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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December (180677 Views)
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Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by musicwriter(m): 11:32pm On Dec 24, 2017 |
johnydon22: The place known today as Egypt was a civilization that developed later from Ethiopia and Sudan. The Egyptians themselves said they came from the hinterlands of Africa at the beginning of the Nile river. Their God and monarchy didn't originate in Egypt, it originated thousands of years down South before Egypt. Example; Pharaoh Taharqa or Tiharqa (690 BC - 664 BC) ruled from Ethiopia/Sudan. Pharaoh Taharqa or Tiharqa was mentioned in the bible at 2 Kings 19: 8-13, 2 Kings 19: 9, 2 Kings 19: 8. Taharqo was the 4th Pharaoh in the 25th dynasty of the Egyptian monarchy and he ruled from Ethiopia/Sudan where Isis and Horus were worshiped long time before the Egyptian civilization. See Egyptian Pharaoh time line I' am not the one that said Jesus was born on 25th December, I was simply quoting what the different religions said. Historically, there's nobody even called Jesus Christ. Such a person didn't even exist. 9 Likes |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by Infinityyyyy: 1:03am On Dec 25, 2017 |
The Horus myth predates Jesus distortion by at least 4200 years and not 3000 years as the poster erroneously opined. However it is important for all of us to understand that all the aforementioned Saviour Gods where not historical figures but mythical figures. The only difference between the older myths and that of Jesus is that the story portrayed Jesus as a bastard. |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by Infinityyyyy: 1:05am On Dec 25, 2017 |
musicwriter: Yes. There was no Jesus. Jesus Christ is the white man's 419. 5 Likes |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by Nobody: 1:12am On Dec 25, 2017 |
musicwriter:There was definitely a man named Jesus. What is no true is the claim that he was born from a virgin woman. His claim of being son of God isn't also universally accepted. You are right on the Egyptian part. They said they came from the south and their language is part of Afroasiatic super family languages. According to scholars, Afroasiatic originated in Ethiopia to be specific and Horn of Africa in general.
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by musicwriter(m): 3:36am On Dec 25, 2017 |
Hati13: There is nobody in history called Jesus Christ. The person referred to as Jesus was actually Yashua or Yehoshua who was a black man. Rome didn't believe in him and they created white Jesus. In fact, since you argue he wasn't ''born from a virgin woman. His claim of being son of God isn't also universally accepted'' then you must be talking about someone else and not the bible Jesus. 1 Like |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by Nobody: 4:51am On Dec 25, 2017 |
musicwriter:From which area was Yashua? I'm talking about the Biblical Jesus. This man had preached ppl and claimed to be son of God, but his true story had been hidden by his followers after he died. I'm a non believer, but I believe he existed and secular scholars also say so. Not just in Rome, but some ppl in other areas also pictured Jesus in their own. For example, here in Ethiopia our forefathers pictured him looking like them. |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by aerodee(m): 5:25am On Dec 25, 2017 |
But like 95% of Pastors and Bible scholars I have met agree that Dec 25th is not the birth date of Jesus, it is just a date chosen, though with political undertone to coincide with some celebration for acceptability... 1 Like |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by OtemAtum: 7:07am On Dec 25, 2017 |
OgaSirAde:Faulkin(Zeusus Krista) is a nephilim, being the son of Murmoh and the adopted son of Yahweh, so we can still refer to him as a god. |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by OtemAtum: 7:09am On Dec 25, 2017 |
OgaSirAde:Faulkin(Zeusus Krista) is a nephilim, being the son of Murmoh and the adopted son of Yahweh, so we can still refer to him as a god. Doctufos: Adspiramen 7:17-21 |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by musicwriter(m): 8:39am On Dec 25, 2017 |
Hati13: And you think I don't know that? The problem is its difficult for you people to understand what happened. Yes, the first Christians were Ethiopians, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Malta, Syria, in fact, almost the entire Muslim Midle East and the Mediterranean region. The first Church was in Antioch, somewhere in Turkey and others in Egypt and Ethiopia. This was before 312 AD, BEFORE emperor Constantine converted to Christianity. That's when the real followers of the real Jesus existed on earth. Before that period, Rome didn't believe in this Jesus you're talking about and they killed these Christians in Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Malta, Syria, Midle East and the Mediterranean region. Anybody who want to know the truth about Christianity should go and ask Muslims in the Midle East, because they were the first Christians. Look, the BIGGEST identity theft in human history occurred in 315 AD, at the council of Nicea. That's where and when the identity of the real Jesus (Yashua) you're talking about was stolen, and a fake white Jesus invented by Rome. The Jesus of today is Casare Borgia, son of pope Alexander the VI. For details watch the documentary I told you last time at the bottom of the article at the lost history Once Rome hijacked Christianity, these region (now called Muslims) abandoned Christianity, because they accused Rome of corrupting the religion with European Paganism, alien Jesus and fetish practices unknown to Christianity at that time. Prominent custodians of Christianity then were Tetulian and St' Augustine- both of them black. The original creators of Christianity abandoned the religion for Rome!. Europeans with their white supremacist world view would then go back to those early Christians killing them in the first crusades, second crusades, third crusades, - 9th crusades, for not believing in the fake Jesus. When they didn't believe in Jesus they killed those that believed in him, and when they believed in Jesus they killed those that didn't believe. Get it? White supremacist world view means they're still forcing you right now to believe their version of whatever they believe, because as far as they're concerned, they're always right no matter what they do. When you understand what happened, you'll understand you're talking about a different Jesus. 10 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by OgaSirAde(m): 11:07pm On Dec 25, 2017 |
musicwriter:I have no further reply for you. Let be unto you according to your understanding |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by OgaSirAde(m): 11:09pm On Dec 25, 2017 |
OtemAtum:No further comments, let it be unto you according to your understanding |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by OtemAtum: 11:23pm On Dec 25, 2017 |
OgaSirAde:Ase! |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by 1Sharon(f): 4:14am On Dec 26, 2017 |
OgaSirAde: ![]() 2 Likes |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by 1Sharon(f): 4:16am On Dec 26, 2017 |
johnydon22: Facts may suggest he wasn't. But the Christian religion says he was. |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by OgaSirAde(m): 2:00pm On Dec 28, 2017 |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by DarkRebel69: 6:36pm On Dec 28, 2017 |
Jesus was born in CE 300? I want to believe that was a honest mistake. Another thing, Zarathustra was not an Indian god. Zarathustra was an Iranian (Persian) prophet, founder of Zoroastrianism, and purportedly the founder of the astrology-based "Mysteries of Mithras" (Mithraism), which was the prevalent mystery religion during the 2nd-4th century CE Byzantine Empire. (The name "Zarathustra is what we know in its anglicised iteration “Zoroaster”) And, I think the birthday of Jesus which was pegged on 25th December is more nearer in intent to Mithras than to Krishna, Hermes, or Horus. Mithras is an ancient Sun god who is also associated with the Sol Invictus, and was the prevalent cult figure during the late Roman cum Byzantine Empire. In the Emperor Contantine's attempt to ensure a smooth transition of the Byzantine Empire to a Christian state, many pagan icons and symbols were deftly incorporated into Christian theology (a practice called syncretisation), and that as well includes the shifting of the traditional Sabbath (Saturday) to Sunday (the day of the worship of the Sun), and the birthday of Jesus being pegged at the exact date when the Romans were used to celebrating the birth of Mithras (25th December). (Mithras as well was said to have had an immaculate conception, had 12 disciples, and ascended to heaven). Christianity is as echt as it is false. 2 Likes |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by 1Sharon(f): 8:12pm On Dec 28, 2017 |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by analize701: 8:31pm On Dec 28, 2017 |
lokobyforch:This is legitly stupid. hahahahahahaha |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by analize701: 8:37pm On Dec 28, 2017 |
CAPSLOCKED:Before you go talking like a mad man. shouldn't you point were the Bible says Jesus was born on 25December? 25 December is a Catholic Hellenistic paganist culture. It has nothing to do with Christianity, but your madness won't let you stop and reason. ***Ignoremodeactivated*** |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by musicwriter(m): 10:01pm On Dec 28, 2017 |
DarkRebel69: Thanks for pointing out Zoroaster's nationality. That was an oversight. As regards Yashua's date of birth that's unknown, but should be somewhere at the beginning of the common era CE. As of Jesus Christ, his date of birth is known. According to Christianity, he saw born on 25th December, sometime around 312 AD, when Constantine converted to Christianity. |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by OgaSirAde(m): 11:23pm On Dec 28, 2017 |
1Sharon:Don't have your time nw will let you knw wen I do. Cheers dearie |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by noblefrank31(m): 5:23am On Dec 29, 2017 |
»» Are Weary And Tired Of Life? Jesus Wants To Do A New Thing In Your Life Today! See Powerful Prayer Points For Instant Breakthroughs And Miracles! |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by Nobody: 10:02am On Dec 29, 2017 |
analize701:Catholicism IS Christianity. So, what the fück are you on about? All you protestants and other non-Catholics are HELL-BOUND heretics. If you don't belong to the Catholic Church you already have an apartment furnished for you in hell, GUARANTEED. Catholicism is ORIGINAL Christianity. Every other form of Christianity is a deviation from it, and shouldn't be taken seriously. And before you start quoting the scriptures to prove that Catholicism is "Satanism", "Idolatry", or any other nonsense you can think of, please take note that Catholics compiled the Bible, so you should realize in advance how ridiculous that would be. 1 Like |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by analize701: 10:26am On Dec 29, 2017 |
Maezara:Hahahahahahahaa. Thank you very much for your kind words. Now where is it written that Christ was born on the 25 December? Who is dragging the compilation of the Bible with you? They complied the Bible but practice Hellenism. Catholic idolatrous culture put that date trying take Christ fit with other satanic demon worshipping cultures. Sir, it won't work. We are Bible believing, nothing else added to it. 1 Like |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by Nobody: 10:41am On Dec 29, 2017 |
analize701:Lol. You still don't get the point. ![]() ![]() ![]() QUESTIONS: 1) Where is it written that Christ was born on 25 December? 2) Where is it written that all the books of the Bible are genuinely CANON, and the ones not included are NON-CANON? ANSWERS: 1) It's not written anywhere, the Catholic church DECIDED. 2) It's also not written anywhere, it was DECIDED by the Church. Capiche, hmm? The people who made December 25 the birthday of Christ are the same people who DECIDED which Book is Scripture and which Book is not. Do you get it now? 1 Like |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by analize701: 12:10pm On Dec 29, 2017 |
Maezara:lolzzzzz. Do you think backwards? Those said books are still available and i, being a lover of books, i read them. That they are not added in the Bible doesn't make them valueless. I read and get inspired by them. You may think you are making sense, but you don't realize that you are showing how devious the Catholic Church is. You, without realizing it, are exposing the evil of that Mother of harlots in trying to conceal truths and adding paganism into the Christian faith. But, She failed. Again, where are we, as Christians enjoined to Celebrate the birth of Christ, be it 25 of December or not? Keep talking, the more you talk, the more you expose your harlot of a Church. 1 Like |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by victoronyekwelu(m): 12:13pm On Dec 29, 2017 |
Maezara:so for your mind you done type waiting make sence ![]() |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by analize701: 12:15pm On Dec 29, 2017 |
musicwriter:Thank you for this, but the Christian Faith didn't say Christ was born on the 25 of December, the Catholic 'Hellenistic' Religion did. |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by godisgood200: 12:23pm On Dec 29, 2017 |
OtemAtum:I dey really pity this guy. Na only him dey quote this things. Abeg make una help am quote from him god too nah. Chai. O boy, how come na only you sabi this your god self. I dey notice say you no dey accept any invitation to discuss your god. True, i dey pity you, everybody just dey ignore you. Eyaah. |
Re: List Of Gods Born By A Virgin On 25th December by musicwriter(m): 1:08pm On Dec 29, 2017 |
analize701: Catholics invented Jesus. Catholics invented the bible. Its either you're a Catholic or forget about Christianity. Your concern is the exact reason Middle Eastern people left Christianity in times of old and fell into the waiting hands of Islam. 1 Like 1 Share |
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