Nov 25, 2017
All our elders in the house,pls let there be peace. E-hugs smiley smiley
Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by enocoded4life(f): 10:27pm On Nov 25, 2017

IP2 - 11TH DEC

shocked LOL, na joke o tongue, but I know some people will still tell me congratulations.

That was just to calm things down o, it haff do. Let love and peace reign.


Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by MummyJaygirls: 10:35pm On Nov 25, 2017
Santino1, congrats bruv
Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by bbaby84(f): 10:42pm On Nov 25, 2017

The point we don't wanna get to is where fear precedes the asking of questions. Not good at all. Answering questions here is a volunteer job and volunteer jobs, being not compulsory, should be discharged politely. I don't see how hard it is to simply ignore irritating questions and not crucify those who ask. No point fueling the fire of so-called "blunties".

When you say fear, I'm not understanding that part. People can ask questions if they wish and whomever is able to answer will answer. This is a faceless forum, I'm wondering why anyone would be afraid.. Max is that your question will be ignored or you'll be redirected to page 0. I'm assuming that anyone embarking on this journey is not a baby so why shall you fear any fear?

To the newbies ( as people say)
Continue to ask your questions but biko read from the beginning (page 0) and you may not even need to ask the question again sef. Go on CIC website and read all readables on EE.
People have taken pains to collate all the information there, let's drop this spoon feeding attitude.


Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by deeore: 11:04pm On Nov 25, 2017
Oh Lord of Mercy...which day person go log in and wouldnt have to read so much drama....
Cic biko bless does waiting for ppr with it, and does waiting for ita, ielts, wes embarass them with it so this tension can reduce.. Wetin happen!!! this one you guyz are blowing grammar left right and center, abeg,who grammer epp... Please you guyz should relax and lets just fix our eyes on the prize. Anyone way canada dey hungry, would sort for info anywhere without fear!!!


Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by superdoll: 11:26pm On Nov 25, 2017
Hello Superdoll, I trust you're doing great. Someone directed me to you dear concerning your experience with ICES. Its so good to know you're also an alumni of IMSU.

My questions are as follows:

1. Document Requirement: Based on what I read on the website, they didn't explicitly state that a copy of my

Now, in my transcript, there's no confirmation of award but the school will send a clear copy

Please, what do they mean by postal markings?

Thanks and kind regards.

Hello bestdiddy,

I attached my degree result to the email i sent them (containing the application form, intl ppt, my degre and othee relevant docs)
If the school is sending ur degree result den u may not need to worry, however attaching a soft copy to ur application doesnt cost anything so i tink u shuld still so dt.
As per the proper seal stuff, the school already knw how they package transcripts. Usually the envelope is sealed, stamped and signed across the seal before dispatch.
Just ensure you give them proper details of who to address to.

1 Like

Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by Nobody: 11:31pm On Nov 25, 2017
Una like quarrel pass fight.
Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by einsteino(m): 11:35pm On Nov 25, 2017
university of Nigeria graduates in the house how did you follow up with your WES evaluation process in UNN.
Please can you share your experience on how you did it? Office/officer that facilitated the process(es)

great Lions and lionesses

Thanks good people in the house. Love you all

i gave details of this when i dropped my WES timeline here, and went further to write on how to go abt UNN verification online. it should be lurking around on one of the pages, employ the search bar to find it. if you need further clarification, i am a mention away.

may our roar never turn to meow grin


Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by bestdiddy: 11:50pm On Nov 25, 2017
Thanks a lot dear


Hello bestdiddy,

I attached my degree result to the email i sent them (containing the application form, intl ppt, my degre and othee relevant docs)
If the school is sending ur degree result den u may not need to worry, however attaching a soft copy to ur application doesnt cost anything so i tink u shuld still so dt.
As per the proper seal stuff, the school already knw how they package transcripts. Usually the envelope is sealed, stamped and signed across the seal before dispatch.
Just ensure you give them proper details of who to address to.
Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by einsteino(m): 11:51pm On Nov 25, 2017
People should READ, READ & READ SOME MORE but more importantly should feel free to ASK THEIR QUESTIONS WITHOUT FEAR OF BEING RIDICULED

@cochtrane, my good friend...I love your submissions on the need to keep the object of the thread from being defeated. That being said, I guess it will be a good idea to re-post that your LINKS CHECKLIST and HOW TO USE THE SEARCH FEATURE

reposting wouldnt solve it, 50pages into the future, folks would be unable to find the links. I think it should be added to page 0 since it is the reference page.


Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by Owlette: 11:53pm On Nov 25, 2017
Most people who have big mouths like Canadianfly behind the safety of their keypads are usually very cowardly in person. You need to insult people to feel sassy? It's a very sad situation. Sincerely, accept my condolences. You have a long way to go.


Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by Nobody: 12:06am On Nov 26, 2017
Most people who have big mouths like Canadianfly behind the safety of their keypads are usually very cowardly in person. You need to insult people to feel sassy? It's a very sad situation. Sincerely, accept my condolences. You have a long way to go.

It takes one to know one. All you have done is call people names from your high horse.


Re: Canadian Express Entry/Federal Skilled Workers Program-Connect Here Part 2 by Algbenguze: 12:16am On Nov 26, 2017
In the words of a fellow Nairalander: "There's a way you can tell someone to go to hell and he'll be looking forward to the journey".

Diplomacy is a valuable skill to have; it can unlock some impossible doors. The ability to pass across a message purely without the usual accompanying "noise"(in whichever form) is very rare. Some have it, others don't. Truth is, not everyone can/should have it because God created everything in variety for a reason.
It has its pros and also its cons, maybe more of the former. Those who possess it get along with far more people (and enjoy the accompanying benefits) than others.
Wisdom is also in understanding that people are, and will be, different so we should take them for who they are, not what they "should" be.
With the passage of time, experience always reveals which side pays the higher dividend, and no other person but you will reap the benefits/consequences of your different actions or attitudes.


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