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Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines - Religion - Nairaland

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Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by jamael(m): 3:37am On Feb 25, 2018

First, what is doctrine?
a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group.

Based on this, a church's doctrine should be based on the Bible.

When Kumuyi said he will change somethings he set up, it was the practices that he established with the aim that it would help the members of the church to be more like God, it was not on the doctrines of the bible. He clearly mentioned marriage committee --not seen in the Bible- (in the youtube video). (Which was actually preached about 5 years ago)


These are administrations, and manner of worship peculiar to a denomination. It is seen in the New testaments, where the seven churches in Asia had different methods of worshiping. Also, a careful look at the epistles show that the churches Paul wrote to had different peculiar practices from each other. In fact, Paul tried to tell the church in Corinth to change some of them. (1 Corinthians 11:16,18,19; 14:1; 16:1) Also, organized religion with reference to administration, organization of outreaches etc were not explicitly stated in the Bible.

It's just like saying that every pastor must have 12 apostles since Jesus had only 12 or that it is wrong to clap since there was no record of clapping hands by the apostles in the New Testament. They are not doctrines just practices peculiar to one denomination or the other that might be changed by the respective denominations depending on whether it is drawing them to God or away from him.

Men like John Calvin and John Wesley set up structures in their respective denominations as directed by God and it did not go contrary to the gospel of Christ. Calvinism and Methodist respectively. You can search out their practices, methods and administrations online. Led by the Spirit, but not lifted verbatim from the scriptures.

Finally, deeper life doctrines include: The Holy Bible (2 Timothy 2:16,17); The Godhead (Mathew 28:19,20); The Virgin Birth of Christ (Isaiah 7:14); Repentance (Hebrews 6:1-3); Restitution (James 4:17); Water Baptism (Mark 16:15,16); The Rapture ( 1 Corinthians 15:51-58) to mention but a few.

These are the things they believe in and also teach their members. They have never changed it and by God's grace never will.

28 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by jamael(m): 3:42am On Feb 25, 2018
I will advise any sincere believer to watch the video for your self.

In fact, the only time he mentioned doctrine was when he said, that they would be faithful to the doctrine in Romans 12:1-3 of not being conformed to this word.

It is not as a result of any movement. In fact, the man lambasted Linda when she said those in heaven dress like deeper life. Simply because, when of Lazarus and the rich man, where the bible states that if the living didn't hear the messages of the prophets, they wouldn't repent if one came back from the dead. (Luke 16:31)

Don't allow yourself to be misled.

God's grace.

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Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by ojun50(m): 3:50am On Feb 25, 2018
Buhari thy there them no go face am na doctrine them dey face yeye people

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Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by Nobody: 5:06am On Feb 25, 2018
The problem is that many people do not even know the meaning of the word doctrine. Go on deeperlife website and you will find the 22 doctrines that deeperlife believes in and it has been same since the inception of the church.
How do you call a man made set up like marriage committee, or building committee a doctrine? They are just administrative setup. There is no choir or usher in the new testament, it is an administrative set up and not a doctrine


Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by Nobody: 5:30am On Feb 25, 2018
I guess seun lalasticlala mynd44 can see this waiting for them
Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by enshy: 5:46am On Feb 25, 2018

First, what is doctrine?
a belief or set of beliefs held and taught by a Church, political party, or other group.

Based on this, a church's doctrine should be based on the Bible.

When Kumuyi said he will change somethings he set up, it was the practices that he established with the aim that it would help the members of the church to be more like God, it was not on the doctrines of the bible. He clearly mentioned marriage committee --not seen in the Bible- (in the youtube video). (Which was actually preached about 5 years ago)


These are administrations, and manner of worship peculiar to a denomination. It is seen in the New testaments, where the seven churches in Asia had different methods of worshiping. Also, a careful look at the epistles show that the churches Paul wrote to had different peculiar practices from each other. In fact, Paul tried to tell the church in Corinth to change some of them. (1 Corinthians 11:16,18,19; 14:1; 16:1) Also, organized religion with reference to administration, organization of outreaches etc where not explicitly stated in the Bible.

It's just like saying that every pastor must have 12 apostles since Jesus had only 12 or that it is wrong to clap since there was no record of clapping hands by the apostles in the New Testament. They are not doctrines just practices peculiar to one denomination or the other that might be changed by the respective denominations depending on whether it is drawing them to God or away from him.

Men like John Calvin and John Wesley set up structures in their respective denominations as directed by God and it did not go contrary to the gospel of Christ. Calvinism and Methodist respectively. You can search out their practices, methods and administrations online. Led by the Spirit, but not lifted verbatim from the scriptures.

Finally, deeper life doctrines include: The Holy Bible (2 Timothy 2:16,17); The Godhead (Mathew 28:19,20); The Virgin Birth of Christ (Isaiah 7:14); Repentance (Hebrews 6:1-3); Restitution (James 4:17); Water Baptism (Mark 16:15,16); The Rapture ( 1 Corinthians 15:51-58) to mention but a few.

These are the things they believe in and also teach their members. They have never changed it and by God's grace never will.

Cc: Mynd44; lalasticala; Seun; hermosa7; OLAADEGBU.
May God bless you for standing for His Course.
No one would get into any argument with a mad man lest people can't differentiate you both.
We won't dignify the devil and his servants with any response but will correct the unsuspecting masses of the errors being spread.
You have done well sir! May God stand for you and yours forever!!!!
Let the world change, we won't. We remain till Christ comes. We will hold fast what we have.
For years in Christ, our King has done us no evil. We would stand with Him even in death! Amen!!
Let the world know that I and others in whom God has put the Word of Truth will serve Him death!
Let the devil bleed. He with all his cohorts are under my feet.

26 Likes 1 Share

Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by jamael(m): 7:11am On Feb 25, 2018
The problem is that many people do not even know the meaning of the word doctrine. Go on deeperlife website and you will find the 22 doctrines that deeperlife believes in and it has been same since the inception of the church.
How do you call a man made set up like marriage committee, or building committee a doctrine? They are just administrative setup. There is no choir or usher in the new testament, it is an administrative set up and not a doctrine

Also, only men were singers in the whole Bible. Is it therefore unscriptural for women to sing? And yes, Jesus didn't make any reference to it, neither did any of the apostles.

We should be more optimistic about men of God. And test our standards on ourselves first.

Happy Sunday.


Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by Nobody: 10:13am On Feb 25, 2018
Had no idea about what their prior doctrines where so can't say anything..
Anyways, nairalanders,I'm currently super broke.
Who's benevolent enough to help me on this
Glorious Sunday morning grin?
Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by Promismike(m): 10:14am On Feb 25, 2018
We knw

At least they remove the ban on watching television.

That's not change.

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Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by bobokeshington: 10:14am On Feb 25, 2018
Ahliamdullilahi..... Allah is the greatest!

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Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by Nobody: 10:15am On Feb 25, 2018

1 Like

Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by EngrKUNLE(m): 10:16am On Feb 25, 2018
They were told not to use TV in their homes, go to any deeper life church today if you won't see more than 5 TVs


Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by mostyg(m): 10:16am On Feb 25, 2018
They now watch TV at least.


Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by dreamwords: 10:19am On Feb 25, 2018
Afonja muslims will not like this

1 Like

Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by Roon9(m): 10:20am On Feb 25, 2018
As much as the church tries to stay off public eye, seun and his boys just won't let them be. Wtf


Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by MrRhymes101(m): 10:20am On Feb 25, 2018
U guys! Free this people na! Everyone should be allowed to worship however they like as long as it doesn't offend others... Wedding MC
Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by MrImole: 10:21am On Feb 25, 2018
You dey mind the retàrd?
Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by Abdulazeez007(m): 10:21am On Feb 25, 2018
Christianity = uncertainty.
Confused set of people.

1 Like

Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by Lomprico2: 10:22am On Feb 25, 2018
Ok, next!!
Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by ZombieBuster: 10:22am On Feb 25, 2018
Op today you watch TV and use a smart phone

It's wasn't allowed before in deeper life


Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by ZombieBuster: 10:23am On Feb 25, 2018
Christianity = uncertainty.
Confused set of people.

If it was a Muslim thread
Only Muslims are allowed to comment

If I say same about Islam
You in particular will be threatening to behead me

I just wonder how you guys are wired

33 Likes 1 Share

Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by Xisnin(m): 10:24am On Feb 25, 2018
Damage control.
Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by Xisnin(m): 10:24am On Feb 25, 2018
Christianity = uncertainty.
Confused set of people.

You are right my friend.
Islam has a certainty of violence and heavenly virgins.

16 Likes 1 Share

Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by Abdulazeez007(m): 10:26am On Feb 25, 2018

If it was
it's already and it has been from the on set. Different bibles, different authors, different editions and so called One-religion. Why won't there confusion?
Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by ZombieBuster: 10:28am On Feb 25, 2018
it's already and it has been from the on set. Different bibles, different authors, different editions and so called One-religion. Why won't there confusion?

When you people stop drinking the blood of Shiites
Just let me know


Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by Abdulazeez007(m): 10:28am On Feb 25, 2018

You are right my friend.
Islam has a certainty of violence and heavenly virgins.
and Christianity has a high level of CONFUSION, different bibles, different authors, numerous editions.
Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by Abdulazeez007(m): 10:30am On Feb 25, 2018
[quote author=ZombieBuster post=65353739]

When you people stop drinking the blood of Shiites
Just let me know [/quote ] lol blood kuwa?! Jehrico fall on you guy
Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by Abdulazeez007(m): 10:32am On Feb 25, 2018

If it was a Muslim thread
Only Muslims are allowed to comment

If I say same about Islam
You in particular will be threatening to behead me

I just wonder how you guys are wired
What's my biz with you? Did I create you?
Of what importance is your death to me?
Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by ZombieBuster: 10:32am On Feb 25, 2018
[quote author=Abdulazeez007 post=65353776][/quote]

Common sense fall on you


Re: Deeper Life Has Never Changed Their Doctrines by Maleka1: 10:37am On Feb 25, 2018
embarassed there are God's laws and church laws in Deeper life. there are modifications to church laws but not to God's laws. the problem here is that there are some church laws and self convictions that are gradually becoming doctrine.

according to GS, any principle dat cannot be found in the bible is church law and u are at liberty to chose whether to obey or not. but u must keep the God's laws to make heaven.

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