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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Travel / "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" (4345 Views)
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"MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Konquest: 3:47pm On Feb 20, 2018 |
"The 'Big One' Will Be DEADLIER Than Thought: A Massive Earthquake Could Plunge Large Parts of California Into the Sea INSTANTLY" - The discovery was made after studying the Newport-Inglewood fault. - Major earthquakes on the fault centuries ago caused areas to SINK 3ft. - Today that could result in the area ending up at or below sea level. - Scientists believe the 'BIG ONE' is now OVERDUE to hit California. By Reuters and Phoebe Weston For Mailonline "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE: CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" Federal, state and military officials have been working together to draft plans to be followed when the 'Big One' happens. These contingency plans reflect deep anxiety about the potential gravity of the looming disaster: upward of 14,000 people dead in the worst-case scenarios, 30,000 injured, thousands left homeless and the region's economy setback for years, if not decades. As a response, what planners envision is a deployment of civilian and military personnel and equipment that would eclipse the response to any natural disaster that has occurred so far in the US. ![]() "California Will Be Rocked by a Strong Mega-Quake" [SCIENTISTS:CHANCES OF MEGAQUAKE HITTING CALIFORNIA RISING] ![]() The Big One may be overdue to hit California, but scientists near Los Angeles have found a new risk for the area during a major earthquake. They claim that if a major tremor hits the area, it could plunge LARGE PARTS of California into the sea ALMOST INSTANTLY! The discovery was made after studying the Newport-Inglewood fault, which has long been believed to be one of Southern California’s danger zones. The fault runs under densely populated areas, from the Westside of Los Angeles to the Orange County coast. A view of the San Andreas fault in the Carrizo Plain. Scientists from California State University Fullerton and the United States Geological Survey found evidence the older quakes have caused the land to fall by three feet! Documentary Definition : San Andreas Fault Earthquake Prediction [Full Documentary] San Andreas Fault [Discovery Channel] Major earthquakes on the fault centuries ago caused a parts of Seal Beach near the Orange County coast to sink 3ft in just seconds. In total three quakes over the last 2,000 years on nearby faults made ground just outside Los Angeles city limits sink as much as 3ft. Today that could result in the area ending up at or below sea level, said Cal State Fullerton professor Matt Kirby, who worked with the paper´s lead author, graduate student Robert Leeper. The study showed that land within major Californian seismic faults could sink by 1.5 and three feet instantly. The last known major quake occurred on the San Andreas fault in 1857. Seismologists estimate the 800 mile-long San Andreas, which runs most of the length of the state, should see a large quake roughly every 150 years. 'It´s something that would happen relatively instantaneously,' Kirby said. 'Probably today if it happened, you would see seawater rushing in.' The study was limited to a roughly two-square-mile area inside the Seal Beach National Wildlife Refuge, near the Newport-Inglewood and Rose Canyon faults. Kirby acknowledged that the exact frequency of events on the faults is unclear, as is the risk that another quake will occur in the near future. "CALIFORNIA AT RISK OF DEVASTATING MEGAQUAKE" A report from the U.S. Geological Survey has warned the risk of 'the big one' hitting California has increased dramatically. Researchers analysed the latest data from the state's complex system of active geological faults, as well as new methods for translating these data into earthquake likelihoods. The estimate for the likelihood that California will experience a magnitude 8 or larger earthquake in the next 30 years has increased from about 4.7% to about 7.0%, they say. ~~~~~~~~~ PLANS FOR 'THE BIG ONE' Federal, state and military officials have been working together to draft plans to be followed when the 'Big One' happens. These contingency plans reflect deep anxiety about the potential gravity of the looming disaster: upward of 14,000 people dead in the worst-case scenarios, 30,000 injured, thousands left homeless and the region's economy setback for years, if not decades. As a response, what planners envision is a deployment of civilian and military personnel and equipment that would eclipse the response to any natural disaster that has occurred so far in the US. There would be waves of cargo planes, helicopters and ships, as well as tens of thousands of soldiers, emergency officials, mortuary teams, police officers, firefighters, engineers, medical personnel and other specialists. 'The response will be orders of magnitude larger than Hurricane Katrina or Super Storm Sandy,' said Lt. Col. Clayton Braun of the Washington State Army National Guard. SOURCE: SOURCE: 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Konquest: 3:55pm On Feb 20, 2018 |
It's been predicted for long that major parts of "California State will sink" into the Pacific Ocean because the Pacific coast of the U.S. is experiencing "subduction" or "SINKING" as a result of earthquake and volcanic activity! [I got to know about this as far back as the early 1990s and decided to create a thread for business and leisure travellers to be aware this]. It is best to just "ZOOM in and out" of that California axis and not stay permanently! ![]() California... and the major cities in it are beautiful though. |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by RoyalBlak007: 3:57pm On Feb 20, 2018 |
This is really the BIG ONE Evacuation process should commence ASAP ![]() 1 Like |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Konquest: 4:03pm On Feb 20, 2018 |
RoyalBlak007:^^^^^ Some people and organisations have even relocated to other parts of the U.S. because anything can happen at anytime. I have even known about this since the early 1990s. I just decided that start a thread on this for NL users to be aware. Even Nigeria has to be at alert because there is a FAULT LINE that runs through the Atlantic ocean right through Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, Niger States. 2 years ago, there were tremors in Saki, Kaduna[Nok axis], and Bayelsa States. More seismic stations are needed. But the CALIFORNIA MEGAQUAKE has the potentials to be bigger in scope and would affect tourism and investments! |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by RoyalBlak007: 4:17pm On Feb 20, 2018 |
Konquest: Looks like a repeat of the movie "San Andres" . It could strike anytime once it's due. Are there even seismic stations in Nigeria ![]() 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by RoyalBlak007: 4:22pm On Feb 20, 2018 |
Lalasticlala Mynd44 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Konquest: 4:23pm On Feb 20, 2018 |
RoyalBlak007:^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ @RoyalBlak007 There is an earthquake FAULT LINE that runs from the Atlantic ocean right through Lagos, Ogun, Oyo, and Niger States. 2 years ago, there were tremors in Saki, Kaduna[Nok axis], and Bayelsa States. There are some shambolic seismic stations in Nigeria that could NOT DETECT the Saki earthquake-like event of last year. Saki is in Oyo State and the Seismic station in Ife could not register it. Professor Idowu Odeyemi, a Senior Nigerian Geologist with a Nigerian university in the accurately predicted that in 1984 a major earth tremor would occur in the Western part of Nigeria and it did! There is even a volcano in Zamfara State that I read erupted in the late 1990s. Heard on on the B.B.C! Read More Here: Figure 2: Geological Map of Nigeria Showing Locations of Earth Tremor In The Attachment Below. [Sources: Sunday and Eze, 2010] 1 Like 1 Share
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by RoyalBlak007: 4:43pm On Feb 20, 2018 |
Konquest: "Shambolic seismic stations".... That about sums it up ![]() If a fault line actually runs through Lagos,.Ogun.. then that's impending disaster. Most especially LAGOS. ![]() 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Konquest: 5:00pm On Feb 20, 2018 |
RoyalBlak007:^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ This is the reason why former Governor Fasola was telling people NOT to dig boreholes in Lagos state because in the event of a major tremor, because of the spaces created in sinking those boreholes, the vibrations will have a higher impact on buildings. Fortunately there is an earthquake-resistant technology called Stabilized Hydraform Technology. ![]() But you know Nigerians are so used to the other cement blocks or sandcrete blocks that have SPACES/HOLES IN THEM and they mistakenly think it is the best but it isn't the best for building because armed robbers even break walls with hammers and power drills now to enter houses. That one is still BETTER than that of California that has the potentials of SINKING into the Pacific ocean as a result of a major... mega-earthquake! 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by RoyalBlak007: 5:15pm On Feb 20, 2018 |
Konquest: Mega-thrust earthquake..? Then there's a possibility of a MEGA DESTRUCTION TSUNAMI. Good thing they got the warning earlier. Possibility of a city sinking ![]() ![]() 1 Like |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Konquest: 5:38pm On Feb 20, 2018 |
RoyalBlak007:^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ Yeah...the Tsunami could occur if the earthquake occurs under the ocean close to the shore like the devastating Asian Tsunami of the early 2000s. The 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake occurred on the 26th of December with the epicentre off the West Coast of Sumatra, Indonesia. The shock had a moment magnitude of 9.1–9.3! The Tsunami hit the coasts of several countries of South and Southeast Asia in on December 26, 2004 after an undersea earthquake... The tsunami and its aftermath were responsible for immense destruction and loss of lives on the rim of the Indian Ocean. |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Konquest: 12:28pm On Feb 22, 2018 |
"EARTHQUAKE TRACK - Today's Daily Biggest Earthquakes Reports" ![]() There have been:[Magnitude 1.5 or greater] 90 earthquakes occured in the past 24 hours. 766 earthquakes occured in the past 7 days. 3,427 earthquakes occured in the past 30 days. 40,281 earthquakes occured in the past 365 days. Over 50,000 earthquakes occur worldwide in the major earthquake spots every year! "Early Warning System" Travellers can use this info to plan their trips while going for business/leisure travel. Know where to go...and/or take precautions while visiting earthquake prone areas! ![]() Enjoy! Cc: Explorers, RoyalBlack007, Olu317, MsNgo40, fastshipping, laudate, Seun, naptu2, scholes0, Jarus, MasterChen 1 Like 2 Shares
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Olu317(m): 10:30pm On Feb 22, 2018 |
Konquest:What is more important is the awareness so that people can start relocating before being caught up in the earthquake mess.This is what's lacking in developing nations. I sincerely hope Nigeria will learn quickly and be well abreast with earthquake challenges 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Konquest: 9:06pm On Feb 23, 2018 |
Olu317:^^^^^ ^^^^^ @Olu317 I agree with you there! ![]() For a place l like California that has the likelihood of SINKING as a result of a MAJOR earthquake into the Pacific ocean, it is so easy for people to get carried away by the "sexy" buildings and skylines... and even pretty women in Cali, but as far back as the 1980s, I can remember reading that some smart organisations and people with foresight had started relocating to other parts of the U.S. So it is good for business and leisure travellers to be aware of the high risk earthquake zones and be prepared for any eventualities. The Western part of Nigeria is within a seismic faultline and this is responsible for some earth tremors which have occurred in Abeokuta, Saki, Ibadan, Ijebu-Ode, etc. Saki town in Oyo State, Kaduna and Bayelsa States experienced earth tremors last year on a higher, never-before-seen intensity. Accra in Ghana too has experienced several earth tremors in the past because it is located along a faultline.. Fortunately Nigeria does NOT have earthquakes yet, but it could occur because of increased global seismic activities. Cheers! |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Konquest: 1:26am On Feb 26, 2018 |
The GREAT LISBON earthquake of November 1st, 1755 was a major quake which originated from an ABRUPT subsidence [SINKING] of the Atlantic ocean floor, west of Lisbon in Portugal. Tidal waves as high as 11 metres or 35 feet were set up... which swept across coastal districts of Lisbon drowning thousands... and most of the buildings collapsed completely. The EFFECTS of the major earthquake were within 640 kilometres or 400 miles radius of Lisbon, in North Africa and Europe. California is within the "Pacific Ring of Fire" where over 70% of all major earthquakes occur. |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Nobody: 6:35am On Feb 26, 2018 |
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Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Konquest: 7:00am On Feb 26, 2018 |
MODALSOUL1:^^^^^ ^^^^^ @ModalSoul1 You're absolutely right about the frequency of the earthquakes in the different locations that you talked about. One took place about 2 weeks ago in Taiwan as well that led to the lose of lives. California presents a different picture though because it is located along the "Pacific Ring of Fire" otherwise known as "Circum-Pacific Belt" where you have a combination of intense VOLCANIC and MASSIVE EARTHQUAKE activities around the countries that are located along the shores of the Pacific Ocean. I've done a lot of studies since the early 1990s on the San Andreas Fault line which is visible to the eyes unlike other Fault lines that are NOT visible but located beneath the earth. I thought of the conspiracy theory too just like you... I felt they just wanted to depopulate California and the beautiful cities located in California like San Francisco, San Diego, etc. There is more evidence if you watch the videos that I attached to my first post on this thread that a major subduction will take place within the next 30 years that could lead to the SINKING of parts of California. It is what it is... but my main purpose of setting up this thread is to just let residents and travelers to be more aware of these facts when going to high earthquake-prone areas, and to take precautions in case of any eventuality. The U.S. State Department regularly issues travel advisories/warnings to all U.S. citizens around the world on country-specific political tensions, terrorist activities, etc. So putting this out in the public domain is in order! Cheers! ![]() 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Nobody: 7:44am On Feb 26, 2018 |
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Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Nobody: 4:32pm On Mar 01, 2018 |
Konquest: Hi Konquest, This is Ngozi (MsNgo40) I'm sorry for de-railing your thread....but I am compelled to do this. Yes, unfortunately I had to get an alternate account.....which I will only use if I am "banned". I'm a little puzzled as to why I have again been banned for 3 days! I was banned for 3 days a day or two ago in the Food Section. I posted a picture of a "Vegetable Minestrone Soup"...which has no poison or hazardous chemicals in it. I used no "foul or obscene language"...nor did I insult, abuse or malign" any other poster. I certainly didn't post any "nude " pics with my soup. I was only sharing a recipe I had made. I'm coming to you since you had so graciously offered me help back in December 2017...if I had any problems. I have searched the site looking for ways to "mail" the Supermods. I have tried to email the lovely ladies in the Food section...because interestingly enough, I've been banned before..... ![]() But no response.... For some reason I keep getting "banned" in that section? I have been banned only 1 time since I joined this site back in December 2016....and it was in the family section. I quickly emailed the moderator...and he unbanned me...which I thoroughly appreciated. That also was an "Anti-spam bot". I don't know if I have offended someone...but I would like to have an answer for "why" a ban occurs... If you could provide me with some information on how to contact the "Supermods" about this issue, I would love and thoroughly appreciate it. Thanks a million. I really like this website...regardless of some challenges I have experienced with my "people", however I don't want to be "turned off" because of unwarranted "bans". If I'm guilty, that's one thing....but when I'm innocent, I think it's appropriate to say so...regardless of the consequence. 2 Likes |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Konquest: 6:39am On Mar 02, 2018 |
@MzNgo40 Hi... Ngozi! OK anytime YOU encounter the "anti-spam bot" banning issue again... just go to the Web link below: Type and tell the Supermods that YOU want your hidden posts to be UNBANNED and UNTAGGED. The Supermods are very efficient. Within 10 minutes, you will be able to post messages again in the food section or any section on Nairaland. I also got unusually banned by the "anti-spam bot” today and I did not violate any of the rules. The "anti-spam bot" is set too high. |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Konquest: 6:55am On Mar 02, 2018 |
MzNgo40:^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ I also got banned unusually today...4 times. It has never happened to me before in one single day! To get directly to the Supermods via email, click the Web link below: In the Title and Body of the email, tell the Supermods to UNBAN and UNTAG your specific Nairaland posts. Your banned posts will be restored within 5 to 10 minutes! Take care. ![]() |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by aariwa(m): 3:15pm On Mar 02, 2018 |
MzNgo40:I also got banned for no reason. It just goes on to show how poorly managed nairaland is,with the exception of justwise the travel section moderate.I don't know why black find it difficult to manage simple things and some will still turn around to blame the white people |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Nobody: 3:42am On Mar 03, 2018 |
aariwa: Well brother, I actually regret having to have created a brand new moniker cause I had said I would i would never have more than 1 moniker at a time. My modus operandi was to deactivate....but never to have more than 1 moniker. But now look what I did.... I didn't intend to start any problems....but I just was frustrated cause it keeps happening in the "Food section." As I've said before, I really like this site. Maybe I'm a little biased cause it's my other half...but I'm learning so much! Hopefully, they're working on ways to improve that particular challenge. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Nobody: 3:47am On Mar 03, 2018 |
Konquest, Thank u so much for providing that link. I don't know how I missed it cause I certainly tried to search for it. I will definitely look into it... I actually tried to post that soup maybe my soup is Oh was a lovely looking soup and very tasty! 1 Like |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by aariwa(m): 3:28pm On Mar 03, 2018 |
MzNgo40:Well I was reading another post and saw your complaint there and I decided to voice out my frustrations too over the poor regulatory management of this website.I have been banned before for no reason while the mods here leave the people typing tribal hate and obscenities that no decent website should allow on their front page.It wasn't like this several years ago.I am still here not because of the mods but some brilliant individuals I read their post in different forms here.nb: don't mind the errors typing in a hurry |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Nobody: 1:45am On Mar 04, 2018 |
aariwa: Oh no problem brother. I totally get your frustration. I wasn't necessarily complaining, I was more so voicing my concern...and honestly wanting some action taken. I, however, just don't want to bash the site for some of its challenges...cause I actually like it. I have tried to deactivate (based on certain situations) about 4 times or so...but I kept coming back. This is my "window" into Nigerian culture until I actually arrive there. I am learning so much and I want to continue doing so. I mailed the Supermod...and thank whomever he/she was who released the ban.... I am gonna now return back to my usual moniker...and put this one to 'rest". I hope I will never have to use it again. Again, thanks to Konquest for the help! 2 Likes |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Konquest: 8:21am On Mar 04, 2018 |
MzNgo40: ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ @MzNgo40 @MsNgo40 Alright're welcome Ngo. ![]() Send me some of that "Minestrone Soup" in your kitchen... saw your soup pic on the foodie thread has been restored as well. ![]() I think the anti-spam bot problems we all had while posting pictures and YouTube video links within the last 4 days was as a result of a technical glitch... but thank goodness for the Supermods who always resolve the banning issues quickly within 5 minutes. So, keep in touch... and be good to yourself. Take care. 1 Like |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Nobody: 12:28pm On Mar 04, 2018 |
Konquest, All I know is (when I logged in earlier this morning...u guys' time), I was able to post (under this moniker) before my ban expired around 2:17 a.m. (you guys' time) this morning....which I am grateful. Yes....i saw the soup... I'm happy! I just love the was healthy and tasty. My dad really liked it ( cause I made it for him)....and he's picky about food. If I could package it, I surely would send it. Look at me....i took a thread about a California a thread about vegetable soup and being ![]() I'm sorry for that sir.... U take care 1 Like |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Konquest: 8:24pm On Mar 05, 2018 |
MsNgo40:^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ @MsNgo40 It's alright... ![]() But I would feel much better when I get that "sexy-looking Minestrone" via DHL express delivery service. ![]() I hope you really enjoyed reading my thread and videos on the California earthquake situation? I believe your relatives in California are safe for now... but then the projections by Seismologists is that within the next 30 years, the mega-quake leading to parts of California "sinking" as a result of "subduction" could occur. The "Great Lisbon Earthquake" that occurred on the ocean floor of the Atlantic Ocean on the 1st of November, 1755 is a perfect example of a "subduction" which caused massive destruction to Lisbon, Lagos, Faro, and other cities in the Kingdom of Portugal, with accompanying tsunami waves of over 20 feet high, 40 minutes after the first earthquake! Check the attached images to this post below to see the "subduction zones" and the epicenter of the quake in the Atlantic Ocean close to Europe in 1755! I had earlier typed the main post... so as to simply enlighten travelers to earthquake-prone areas to take preventive measures and/or learn about emergency situations in earthquake scenarios as well since over 50,000 earthquakes occur annually especially within the "Pacific Ring of Fire" where California and other countries are located! Just basically looking at the big picture. ![]() Au revoir! P.S. Just a quick one... Lagos in Western Nigeria was named after Lagos in Southern Portugal by Portuguese explorers who sailed to West Africa about 500 years ago.
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Nobody: 1:07am On Mar 06, 2018 |
Konquest: "Sexy-looking" I don't think I will ever be able to reconcile "sexy" with food... But the soup was pretty though ![]() I may be fighting a losing battle with Nigerians...knowing there wasn't any goat, fish, turkey or or ox tails in But I can assure them it was dad liked it. I appreciate your courage to want to try it. Anyhow, yes...your thread was enlightening....but it just made me a little more nervous that my relatives moved over there, cause I'm learning to say "never say never". Interesting tidbit about Lagos... I really love the name... Lagos had been featured on CNN on a show called, "Parts Unknown" with Anthony Bourdain.. I have yet to see the episode which aired back in October I think, but my dad watched it and said it was pretty good. I know he's been to South Africa and the Congo...(perhaps Egypt).... Anyhow, thanks for the I continue my learning. P.S. I see you know some French... 1 Like |
Re: "MEGA-EARTHQUAKE:CALIFORNIA At Risk Of SINKING In Devastating Megaquake[VIDEOS]" by Konquest: 6:59am On Mar 06, 2018 |
MsNgo40:^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ Ngo... It's interesting that you watch @Bourdain on CNN too. You seem to love adventure as well! ![]() #PartsUnknown @anthonybourdain Aha!... Anthony Bourdain's "Parts Unknown" is a fantastic and stimulating program on CNN which airs every Sunday. His pictures are attached below on his visit to Lagos, Nigeria which was aired as Season 10 Episode 3 on the 15th of October 2017! I saw scenes of his visit to Lagos in Season 10 Episode 3 when he came for his foodie/travel adventure. He also visited the 3 children of the world famous Afro-beat music legend, Fela Anikulapo-Kuti at the New Afrika Shrine. Yeni, Femi, and Seun Kuti are music entrepreneurs as well which was great! The Episode 3 was nicely made. Just to add... the original Yoruba name of Lagos is Eko. The European explorers knew the "Island of Eko" as "Lagos Island" on their maritime maps... and when British colonialism began in the 1860s, the British simply retained the name Lagos Island. So Lagos and Eko are officially used interchangeably as of today. Yes, I speak up to 3 languages fluently... and because I'm adventurous, and love to travel for business and leisure, French has to be in the mix. I use a portable voice "language translation device" for communicating in French-speaking countries when I don't have enough vocabularies to use in specific situations! ![]() Last but not least, don't get bothered or nervous about the potential mega-earthquake situation... I think your relatives are fine as of now and they can use this information to create "Plans B or C" in the short-term to medium-term and NOT depend on staying in CA permanently! They can make up their minds based on what they see or read on this thread. Take care... Je t'aime! ![]() P.S. I love the colourful look of your minestrone dish without meat. People have to get used to eating less red meat or no meat at all because excess red meat causes cancer... especially colon cancer. Plant-based protein substitutes and fresh fish containing Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils are the real health food nirvana. ~~~~~~~ Sat 20 July 2024 [Eric Ita] THE IMPORTANCE OF EARLY SOCIALIZATION - INTERVIEW WITH DOG TRAINER ERIC ITA Eric Ita. @ericandcaprithepup. 294K subscribers•597 videos. Online Training. Cute Sassy Redbone Gets Rejected And Can’t Handle It! 200 acres Reacts • 591K views 17:03 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Madit & Serenity Catch Up | With Arlette Amuli Arlette Amuli • 231K views 16:36 Ep 13: Pop The Balloon Or Find Love | With Arlette Amuli Arlette Amuli • 2.1M views 1:14:14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Her Energy Changes Once She's The Only One Left Masculine Advocate • 11K views 24:19 Episode 4: Pop the least attractive person’s ballon or find a match on the HUNT GAME SHOW Nons_Miraj • 2.3M views 1:14:33 BUSS A BUBBLE: Pop The Balloon Ep.1 Jamaica Edition #findlove #matchmaking #poptheballoon Goodyplum World • 169K views 31:46 BUSS A BUBBLE: Pop The Balloon Ep.5 Jamaica Edition #poptheballoon #matchmaking #findlove Goodyplum World • 71K views 41:38 Married Women EXPOSE Why Black Women Will ALWAYS Be SINGLE TSG UNCUT • 181K views 29:13 Why Are Black Women LOSING Out On Marriage Unlike Other Women? TSG UNCUT • 281K views 26:50 MAN HUMBLES WOMAN INSTANTLY Rease • 723K views 31:58 Her Energy Changes Once She's The Only One Left Masculine Advocate • 11K views 24:19 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 Like 1 Share
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