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Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? - Religion (4) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? (20529 Views)

Ministry To Jws, Part 10 - The Great Crowd / The World Will End And Armageddon Will Come On Or Before Year 2000- Watchtower / Fire Breaks Out At Notre-dame Cathedral In Paris (photos) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by MUSACALLY(m): 2:34pm On Dec 17, 2017
“As for the heavens, they belong to Jehovah, but the earth he has given to the sons of men.” —Psalm 115:16 .
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by MUSACALLY(m): 2:36pm On Dec 17, 2017
The Bible says that “there are new heavens and a new earth that we are awaiting according to his promise.” * ( 2 Peter 3:13 ) By means of his Kingdom , God will restore our earth to the condition he intended for it, “and death will be no more.” (Revelation 21:3, 4 ) Is that speaking of life in heaven or on earth? For something to “be no more,” it had to be there in the first place. But death has never existed in heaven. Logically, then, that verse refers to what will happen on earth, where we were meant to live and where we yearn to be with our loved ones. The Bible also reveals that the dead will be brought back to life and reunited with their loved ones.— John 5:28, 29 . Many people have been thrilled to learn what the Bible really teaches about heaven. For example, a former Catholic named George says: “I found the Bible teaching about living forever on earth to be comforting. It made more sense than going to heaven.” *

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Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by Charles10xer(m): 3:20pm On Dec 17, 2017
Please disregard the writer of this article he knows nothing about Jehovah's Witnesses he just want to be unnecessarily popular. He is just using some scriptures to paint the witnesses bad as if we don't know what we are doing.

There is going to be great tribulations of that we are very sure of and we are not afraid of it because that will mean salvation for true worshipers of Jehovah.

1 Like

Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by Deo1986(m): 4:13pm On Dec 17, 2017
Armaggedon already happened billions of years ago before the homo Erectus era and it destroyed many lives on earth. It destroyed thousands of anakims, dinosaurs, parakreet, mammoths, etc. Armaggedon can no more happen in our physical universe because the gods(Allah, Yahweh) who caused the first Armaggedon are now currently cooling their feet in a spiritual prison where their brothers have captured them in.
Glad to know someone who is not deluded like the rest.
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by Deo1986(m): 4:15pm On Dec 17, 2017
Read my book; Clashes of the gods.
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by themountain(m): 4:18pm On Dec 17, 2017

agent of darkness stop deceiving people with all this cultists teaching. teach people about salvation and not all this amagedon that jw culture invented to put fear in the mind of it members.

would u prefer we teach about hell?
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by linked: 5:13pm On Dec 17, 2017
Op is simple SICK!
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by chivic(m): 5:21pm On Dec 17, 2017
There’s no amargeddon mate. The day you die then your world dies. Keep waiting for a pale man in horse to fight fight a three headed beast.

How people of today believe these tales makes me wonder and question sanity herself.

If you dont belief this things who then created you?
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by enimooko: 5:26pm On Dec 17, 2017
There’s no amargeddon mate. The day you die then your world dies. Keep waiting for a pale man in horse to fight fight a three headed beast.

How people of today believe these tales makes me wonder and question sanity herself.
I can't go that far. japan never new "little boy" was not a tale tongue
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by danvon(m): 5:28pm On Dec 17, 2017
Revelation 7:9 "After this I beheld, and, lo, A GREAT MULTITUDE, which no man could NUMBER, of ALL NATIONS, and kindreds, and PEOPLE, and TONGUES, stood before the throne, and before the lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;" I wonder if they even read this at all
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by enimooko: 5:31pm On Dec 17, 2017

Jehovah Witnesses are wrong, dead Wrong!

144,000 are Jews

The Great Crowd are people from all nations IN CHRIST including Jews who have become converted.

They're raptured and are in heaven before Armegedon the last war before the 1000 yr rule of Christ.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Haaalllllleluuuuuujjjjjjah

The super story wins
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by charlesotk(m): 7:02pm On Dec 17, 2017

Please realign it on the subject.

I will but not today... Pls bear with me... Thanks
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by davidicke: 8:25pm On Dec 17, 2017
Read that and more from here:

Bros. I read it. I did not see where they said Yahweh and Allah are in spiritual prison. Please help with a specific link
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by Nobody: 8:31pm On Dec 17, 2017
Will the “Great Crowd” be on Earth when Armageddon breaks out?

Revelation 7:9, 15: “…look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb …That is why they are before the throne of God; and they are rendering him sacred service day and night in his temple …” —New World Translation

For years, Jehovah’s Witnesses have taught that the vast majority of their followers will resurrect to everlasting life upon an Earthly Paradise and that only a select group of 144,000 followers will live and reign with Jesus Christ in Heaven. These two groups of followers are called “the Earthly Class” and “the Heavenly Class.” The “Earthly Class” is also called “the Other Sheep” of John 10:16 and “the Great Crowd” of Revelation 7:9, while the “Heavenly Class” is called “the Little Flock” of Luke 12:32, “the Anointed Class” of 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 and “the 144,000” of Revelation chapters 7 and 14. These terms are used frequently to reinforce this two-class structure of the Watchtower belief system.

This two-class system is so foundational to the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses that Scripture is constantly twisted and reinterpreted to support this ideology. Although there is not a single Scripture that excludes people who are not in the 144,000 group of Revelation 7 and 14 from the “New Covenant” privileges of being “born again,” (John 3:3) spiritually “adopted” into God’s family (Romans 8:14-16), partaking of the “Memorial” or “Lord’s Supper” celebration of Christ’s redemptive sacrifice, looking to Jesus as their “mediator” (1 Timothy 2:5), and the resurrection “hope” of living and reigning with Christ in Heaven, the Watchtower Society imposes an oppressive belief system that denies these basic Christian privileges from the majority of its members. Likewise, the Watchtower Society rejects the literal descriptions given of the 144,000 listed in the only two Scriptural passages that describe this group, namely Revelation 7:3-8 and 14:1-5. These descriptions that the Jehovah’s Witnesses completely deny and distort are as follows:

- The 144,000 are “sealed” on earth during the Great Tribulation (Revelation 7:1-4).
- The 144,000 are Jews from “every tribe” of Israel 1. (Revelation 7:4-8 ).
- The 144,000 will stand with Jesus upon Mount Zion when He begins to rule the earth (Revelation 14:1).
- The 144,000 are “virgin” men who “did not defile themselves with women” (Revelation 14:4).


It is true that the Bible speaks of “two parties” or groups of believers, but these groups are not described as a “Heavenly class” or an “Earthly class”, but rather the difference between “circumcised” Jews and “uncircumcised” non-Jewish nations. Throughout the New Testament, Jews are identified as the “lost sheep” to whom Jesus came with the Good News of His redemption (Matthew 15:22-24). He even commanded His followers at one point to avoid preaching the Kingdom message to the “nations” or “Gentiles” (non-Jews) (Matthew 10:5-7), so that the Jews would have the opportunity to accept it and become the “light of the nations” that God commanded them to be for the salvation of all mankind (Isaiah 49:6; Acts 13:47). It wasn’t until God gave Peter the vision of unclean food at Acts 11, that God opened the door for non-Jews to receive the Good News of the Kingdom (Acts 11:18). This is why the Apostle Paul exclaims:

“Therefore keep bearing in mind that formerly YOU were people of the nations as to flesh; ‘uncircumcision’ YOU were called by that which is called ‘circumcision’ made in the flesh with hands— that YOU were at that particular time without Christ, alienated from the state of Israel and strangers to the covenants of the promise, and YOU had no hope and were without God in the world. But now in union with Christ Jesus YOU who were once far off have come to be near by the blood of the Christ. For he is our peace, he who made the two parties one and destroyed the wall in between that fenced them off.”— Ephesians 2:11-14

Thus, in the context of Scripture, we see that the “two parties” or two groups of people refer strictly to the division between the “Jews” and the “nations” or “Gentiles.” Jesus broke this division down when He paid the price in his “blood” for human sin and “destroyed the wall in between that fenced them off” when He combined His “other sheep” of non-Jewish followers with His “one” flock of Jewish believers. He did this in accordance with His promise at John 10:16:

“And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also I must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd.”


Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by Hairyrapunzel: 8:40pm On Dec 17, 2017
Please disregard the writer of this article he knows nothing about Jehovah's Witnesses he just want to be unnecessarily popular. He is just using some scriptures to paint the witnesses bad as if we don't know what we are doing.

There is going to be great tribulations of that we are very sure of and we are not afraid of it because that will mean salvation for true worshipers of Jehovah.

Why don't you guys preach world peace? Or does the idea of great tribulation happening give you immense satisfaction? I think what appeals to you guys is the fact that you envision your jehovah slaughtering billions of non jws so 8 million jws can take over earth

I think you guys hope terrible events will take place so that your sadistic wish will come true. Also, I have never seen or heard any jw say that they hope the world they live in with non jws will become a peaceful place.

Why prophecy only on evil events taking place on earth? this preoccupation with great tribulation and Armageddon will only lead to mental instability. It's like you fancy stepping on numerous dead bodies of non jws or imagine yourself laughing at the corpses of non jws.
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by MistadeRegal(m): 8:47pm On Dec 17, 2017

Why don't you guys preach world peace? Or does the idea of great tribulation happening give you immense satisfaction? I think what appeals to you guys is the fact that you envision your jehovah slaughtering billions of non jws so 8 million jws can take over earth

I think you guys hope terrible events will take place so that your sadistic wish will come true. Also, I have never seen or heard any jw say that they hope the world they live in with non jws will become a peaceful place.

Why prophecy only on evil events taking place on earth? this preoccupation with great tribulation and Armageddon will only lead to mental instability. It's like you fancy stepping on numerous dead bodies of non jws or imagine yourself laughing at the corpses of non jws.

If you don't understand anything, do not argue about it.
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by Hairyrapunzel: 8:49pm On Dec 17, 2017
The Bible says that “there are new heavens and
a new earth that we are awaiting according to
his promise.” * ( 2 Peter 3:13 ) By means of his
Kingdom , God will restore our earth to the
condition he intended for it, “and death will be
no more.” (Revelation 21:3, 4 ) Is that speaking
of life in heaven or on earth? For something to
“be no more,” it had to be there in the first
place. But death has never existed in heaven.
Logically, then, that verse refers to what will
happen on earth, where we were meant to live
and where we yearn to be with our loved ones.
The Bible also reveals that the dead will be
brought back to life and reunited with their loved
ones.— John 5:28, 29 .
Many people have been thrilled to learn what the
Bible really teaches about heaven. For example, a
former Catholic named George says: “I found the
Bible teaching about living forever on earth to be
comforting. It made more sense than going to
heaven.” *

So it made sense seeing billions of non jws slaughtered by your jehovah so you can inherit earth. So because living forever on earth is more comforting, that's why he chose to start distributing magazine for a publishing company in new York? Or is that why your organization will lie and say great crowd is on earth from 1935 upwards?
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by Uzyvicks(f): 8:53pm On Dec 17, 2017
An apostate sighted. Brothers beware!
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by Hairyrapunzel: 8:54pm On Dec 17, 2017

If you don't understand anything, do not argue about it.
So you that understands something why are you guys fixated on great tribulation and Armageddon?

You that understands something why is it that the since 1935 your organisation teaches that the great crowd is on earth while the bible says they are before the throne and before the lamb.

You that understands something Why don't you people pray for world peace?
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by Hairyrapunzel: 8:58pm On Dec 17, 2017
An apostate sighted. Brothers beware!

You guys are funny o. Typical of doomsday cult members. They see every body who opposes their doctrine as evil cause they are thought to reason that way.
Well, your doctrines are evil and sadistic.
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by Hairyrapunzel: 9:01pm On Dec 17, 2017

Please don't waste your valuable time on that mumu Apostate. He will receive his reward in full.

I am sure in your mind your Jehovah will slaughter him in Armageddon right?
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by omojeesu(m): 9:44pm On Dec 17, 2017

I will but not today... Pls bear with me... Thanks

Will remind you if you forget.
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by Hairyrapunzel: 10:44pm On Dec 17, 2017
“As for the heavens, they belong to Jehovah, but the
earth he has given to the sons of men.” —Psalm
115:16 .

But the psalmist in that chapter spoke like he was thanking God for isreal at that time. Book of psalm is a poetic book. It is a blatant lie to say that this verse refers to the great crowd on earth
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by DavidEsq(m): 5:26am On Dec 18, 2017

agent of darkness stop deceiving people with all this cultists teaching. teach people about salvation and not all this amagedon that jw culture invented to put fear in the mind of it members.
Pls wat is salvation?
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by DavidEsq(m): 5:28am On Dec 18, 2017

It is the Bible that says so not the JW's. Pls read Ecclesiastes 3:19-21.

The Bible further answer your question in Ecclesiastes 9:5,6, 10 and Ecclesiastes 12:7.

Your reference to 1 Cor 5:8 is correct cos Jesus promised that the Little Flock will be raised to heaven to rule with him - Luke 12:32 and Revelation 5:9,10
He will never reply u, ah swear.

1 Like

Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by DavidEsq(m): 5:29am On Dec 18, 2017

But the psalmist in that chapter spoke like he was thanking God for isreal at that time. Book of psalm is a poetic book. It is a blatant lie to say that this verse refers to the great crowd on earth
Psalm 37:29. Can u elucidate in its poetic content?
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by grandstar(m): 7:14am On Dec 18, 2017
Will the “Great Crowd” be on Earth when Armageddon breaks out?

Revelation 7:9, 15: “…look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb …That is why they are before the throne of God; and they are rendering him sacred service day and night in his temple …” —New World Translation

For years, Jehovah’s Witnesses have taught that the vast majority of their followers will resurrect to everlasting life upon an Earthly Paradise and that only a select group of 144,000 followers will live and reign with Jesus Christ in Heaven. These two groups of followers are called “the Earthly Class” and “the Heavenly Class.” The “Earthly Class” is also called “the Other Sheep” of John 10:16 and “the Great Crowd” of Revelation 7:9, while the “Heavenly Class” is called “the Little Flock” of Luke 12:32, “the Anointed Class” of 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 and “the 144,000” of Revelation chapters 7 and 14. These terms are used frequently to reinforce this two-class structure of the Watchtower belief system.

This two-class system is so foundational to the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses that Scripture is constantly twisted and reinterpreted to support this ideology. Although there is not a single Scripture that excludes people who are not in the 144,000 group of Revelation 7 and 14 from the “New Covenant” privileges of being “born again,” (John 3:3) spiritually “adopted” into God’s family (Romans 8:14-16), partaking of the “Memorial” or “Lord’s Supper” celebration of Christ’s redemptive sacrifice, looking to Jesus as their “mediator” (1 Timothy 2:5), and the resurrection “hope” of living and reigning with Christ in Heaven, the Watchtower Society imposes an oppressive belief system that denies these basic Christian privileges from the majority of its members. Likewise, the Watchtower Society rejects the literal descriptions given of the 144,000 listed in the only two Scriptural passages that describe this group, namely Revelation 7:3-8 and 14:1-5. These descriptions that the Jehovah’s Witnesses completely deny and distort are as follows:

- The 144,000 are “sealed” on earth during the Great Tribulation (Revelation 7:1-4).
- The 144,000 are Jews from “every tribe” of Israel 1. (Revelation 7:4-8 ).
- The 144,000 will stand with Jesus upon Mount Zion when He begins to rule the earth (Revelation 14:1).
- The 144,000 are “virgin” men who “did not defile themselves with women” (Revelation 14:4).


It is true that the Bible speaks of “two parties” or groups of believers, but these groups are not described as a “Heavenly class” or an “Earthly class”, but rather the difference between “circumcised” Jews and “uncircumcised” non-Jewish nations. Throughout the New Testament, Jews are identified as the “lost sheep” to whom Jesus came with the Good News of His redemption (Matthew 15:22-24). He even commanded His followers at one point to avoid preaching the Kingdom message to the “nations” or “Gentiles” (non-Jews) (Matthew 10:5-7), so that the Jews would have the opportunity to accept it and become the “light of the nations” that God commanded them to be for the salvation of all mankind (Isaiah 49:6; Acts 13:47). It wasn’t until God gave Peter the vision of unclean food at Acts 11, that God opened the door for non-Jews to receive the Good News of the Kingdom (Acts 11:18). This is why the Apostle Paul exclaims:

“Therefore keep bearing in mind that formerly YOU were people of the nations as to flesh; ‘uncircumcision’ YOU were called by that which is called ‘circumcision’ made in the flesh with hands— that YOU were at that particular time without Christ, alienated from the state of Israel and strangers to the covenants of the promise, and YOU had no hope and were without God in the world. But now in union with Christ Jesus YOU who were once far off have come to be near by the blood of the Christ. For he is our peace, he who made the two parties one and destroyed the wall in between that fenced them off.”— Ephesians 2:11-14

Thus, in the context of Scripture, we see that the “two parties” or two groups of people refer strictly to the division between the “Jews” and the “nations” or “Gentiles.” Jesus broke this division down when He paid the price in his “blood” for human sin and “destroyed the wall in between that fenced them off” when He combined His “other sheep” of non-Jewish followers with His “one” flock of Jewish believers. He did this in accordance with His promise at John 10:16:

“And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also I must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd.”


You should hide your head in shame for your twisted lies.
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by calddon(m): 10:20am On Dec 18, 2017
Will the “Great Crowd” be on Earth when Armageddon breaks out?

Revelation 7:9, 15: “…look! a great crowd, which no man was able to number, out of all nations and tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb …That is why they are before the throne of God; and they are rendering him sacred service day and night in his temple …” —New World Translation

For years, Jehovah’s Witnesses have taught that the vast majority of their followers will resurrect to everlasting life upon an Earthly Paradise and that only a select group of 144,000 followers will live and reign with Jesus Christ in Heaven. These two groups of followers are called “the Earthly Class” and “the Heavenly Class.” The “Earthly Class” is also called “the Other Sheep” of John 10:16 and “the Great Crowd” of Revelation 7:9, while the “Heavenly Class” is called “the Little Flock” of Luke 12:32, “the Anointed Class” of 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 and “the 144,000” of Revelation chapters 7 and 14. These terms are used frequently to reinforce this two-class structure of the Watchtower belief system.

This two-class system is so foundational to the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses that Scripture is constantly twisted and reinterpreted to support this ideology. Although there is not a single Scripture that excludes people who are not in the 144,000 group of Revelation 7 and 14 from the “New Covenant” privileges of being “born again,” (John 3:3) spiritually “adopted” into God’s family (Romans 8:14-16), partaking of the “Memorial” or “Lord’s Supper” celebration of Christ’s redemptive sacrifice, looking to Jesus as their “mediator” (1 Timothy 2:5), and the resurrection “hope” of living and reigning with Christ in Heaven, the Watchtower Society imposes an oppressive belief system that denies these basic Christian privileges from the majority of its members. Likewise, the Watchtower Society rejects the literal descriptions given of the 144,000 listed in the only two Scriptural passages that describe this group, namely Revelation 7:3-8 and 14:1-5. These descriptions that the Jehovah’s Witnesses completely deny and distort are as follows:

- The 144,000 are “sealed” on earth during the Great Tribulation (Revelation 7:1-4).
- The 144,000 are Jews from “every tribe” of Israel 1. (Revelation 7:4-8 ).
- The 144,000 will stand with Jesus upon Mount Zion when He begins to rule the earth (Revelation 14:1).
- The 144,000 are “virgin” men who “did not defile themselves with women” (Revelation 14:4).


It is true that the Bible speaks of “two parties” or groups of believers, but these groups are not described as a “Heavenly class” or an “Earthly class”, but rather the difference between “circumcised” Jews and “uncircumcised” non-Jewish nations. Throughout the New Testament, Jews are identified as the “lost sheep” to whom Jesus came with the Good News of His redemption (Matthew 15:22-24). He even commanded His followers at one point to avoid preaching the Kingdom message to the “nations” or “Gentiles” (non-Jews) (Matthew 10:5-7), so that the Jews would have the opportunity to accept it and become the “light of the nations” that God commanded them to be for the salvation of all mankind (Isaiah 49:6; Acts 13:47). It wasn’t until God gave Peter the vision of unclean food at Acts 11, that God opened the door for non-Jews to receive the Good News of the Kingdom (Acts 11:18). This is why the Apostle Paul exclaims:

“Therefore keep bearing in mind that formerly YOU were people of the nations as to flesh; ‘uncircumcision’ YOU were called by that which is called ‘circumcision’ made in the flesh with hands— that YOU were at that particular time without Christ, alienated from the state of Israel and strangers to the covenants of the promise, and YOU had no hope and were without God in the world. But now in union with Christ Jesus YOU who were once far off have come to be near by the blood of the Christ. For he is our peace, he who made the two parties one and destroyed the wall in between that fenced them off.”— Ephesians 2:11-14

Thus, in the context of Scripture, we see that the “two parties” or two groups of people refer strictly to the division between the “Jews” and the “nations” or “Gentiles.” Jesus broke this division down when He paid the price in his “blood” for human sin and “destroyed the wall in between that fenced them off” when He combined His “other sheep” of non-Jewish followers with His “one” flock of Jewish believers. He did this in accordance with His promise at John 10:16:

“And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold; those also I must bring, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd.”

All your topics from when you joined nairaland has been to attack Jehovahs witness organization....ur motives can be plainly seen.
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by Hairyrapunzel: 6:58pm On Dec 18, 2017

Psalm 37:29. Can u elucidate in its poetic content?
Have you ever read the whole chapter? Its still a poetic book and also doesn't refer to any great crowd being here on earth. It doesn't explain your belief and this verse is not an excuse for the misinterpretation of the bible. The book of psalm never talks about prophecies
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by DavidEsq(m): 7:11pm On Dec 18, 2017

Have you ever read the whole chapter? Its still a poetic book and also doesn't refer to any great crowd being here on earth. It doesn't explain your belief and this verse is not an excuse for the misinterpretation of the bible. The book of psalm never talks about prophecies
Cld u kindly enlighten us on the obvious meaning of that verse, pls. If u really cannot, I wldnt hold it against u at all.
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by Hairyrapunzel: 9:10pm On Dec 18, 2017

All your topics from when you joined nairaland has been to attack Jehovahs witness organization....ur motives can be plaintly seen.

Its not an attack its called a different point of view. If they believe they are the only true religion they should be able to withstand criticism.
There is always a contrary opinion to any issue. Defend your religion rather than shouting attack everywhere. Jws and their persecution complex.
Re: Will The “Great Crowd” Be On Earth When Armageddon Breaks Out? by capitalzero: 10:18pm On Dec 18, 2017
hahaha cult organization, have been a member of jw as an elder for long before I left the organization after doing my proper investigation. an organization that have giving fake prediction and prophecy na that one won teach people about amagedon.
The Jehovah's Witnesses Have a History of Failed Prophecies.

The leaders of the Jehovah's Witnesses claim to speak for Jehovah God with prophetic authority but they have made many prophecies that failed to come true. For example, they predicted that Armageddon and the end of the world would come in 1975. To cover up for this failure, most Jehovah's Witnesses today deny they made this prediction even though it is easily proven from their own literature.1

The Jehovah's Witness organization also predicted that the end of the world would come in 1914, 1915, 1918, 1925 and 1942. They predicted that Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would be resurrected and return to the earth in 1925. They have been wrong every single time.2 The Bible declares that failed prophecy is a mark of a false prophet (Deuteronomy 18:21-22

I am very sure you are disfellowshipped.

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