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British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? - Politics - Nairaland

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British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by SakuraSimiola: 10:24am On Feb 04, 2018
Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by Rockyrascal(m): 10:27am On Feb 04, 2018
Am very sure over there they feel and represent the green and white flag, but when they travel back home they become full blooded biafrans.

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Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by SakuraSimiola: 11:59am On Feb 04, 2018
A lot of British Igbos are very sympathetic to the Biafran cause

Am very sure over there they feel and represent the green and white flag, but when they travel back home they become full blooded biafrans.


Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by tunjiajayi: 12:02pm On Feb 04, 2018
grin British Igbo, biafran Jews, Nigerian yanmiris.

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Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by limeta(f): 12:13pm On Feb 04, 2018
Proud biafrans


Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by Fifthwave(f): 12:17pm On Feb 04, 2018
Biafra is Shît! Nigeria is a pile of Shît!
Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by DocHMD: 1:22pm On Feb 04, 2018
I'm sure they are aware of the demented unprogressive foolanis and their amala-loving slaves and how they destroyed shitholegeria.

They all know they are Biafrans.


Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by NonsoPlatinum: 2:46pm On Feb 05, 2018

I'm sure they are aware of the demented unprogressive foolanis and their amala-loving slaves and how they destroyed shitholegeria.

They all know they are Biafrans.


Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by SakuraSimiola: 11:41pm On Feb 08, 2018
Why do you want biafra?

Proud biafrans
Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by zeuchineesnacks: 12:30am On Feb 09, 2018
Why do you want biafra?

anything else u want to post abt igbos and biafrans seems that's your passion these days. undecided
Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by OneCorner: 5:43am On Feb 09, 2018
I'm confused oo
Are we Jews or biafrans?
Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by nwabobo: 6:23am On Feb 09, 2018
Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by SakuraSimiola: 7:09am On Feb 09, 2018
Igbos are West Africans

Don't mind that Hebrew Mumbo Jumbo

I'm confused oo
Are we Jews or biafrans?
Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by limeta(f): 9:34am On Feb 09, 2018
Why do you want biafra?

So the caliphat can come true on the other side of the divide.

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Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by SakuraSimiola: 1:59pm On Feb 19, 2018


So the caliphat can come true on the other side of the divide.
Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by DocHMD: 2:41pm On Feb 19, 2018

A lot of British Igbos are very sympathetic to the Biafran cause

You cannot travel or be birthed outside the contraption and come back to want this country to continue to remain one.

There are more unprogressive, retrogressive, demented, barbaric apes than real human beings in the zoological contraption and as long as they draw breath, the contraption can never move forward. They number in millions up north so how do you start neutralizing them? You simply seperate from them.

I said it the other day that if all southern youths and shipped to stay in nordic countries for just one month, when they come back they'll kill their fears, pick up arms and ask that the contraption be divided for the sake of humanity and progress.

If you travel out of this country for one month, you'll see why the contraption can never progress even in the next 1000years. Only unlettered apes, almajiris and politicians who have jumbo pensions to protect love the zoo.


Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by Turantula(m): 2:43pm On Feb 19, 2018
I'm confused oo
Are we Jews or biafrans?
U r a skull mining Zoogeria Afonja
Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by SakuraSimiola: 4:34pm On Feb 19, 2018


You cannot travel or be birthed outside the contraption and come back to want this country to continue to remain one.

There are more unprogressive, retrogressive, demented, barbaric apes than real human beings in the zoological contraption and as long as they draw breath, the contraption can never move forward. They number in millions up north so how do you start neutralizing them? You simply seperate from them.

I said it the other day that if all southern youths and shipped to stay in nordic countries for just one month, when they come back they'll kill their fears, pick up arms and ask that the contraption be divided for the sake of humanity and progress.

If you travel out of this country for one month, you'll see why the contraption can never progress even in the next 1000years. Only unlettered apes, almajiris and politicians who have jumbo pensions to protect love the zoo.

Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by WhoRUDeceiving: 5:23pm On Feb 19, 2018
One Shi.thole or Nigger Area? Of course not

Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by DerideGull(m): 7:47pm On Feb 19, 2018
Why do you want biafra?

Because Nigeria is a shithole.
Re: British Igbos : Do You Feel Biafran Or Nigerian? by DejiSantos: 4:11pm On Mar 27, 2018
Until Nigeria is fixed. These problems will persist.


Because Nigeria is a shithole.

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