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Best Local (Nigerian) Web Hosts 2018 - Webmasters - Nairaland

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Best Local (Nigerian) Web Hosts 2018 by sainttobs(m): 3:38pm On Mar 04, 2018
Note: Affiliate links are used in this post.

Choosing a webhost is one of the most important decisions you would have to make when building your website. Having a good design and good content is very important but what is the use when your website is always offline and loads very slowly. This is where webhosting comes into play. Your webhost determines your website uptime and speed of loading which are very important in SEO.

Today I am going to give you some advice in choosing a webhost for your website. If your website has very huge traffic I recommend you choose an International host as most Nigerian webhosts cannot handle very huge traffic but if your website is new and still has a few thousand daily traffic I will recommend you choose a Nigerian host.

International hosts are much more expensive than Nigerian hosts so if your website has not started producing good income for you I recommend you choose a Nigerian host. But if you want to choose an International host I personally recommend HostGator. With HostGator your site will load faster and have guaranteed 99.9% uptime. HostGator Cloud Hosting is the Overall best Hosting Plan. Visit http://www.9jatechguru.com.ng/2018/01/hostgator-review-2018.html for detailed review on HostGator and for coupon codes to get discount on HostGator plans visit http://www.9jatechguru.com.ng/2018/01/hostgator-coupon-codes.html

Why You Should Choose a Nigerian Host

As I have said earlier Nigerian hosts are good for new developing sites with growing traffic but there are still many other reasons why you should choose a local host. Here are some reasons why you should choose a local host.

1. Ease of Payment: This is a very good reason to choose a local host. With a local host payment is very easy. You can pay through Bank Deposit or via online payment methods like Interswitch, Quickteller etc. So with Nigerian hosts you can easily pay in the bank this is not possible with International hosts.

2. Getting your .NG Domain: You can get your .NG domain only from local hosts. .NG is the country specific domain for Nigeria just as we have .ke for Kenya, .in for India and so on. Only specific domain name sellers can provide you with .NG or .COM.NG domain. Most local hosts sell such domain names.

3. Price: If your budget is not very robust I recommend you choose a local host. For example Qservers starter pack in N350/month and N3500/Year which is much cheaper than any International host. Although the Bandwidth is limited it is still enough for a new blog/website.

Recommended Nigerian Web Hosts

1. DomainKing.Ng : DomainKing.Ng is a global government accredited domain registrar & web hosting provider that started offering their services to Nigerians in October, 2016. Since their inception DomainKIng.NG has become very popular among bloggers, webmasters & website designers including myself. DomainKing is one of the most reliable& affordable web hosting companies in Nigeria.

They are pretty reliable in terms of uptime & Support considering their prices. With them you can host your site for as low as N93/month and you are good to get online with your Wordpress Blog or your business website. You can register your .ng or .com.ng domain names with them and even ask their support to install the WordPress for you if you don’t know how to do it. You also get free .com or .com.ng domain with their hosting plan for 1 year. Other good features of DomainKing.NG are No server overloading, Industry standard cPanel, Unlimited subdomain & Unlimited emails, One Click installer app for installing basic CMS softwares like Wordpress, Joomla, SMF etc, Basic customer support, uptime guarantee and customer support.

Domainking is overall one of the best local web hosting companies. Go to DomainKIng.NG Web Hosting Plans now and get started. https://clients.domainking.ng/?aff=1578

2. QServers: QServers.net started in December 2004 under the company Netbuilder Limited. Int 2015 it was moved to a new company QServers Network Limited. With QServers your website will load faster than most of the other local hosts. QServer starter plan starts at N350/month and N3500/Year. You can also register your .com, .ng and .com.ng domains with them. With QServers you also get free custom domain and SSL certificate on all hosting plans you buy. With QServers your site will load faster, have higher uptime, you also get unlimited subdomains and excellent customer support with easy installation of popular CMS.

QServers also offer discounts and coupon codes at times for discounts. Use MARHOSTING to get 20% off hosting this month. Go to QServers.net WebHosting Plans now to get started. https://www.qservers.net/process/?aff=1072

3. WhoGoHost: WhoGoHost is perhaps the most popular local domain name registrar and weh hosting company in Nigeria. If you are a blogger, webmaster or web designer in Nigeria you most have heard of WhoGoHost. WhoGoHost offer similar services like all other local web hosts in Nigeria like .ng and .com.ng domain name registration. WhoGoHost has good customer service.

WhoGoHost starter plan is N400/month and N4000/year. One special occasions there are coupon codes for discounts so you should stay connected to get informed whenever there is a new coupon code. Go to Whogohost.com Web Hosting Plans now to get started. https://www.?aff=2395

The web hosts I listed above are those that I have used personally and can recommend their services. There are many other Nigerian web hosts like HostNowNow, Garrantor, Web4Africa, Hub8 etc. But I have not used those hosts and can therefore not recommend their services for now. Whenever I use them I am going to update this post if I find their services encouraging.

If you still have any questions on choosing a local web host feel free to drop your questions in comment section or contact us and we will reply as soon as possible.
cc: lalasticlala, Mynd44
Source: http://www.9jatechguru.com.ng/2018/03/best-local-nigerian-web-hosts-2018.html
Re: Best Local (Nigerian) Web Hosts 2018 by minajastro29: 10:28am On Apr 17, 2018
Qservers is the best,their response to clients is amazing.

Note: Affiliate links are used in this post.

Choosing a webhost is one of the most important decisions you would have to make when building your website. Having a good design and good content is very important but what is the use when your website is always offline and loads very slowly. This is where webhosting comes into play. Your webhost determines your website uptime and speed of loading which are very important in SEO.

Today I am going to give you some advice in choosing a webhost for your website. If your website has very huge traffic I recommend you choose an International host as most Nigerian webhosts cannot handle very huge traffic but if your website is new and still has a few thousand daily traffic I will recommend you choose a Nigerian host.

International hosts are much more expensive than Nigerian hosts so if your website has not started producing good income for you I recommend you choose a Nigerian host. But if you want to choose an International host I personally recommend HostGator. With HostGator your site will load faster and have guaranteed 99.9% uptime. HostGator Cloud Hosting is the Overall best Hosting Plan. Visit http://www.9jatechguru.com.ng/2018/01/hostgator-review-2018.html for detailed review on HostGator and for coupon codes to get discount on HostGator plans visit http://www.9jatechguru.com.ng/2018/01/hostgator-coupon-codes.html

Why You Should Choose a Nigerian Host

As I have said earlier Nigerian hosts are good for new developing sites with growing traffic but there are still many other reasons why you should choose a local host. Here are some reasons why you should choose a local host.

1. Ease of Payment: This is a very good reason to choose a local host. With a local host payment is very easy. You can pay through Bank Deposit or via online payment methods like Interswitch, Quickteller etc. So with Nigerian hosts you can easily pay in the bank this is not possible with International hosts.

2. Getting your .NG Domain: You can get your .NG domain only from local hosts. .NG is the country specific domain for Nigeria just as we have .ke for Kenya, .in for India and so on. Only specific domain name sellers can provide you with .NG or .COM.NG domain. Most local hosts sell such domain names.

3. Price: If your budget is not very robust I recommend you choose a local host. For example Qservers starter pack in N350/month and N3500/Year which is much cheaper than any International host. Although the Bandwidth is limited it is still enough for a new blog/website.

Recommended Nigerian Web Hosts

1. DomainKing.Ng : DomainKing.Ng is a global government accredited domain registrar & web hosting provider that started offering their services to Nigerians in October, 2016. Since their inception DomainKIng.NG has become very popular among bloggers, webmasters & website designers including myself. DomainKing is one of the most reliable& affordable web hosting companies in Nigeria.

They are pretty reliable in terms of uptime & Support considering their prices. With them you can host your site for as low as N93/month and you are good to get online with your Wordpress Blog or your business website. You can register your .ng or .com.ng domain names with them and even ask their support to install the WordPress for you if you don’t know how to do it. You also get free .com or .com.ng domain with their hosting plan for 1 year. Other good features of DomainKing.NG are No server overloading, Industry standard cPanel, Unlimited subdomain & Unlimited emails, One Click installer app for installing basic CMS softwares like Wordpress, Joomla, SMF etc, Basic customer support, uptime guarantee and customer support.

Domainking is overall one of the best local web hosting companies. Go to DomainKIng.NG Web Hosting Plans now and get started. https://clients.domainking.ng/?aff=1578

2. QServers: QServers.net started in December 2004 under the company Netbuilder Limited. Int 2015 it was moved to a new company QServers Network Limited. With QServers your website will load faster than most of the other local hosts. QServer starter plan starts at N350/month and N3500/Year. You can also register your .com, .ng and .com.ng domains with them. With QServers you also get free custom domain and SSL certificate on all hosting plans you buy. With QServers your site will load faster, have higher uptime, you also get unlimited subdomains and excellent customer support with easy installation of popular CMS.

QServers also offer discounts and coupon codes at times for discounts. Use MARHOSTING to get 20% off hosting this month. Go to QServers.net WebHosting Plans now to get started. https://www.qservers.net/process/?aff=1072

3. WhoGoHost: WhoGoHost is perhaps the most popular local domain name registrar and weh hosting company in Nigeria. If you are a blogger, webmaster or web designer in Nigeria you most have heard of WhoGoHost. WhoGoHost offer similar services like all other local web hosts in Nigeria like .ng and .com.ng domain name registration. WhoGoHost has good customer service.

WhoGoHost starter plan is N400/month and N4000/year. One special occasions there are coupon codes for discounts so you should stay connected to get informed whenever there is a new coupon code. Go to Whogohost.com Web Hosting Plans now to get started. https://www.?aff=2395

The web hosts I listed above are those that I have used personally and can recommend their services. There are many other Nigerian web hosts like HostNowNow, Garrantor, Web4Africa, Hub8 etc. But I have not used those hosts and can therefore not recommend their services for now. Whenever I use them I am going to update this post if I find their services encouraging.

If you still have any questions on choosing a local web host feel free to drop your questions in comment section or contact us and we will reply as soon as possible.
cc: lalasticlala, Mynd44
Source: http://www.9jatechguru.com.ng/2018/03/best-local-nigerian-web-hosts-2018.html

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