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How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak - Literature - Nairaland

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How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by Nobody: 9:40am On Dec 04, 2017

By Johnspeak Uwangue (Motivational Speaker, Talent Manager and Coach)

Life can teach us valuable things through any medium. Most times treasures are hidden in places that human minds can fathom but refuses to look at because they may seem too normal to accommodate such treasures. Sometime ago while coming out from a shopping mall where I had gone to get some groceries, my attention was caught by a very beautiful car that was obstructing the free flow of traffic. Other motorists at the back of this beautiful car started honing but it seemed that their honing were falling on deaf ears. We were very sure that someone was in the car because we could see the figure of a human at the driver's seat but there was no response from the person. In order to help I walked to the driver's seat of the car and as I was about to pour out my anger on the driver, I discovered that the driver was a lady and she rested her head on the steering. As I looked further to see if she was dead or alive, I noticed something very strange. I noticed that her lips were muttering words that I couldn't understand and in her right hand was a rosary. Then it dawned on me that the beautiful lady in the beautiful and expensive car was so lost in prayer that she didn't realize that she was obstructing the free flow of traffic.

Despite the fact that she was praying, she still needed to move her car in order for other road users to drive out. So, I touched her and informed her. As she lifted her head from the steering, tears flowed from her eyes uncontrollably. Despite having what so many people are killing themselves for, there was one thing she needed so badly "REST". I could understand what she was going through because at that point in my life I too needed rest. I needed rest so badly that I could trade anything just to have it.

That particular incident of the lady in the beautiful and expensive car led me on a quest to search for the cure to my unrest. Despite surfing the Internet and reading all sorts of articles and books I discovered that I was getting farther away from the truth. At that point in my life I discovered that the word rest always caught my attention. There was a day I was walking around when I saw a church handbill with the inscription "covenant day for all round rest" because of the word rest that I saw, I went looking for the church. But after the service, I didn't get what I went there for so I kept on searching.

On a particular evening, I left the place of my abode and decided to take a stroll. After strolling for a while I became tired and decided to sit on a platform at a bus stop in Ikeja. As I sat there, a guy came and sat on a stone beside me. From the way he sat and greeted me, I could tell that he was a regular visitor at that spot to smoke his Indian helm. After greeting me we got talking. Our conversation that day made me to visit that spot everyday until I no longer saw him at our usual spot. He taught me mysteries that I never learned from my 5years in the University. After his teachings, I began to understand that most of the things we are going through are meant to prepare us for the big task ahead.

Life is a school and whether we will graduate is left to us. When a man graduates from the school of life, even nature will have no other choice than to favour him and his course. Graduates of the school of life don't run after material things, things run after them. You may not understand now, but as time goes on you will.

Meeting with him helped solved my problem because I began to view life from a different and easier angle. As a staunch Christian I could have looked down on him and his insight into deep things, but I didn't. Everyone has something to teach, no matter who they are or what they look like. I no longer live a life of anxiety, impatience and unrest. My mind is now at rest which has in turn made my life easy and fun.

Succeed You Must!

©Johnspeak Uwangue
Motivational Speaker, Talent Manager and Coach

For more enquiries please send an email to:

Lalasticlala mynd44 Seun obinoscopy

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Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by Ayemileto(m): 10:11am On Dec 04, 2017

I'm here to read what you learn.

What's the exact point the post is trying to make?

Just wasted my time.

113 Likes 3 Shares

Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by Nobody: 10:17am On Dec 04, 2017

I'm here to read what you learn.

What's the exact point the post is trying to make?

Just wasted my time.

He meant to say he has just tasted weed and it has made him cope better with the stress of life.

83 Likes 2 Shares

Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by BruncleZuma: 6:47am On Dec 05, 2017
grin grin grin grin

The Op is an uneducated oaf; so all your reading and research no tell you say nah Indian Hemp abi?


Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by Nobody: 6:48am On Dec 05, 2017
Na so

By the time you're done with reading this long epistle according to op, you won't know if you should laugh, cry or nod ur head for wasting your time. You won't even know if you understand the point he's trying to make.


Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by Moreoffaith(m): 6:48am On Dec 05, 2017
Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by maxtop(m): 6:48am On Dec 05, 2017
In other words make fry beans ni ?
Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by onunwa21(m): 6:49am On Dec 05, 2017
Wisdom leave!!!!


Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by maxiuc(m): 6:49am On Dec 05, 2017
Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by Izecson3D(m): 6:49am On Dec 05, 2017
op, oya judge urself..


Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by chynie: 6:50am On Dec 05, 2017
Op just say
U began to smoke weed
Cos all these your story no gel


Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by 9jatatafo(m): 6:50am On Dec 05, 2017
Weed solves all problem

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Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by donlucabrazi(m): 6:50am On Dec 05, 2017
undecided undecided undecided undecided

All these so called "Motivational speakers" just play around with words in a bid to appear smart...

The article lacks substance and has no correlation whatsoever with the topic. A total waste of time....

cry cry cry


Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by W3xy1(m): 6:51am On Dec 05, 2017
You created a thread just to waste our time


Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by Nobody: 6:51am On Dec 05, 2017
Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by majamajic(m): 6:52am On Dec 05, 2017

the woman in car ....u no finish am

the hemp smoker what he told u... u no talk am

19 Likes 1 Share

Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by winkmart: 6:53am On Dec 05, 2017
The moment I saw MOTIVATIONAL SPEAKER, I knew everything na lie


Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by Nobody: 6:54am On Dec 05, 2017
Between Motivational speakers and bloggers.
Honestly I don't know whose portion of hell will be hotter.

Both can lie for Africa

22 Likes 1 Share

Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by mhiztaNexy(m): 6:55am On Dec 05, 2017
herbal medication. nothing in the world beats it if u take it with the right people. #rollupsome.

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Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by 0temSapien: 6:55am On Dec 05, 2017
What are the mysteries you were taught?
Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by Nobody: 6:55am On Dec 05, 2017
Who else wants to join me to arrest the OP?


Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by ekems2017(f): 6:56am On Dec 05, 2017
I read this post to learn from you what you learnt from the smoker but sir, I didn't get anything instead the naration was on the woman that prayed in the traffic.

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Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by ButterFrost212(f): 6:56am On Dec 05, 2017
And this is a motivational speaker? Nothing motivational about this post. I guess it's incomplete or the writer needs extra coaching himself.. some people just want to be relevant... we all know life is a school, a stage, etc. How about just tell us what you learnt from the marijuana guy, and please what kind of rest were you looking for? All the time you used walking round Ikeja, you could have been sleeping (resting) at home. But what's my own sha


Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by Ofunaofu: 6:56am On Dec 05, 2017


Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by Livefreeordieha(m): 6:56am On Dec 05, 2017
Weed solves all problem
my guy dey cure for hand nii..Aboy dey cloud 9 compose epistles feeling like chinua achebe ����

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Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by Magician1503(m): 6:59am On Dec 05, 2017

Keep calm and smoke weed.

Stoners are the most peaceful set of people on earth.


Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by deepwater(f): 6:59am On Dec 05, 2017
But you know you didn't make any sense here

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Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by hadura29(m): 7:00am On Dec 05, 2017
Singing: How would you like to smoke some weed
Re: How An Encounter With A Marijuana Smoker Helped Solved My Problem- Johnspeak by LorDBolton(m): 7:00am On Dec 05, 2017

He meant to say he has just tasted weed and it has made him cope better with the stress of life.


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