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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Romance / 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women (3327 Views)
My Urge For Sex Is Destroying Me / MEN!! The RUSSIAN-UKRAINE WAR Clearly Shows That FEMINISM IS BULLSHIIT! (Photos) / "Feminism Is A Rebellion Against God's Established Order" - Nigerian Lady Says (2) (3) (4)
5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by TheMenCode: 7:31pm On Feb 07, 2018 |
1. Makes Them Waste Their Single Most Important Decade A woman has one decade to make a decision that will affect the remaining decades of her life but feminism want her to waste that decade, this is why you hear women say they want to be able to achieve the many goals they set for themselves and maybe settle when she’s 35 years. They now believe if the man can wait and settle later, so can the woman and in worse case scenario she can freeze her eggs. Every man knows that a woman attraction level decreases as she get older as she move closer to hitting the unavoidable biological wall but she clearly cannot think about this because she’s too emotional to logically evaluate her decision. She’s made to believe cosmetic surgery and a hip of makeup layers will give her the ‘I still got it‘ feeling after hitting the wall. 2. Makes Women Unfit Mothers It’s no longer unusual to see kids are obese because they eat a lot of junks, as their mothers no longer have time to prepare them organic food, she traded that time for career and can no longer care for the household leaving everything at the mercy of house-help. Eating out is a basic routine and she explains it away by saying she’s a wife not a cook, if the man need a cook he should hire one. 3. Makes It Hard For Her To Find Life Partner Feminism has given women the opportunity to make more money while taking away their biological need to start a family early. Makes her seek for equal pay for doing the same job as the man even if she’s just recruited newly, she still want equal pay with the man doing same job for decades. With this comes difficulty for her to settle with a man who earn less because she naturally want to marry a man earning equal or more than her. Women continually pushing for equal or higher pay has left men with little options and prefer to go for women of lower means, leaving the women of higher means lonely without husband. READ MORE=>> 1 Like
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by donstan18: 7:32pm On Feb 07, 2018 |
![]() |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by Nobody: 7:37pm On Feb 07, 2018 |
To type just itch your fingers... Isokay ![]() |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by AishaBuhari: 7:43pm On Feb 07, 2018 |
And they do dildos/lesbianism alot ![]() 3 Likes |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by Nobody: 7:44pm On Feb 07, 2018 |
This is absolutely wrong First of all, Feminism is just an advocacy for equal rights between the sexes. > Feminism did/can not insist or suggest when a lady should settle down. There is nothing in the movement to suggest this, This is merely a misconception going around on social media platforms in Nigeria. There are lots of feminists who are happily married >Feminism don't dictate the type of food a woman should eat. it is not an advocacy for the nutritional value of women. Therefore, it has very little or nothing to do with the second point you raised > Feminism has nothing do with finding a life partner. The fact that women now earn more than they use to do in yesteryears doesn't mean they should not find love. NB; I am not a feminist but a firm believer in the idea of a fairer world, whether we practice equality or equity ![]() 8 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by Nobody: 8:08pm On Feb 07, 2018 |
greiboy: You have said exactly the truth and this is a clear explanation for it. But Nigeria woman think of feminism exactly as the OP have posted 4 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by Airyprince(m): 8:18pm On Feb 07, 2018 |
There are 99 promblems facing Nigeria buh trust me feminism ain't one of em ![]() 1 Like
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by TheMenCode: 8:32pm On Feb 07, 2018 |
greiboy: Feminism is NOT about equality! It's about FREEDOM to cuckoldry for the woman. |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by Nobody: 8:36pm On Feb 07, 2018 |
TheMenCode:bro that is your own definition 2 Likes |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by MIKOLOWISKA: 10:11pm On Feb 07, 2018 |
greiboy:Feminism was The reality is what is happening Wetin concine me I no Kuma get bio clock Yes it does It shames women into late marriage and plenty debauchery Yes it does Men eat junk till they marry Cos there is no time If the woman works like a man she will eat junk like the man and feed her children same If you earn more you will find it difficult to get husband Better stop deceiving yourself we were not born equal We will never be equal Feminists don't want equality or equity They want dominance 2 Likes |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by kazyhm(m): 10:14pm On Feb 07, 2018 |
let whoever be whatever..........i no care, i no send |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by Nobody: 10:15pm On Feb 07, 2018 |
greiboy: Ask him if these apply to male feminists? ![]() ![]() ![]() He will say they're gay ![]() ![]() ![]() Ignorance is a disease ![]() You sir are the cure ![]() Thank you 4 Likes 1 Share |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by donstan18: 10:19pm On Feb 07, 2018 |
greiboy:General definition ![]() 1 Like |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by donstan18: 10:20pm On Feb 07, 2018 |
greiboy:General definition ![]() |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by Nobody: 11:31pm On Feb 07, 2018 |
MIKOLOWISKA:First of all, I am guy not a lady Secondly, every of your counter statement is based on your own perceptions, not actual facts Those who initially push for feminism or women's liberation were after right to vote, right to get equal pay check as their male counterparts, right to education for the girl child, adequate legal protection for women in abusive relationship all other issues around social justice, which any rational person should support. I understand that some modern day feminists have also added issues around female sexuality to feminism I.e. they believe women should also demand to have sexual satisfaction like their male counterparts, which might support promiscuous behavior to some extent Nonetheless, there is nothing in feminism that support your assertions, which are > women should not marry when they like > women should not eat good food or cook for their husbands, that is if the lady is a better cook and have the time, otherwise it will be unreasonable to ask a very busy woman to cook all the time. it is not about feminism, it is just common sense If you don't want a woman that is too busy, you can always marry a house wife > if a woman earns more, she will be independent and attractive to decent men as long as she is not to proud or egoistic about it, mind you some broke ladies who can barely afford their own undies can just be as proud. Pride has nothing to do with women financial status or feminism. Now, equality which feminism is fighting for is quite different from equity which most men prefer Equality is fairness regardless of the situation Equity is fairness in all situation Although, sometimes equity and equality cannot be separated depending on the situation and understanding of both partners ![]() I have added a diagram for better explanation 4 Likes
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by Nobody: 11:35pm On Feb 07, 2018 |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by TheMenCode: 12:01am On Feb 08, 2018 |
greiboy: |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by MIKOLOWISKA: 12:13am On Feb 08, 2018 |
greiboy:OK I don't do perception All backed by research and actual facts I said as much Feminism was.. Cannot eat cake and have it Either marry Or poshu career Few men will marry career woman Few married women can poshu career Fact you can't have it all Common sense is to cook for husband Feminism is to compete with him for career Why do you need career if he will don't bills What are you u Ing salary for unless you never really believed in the marriage
[/quote] Exactly what we're doing yet feminist. Still complain stupidly Men want housewives not career women Women can't handle pride or ego They're like scorpions It's their nature They can't help themselves They're hypergamous 100 feminists can never find 100 men to stomach their rubbish So some will remain single and bitter Equality means we get the same pay for different work This is what feminists want Equity is we get equal pay for equal work If guy works 16 hours woman must work 16 hours If guy cleans gutter women should clean gutter (o that's right women CHOOSE not to do difficult jobs) yet want difficult pay Nonsense [/quote] [quote] men strive for equity while feminists claim they want Equality and equity at same time Bunch of confused ppl with mental problem Anyway women are waking up and abandoning failed reasoning 2 Likes |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by TheMenCode: 12:15am On Feb 08, 2018 |
Dimples129: Male feminist are women ALLY. Homo or Hetero is no more an issue than the frame ( ) and sexual conditioning of the man ( Bitter Truth about feminism no one talks about. |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by Nobody: 12:18am On Feb 08, 2018 |
TheMenCode: ![]() |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by Nobody: 12:53am On Feb 08, 2018 |
Uncle Sagamite will single-handedly shut this thread down with just one post. 1 Like |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by Sagamite(m): 10:54pm On Feb 10, 2018 |
greiboy: Wake up and start observing your world so you stop talking crap. 2 Likes |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by Sagamite(m): 11:19pm On Feb 10, 2018 |
Y0ruba: As for how feminism is destroying women (I don't know about Nigeria, I only know about the UK and West), the primary destruction for them is that it has created a severe gender war. It has poisoned the relationships between the genders and continues to do so. That is the number one destruction it is having, as in that war, there will only be one loser at the end: Women. Don’t start a fight you can’t win and that would be detrimental to your interests. Men are now refusing to really couple with them and marry them. Something fundamental to women's happiness in the long run. The movement is setting them up for a miserable future. No sane man wants to marry a selfish and/or aggressive woman. Feminism is decreasing the already low long-term attractiveness of being with a woman in the West. Feminism is also reducing the will of men even starting the process of courtship with women because it is creating an environment where the woman can choose to arbitrarily label many approaches she is not interested in as "sexual harassment". Worse still is that about a quarter of marriages occur from relationships started in the work place. Now with feminist labelling these as potential sexual harassment that has significant risks for men's careers (and finances), there will be far less of these and you will see more women struggling to find a partner before they hit the wall as majority of them are obviously not interested in making the first move as they cannot deal with rejection. Feminism would affect the careers of women. I really don't see how men who are currently in power would continue hiring women for non-essential job roles considering the risk of one "taking offence" at everything or even tarnishing their image with "sexual harassment claims". Watch how Hollywood men would avoid hiring women in background roles. They would continue hiring them for frontline acting roles as it would be essential for the script. But for background roles, why take the risk of anyone bitter making a potentially false claim and keep their anonymity? Risks that would hit your pocket or may even end your career. Feminism is increasingly taking away the choices of women as well. We are seeing these lunatics that call themselves feminist now making companies stop hiring models like on F1 grids hence stopping actually beautiful women that choose to make their money this way lose out on work. I have even seen many insult women who decide they prefer to be a housewife because they think every woman should compete with men. Feminism has exposed most women's hypocrisy and double standards, showing they are mostly an unfair bunch who can't be trusted with power. The movement has exposed that even a large majority of the brightest women don't understand and are not willing to practice equality. To them, equality is when they have an advantage. 7 Likes |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by Gerrard59(m): 11:44pm On Feb 10, 2018 |
Feminism (at least until the second wave/generation) made sense, and gave women their deserved rights. However, the present generation is not making any sense. There is nothing wrong with demanding for equal pay, if their side of argument is strong. However, there exist laws that prohibit employers from paying employees less based on the gender. Denoting, that there is nothing like gender pay gap as you are paid based on your value and productivity. Sometimes, based on time spent on the job (e.g. Extra hours). For if there was, employers will only employ women as this will cut costs (the aim of every business is to make profits). However, and ironically, modern day feminists say there is gender pay gap. Which no renowned economist globally, has agreed to such claim. It has been debunked severally by different studies. Even The Economist Magazine (hitherto, a one time champion of the gender pay gap claim) has finally realised it does not exist. What exist is earnings' gap not gender pay gap. However, your point on working is false in respect to feminism. Today's economy has required both gender to work in order to attain a reasonable standard of living. There is nothing wrong with this, except you are saying women should not work or should resign when she marries? Or are you amongst those that demand for independent ladies and later marry the less independent ladies? Your assertions come across as someone who doesn't want married women to have a career. Hopefully, tomorrow, you will not complain that your wife does not contribute financially to the household. The food aspect does not make sense at all! No correlation between feminism and eating junk food. Unless you have a study to corroborate your claim.I agree with the hypergamy theory. Women have always dated/married up not down. You said: "I don't do perception. All backed by research and actual facts". Links to these facts? 1 Like |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by nuggarito: 11:57pm On Feb 10, 2018 |
Please Mr poster don't spoil market for us, let feminism thrive biko, still waiting for that time to come when ladies will start asking me out, pay for their meal, responsibilities shared ......please Mr op speak for yourself. 1 Like |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by nuggarito: 11:58pm On Feb 10, 2018 |
Please Mr poster don't spoil market for us, let feminism thrive biko, still waiting for that time to come when ladies will start asking me out, pay for their meal, responsibilities shared ......please Mr op speak for yourself. ![]() ![]() 1 Like |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by Gerrard59(m): 12:14am On Feb 11, 2018 |
Sagamite: That is what the third and fourth (especially) wave feminist movement have done. You forgot to add the Professional Darts' Corporation decision which came before F1. And yes, it is very bad to shame women who desire to be housewife (thought it was all about equality of choice?). However, what I support is the fight against rape. Unfortunately, that has been abused recently. Thereby reducing the veracity of actual victims' claims. Some feminists criticised the #Metoo campaign as being too extreme, and they were abused and insulted by fellow feminists ![]() Another lie by the feminist movement was that of Sir Tim Hunt - 2001 Nobel Prize winner in Medicine and Physiology. They did not even allow the man to have his case heard, and forced to resign. Upon research, it was discovered that the lady at the storm - Connie St Louis - lied by omitting certain parts of his speech. Intriguingly, Tim was forced to resign, and the lady kept her job. Talk about double standards! Abeg, a new name should be coined for equal rights for humans. |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by Sagamite(m): 12:32am On Feb 11, 2018 |
Gerrard59: No, not really. I didn't forget. I just thought a lot of readers in Nigeria might not know what Darts is or how big it is. So stuck with F1 only. Obviously no sane person would not stand against rape or destroying of people's careers because they refused to sleep with you. Like you, it is the abuse of the claims I can't stand, like when people make allegations to the press and they receive anonymity while the accused is trialled by media. Or when someone faces a public onslaught because they are a man for clumsy seductions like the Defence Secretary that touched a knee in a bar. A touch even the woman herself said she did not feel harassed but just did not want, and then it turned into witchhunt by femininists for him to resign. Gerrard59: This is when any reetard should know he is in a gender war. Feminists are only seeking power. Gerrard59: Yep. Never tolerate that tag. Thank God most UK girls are rejecting it. Was watching a news programme in the UK when they were celebrating the 100 years of women getting the right to vote and the TV station invited 4 women to discuss. All agreed that the feminist tag is now seen as negative and one was even suggesting a change of name to "Womanist". Fck feminism! (Except in the third world) 1 Like |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by GiantParrot(m): 6:14am On Feb 11, 2018 |
This is so well said. Actions have consequences, whether intended or unintended. It's very easy to ignore the unintended consequences when the course of action is being conceived. That doesn't prevent those unintended consequences from manifesting in due time. In any case, here's something feminists can take to the bank: sensible, high achieving men will almost always act rationally to minimize their risks. Permit ne to add a few links to support your post. Sagamite: Sagamite: In addition, business leaders, who are mostly male, are becoming increasingly wary of mentoring women. 1 Like |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by Sagamite(m): 11:45am On Feb 11, 2018 |
GiantParrot: Yep! I can see the obvious and I am blunt with it. I am the opposite of most women. They love being lied to as long as what is being said is to their favour. That is the way they are even in relationships. And most like to do what they want but think the negative consequences should not affect them because they should not be responsible and accountable for their own actions. Dreamers! Why the fck would anyone with a brain (and successful men are usually smart) take on such a huge altruistic risk with limited-to-no upside for themselves at all but the downside is catastrophic? It is not rocket science to deduce these outcomes. Just one unverified and unverifiable accusation can cause so much damage and even public vitriol, why would you take such a risk if you can avoid it? People would be discussing on TV with an obvious assumption that you are guilty (called the perpetrator) before even any evidence is provided by your accuser (clearly called the "victim" without any evidence). Mentee at work? Fcking avoid females simple. Not worth it for you. One touch of the shoulder can be said to be "sexual harassment". Casual opening of door for her can be said to be a sign of your "casual and passive sexism". In most cases, you can't avoid the gender of your mentee because it is a normally a random allocation by HR once you volunteer to be a mentor. If you are allocated a female, engage in it at a complete distance and strictly professionally. Don't let your guard down once. Treat it like diplomacy session with North Korean negotiators in Pyongyang. I don't want to know about your fcking problems at home, with boyfriend, what you did for the weekend, nor do I want to have the chat over lunch or a coffee blah blah blah. Preferably majority of the 'menting' is done via email and every of the few direct interaction is in a office meeting room with see-through glass. I am an advocate of managing the risk strictly to your own advantage and benefits. And as for marrying one? That relates to one of the questions I have repeatedly asked the marriage advocates for a number of years now. "Why the fck would you elect and want to spend the rest of your life with someone who only cares about herself and focuses on only her interests"? The sex is not worth it and you can get that in abundance if you are single. Neither do I need anyone's company. Worse still, if the company is not enjoyable. 2 Likes |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by InfernoNig: 1:49pm On Feb 11, 2018 |
Na their mara |
Re: 5 Ways Feminism Is Destroying Nigerian Women by GiantParrot(m): 7:46pm On Feb 11, 2018 |
Sagamite: ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() This guy has got no chill!!! I wonder what modern western women smoked that influenced them to believe men exist to serve them. Anyone who is under the delusion that the consequences of their actions should not affect them is no different from a child. More and more men in the west are getting tired of the feminist's sh1t. Even some of the leftist cucks are beginning to get red-pilled. MGTOW is growing in numbers by the day. It would be interesting to see how things will turn out in the next generation. Hopefully Nigerian/African women would learn from the burgeoning backlash we're seeing against their western counterparts, and focus their activism on real problems (like poorer access to education for female children, domestic abuse, babaric treatment of widows, abuse of wives by in-laws, and so on,) without overstepping into delusional notions like make-believe equality (which is essentially equality of outcome achieved via forced quotas), female superiority and male subservience. And rid themselves of the unwarranted sense of entitlement and self-importance that stem from such nonsensical notions. |
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