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Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by MamBi: 8:59am On Feb 15, 2018

Northerners are most submissive on the average.
Yorubas can love mumu love. But igbo girls dey carry all their sense plus ancestors own enter relationship.

grin grin grin grin
Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Queenofhell: 9:02am On Feb 15, 2018
Queenofhell can u tone down on d epistle wen u post? Its really draining and most times i dont read it even though it makes sense. No offence though!
Meanwhile,all those saying let me add more votes for so and so,why do i get d feeling say na just here e end,una no dey vote nada na just to talk to pepper some pple. Kwantinue!!
That settles it then? undecided


Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Agbgift(f): 9:05am On Feb 15, 2018
From the last two bigbrother shows I followed, Idris and Efe won. simply because they were too real to neglect. Again they both get along with other housemates. Doing fineboy or fine girl or playing manipulative games can only get u to final.
Viewers need reality filled with fun. As far as am convened, these current house mates are faking a lot. they are giving us reality like a flash in a pan.
All this fans claiming for one pair or the other, It's laughable. they serious voters, comes in 3weeks to end of show. That was how Idris pulled the serious vote on tayo.
This time around I don't know who to even vote for. If they are not discussing about past Seasons of the show, it's about what viewers are saying or if the cameras are watching them, instead of playing the game.

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Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Queenofhell: 9:06am On Feb 15, 2018

you guys are missing d point. Ahneeka asked him who is favourite actor was and he said Dominic! that's really awkward and an unintelligent response from an adult.
its just like asking u what's ur favourite food, perfume, football team.
who is ur favorite artist, footballer. I'm sure u will av a ready answer for me cos these are meant to be things/people very dear to us .. that's why Ahneeka said "favourite"
honestly if a 5 year old had given such response , I would have understood and it wouldn't be a big deal.
its not about forgetting.. I can never forget the names of my favorite things, places and people. it is impossible and anybody who does could easily be termed or seen as being dumb or unintelligent.
I'm sure English was not your favorite thing, cause you sure forgot how to write it properly.


Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Nobody: 9:07am On Feb 15, 2018

you guys are missing d point. Ahneeka asked him who is favourite actor was and he said Dominic! that's really awkward and an unintelligent response from an adult.
its just like asking u what's ur favourite food, perfume, football team.
who is ur favorite artist, footballer. I'm sure u will av a ready answer for me cos these are meant to be things/people very dear to us .. that's why Ahneeka said "favourite"
honestly if a 5 year old had given such response , I would have understood and it wouldn't be a big deal.
its not about forgetting.. I can never forget the names of my favorite things, places and people. it is impossible and anybody who does could easily be termed or seen as being dumb or unintelligent.
no, you guys are still wrong. Having a favorite anything is about having interest in that particular thing. E.g my hubby is a music lover, I am a book lover. He loves his music so much our sound system is something else. So my hubby might be gisting me. He would say something like "this guy just released a single" and I will be like "that guy with yellow hair?" See, I am not dumb, I merely don't go and start cramming their names in my head and he knows this, so he will just laugh and mention the guy's name. 1. If he asks me 10mins later, I might not remember and 2. The guy probably didn't have yellow hair but blond hair# everydayconversationthingshubbyunderstands....this same kind of conversation would go thesame way too with my books for my hubby and me...infact my hubby can never even remember the name of any book not to talk of the author...lol, so not knowing the name of an actor doesn't make one unintelligent just uninterested.
I am sure he was just trying to flow with ahneeka by answering her unto bonding as biggy instructed.
I am sure you must have watched certain scenes where hr would be talking to Nina about music...one time she was even like "don't be asking me about song, I don't know it"

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Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by FrankGiel: 9:07am On Feb 15, 2018
[s] Miracle can't do this, miracle can't do that and I wonder what can Teddy A do exactly?
Eat like a refugee driven from a camp ?
He says he used to be a dancer but he's the worst male dancer on the show.

What exactly is entertaining about teddy a?
His dirty dreadlocks?
His eczema covered skin ?
The fact he dresses like a gypsy on the run?
His dirty tattoos ?
His flabby belly?
Or his very cheap gold chain ?

What does he bring to show?
I've never seen him cook or clean

You people claim he's very involved in tasks, but they've lost their wager everytime he's involved, does it mean he took his losing streak and brought his bad luck to their game and they've been failing just like his music career?

Some people even said he's doing well because he's featured timaya and phyno ...
Did kiss Daniel feature anyone in the original woju?
Did mayokurn feature anyone in eleko but both songs blew instantly. Since when does featuring multiple people become a success, when the only people that have heard the songs are his family members?

You people defaming Miracle better pray teddy failure wins the money because that will be his only chance in music.
No record label will risk signing an over thirty years old upcomer, when there are litters of 18 Year olds on the street with Mad talents begging to be signed.
Who will invest real money on his minimally talented dreads when there are boys with incredible potentials with shaved hair full of talent.

He claims he's from the state but his accent changes daily just like bam bam's face without make up, one minute he's speaking a New Yorker accent, the next he's speaking like a Nigerian sailor, I can't even imagine the grammatical errors and blunders I had to sieve out just to bear his dragging diary sessions .

If a middle aged upcoming artiste entertains you then by all means give him your support but running miracle down in the process is just begging to get that masquerade dragged.
He doesn't measure up to miracle in any aspect of life, even the thing miracle leaves behind in his toilet has more worth than teddy 0 and any music he's released.

If something happens tomorrow to either of them ask yourself who will be missed more a useful pilot or a drugged out failed artiste?
With skibii ,speed Darlington etc still very much active who needs a teddy a? [/s] undecided
Leave trash for LAWMA


Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Queenofhell: 9:08am On Feb 15, 2018
From the last two bigbrother shows I followed, Idris and Efe won. simply because they were too real to neglect. Again they both get along with other housemates. Doing fineboy or fine girl or playing manipulative games can only get u to final.
Viewers need reality filled with fun. As far as am convened, these current house mates are faking a lot. they are giving us reality like a flash in a pan.
All this fans claiming for one pair or the other, It's laughable. they serious voters, comes in 3weeks to end of show. That was how Idris pulled the serious vote on tayo.
Tayo honestly should have won, he was the best player in that game.
He lost because of regional voting.

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Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Queenofhell: 9:09am On Feb 15, 2018

Leave trash from LAWMA
You might as well say it properly.


Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by MamBi: 9:11am On Feb 15, 2018
So I need to update dt Ceecee, Tobi "begging" argument.

Ahneeka came to join them after awhile and wanted to help them squash it. Ceecee explains to her (in Tobis presence), dt other girls are flirting wt Tobi and trying to get his attention. Dt she can't allow d guy she's dating to be accessible to other girls .ie. anto and bam bam. Also says Tobi should be like miracle dt only has eyes for Nina (but madam, Nina doesnt itch when miracle talks to other girls). Tobi don marry wife.

Tobi mumbles sthn and leaves them in d garden. Ahneeka advises her dt she should also mix wt other guys, dt for example, bam bam is wt teddy and won't even allow him see or mix wt other girls. Lol! (I thought her and bam were friends). Its so obvious ahneeka likes teddyA. She's been doing a lot to try and have a conversation wt him alone for the past 3 days. I see u ahneeka.

So they are officially dating now? Cee'c will not kill me. She looks like someone who will enjoy village people coming to settle arguments in her matrimonial home grin

You don't have to demand for respect or love my honeychille, it should be given by free will.

And when you give too many rules, you are only begging for them rules to be broken undecided


Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by DzTzl(f): 9:11am On Feb 15, 2018
Its impossible to quote some people on this thread, like how do sleep with so much vile pulling one housemate down to promote the other?

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Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by prewtyjulie(f): 9:16am On Feb 15, 2018

you guys are missing d point. Ahneeka asked him who is favourite actor was and he said Dominic! that's really awkward and an unintelligent response from an adult.
its just like asking u what's ur favourite food, perfume, football team.
who is ur favorite artist, footballer. I'm sure u will av a ready answer for me cos these are meant to be things/people very dear to us .. that's why Ahneeka said "favourite"
honestly if a 5 year old had given such response , I would have understood and it wouldn't be a big deal.
its not about forgetting.. I can never forget the names of my favorite things, places and people. it is impossible and anybody who does could easily be termed or seen as being dumb or unintelligent.

for sure, a guy like you can never forget petty things like the name of your favourite actor and that's why u ain't a pilot. while guys like miracle needs to study hard to make sure ppl's life are safe when they fly!
besides, ask yourself what does the person who asked miracle that question do for a living, the babe is a host, and it will be silly for a host not to be vast in knowledge about the entertainment world.
yousef that wants to call him dumb and unintelligent, what do u know about planes? if you dont walk in his shoes, dont try to analyse how it fits.

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Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by styrese: 9:18am On Feb 15, 2018
Bamteddy lovers...
- It's not by typing "awwwnn" or "woooooow"
- It's really not by typing #teambamteddy everywhere grin
- Neither is it by gushing over them in comment section nor defending them against haters. "If nobody talks about you, then you are nobody, whether na true dem talk or na lie..." - 2Baba
It's by picking up your phone and other available phones to vote and vote and vote relentlessly. These two are giving us the type of romantic vibes that we love and we want to keep them till the end and see what they become.
Get your phones people and let's vote. We got this...

Follow the instagram handles in the pictures below to get more updates on Bamteddy or IG handle iamteddya
Yippee! I just found out there's a whatsapp group for Bamteddy lovers grin, send a direct message (DM) to the admins of these instagram handles and you would be added.
Voting ends today shocked. Voting details and Instagram handles below:
Remember to save some votes for Rineeka and Loto.
My dear i just poured in more votes, Team#Bamteddy for life#


Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Blackhawk01: 9:18am On Feb 15, 2018
Heyyyyyyyyyoooooo! Owkies, it's just few hours to the end of the day, voting ends today. It isn't about pulling hair, cussing others out. Leave whoever wants to type gibberish about Mina, we no care, just read and laugh it off. You know what they say about having the last laugh? Yeah, we have to make that happen! How? By voting, they need nothing but our votes right now! If you're wondering how to pull this with your single line like mine( I use just a glo line but have done my web votes with 9 phone numbers, still counting...) that's the least of your worries. Sweet talk your friends, colleagues, grandma, grandpa, just about anyone sha! Get their no and do your registration when you guys are together in order to get your OTP easy and fast. Boom! That's it! Voting continues jess like that, sugars. We can do this, let's get to it!

Oh! MeeMee's birthday is 17th, Saturday. You want to know the perfect birthday gift? Still nothing but your VOTES, give him a reason to forever remember this particular birthday. kiss kiss

Errrrrmmm, don't let us forget the SMS votes too, I know it's a bit expensive but your 1, 2 or 3 SMS votes will go a long way. 90 naira isn't too much for our babies, is it? shocked shocked

If you're yet to register, follow the instructions in the pinshures below. Let's do this, TeamMina! cool


Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by deelizabeth93(f): 9:19am On Feb 15, 2018
My dear i just poured in more votes, Team#Bamteddy for life#

Gbayi kiss, oga styrese.

1 Like

Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by hat3r: 9:23am On Feb 15, 2018
Lmao, so knowing or not knowing the names of movie actors/actresses is now a yardstick for intelligence? Smdh.....

7 Likes 2 Shares

Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Queenofhell: 9:23am On Feb 15, 2018

for sure, a guy like you can never forget petty things like the name of your favourite actor and that's why u ain't a pilot. while guys like miracle needs to study hard to make sure ppl's life are safe when they fly!
besides, ask yourself what does the person who asked miracle that question do for a living, the babe is a host, and it will be silly for a host not to be vast in knowledge about the entertainment world.
yousef that wants to call him dumb and unintelligent, what do u know about planes? if you dont walk in his shoes, dont try to analyse how it fits.
I throwaway hat for you, I thought I was savage but you are on a whole other level.

1 Like

Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Nobody: 9:25am On Feb 15, 2018
Did you guys miss out ksquares' quarrel early this morning. After khloe walked out on kburle,mumbling

kburle: sorry for you.....and your K leg

1 Like

Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Blackhawk01: 9:26am On Feb 15, 2018
Lmao, so knowing or not knowing the names of movie actors/actresses is now a yardstick for intelligence? Smdh.....

Please, don't let your dear head drop while shaking it for our "Intelligent Brothers And Sisters". Just carry your head and let's goan vote. kiss kiss

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Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Greizman: 9:30am On Feb 15, 2018
After this night's presentation, I gave Ifu 1000 votes.
Mad!! *In D1's voice*
pls make sure u vote for her.

1 Like

Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Queenofhell: 9:32am On Feb 15, 2018
that's probably because she understands that 45million is more important than romance with miracle in Biggies house. At least that's the major purpose of been in the house.
Or maybe she's just a dumb host undecided
You think some people are the weakest team yet you constantly put them up, is that the way a sensible person thinks?
So you're leaving your bigger competitions ,so that on the final, they will beat you to the money?

I even saw her gossiping about bam bam who calls her a friend, saying she colonised teddy and wouldn't let him talk to other women.

She should free her mind from bitterness and bath frequently, that acne ain't going out with that lackadaisical attitude.


Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by arcike(m): 9:33am On Feb 15, 2018
Miracle can't do this, miracle can't do that and I wonder what can Teddy A do exactly?
Eat like a refugee driven from a camp ?
He says he used to be a dancer but he's the worst male dancer on the show.

What exactly is entertaining about teddy a?
His dirty dreadlocks?
His eczema covered skin ?
The fact he dresses like a gypsy on the run?
His dirty tattoos ?
His flabby belly?
Or his very cheap gold chain ?

What does he bring to show?
I've never seen him cook or clean

You people claim he's very involved in tasks, but they've lost their wager everytime he's involved, does it mean he took his losing streak and brought his bad luck to their game and they've been failing just like his music career?

Some people even said he's doing well because he's featured timaya and phyno ...
Did kiss Daniel feature anyone in the original woju?
Did mayokurn feature anyone in eleko but both songs blew instantly. Since when does featuring multiple people become a success, when the only people that have heard the songs are his family members?

You people defaming Miracle better pray teddy failure wins the money because that will be his only chance in music.
No record label will risk signing an over thirty years old upcomer, when there are litters of 18 Year olds on the street with Mad talents begging to be signed.
Who will invest real money on his minimally talented dreads when there are boys with incredible potentials with shaved hair full of talent.

He claims he's from the state but his accent changes daily just like bam bam's face without make up, one minute he's speaking a New Yorker accent, the next he's speaking like a Nigerian sailor, I can't even imagine the grammatical errors and blunders I had to sieve out just to bear his dragging diary sessions .

If a middle aged upcoming artiste entertains you then by all means give him your support but running miracle down in the process is just begging to get that masquerade dragged.
He doesn't measure up to miracle in any aspect of life, even the thing miracle leaves behind in his toilet has more worth than teddy 0 and any music he's released.

If something happens tomorrow to either of them ask yourself who will be missed more a useful pilot or a drugged out failed artiste?
With skibii ,speed Darlington etc still very much active who needs a teddy a? undecided

pls house, I don't want 2 mention names but who does Dis guy sound/type lik...

abeg no b me talk oo


Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Munzy14(m): 9:35am On Feb 15, 2018

This time around I don't know who to even vote for. If they are not discussing about past Seasons of the show, it's about what viewers are saying or if the cameras are watching them, instead of playing the game.
They are still finding it difficult to play. by the time they witness two evictions, the Hunger to stay and come out will be 100%. for now am only voting for pairs with content. I mean talent!. am seeing it in Angel and ifu ennada. Just for this week. if they improve i keep on, if a pair becomes real, i switch on.


Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Nobody: 9:37am On Feb 15, 2018

Did Tobi officially ask her out?? Cause I yam not understanding... Abi does the kiss mean another thing... CeeCe is just a negative energy drainer
lool...don't mind her. He has only been begging for kiss
Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Favolly(f): 9:37am On Feb 15, 2018
pls make sure u vote for her.
I did
Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by ba7man(m): 9:38am On Feb 15, 2018
Lmao, so knowing or not knowing the names of movie actors/actresses is now a yardstick for intelligence? Smdh.....
It's a yardstick for vast knowledge which is required to get ahead in life.

It gives you a common ground with most people having a bit of knowledge about their area of interest.

I'm not the sharpest tool in the box but I know names and capital of countries, types of mountains, clouds, cars, planes, guns, actors, musicians, engines, houses, chemical equations, fashion designers, novelists, animals, rivers etc.....heck, I even know types of tie knots.

Result of growing up surrounded by encyclopedias.

There's a place in the future for the vast individual.


Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Yinkakatty(f): 9:39am On Feb 15, 2018

pls house, I don't want 2 mention names but who does Dis guy sound/type lik...

abeg no b me talk oo

grin grin grin can't stop laughing oo


Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Nobody: 9:40am On Feb 15, 2018

As in. I can't wt these fake rltshps. At least let things happen normally. Let's see a proper rltshp develop out of real attraction. Not just getting a partner and using them as strategy to win like Mina and bam teddy are doing.

They are not even hiding it again. Now they just openly tell us "we are in a rltshp outside the house, but we will use ourselves as strategy in here. Now we'll give u sthn to watch. kiss kiss." Supposed Reality show. Annoying. Don't get how pple fall for this nonsense. Are most big brother fans just suckers for 'love'?
don't mind them. As if we don't know it is fake. That teddybam relationship so just useless, it is fake so very uninteresting

1 Like

Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by MamBi: 9:40am On Feb 15, 2018
Lol, this forum is so crazy. It's my channel 197 I swear. Our own biggie self dishing out banishment. (Although our biggie dey get clap back sometimes grin)

Haba, see campaign, de-campaign, love, dis-like, anger, manipulation, cuteness, harshness, cunning,...

I doff my hat oh. And we are only in week 3.

Everybody has a point yet nobody wants to accept the truth because they think accepting the truth reduces their favourite's chance of winning.

I can't wait for sunday.


Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Ebun49(f): 9:41am On Feb 15, 2018
[quote author=MamBi post=65081453]

So they are officially dating now? Cee'c will not kill me. She looks like someone who will enjoy village people coming to settle arguments in her matrimonial home grin

You don't have to demand for respect or love my honeychille, it should be given by free will.

And when you give too many rules, you are only begging for them rules to be broken undecided[/quot

Pls who also feels #TeamCEEBI ought to check up on #TeamLOTO to know how Lolu is faring and to thank him for what he did?


Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by mrslander: 9:42am On Feb 15, 2018
pls lets vote for pairs with content,drama,talent,intelligence"angelifu, pritto,loto,bamteddy.pls lets shun every form of sentiment thank u all

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Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Munzy14(m): 9:43am On Feb 15, 2018

Tayo honestly should have won, he was the best player in that game.
He lost because of regional voting.
Lol. no, Idris was too real. his dressing, he vibes, playful, everything was on point from beginning to the end. Tayo was doing cute boy, and slightly being mr know watsup. Idris was tooooo real.
for the current BBnaija now, teddyA is pulling the tayo/macky2 game. It may get him to finals. but winning is negotiable. it's like football.


Re: Live: Big Brother Naija 2018 (Double Wahala) BBNaija Live Thread by Ebun49(f): 9:44am On Feb 15, 2018
Pls who also feels #TeamCEEBI ought to check up on #TeamLOTO to know how Lolu is faring and to thank him for what he did?[color=#990000][/color]


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