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Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by koife(m): 9:39am On Jan 15, 2018
I've had challenging experiences in life. I can boldly say that I'm not where I had envisaged to be at 34, yes its a number you'd expect some certain degree of stability, but mine is totally not true. Before you blame me of laziness and not being proactive, I came to back to nja after making marriage plans and decision to start a busines.... long and short is that the car hire and logistics business crashed I lost my relationship but I somehow weathered the storm and kept hustling and empowering myself with lots of certification that has to do with oil and gas. As you know this courses are capital intensive With expiry date... as I speak a few has expired. I've picked up menial jobs that is far below where I can maximally express what I'm capable of. I feel stocked.... like im on a standstill. I reluctantly picked up insurance work that stress the hell out of me after my masters back in 2016. People. I have hustled, tried my hands in everything like driving taxi, laundry etc. As I speak I have admission in The US but no sponsor. My financial situation have made me almost become a laughing stock amongst friends and worst even within my family as I had to return to putting up with my parents, yes! I'm with my parents!! I've lost countable jobs after interviews,some telling me my qualifications are too much, while some bcoz lack of God father and you know how labout market employers attach interest on age limit. Let me quickly say I'm a believing and preyerful person, but at this point I'm losing it, as I write I'm home alone ... I'm withdrawn and hardly go out. Recently I started nuring this evil though that it could actually be better if I end it to find rest away from this world but my inner person calls me to order. I Hardly concentrate, I'm bipolar and have lost uncountable number of relationships, which I won't blame the ladies involved... yes, who would want to associate with a person in my situation. I've done everything wishing my powers hence this thread. I desperately need urgent help, job, a psychologist, Or counselor anybody

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Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by BiafranBushBoy: 9:50am On Jan 15, 2018
If you take your time and think deeply about a problem you can solve with the skills you have, you wouldn't have the time to get depressed.

I tell you what?

There are lots of jobs out there (Not white collar), and they need people to fill those vacuum.

Get out of your comfort zone, go out, meet people and look for how to solve a problem with the skill you have.

Unless you have nothing to offer (which I doubt), there is a job out there waiting for you.

We all must not be White collar jobbers. There are lots of high paying Blue Collar Jobs.

Read about these skills that can get you a job as fast as possible


Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by Nobody: 9:54am On Jan 15, 2018
I feel your pain bro, the problem is not with you but with the country you found yourself. Many Nigerians are in a worst state, far worst than yours. Many even lost their jobs to join the millions of unemployed.

The damages have gone beyond certifying yourself as even masters holders are even jobless.

The only advice i have for you is to read my signature.

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Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by Nobody: 9:54am On Jan 15, 2018
Village people


Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by koife(m): 10:01am On Jan 15, 2018
If you take your time and think deeply about a problem you can solve with the skills you have, you wouldn't have the time to get depressed.

I tell you what?

There are lots of jobs out there (Not white collar), and they need people to fill those vacuum.

Get out of your comfort zone, go out, meet people and look for how to solve a problem with the skill you have.

Unless you have nothing to offer (which I doubt), there is a job out there waiting for you.

We all must not be White collar jobbers. There are lots of high paying Blue Collar Jobs.

Read about these skills that can get you a job as fast as possible
Thank you bro
Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by adax007: 10:04am On Jan 15, 2018
Bro, everything would b alrite by d special grace of God...Trust me, u will b very successful, it's just a matter of tym.


Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by godsamist: 10:05am On Jan 15, 2018
The word of life said there time and seasons! Always look at what you have left; not what's lost. For every allowed battles,there is a blessings attached! No time to give up move ahead, that's life for you!!!


Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by Day169: 10:08am On Jan 15, 2018
I just read a page from your success story!
..but you're the ONLY one to make that come true.
Remember that winners don't quit and vice versa.
When you succeed, you stand to be an inspiration to many more youth even far lower the rungs, on the ladder to your success.
Look for inspiration in many "Self help" books!
Start today, and you'll become a blessing to many others.
Stay strong!
..all the best!!


Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by BlackDBagba: 10:09am On Jan 15, 2018
Hold on...

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Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by BlueScholar(m): 10:22am On Jan 15, 2018
God said with hardship comes ease...
as long as you're alive keep moving, keep hoping, keep believing that one day things will work out. We all have our own destiny design by God, so don't let the success of the people around you blind you.

Your time will come, be patient and also try and be exercising at least 4 times a week and also you should read up on meditation.

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Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by donefezy: 10:23am On Jan 15, 2018
This unemployment of a thing is becoming something else.

I feel your pain bro, we are in same situation but i certainly will ball out smiling. How about you?


Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by Nobody: 10:24am On Jan 15, 2018
You have been doing something over and over- you have been acquiring qualifications and certification that will make you an employee. These certification and qualifications don't really solve people's problems. For every qualification you think you have there is someone younger with more qualification and experience . It is that competitive. You are advanced with limited experience. Why don't you look around, be creative, solve people's problems. Stop looking for jobs. Study trends and what's obtainable in the future. You will see opportunities. and you need to associate more. Network and build relationship. Success is about network and relationship. I have been in a similar situation. You need the support of people to help you succeed... look for support. Forget those online jobs, forget oil and gas job. Oil and gas don cast. Help yourself bro. If you can't think of any 'white collar Idea". How is your environment like? Can you make chicken and chips, boli or any food on the road side people will like to consume without stress. I travelled via road from PH to lagos sometime and I bumped into an advanced man with his wife making boli at one popular ughelli fast food. You need to see how fast he was selling. coming back, we were sorta late and got to Ughelli around 6. Dude was done for the day. He already made his money for that day- he wasn't waiting for boli to be bought, people are the one looking to buy. Find an environment like that. You don't have to be the one to make it but be there to monitor. Solve people's problem.

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Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by DeeMarh(f): 10:25am On Jan 15, 2018


Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by Extremism4all: 10:57am On Jan 15, 2018
I feel for you Bro, the little piece of advise I have for you is to go out to acquire some skills & forget about white collar job in this country of ours. The government are not ready to help the youths then why don't we help ourselves by being creative & be our own Boss. Besides, It is good to be an employer of jobs rather than being an employee in a company where one small boy will give you directives.
You may chat me up on whatsapp +2348127409942 for more discussion on what to learn which will be lucrative for u at the end of the day.
I wish you all the best Bro.
Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by BiafranBushBoy: 11:21am On Jan 15, 2018
Thank you bro

You can read my own story by checking here. Maybe it can inspire you a bit.

Just don't give up bro...
Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by Sapiosexuality(m): 12:48pm On Jan 15, 2018
God said with hardship comes ease...
as long as you're alive keep moving, keep hoping, keep believing that one day things will work out. We all have our own destiny design by God, so don't let the success of the people around you blind you.

Your time will come, be patient and also try and be exercising at least 4 times a week and also you should read up on meditation.
You guys should leave this God thing. There's so much suffering in the world and this placebo is not often enough encouragement. Your second paragraph is more encouraging.

Koife, you have to step outside. Expose yourself to the sun a lot. Staying indoors worsens depression. Look for any gathering of people and join. Church, Park, etc. Walk bare footed on green grasses if you can. The positive energy it releases is good for you. Surround yourself with nature and people. And keep sending your CVs. Follow erem'y, debbi'e and Pojomoj'o on Nairaland.

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Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by edoman2016: 12:49pm On Jan 15, 2018
I've had challenging experiences in life. I can boldly say that I'm not where I had envisaged to be at 34, yes its a number you'd expect some certain degree of stability, but mine is totally not true. Before you blame me of laziness and not being proactive, I came to back to nja after making marriage plans and decision to start a busines.... long and short is that the car hire and logistics business crashed I lost my relationship but I somehow weathered the storm and kept hustling and empowering myself with lots of certification that has to do with oil and gas. As you know this courses are capital intensive With expiry date... as I speak a few has expired. I've picked up menial jobs that is far below where I can maximally express what I'm capable of. I feel stocked.... like im on a standstill. I reluctantly picked up insurance work that stress the hell out of me after my masters back in 2016. People. I have hustled, tried my hands in everything like driving taxi, laundry etc. As I speak I have admission in The US but no sponsor. My financial situation have made me almost become a laughing stock amongst friends and worst even within my family as I had to return to putting up with my parents, yes! I'm with my parents!! I've lost countable jobs after interviews,some telling me my qualifications are too much, while some bcoz lack of God father and you know how labout market employers attach interest on age limit. Let me quickly say I'm a believing and preyerful person, but at this point I'm losing it, as I write I'm home alone ... I'm withdrawn and hardly go out. Recently I started nuring this evil though that it could actually be better if I end it to find rest away from this world but my inner person calls me to order. I Hardly concentrate, I'm bipolar and have lost uncountable number of relationships, which I won't blame the ladies involved... yes, who would want to associate with a person in my situation. I've done everything wishing my powers hence this thread. I desperately need urgent help, job, a psychologist, Or counselor anybody
You didn't mention university you graduated from, your course of study as well as the grade. It's important to state it.

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Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by Rahbiew: 1:12pm On Jan 15, 2018
Go into freelancing sir. with full concentration and dedication, you'll make something tangible...channel all your energy into it !make it your hobby! with time, everything go set

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Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by ammyluv2002(f): 1:40pm On Jan 15, 2018
Don't give up bro! You're not alone...be courageous and hope for the best!
Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by just2simple: 1:45pm On Jan 15, 2018
shocked U have said it all for him. I think it high time for our graduate to find dignity in establishing and being involved in their own business however small it might seem. White colar jobs now are very elusive. Business and passion in what u do is d best way forward tongue
You have been doing something over and over- you have been acquiring qualifications and certification that will make you an employee. These certification and qualifications don't really solve people's problems. For every qualification you think you have there is someone younger with more qualification and experience . It is that competitive. You are advanced with limited experience. Why don't you look around, be creative, solve people's problems. Stop looking for jobs. Study trends and what's obtainable in the future. You will see opportunities. and you need to associate more. Network and build relationship. Success is about network and relationship. I have been in a similar situation. You need the support of people to help you succeed... look for support. Forget those online jobs, forget oil and gas job. Oil and gas don cast. Help yourself bro. If you can't think of any 'white collar Idea". How is your environment like? Can you make chicken and chips, boli or any food on the road side people will like to consume without stress. I travelled via road from PH to lagos sometime and I bumped into an advanced man with his wife making boli at one popular ughelli fast food. You need to see how fast he was selling. coming back, we were sorta late and got to Ughelli around 6. Dude was done for the day. He already made his money for that day- he wasn't waiting for boli to be bought, people are the one looking to buy. Find an environment like that. You don't have to be the one to make it but be there to monitor. Solve people's problem.
Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by rolly44: 2:22pm On Jan 15, 2018
I know of a guy who is 41years graduate no job no wife no girl friend living with his parents, sucide is not the answer if you dont have work go to a reputable outfit and tell them you want to serve them for free for u to wast ur time staying at home go and serve any company for free see if you can geth experince and final may be they can employ you later wisdom is profitable for directio


Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by xxgig(m): 3:16pm On Jan 15, 2018
I know of a guy who is 41years graduate no job no wife no girl friend living with his parents, sucide is not the answer if you dont have work go to a reputable outfit and tell them you want to serve them for free for u to wast ur time staying at home go and serve any company for free see if you can geth experince and final may be they can employ you later wisdom is profitable for directio
this most times is easier said than done. this is the plan i had, i only wish Npower had selected me. i am unemployed and was moved to the point of almost breaking down in tears due to some happenings where i am presently squatting. going back to my parents house is not an option because of its location. Nevertheless i no i can pull through this and come out of it a stronger and better person. don't give up koife this will only last for a while and it will passs.

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Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by SmellingAnus(m): 3:25pm On Jan 15, 2018
Sorry for your situation... I already clicked the "follow icon" for personal reasons... I pray you get the help you need through anyone including me... Don't give up cos you will achieve great things... Also put your hope in God...

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Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by idu1(m): 6:13pm On Jan 15, 2018
My friend, the reason why you don't succeed in your laundry and driving business is because your mind is still on oil and gas jobs. Money dey taxi if you get better motor. Ginger yourself and enter hustle bro. No be everybody go work for shell..


Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by Daluuzor(m): 6:24pm On Jan 15, 2018
Brother, every situation has its expiry date! It will soon be over, just have a little faith/patience and look to the brighter side of things.
I was once in your shoes, funny thing I was 34 last year, no job, no friends just my family, thank God I still have one. (Not married yet, just got engaged last Dec) i was depressed but i had to find a way to crawl out of my depressed state.
I went into pharmaceuticals!
I studied Chemistry at the University of Benin, I made use of my profession and today, looking back at all those years looking for job and being depressed, even almost being conned, smh. I will only give thanks to God.
My passion for Pharmaceuticals helped me a lot
Please don't despair, there is always light at the end of the tunnel. What ever you find doing with passion, no matter how small, just do it.
If you are too big to do a small job, you will be too small to do a big job.

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Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by anibirelawal(m): 6:47pm On Jan 15, 2018
Your job is out there waiting for you... dont back down.
Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by RSVP: 7:01pm On Jan 15, 2018
Have you tired getting intouch with some of your old friends for help?

I understand it's really hard in this kinda situation but at times you need to start looking inward to find help.

Confide in your close family members and friends maybe they could come up with better plans or best business you engage in.

And please try to move more closer to God.


Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by indoorlove(m): 7:27pm On Jan 15, 2018
Why not state your qualification and certifications here. You never can tell Someone might bump into this thread and genuinely wants to help.
Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by dont8(m): 8:05pm On Jan 15, 2018
Wow! I'm proud of you guys for the words of encouragement to him.

Going forward, you need to learn a trade, something you have passion for and be an employer of labour. Keep on holding on bro.

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Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by IME1: 9:25pm On Jan 15, 2018
Cheer up

There are many with employment but are still jobless

Rain dey fall e no dey touch ground

Decode cool
Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by purplejuli: 9:36pm On Jan 15, 2018
Koife kindly state ur qualifications here... i see u getting an opportunity
Re: Unemployment Has Made Me Depressed!! by koife(m): 11:03pm On Jan 15, 2018
You have been doing something over and over- you have been acquiring qualifications and certification that will make you an employee. These certification and qualifications don't really solve people's problems. For every qualification you think you have there is someone younger with more qualification and experience . It is that competitive. You are advanced with limited experience. Why don't you look around, be creative, solve people's problems. Stop looking for jobs. Study trends and what's obtainable in the future. You will see opportunities. and you need to associate more. Network and build relationship. Success is about network and relationship. I have been in a similar situation. You need the support of people to help you succeed... look for support. Forget those online jobs, forget oil and gas job. Oil and gas don cast. Help yourself bro. If you can't think of any 'white collar Idea". How is your environment like? Can you make chicken and chips, boli or any food on the road side people will like to consume without stress. I travelled via road from PH to lagos sometime and I bumped into an advanced man with his wife making boli at one popular ughelli fast food. You need to see how fast he was selling. coming back, we were sorta late and got to Ughelli around 6. Dude was done for the day. He already made his money for that day- he wasn't waiting for boli to be bought, people are the one looking to buy. Find an environment like that. You don't have to be the one to make it but be there to monitor. Solve people's problem.
Bro I have a good number of working experience. I've served onboard nlng but resigned to go do naval architecture in Croatia when I got into a certain mess. Bro it's long story

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