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How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) - Phones - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Science/Technology / Phones / How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) (48873 Views)

Please Help! Newly Purchased Huawei E5573s-606 Modem Doesn't Come With Band 28. / Will This Device {huawei P20 Pro} Surpass Samsung And Iphone / Unlock Your Huawei E5573s Mifi Modem For Free!!!!!! (2) (3) (4)

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How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by BabaAlabi: 4:11am On Jul 21, 2017
The huawei e5573 mifi device allows access to lightening fast 4G network offered by major networks in Nigeria. There are many variants of the huawei e5573 device, and those commonly available in Nigeria include the spectranet e5573 606 variant and the MTN e5573 320 variant. The only difference between both devices is the inability of MTN e5573-320 to access Globacom's 4G band 28. It accepts 4G (and 3G) of MTN, Etisalat, Spectranet, NTEL, SWIFT but only Glo's 3G. However with Glo's abysmally poor network, e5573 320 users are not missing much.
This article covers correctly unlocking the Spectranet device. For the MTN e5573 320, I can't offer much help because, sadly, I don't have the device. If you wish to buy the MTN device for me so I can write an article on how to unlock it, your generosity would be greatly accepted *shines yellow teeth*.

Now let's get down to business.
1. Install huawei drivers (actual Huawei Mobile Partner + Hilink drivers)
The drivers are needed to enable your computer get complete access to the device. The best way to install these drivers is to install the huawei mobile partner (in addition to the hilink drivers)
NOTE :- In some other unlocking tutorials, the file specified as a mobile partner is actually a firmware version 23.0 blah blah.
When unsuspecting users install it, and eventually flash the firmware with the Huawei E5573s-606 firmware version below, the computer loses access to the device and it shows port failed.
Link to the mobile partner here
If this does not work, download the official huawei mobile partner from the website
Unzip the files and then install them.
Other drivers
-Now, download latest Huawei hilink drivers here
-Download another Huawei hilink driver V5 here

2. The following steps are the same specifified in here

a) Download this Huawei E5573s-606 firmware version here. This is used to flash the device firmware to a verson which would accept an unlock code.

b) Download this other Huawei E5573s-320 firmware version here .

c) Download the Universal Master Code generator here

d) Download the Huawei Code Calculator here

3. Insert a different sim card which is not supported and connect the modem to your computer with a USB.

4. Start the Universal Master Code generator

-Input the modem's IMEI in the space specified and then click on the calculate tab to reveal a flash code.
The flash code will be needed as a password for the Huawei E5573s-606 firmware so you need to copy it to msword or notepad for later use.

5. Start the Huawei Code Calculator (which is needed to generate an unlock code for the device and is quite different from the universal master code calculator).

-Click on the read tab there to generate the unlock code and copy it down.
The reason for generating this code now is because after flashing with the first firmware, it might show port failed (meaning you are unable to progress further). However, when you restart the modem and try to connect via wifi, it might ask for an unlock code again and inserting this code might work.

6. Go to the first Huawei E5573s-606 firmware that you downloaded, unzip it and run the file P711S-E5-update_21.
- It will request for a password, now paste the flash code (from Universal Master Code generator) you copied as the password.
-At this point, it will automatically start updating the firmware and installing the drivers, so just wait for the process to finish.

7. After the process must have been completed, Start the Huawei Code Calculator and generate the unlock code for your device. It might be a different code from the one generated before updating the firmware.
It is at this point that most users have issues. THE HUAWEI MODEM NEEDS TO SHOW UP UNDER PORTS BEFORE THE UNLOCK CODE CAN BE CALCULATED. It starts showing port failed because the computer cannot locate the right ports. The reason is because the proper drivers were not correctly installed at the beginning of the unlock process.

To check if the ports can be accessed, press the windows key and x together. It will give a list of options. Go to device manager and click on ports. The huawei modem needs to show up under ports. Sometimes it might be under usb devices or network adapter. I had to install different versions of the huawei mobile partner before I could get the modem to show up under ports.

8. INSTALL a WEB UI for e5573 606 huawei modem. This interface will enable you connect to the device via wifi. The huawei modem also needs to show up under ports before it can be installed here .
9. Extract the 2nd Huawei E5573s-320 firmware that you also downloaded initially and then run the firmware setup file in there; it will not ask for password again but will immediately start updating the firmware into the modem and the drivers will also be automatically installed at the process. The ports also need to be accessed for this to work.

10. After the process is complete, go to your Huawei mobile partner interface and on the settings select network settings, and pop up to insert your unlock code will appear. Finally key in the unlock code that you generated above with the Huawei code calculator to unlock your device.
This part was the second circle of torment for me. After finally getting the unlock code and installing the second 320 firmware, it refused to give me the option to insert the unlock code. I wasted apprx. 3 days of my time and data researching on how to go about it. Fortunately, all I had to do was remove the USB cable, reset the modem, and switch on the wifi. My phone's wifi connected to it and I was presented with a box to insert the unlock code.

Hopefully your device has now been successfully unlocked. Don't forget to tell us if it worked.

9 Likes 3 Shares

Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by Heshei: 5:38am On Jul 21, 2017
Thank you op... I don't have the need but will surely share with my folks.
Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by bigx(m): 2:03pm On Jul 23, 2017
Who can unlock e5573-320 for me in PH
Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by holythug(m): 5:24pm On Jul 24, 2017
this would be greatly useful for me...would revert when done!
Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by Triplo: 10:33am On Jul 29, 2017
Please is anyone here in Ibadan that can help unlock spectranet Huawei E5573s-606. Very Urgent pls. 07060435344
Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by holythug(m): 3:16pm On Jul 30, 2017
it worked just fine...Jah Bless you plenty!
for y'all that are yet to unlock yours (E5573s-606 & 302) just follow the instructions and download from the link here, it should do the trick

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by BabaAlabi: 3:39pm On Jul 30, 2017
it worked just fine...Jah Bless you plenty!
for y'all that are yet to unlock yours (E5573s-606 & 302) just follow the instructions and download from the link here, it should do the trick

Thank God bro. So to clarify,
1- Yours was showing port failed but with the mobile partner downloaded from the first link here, the pc was able to access the ports again?
2- Did you have to connect by wifi to insert the unlock code?
Just need clarification to decide whether to edit the instructions .

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Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by holythug(m): 4:02pm On Jul 30, 2017
When i tried earlier, i got error code 10...
So i restarted following your instructions, like you said in the post, i realized it was about the mobile partner
yes...i ensured i saw my device on the device manager
so the whole process started from downloading the 2nd firmware...


Thank God bro. So to clarify,
1- Yours was showing port failed but with the mobile partner downloaded from the first link here, the pc was able to access the ports again?
2- Did you have to connect by wifi to insert the unlock code?
Just need clarification to decide whether to edit the instructions .
Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by BabaAlabi: 11:02pm On Jul 30, 2017
When i tried earlier, i got error code 10...
So i restarted following your instructions, like you said in the post, i realized it was about the mobile partner
yes...i ensured i saw my device on the device manager
so the whole process started from downloading the 2nd firmware...

Nice one. Enjoy your device bros.

1 Like

Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by born2begreat(m): 7:27pm On Sep 13, 2017
Please i unlocked my Spectranet MIFI, the white modem and i can use any other network range from Airtel, MTN, GLO on it. But i observed that when trying to use Spectranet SIM it won`t show service, the red light will standstill and i won`t be able to connect. Is there anything i can do to use the Spectrant SIM again? Or That`s just the end of Spectranet i.e i can`t use the SIM again except those networks i mentioned? The saddest part of it, i have subscribed to the Spectranet and as i`m typing this, the service is reading until next month. What will i do? Thanks

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Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by Mrfixitxtech: 2:00pm On Sep 14, 2017
Unlocked Spectranet Mifi forsale.. Works for all 4G Lte network. 10,000 naira. Call me on 080- 307 69156
Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by davolas(m): 2:58pm On Sep 14, 2017
Unlocked Spectranet Mifi forsale.. Works for all 4G Lte network. 10,000 naira. Call me on 080- 307 69156

needed send d pix to me on 08033093001
Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by crownedprinz(m): 4:34pm On Nov 02, 2017
The huawei e5573 mifi device allows access to lightening fast 4G network offered by major networks in Nigeria. There are many variants of the huawei e5573 device, and those commonly available in Nigeria include the spectranet e5573 606 variant and the MTN e5573 320 variant. The only difference between both devices is the inability of MTN e5573-320 to access Globacom's 4G band 28. It accepts 4G (and 3G) of MTN, Etisalat, Spectranet, NTEL, SWIFT but only Glo's 3G. However with Glo's abysmally poor network, e5573 320 users are not missing much.
This article covers correctly unlocking the Spectranet device. For the MTN e5573 320, I can't offer much help because, sadly, I don't have the device. If you wish to buy the MTN device for me so I can write an article on how to unlock it, your generosity would be greatly accepted *shines yellow teeth*.

Now let's get down to business.
1. Install huawei drivers (actual Huawei Mobile Partner + Hilink drivers)
The drivers are needed to enable your computer get complete access to the device. The best way to install these drivers is to install the huawei mobile partner (in addition to the hilink drivers)
NOTE :- In some other unlocking tutorials, the file specified as a mobile partner is actually a firmware version 23.0 blah blah.
When unsuspecting users install it, and eventually flash the firmware with the Huawei E5573s-606 firmware version below, the computer loses access to the device and it shows port failed.
Link to the mobile partner here
If this does not work, download the official huawei mobile partner from the website
Unzip the files and then install them.
Other drivers
-Now, download latest Huawei hilink drivers here
-Download another Huawei hilink driver V5 here

2. The following steps are the same specifified in here

a) Download this Huawei E5573s-606 firmware version here. This is used to flash the device firmware to a verson which would accept an unlock code.

b) Download this other Huawei E5573s-320 firmware version here .

c) Download the Universal Master Code generator here

d) Download the Huawei Code Calculator here

3. Insert a different sim card which is not supported and connect the modem to your computer with a USB.

4. Start the Universal Master Code generator

-Input the modem's IMEI in the space specified and then click on the calculate tab to reveal a flash code.
The flash code will be needed as a password for the Huawei E5573s-606 firmware so you need to copy it to msword or notepad for later use.

5. Start the Huawei Code Calculator (which is needed to generate an unlock code for the device and is quite different from the universal master code calculator).

-Click on the read tab there to generate the unlock code and copy it down.
The reason for generating this code now is because after flashing with the first firmware, it might show port failed (meaning you are unable to progress further). However, when you restart the modem and try to connect via wifi, it might ask for an unlock code again and inserting this code might work.

6. Go to the first Huawei E5573s-606 firmware that you downloaded, unzip it and run the file P711S-E5-update_21.
- It will request for a password, now paste the flash code (from Universal Master Code generator) you copied as the password.
-At this point, it will automatically start updating the firmware and installing the drivers, so just wait for the process to finish.

7. After the process must have been completed, Start the Huawei Code Calculator and generate the unlock code for your device. It might be a different code from the one generated before updating the firmware.
It is at this point that most users have issues. THE HUAWEI MODEM NEEDS TO SHOW UP UNDER PORTS BEFORE THE UNLOCK CODE CAN BE CALCULATED. It starts showing port failed because the computer cannot locate the right ports. The reason is because the proper drivers were not correctly installed at the beginning of the unlock process.

To check if the ports can be accessed, press the windows key and x together. It will give a list of options. Go to device manager and click on ports. The huawei modem needs to show up under ports. Sometimes it might be under usb devices or network adapter. I had to install different versions of the huawei mobile partner before I could get the modem to show up under ports.

8. INSTALL a WEB UI for e5573 606 huawei modem. This interface will enable you connect to the device via wifi. The huawei modem also needs to show up under ports before it can be installed here .
9. Extract the 2nd Huawei E5573s-320 firmware that you also downloaded initially and then run the firmware setup file in there; it will not ask for password again but will immediately start updating the firmware into the modem and the drivers will also be automatically installed at the process. The ports also need to be accessed for this to work.

10. After the process is complete, go to your Huawei mobile partner interface and on the settings select network settings, and pop up to insert your unlock code will appear. Finally key in the unlock code that you generated above with the Huawei code calculator to unlock your device.
This part was the second circle of torment for me. After finally getting the unlock code and installing the second 320 firmware, it refused to give me the option to insert the unlock code. I wasted apprx. 3 days of my time and data researching on how to go about it. Fortunately, all I had to do was remove the USB cable, reset the modem, and switch on the wifi. My phone's wifi connected to it and I was presented with a box to insert the unlock code.

Hopefully your device has now been successfully unlocked. Don't forget to tell us if it worked.

Thanks op it worked
Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by BabaAlabi: 12:30am On Nov 03, 2017

Thanks op it worked
Thank God bro. Enjoy.

1 Like

Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by BabaAlabi: 12:34am On Nov 03, 2017
Please i unlocked my Spectranet MIFI, the white modem and i can use any other network range from Airtel, MTN, GLO on it. But i observed that when trying to use Spectranet SIM it won`t show service, the red light will standstill and i won`t be able to connect. Is there anything i can do to use the Spectrant SIM again? Or That`s just the end of Spectranet i.e i can`t use the SIM again except those networks i mentioned? The saddest part of it, i have subscribed to the Spectranet and as i`m typing this, the service is reading until next month. What will i do? Thanks
Did it eventually work for u? Your predicament is surprising because when u unlock the modem, it gives you unrestricted access to different networks including spectranet. Try resetting the modem to see if any change.
Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by mikeayus(m): 2:39pm On Dec 07, 2017
boss please am having issues with the bolded.....the alternative link is not going

The huawei e5573 mifi device allows access to lightening fast 4G network offered by major networks in Nigeria. There are many variants of the huawei e5573 device, and those commonly available in Nigeria include the spectranet e5573 606 variant and the MTN e5573 320 variant. The only difference between both devices is the inability of MTN e5573-320 to access Globacom's 4G band 28. It accepts 4G (and 3G) of MTN, Etisalat, Spectranet, NTEL, SWIFT but only Glo's 3G. However with Glo's abysmally poor network, e5573 320 users are not missing much.
This article covers correctly unlocking the Spectranet device. For the MTN e5573 320, I can't offer much help because, sadly, I don't have the device. If you wish to buy the MTN device for me so I can write an article on how to unlock it, your generosity would be greatly accepted *shines yellow teeth*.

Now let's get down to business.
1. Install huawei drivers (actual Huawei Mobile Partner + Hilink drivers)
The drivers are needed to enable your computer get complete access to the device. The best way to install these drivers is to install the huawei mobile partner (in addition to the hilink drivers)
NOTE :- In some other unlocking tutorials, the file specified as a mobile partner is actually a firmware version 23.0 blah blah.
When unsuspecting users install it, and eventually flash the firmware with the Huawei E5573s-606 firmware version below, the computer loses access to the device and it shows port failed.
Link to the mobile partner here
If this does not work, download the official huawei mobile partner from the website
Unzip the files and then install them.
Other drivers
-Now, download latest Huawei hilink drivers here
-Download another Huawei hilink driver V5 here[/b]

2. The following steps are the same specifified in here

a) Download this Huawei E5573s-606 firmware version here. This is used to flash the device firmware to a verson which would accept an unlock code.

b) Download this other Huawei E5573s-320 firmware version here .

c) Download the Universal Master Code generator here

d) Download the Huawei Code Calculator here

3. Insert a different sim card which is not supported and connect the modem to your computer with a USB.

4. Start the Universal Master Code generator

-Input the modem's IMEI in the space specified and then click on the calculate tab to reveal a flash code.
The flash code will be needed as a password for the Huawei E5573s-606 firmware so you need to copy it to msword or notepad for later use.

5. Start the Huawei Code Calculator (which is needed to generate an unlock code for the device and is quite different from the universal master code calculator).

-Click on the read tab there to generate the unlock code and copy it down.
The reason for generating this code now is because after flashing with the first firmware, it might show port failed (meaning you are unable to progress further). However, when you restart the modem and try to connect via wifi, it might ask for an unlock code again and inserting this code might work.

6. Go to the first Huawei E5573s-606 firmware that you downloaded, unzip it and run the file P711S-E5-update_21.
- It will request for a password, now paste the flash code (from Universal Master Code generator) you copied as the password.
-At this point, it will automatically start updating the firmware and installing the drivers, so just wait for the process to finish.

7. After the process must have been completed, Start the Huawei Code Calculator and generate the unlock code for your device. It might be a different code from the one generated before updating the firmware.
It is at this point that most users have issues. THE HUAWEI MODEM NEEDS TO SHOW UP UNDER PORTS BEFORE THE UNLOCK CODE CAN BE CALCULATED. It starts showing port failed because the computer cannot locate the right ports. The reason is because the proper drivers were not correctly installed at the beginning of the unlock process.

To check if the ports can be accessed, press the windows key and x together. It will give a list of options. Go to device manager and click on ports. The huawei modem needs to show up under ports. Sometimes it might be under usb devices or network adapter. I had to install different versions of the huawei mobile partner before I could get the modem to show up under ports.

8. INSTALL a WEB UI for e5573 606 huawei modem. This interface will enable you connect to the device via wifi. The huawei modem also needs to show up under ports before it can be installed here .
9. Extract the 2nd Huawei E5573s-320 firmware that you also downloaded initially and then run the firmware setup file in there; it will not ask for password again but will immediately start updating the firmware into the modem and the drivers will also be automatically installed at the process. The ports also need to be accessed for this to work.

10. After the process is complete, go to your Huawei mobile partner interface and on the settings select network settings, and pop up to insert your unlock code will appear. Finally key in the unlock code that you generated above with the Huawei code calculator to unlock your device.
This part was the second circle of torment for me. After finally getting the unlock code and installing the second 320 firmware, it refused to give me the option to insert the unlock code. I wasted apprx. 3 days of my time and data researching on how to go about it. Fortunately, all I had to do was remove the USB cable, reset the modem, and switch on the wifi. My phone's wifi connected to it and I was presented with a box to insert the unlock code.

Hopefully your device has now been successfully unlocked. Don't forget to tell us if it worked.

1 Like

Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by BabaAlabi: 5:52pm On Dec 07, 2017
boss please am having issues with the bolded.....the alternative link is not going

Are u referring to the link for downloading the mobile partner (step 1), if yes, then it's working perfectly....I just tested it. Ensure you use winrar or 7zip to correctly unzip the file. Then install it.

Winrar link: https://filehippo.com/download_winrar/
Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by mikeayus(m): 7:40pm On Dec 07, 2017
talking about the link to the official mobile partner site...

Are u referring to the link for downloading the mobile partner (step 1), if yes, then it's working perfectly....I just tested it. Ensure you use winrar or 7zip to correctly unzip the file. Then install it.

Winrar link: https://filehippo.com/download_winrar/
Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by BabaAlabi: 7:51pm On Dec 07, 2017
talking about the link to the official mobile partner site...
Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by mikeayus(m): 7:58pm On Dec 07, 2017
yeah... this link opens but download never starts.. can u please download and upload to dropbox or something for me


Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by BabaAlabi: 8:00pm On Dec 07, 2017
yeah... this link opens but download never starts.. can u please download and upload to dropbox or something for me

Okay...Will do that later on
but why not use the first link https://routerunlock.com/download-huawei-stick-utps-v200r003b015d11sp01c983-for-win10/
Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by mikeayus(m): 8:04pm On Dec 07, 2017
thanks man.. I tried this.. I keep getting error 19...failed to download....
after inputting d flash code... infact I downloaded from all the links on your post.. d issue was not resolved.. I guess this particular link is d solution... even based on what holythug said


Okay...Will do that later on
but why not use the first link https://routerunlock.com/download-huawei-stick-utps-v200r003b015d11sp01c983-for-win10/
Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by BabaAlabi: 12:27am On Dec 09, 2017
thanks man.. I tried this.. I keep getting error 19...failed to download....
after inputting d flash code... infact I downloaded from all the links on your post.. d issue was not resolved.. I guess this particular link is d solution... even based on what holythug said

Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by mikeayus(m): 6:59am On Dec 09, 2017
confirm... thanks for this

1 Like

Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by KENDRICKer: 8:05pm On Dec 10, 2017
hello guys
sorry im new to the platform so forgive me if im a little off target
im looking to sell my current MTN mifi device and get another device which will be compatible with Glo 4G band 28 (700mhz). after checking the device model number as shown (E5573s - 320) i discovered it didnt support Glo 4G.

1 Share

Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by KENDRICKer: 8:08pm On Dec 10, 2017
im looking to buy the new spectranet freedom mifi or Smile SMIFI currently selling. i would like someone who already owns one of these devices to help me take pictures of the model number like i did my own so i can check it for compatibility with band 28 (700mhz) if i decide to unlock it in the future. i like the devices cos they have screens which made it easier to use.
Thanks in advance

1 Share

Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by justianoo(m): 7:25am On Dec 11, 2017
good .morning brother.pls I would really need your assistance on how to unlock my spectrant device. I have an MTN mifi but it does not support Glo 4g.someone gifted me this Spectranet mifi bit its too expensive for me.so I will really love to unlock it so that I can use Glo
Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by bolakale30(m): 8:02am On Dec 11, 2017
Unlocked Spectranet Mifi forsale.. Works for all 4G Lte network. 10,000 naira. Call me on 080- 307 69156
Including Glo 4G?
Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by KENDRICKer: 11:20am On Dec 11, 2017
im looking to buy the new spectranet freedom mifi or Smile SMIFI currently selling. i would like someone who already owns one of these devices to help me take pictures of the model number like i did my own so i can check it for compatibility with band 28 (700mhz) if i decide to unlock it in the future. i like the devices cos they have screens which made it easier to use.
Thanks in advance
I'm hopeful someone has these Mifi devices
Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by justianoo(m): 12:15pm On Dec 11, 2017
thanks man.. I tried this.. I keep getting error 19...failed to download....
after inputting d flash code... infact I downloaded from all the links on your post.. d issue was not resolved.. I guess this particular link is d solution... even based on what holythug said

hoping you could. help a brother
Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by justianoo(m): 12:17pm On Dec 11, 2017

Did it eventually work for u? Your predicament is surprising because when u unlock the modem, it gives you unrestricted access to different networks including spectranet. Try resetting the modem to see if any change.
pls. help a brother
Re: How To Correctly Unlock Your Spectranet Mifi Device (huawei E5573s-606) by mikeayus(m): 1:41pm On Dec 11, 2017
help in what way?

hoping you could. help a brother

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