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Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback - Foreign Affairs (3) - Nairaland

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Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by 9inches(m): 11:10am On Nov 26, 2017
I don't see difference between Buhari situation in Nigeria and Trump in US as it appears the two are currently receiving lambast from different angles!

Except one is aggressively boosting his country's economy and reclaiming their lost respect globally, while the other is an illiterate pseudo president pretending to be in charge.

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Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by Awoo88: 11:11am On Nov 26, 2017
Buhari and trump are the same:

Buhari campaigned that he'll make nigeria the greatest. Trump said same

Buhari said he'll jail GEJ for corruption. Trump said he'll jail hilary

Buhari wanted bringbackourgirls group to thank him, trump wanted lavar ball to thank him for helping his son.

Buhari followers are brainless turds that follow blindly. Trump followers are same...

Buhari if fighting the media, trump is doing same.

Buhari refuse to acknowledge fulani and boko haram terrorists, trump refuse to acknowledge white extremists as terrorists
Trump and buhari are apple and orange. Trump said what he will do and is trying to do it. It is the Americans that are preventing him from doing what he said. Buhari what he will do and he is blaming every body and anything while not making single attempt at doing what he said. abeg Trump better pass buhari well well


Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by lazygal: 11:12am On Nov 26, 2017
Buhari and trump are the same:

Buhari campaigned that he'll make nigeria the greatest. Trump said same

Buhari said he'll jail GEJ for corruption. Trump said he'll jail hilary

Buhari wanted bringbackourgirls group to thank him, trump wanted lavar ball to thank him for helping his son.

Buhari followers are brainless turds that follow blindly. Trump followers are same...

Buhari if fighting the media, trump is doing same.

Buhari refuse to acknowledge fulani and boko haram terrorists, trump refuse to acknowledge white extremists as terrorists

Much as I condemn you choice of words especially on the fact that BUHARI is still the chief servant of Nigeria and also and elder ...we do not disrespect elders no matter how stupid they are ...how ever ...

Trump is better than BUHARI

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Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by FTrebirth(m): 11:13am On Nov 26, 2017
trump is still far better than Buhari. at least, he's been straightforward, but Buhari is still blaming PDP for his failures.


Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by kjhova(m): 11:13am On Nov 26, 2017
The same CNN that want to use the last drop of their blood to .make sure trump doese not win the election?

They deserve what they get from him.

Hope they have realize that trump or other person destiny is not in their hand, no matter how highly placed they're.

You probably should watch Fox News and listen to Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Ben Shapiro or read through Breitbart and Daily Stormer sites and do a fair comparison of reportage from the right wing media to what CNN renders.

You will know that CNN is the fairer while right wing media is nothing other than vile, near racist, hate mongering medium!


Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by Nobody: 11:13am On Nov 26, 2017
CNN are now a political arm of Democrats.
They never see anything good in what president Trump does.
They always report fake news, I always follow FoxNews to get real information cos they present reality be it in favour of Trump or not and allow free reaction.
CNN's followers are all anti-Trump.
They're bringing in politics of hate and propaganda just like what's happening in Nigeria today.

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Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by rusher14: 11:14am On Nov 26, 2017

BBC neutral? I think you are living in a differentt planet.

There is nothiing like neutrality.

Every single news outlet is biassed.

Something very subtle happened about 6 years ago.The BBC World Service started receiving funding from the Foreign office. Why?

ONE REASON. Propaganda. You can call it whatever nameyou like but the BBC world Sevice is the mouthpiece of British Diplomacy and Foreign interest
There are two strands to propaganda. Reporting false or misleading news and not reporting obvious news.

A good example is the the IPOB Nnamdi Kanu issue .Do you think the silence is an accident.

The same bias is seen in reporting Israel/Palestine issues.

Listen to RT another propaanda station,AlJazeera,BBC CNN with an open mind reading between the lines.In today's world all major powers play the disinformation game. I thin RT is better at it than the rest but there are no saints anywhere

You maintain the lack of reportage is a sign of their bias.

I trust people like you who can never be satisfied. If they report something, it is never the way you want it.

If they don't report, it is part of their campaign.

The entire spectrum of reportage you must find something wrong with.

Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by elampiro(m): 11:14am On Nov 26, 2017

What are you saying oga
You catch anybody's destiny for CNN's hand?
There are just reporting the truth as it is
CNN is King of Fake News. They represent the liberals. They have admitted reporting false news against Trump recently.


Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by Shafiiimran99: 11:14am On Nov 26, 2017

Do you ever follow BBC?

BBC maintains neutrality and almost always avoids controversy. In fact, one might actually conclude BBC only tells the news after it has broken and is already well known.

Perhaps you were referring to SKY news or maybe you follow their other languages versions.
Like they told the broken news that wtc building 7 had collapsed 20mins before the buildin actually did. You dey follow bbc well
Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by rusher14: 11:15am On Nov 26, 2017
Like they told the broken news that wtc building 7 had collapsed 20mins before the buildin actually did. You dey follow bbc well

Please what is building 7?
Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by elampiro(m): 11:15am On Nov 26, 2017

What makes a news bias?

The only lesson from this is that it is very foolish to declare
a war you can't win.
If Trump had not picked a fight with most US news stations,
he would have had a smoother tenure but he just had to show
his "toughness" by fighting petty fights.

At most, he spends 8 years as a president, after that he becomes
irrelevant and the victors will be the one to write history.

It was CNN and the other news outlets who picked a fight with Trump because of their backing of Clinton and liberal agenda.


Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by censeakay(m): 11:16am On Nov 26, 2017

Walahi, Trump has no self control. I doubt if he also knows how to think. He seems shallow, egoistic and vain.

Can you imagine a US president demanding for a thank you from those American footballers arrested in China? He didn't do it in private; he did it in public. The guy is shallow. I won't be surprised if American economy suffers as a result of his foolishness.
Not Footballers, They are Basketball players
Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by 9inches(m): 11:17am On Nov 26, 2017

What makes a news bias?

The only lesson from this is that it is very foolish to declare
a war you can't win.
If Trump had not picked a fight with most US news stations,
he would have had a smoother tenure but he just had to show
his "toughness" by fighting petty fights.

At most, he spends 8 years as a president, after that he becomes
irrelevant and the victors will be the one to write history.

The main stream media were the first to go for Trump's jugular. This war started way before election. The more you realize his opposition, most especially the Clinton cabal, are the main culprits, the more it becomes clearer what war he has and is still facing. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, etc.. all dishonest outlets.


Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by elampiro(m): 11:21am On Nov 26, 2017

Bias or not, they report the news, they've never lied on Trump, they're just the biggest reporters of his folly

If I head cnn will I do the same? Much more; Trump has been discrediting cnn for like forever, they're on his case now, and news never sleeps, it's 24x7.

They always lie on Trump.

From day one they like to fight Trump and spread lies against him, some of their lies have been unravelled. Trump has been vindicated on a number of things like the wring tapping of Trump's Tower, the ringing of Democratic primary election in favour Clinton, and the issues of Russia.

It is unfortunate that CNN readers have been brainwashed to accepting and defending the liberal agenda and cannot no longer think for themselves to see the truth.


Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by elampiro(m): 11:22am On Nov 26, 2017

The main stream media were the first to go for Trump's jugular. This war started way before election. The more you realize his opposition, most especially the Clinton cabal, are the main culprits, the more it becomes clearer what war he has and is still facing. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, etc.. all dishonest outlets.

Very correct

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Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by chineduemmao: 11:26am On Nov 26, 2017
Buhari and trump are the same:

Buhari campaigned that he'll make nigeria the greatest. Trump said same

Buhari said he'll jail GEJ for corruption. Trump said he'll jail hilary

Buhari wanted bringbackourgirls group to thank him, trump wanted lavar ball to thank him for helping his son.

Buhari followers are brainless turds that follow blindly. Trump followers are same...

Buhari if fighting the media, trump is doing same.

Buhari refuse to acknowledge fulani and boko haram terrorists, trump refuse to acknowledge white extremists as terrorists
if the over 49% of US citizens that voted him are brainless then nigeria is better than US...agreed?

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Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by 9inches(m): 11:27am On Nov 26, 2017

What do they get from him?
News channel are not under the payroll of the US government,
so Trump don't owe CNN, neither do CNN owe Trump anything.

Trump supporters do not watch CNN in the first place, nothing lost,
nothing gained.

I support Trump and I watch CNN more than I watch Fox. You don't get the real news these days until you listen to different sources. CNN takes the trophy in spinning and spicing up news. Many Trump supporters are seeing them for what they are.


Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by talk2percy(m): 11:27am On Nov 26, 2017
Chisosss, I think say nah only Naija no get chill till I saw this reply from CNN, it now dawned on me that we are learners. But seriously, does Trump have media advisers??

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Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by ivolt: 11:28am On Nov 26, 2017

The main stream media were the first to go for Trump's jugular. This war started way before election. The more you realize his opposition, most especially the Clinton cabal, are the main culprits, the more it becomes clearer what war he has and is still facing. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, etc.. all dishonest outlets.

These words are straight out of Trump's mouth.
Same drivel, different channel.

The reason why Hitler is so much hated today is not that
he is the worse human in history, it is because he took on
smart enemies who outlived him.


Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by Xisnin(m): 11:31am On Nov 26, 2017

Except one is aggressively boosting his country's economy and reclaiming their lost respect globally, while the other is running a illiterate pseudo president pretending to be in charge.

Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by Nobody: 11:31am On Nov 26, 2017

Amidst all the "savagery" and "clap backs", Twitter-an American company- gets all the valuable traffic


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Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by Xisnin(m): 11:33am On Nov 26, 2017

The main stream media were the first to go for Trump's jugular. This war started way before election. The more you realize his opposition, most especially the Clinton cabal, are the main culprits, the more it becomes clearer what war he has and is still facing. CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, etc.. all dishonest outlets.

I have been reading this mainstream media bullshit, but I am
yet to meet a Trump supporter who can explain what it is other
than shouting fake news.


Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by Nobody: 11:35am On Nov 26, 2017
I dint see any epic clap back here. if you agree, click like.
my brother, I was also looking for the epic..
So many dumbass on nairaland.


Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by Nobody: 11:36am On Nov 26, 2017
Epic reply from CNN
Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by 9inches(m): 11:36am On Nov 26, 2017

You probably should watch Fox News and listen to Sean Hannity, Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh and Ben Shapiro or read through Breitbart and Daily Stormer sites and do a fair comparison of reportage from the right wing media to what CNN renders.

You will know that CNN is the fairer while right wing media is nothing other than vile, near racist, hate mongering medium!

Big difference, Fox admits they are biased and supports the president in a healthy manner while CNN claim to be #FactsFirst outlet while they are actually the real spin masters of the MSM.
Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by higherpower: 11:36am On Nov 26, 2017
Donald Trump would have been a serial killer if he wasn't born rich in the exact same way the president of Nigeria (I've honestly forgotten his name) would have been a cattle rearer if he didn't join the Army.

You and your Father would still be wiping Nnamdi Cownu' a*s If the president u forgot his name didn't make him run away
Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by valentineuwakwe(m): 11:41am On Nov 26, 2017
Mr. President much respect to you here in nigeria but you are waging a war to many people on different battle grounds and that is not good...don't you think its best you wage that war on one point. ..remember many battle grounds you have pop up already....Syria, Immigration, Russia and US elections, China, North Korea and now CNN....
to me its totally unacceptable...I thought you said we should make America great again..is this the greatness you talked about?
Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by aribisala0(m): 11:42am On Nov 26, 2017

You maintain the lack of reportage is a sign of their bias.

I trust people like you who can never be satisfied. If they report something, it is never the way you want it.

If they don't report, it is part of their campaign.

The entire spectrum of reportage you must find something wrong with.

People like me.?? Which is what exactly?

I know for a fact that in real life your father cannot speak to me like that. You need to learn some manners .The internet should not obviate that

BBC is not independent of the British Government. The World Service is Funded by the British Foreign Office. That is enough for me
BBC bias has been confirmed by watchdogs and independent inquiries even parliamentary inquiries. Do the research.

It is not possible to have unbiassed news in today's world. Bias manifests in over and under reporting as well as fake news
The BBC was clearly biassed against Mugabe compared to other African and World leaders who are worse
Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by 9inches(m): 11:43am On Nov 26, 2017

These words are straight out of Trump's mouth.
Same drivel, different channel.

The reason why Hitler is so much hated today is not that
he is the worse human in history, it is because he took on
smart enemies who outlived him.

Really? Where did you get that from?
Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by 9inches(m): 11:45am On Nov 26, 2017


Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by Jagermeister(m): 11:46am On Nov 26, 2017
His name is Buhari, u can seek treatment for dementia.

Lol. You and your president have been seeking the same treatment or something close in London for a while now. Happy Sunday.
Re: Donald Trump Blasts CNN On Twitter, CNN Replies With An Epic Clapback by Corrinthians(m): 11:47am On Nov 26, 2017
Trump IS a dummy
That is why Late Nnamdidiot Cownu and his zombies see a hero in him. grin


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