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Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy - Career - Nairaland

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Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by Spiritfun: 10:01am On Feb 10, 2018
I work in a private company in somewhere Lagos. I got this job after some months of desperate job hunt.

When I started this job in January 2017, I thought I would grow and get some promotions maybe within the shortest time frame. So I gave my all.

Now the problem is that my boss wants to engage me for 24 hours. She calls me anytime she feels like to process some documents and respond to clients' inquiries. Even at midnight and beyond. At first, I thought it was because of the pressure we faced during the season but this continued even as I type this.

I have tried to curtail this behavior of hers but she is not giving up.

The most annoying part of this is that whenever her children are given assignments in their schools, she would tell them to give it to me to solve for them without minding my personal schedule. Her children attends one of the best schools here in Lagos.

I have personally told her to respect my unofficial hours and avoid adding unofficial assignments to my job description but she wouldn't listen.

At a point, I tactically delayed the assignment for days and she started complaining that I am incompetent.

I have made up my mind to quit the job at any slightest opportunity but the role I play in the company is very critical that I can't just wake up one day and resign.

Though she rarely praises me, a couple of her friends have told me how she boasts of my competence and the innovations and values I have added to the company..

Note that three months into the job, she offered me a one bedroom flat at her boys quarters and I didn't hesitate to accept because the place is somewhat closer to the office than where I lived. And sometimes, I join her in the car to the office in the morning thereby saving some fare cost.

Please, I need all the ideas you can give me to handle the situation.

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Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by abiolert(m): 10:11am On Feb 10, 2018

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Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by greatnaija01: 10:13am On Feb 10, 2018
first, MOVE OUT
second, get a private line she will never have access to
third, GET SICK and see if she wont continue without u
fourth, start a business during your "sick time" off
fifth, NEVER complain again rather just SMILE.
sixth give her ONE MONTH notice that you got another "FICTICIOUS JOB" somewhere far and you would have to resume in a month's time with DOUBLE SALARY.

7th.... Watch how fast he attitude will change in that one month and how she will make compromises to suit you

LASTLY.... dont bug at her compromise.... RUN FOR YOUR LIFE.

70 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by dingbang(m): 10:14am On Feb 10, 2018
You signed up fully for being a houseboy when you accepted the accommodation offer.

You better leave that house

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Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by dlondonbadboy: 10:18am On Feb 10, 2018
This one dey okay so?? ...Your boss likes you but you want to form like say na yesterday dem born you...

Quit your job for this Buhari time...make you understand the true meaning of suffering...just chill till 2019 when Buhari is no longer in office before you quit.

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Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by KillerBeauty(f): 12:48pm On Feb 10, 2018
Na you yourself nor set boundaries at the beginning. Why would you accept to do her kids homework?
The woman likes you tho and she's happy to have you work with her. That's y she tried making your life easy by accommodating you and all.
But you need to man up and draw boundaries

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Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by 9japrof(m): 7:08am On Feb 12, 2018
Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by Nobody: 7:09am On Feb 12, 2018
Such happens when you set no standard for yourself at the initial stage..

Enjoy your housemanship bro..


Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by peacettw: 7:09am On Feb 12, 2018
I have this habit of immersing myself in a character to better understand their behaviour... In this case, your boss.

Your boss went above and beyond to provide an abode for you in her compound with free transportation, electricity, security and who knows what else you haven't said yet. Of course she will feel like she is entitled to use you as she sees fit. After all, YOU ARE AVAILABLE and living above your means.....

Any opposition on your part will look like you are ungrateful. If I were you, I will make myself indispensable first before attempting anything but a lot will have to change along the line.

Be a little bit more formal when dealing with her and the kids. The kids should see you as their big uncle and not a playmate.

Learn to also call in little favours on your own terms as you take on more responsibility. In the same vein, also know when to reject favours so as not to create an impression that you are totally dependent on her.

On the days you can't bear the invasion of your privacy, take the weekend off on a pretend visit to see a sick relative.

Never complain to anyone cos people are funny and might go behind your back to report to your boss.

Have an elderly person visit you once in a while. Introduce such persons to your boss respectfully. This way, she will realise that you are an adult with a life.(never allow her to entertain your guest in her home).

Always assume a dignified front and never break rank.

If at the end of the day, it is simply not in your character to suck up to people to get ahead in life, then please quit when a better alternative comes by.

Good luck.

69 Likes 4 Shares

Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by madridguy(m): 7:10am On Feb 12, 2018
Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by Nobody: 7:10am On Feb 12, 2018
Resign then! angry
Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by sharpshap(m): 7:10am On Feb 12, 2018
Sometimes that's the problem one faces while working under some women.


Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by Lionhearted: 7:10am On Feb 12, 2018
Are you a 'he' and she liVed alone with her children?

Never ever accept accommodation from your boss, especially a female one.

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Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by affable4(m): 7:10am On Feb 12, 2018
They gave you room at the boys quarters and you are still asking if you are the house-boy.

Bro, as long as you are accessible, anything that has to be done must be done irrespective of time. Soon you will be washing the cars because you make use of it too. And all other things will follow suit.

Your case is simple. Endure for the time, save up enough and rent your own convenient apartment. You will have your space and respect and every other thing will fall into place.

But as long as you are in that room, you are what you think you are not.

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Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by madridguy(m): 7:11am On Feb 12, 2018
Endure with her, with time everything will normalize.

I work in a private company in somewhere Lagos. I got this job after some months of desperate job hunt.

When I started this job in January 2017, I thought I would grow and get some promotions maybe within the shortest time frame. So I gave my all.

Now the problem is that my boss wants to engage me for 24 hours. She calls me anytime she feels like to process some documents and respond to clients' inquiries. Even at midnight and beyond. At first, I thought it was because of the pressure we faced during the season but this continued even as I type this.

I have tried to curtail this behavior of hers but she is not giving up.

The most annoying part of this is that whenever her children are given assignments in their schools, she would tell them to give it to me to solve for them without minding my personal schedule. Her children attends one of the best schools here in Lagos.

I have personally told her to respect my unofficial hours and avoid adding unofficial assignments to my job description but she wouldn't listen.

At a point, I tactically delayed the assignment for days and she started complaining that I am incompetent.

I have made up my mind to quit the job at any slightest opportunity but the role I play in the company is very critical that I can't just wake up one day and resign.

Though she rarely praises me, a couple of her friends have told me how she boasts of my competence and the innovations and values I have added to the company..

Note that three months into the job, she offered me a one bedroom flat at her boys quarters and I didn't hesitate to accept because the place is somewhat closer to the office than where I lived. And sometimes, I join her in the car to the office in the morning thereby saving some fare cost.

Please, I need all the ideas you can give me to handle the situation.


Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by ogwoliun: 7:11am On Feb 12, 2018
Because you're staying with her if not she can't be telling you to do all those unofficial things you've said. If you're thinking of parking out of that house, be sure of losing your job as well.


Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by michlins(m): 7:11am On Feb 12, 2018
Aside the homework from the kids, I don't see anything too bad. Make yourself indispensable first before claiming too much work. That job you think is draining is what someone is sowing seeds for


Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by lonelydora: 7:12am On Feb 12, 2018
What a lucky man!Is she married? The woman likes you. Why did you accept the children homework task? In your offer letter, is there no working hours stated there?

That woman wants you to sleep with her but doesn't know how to be plan about it. Is she's married, run for your life...if she's not, shine her amd see how fast you will be promoted.


Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by omotuntun: 7:12am On Feb 12, 2018
Well u caused this from start!
She believed she gave you everything, free house, free ride etc.
Every human always want who they can ride on. But when initiated first you have to set you stand and boundary.

I will suggest you tell her how excess job is affecting your unofficial hours also, you don't pick up calls after close time.

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Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by ekems2017(f): 7:12am On Feb 12, 2018
Your boss likes you that is why she is doing all those things. Just try and be patient with her and you will gain at last. Although it can be so annoying some times but try and endure.


Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by RealGucci: 7:12am On Feb 12, 2018
baba fuc d woman hard and let her cum.
she would let u be
women are biches
but fuc free self con and im sure free food and free lifts to work. company my dic


Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by Quality20(m): 7:12am On Feb 12, 2018
it's all cool just continue. u got free n convenient house and maybe food and now u are being stretched to ur limits-thats gonna b useful when u finally settle down and get married. it's well Mr man don't give up


Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by Nobody: 7:12am On Feb 12, 2018
Such happens when you set no standard for yourself at the initial stage..

Enjoy your housemanship bro..

LMAO grin grin cheesy cheesy cheesy grin cheesy grin grin grin cheesy
Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by FarahAideed: 7:13am On Feb 12, 2018
Rule number never take up your bosses BQ for what ever reason ..I was already wondering how her Children are able to access you to do their homework till I realised you live in the same house ...Taking up that BQ already put you in a position o weakness and you will need to summon great strength to get over it ..Before you resign if try and move to another place and see if she changes or not .

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Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by Desdola(m): 7:13am On Feb 12, 2018
Quiting shouldn't be an option for now. From what you explained I don't think there's another offer on ground. The best you can do is to talk to her about going beyond your office schedule. And you just got to quit that apartment lest it continues.


Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by Offpoint: 7:13am On Feb 12, 2018
Lol, you call for all of this...

My Ex boss once asked me to come live with him, even promised to gimme his 2nd Car... I declined without hesitation cuz I know the shîts I'll get myself into the moment I accept such an offer.

Move out bro


Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by kennethokey15(m): 7:14am On Feb 12, 2018
Your first goof was to accept to live in her compound. Why are you complaining about being a house boy? I trust you do other domestic chores like doing the dishes and laundry. You need to do three things.

Firstly, run

Secondly, run again

Thirdly, run for your dear life.


Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by ZombieBuster: 7:14am On Feb 12, 2018
Once you close work
Switch off your phone and make yourself unavailable

She will ask you later
Blame it on a flat battery and Nepa

Make it a norm
She will eventually get it and will surely survive


Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by misterchris(m): 7:15am On Feb 12, 2018
Give me the job


Re: Help!! His Boss Wants To Turn Him To A House Boy by eezeribe(m): 7:15am On Feb 12, 2018
I work in a private company in somewhere Lagos. I got this job after some months of desperate job hunt.

When I started this job in January 2017, I thought I would grow and get some promotions maybe within the shortest time frame. So I gave my all.

Now the problem is that my boss wants to engage me for 24 hours. She calls me anytime she feels like to process some documents and respond to clients' inquiries. Even at midnight and beyond. At first, I thought it was because of the pressure we faced during the season but this continued even as I type this.

I have tried to curtail this behavior of hers but she is not giving up.

The most annoying part of this is that whenever her children are given assignments in their schools, she would tell them to give it to me to solve for them without minding my personal schedule. Her children attends one of the best schools here in Lagos.

I have personally told her to respect my unofficial hours and avoid adding unofficial assignments to my job description but she wouldn't listen.

At a point, I tactically delayed the assignment for days and she started complaining that I am incompetent.

I have made up my mind to quit the job at any slightest opportunity but the role I play in the company is very critical that I can't just wake up one day and resign.

Though she rarely praises me, a couple of her friends have told me how she boasts of my competence and the innovations and values I have added to the company..

Note that three months into the job, she offered me a one bedroom flat at her boys quarters and I didn't hesitate to accept because the place is somewhat closer to the office than where I lived. And sometimes, I join her in the car to the office in the morning thereby saving some fare cost.

Please, I need all the ideas you can give me to handle the situation.

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