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The Hole In The Wall - Literature (7) - Nairaland

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The Wall Between Us. A Novel By EneChelsea / A Short Story - The Wall Between- Haruna Shukurat / lovely new series to read: The Wall Betweeen by Shukura Haruna (2) (3) (4)

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by mitchelljnr(m): 8:21pm On Mar 20, 2018
Reporting for duty sir! Following...

Wow, Mr soul sees my as one of NL's detectives, I must detect this one cheesy

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by souloho19(m): 9:13am On Mar 21, 2018

Wow, Mr soul sees my as one of NL's detectives, I must detect this one cheesy

hehe..happy detecting...welcome on board bro

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by souloho19(m): 9:14am On Mar 21, 2018
Reporting for duty sir!

Welcome ma'am
Re: The Hole In The Wall by souloho19(m): 9:15am On Mar 21, 2018
What is this Helen Edith Koker trying to do??..
Am hating her already and worst of it all her facts aren't right.. Amadioha will soon visit her..
Bravo Souloho..

hahaha...you know all these journalists looking for headlines

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by souloho19(m): 9:27am On Mar 21, 2018

"Is that all? I have things to do..I'm a busy man" The man held up his hands and inspected his nails in a slightly feminine way.
"You're not going anywhere Jeff-"
"Its Heff"
"Whatever..." Dagnet leaned dangerously close till her face was inches from his. "You're being charged with assault. On a policeman for that matter so I'd advice you to get ready to spend the night, maybe more"
"It was my right..I paid for my room and someone would now be telling me that I can't go to my room? Is this not senseless brutality?!"
"But you tusseled with him"
"That was because he shoved me, I almost fell down the stairs,what if I had broken my neck. What would-"

I watched the interrogation pacing behind the man's chair. The hotel guest who had struggled with a policeman definitely had a temper. He kept on craning his neck to see what I was doing.

"Did you mix with any other hotel guests on your floor, maybe meet anyone in the hallway or anything?"

"No..I was inside all the time, I only went out to eat once, the next time I ordered room service. I was working on a presentation that is long overdue and I only fell asleep around six and so when the cleaner entered my room I shouted that she come back later only for her to still wake me up with her bloody screaming."

The interrogation had been divided into two; Dagnet and I handled the first batch while Andy and a second detective were in the next room interviewing the other guests.

There was no encouraging information coming from this sassy man and so I left the room noiselessly and slipped into the next.

Andy was doing the talking and a young pretty girl was in the hot seat.

Andy was saying "...so try and remember when you met her on the stairs,what did she say? How was she dressed?"

My ears perked up and I moved closer. The other detective who was a bit overweight and sitting in the second chair in the room glanced at me then my belt expecting to see the badge. He frowned slightly but didn't say anything.

The young girl's expression was so intense as she tried to remember what had taken place.
"We were quit drunk, Agogo and me and we were still singing the songs from the club as we climbed up, she was going down the stairs..." She thought harder "yes...she had on a beautiful gown but it was too short and I suspected she was a prostitute and she was very mean..we greeted her but she didn't answer, it was like she didn't even see us she just waltzed past us without looking back"

"Hmmm..." Andy scratched his jaw thoughtfully. "Around what time did this happen?"

"I'd say past one...or before one sha because we left the club around 12:30"

Andy looked at me and I knew we shared the same thought, the killer had probably struck and was making her escape by then.

I stepped to the desk and she looked at me "please relax your mind, focus on every detail...you're a female, females tend to notice appearance with scrutiny. Think back please"

"I've told you all I can....oh yes she had a purse, a matching red purse with her red gown that was short and still had high slits...and she was putting on shades"

"Thank you" I stepped back. I wanted to ask her about the size of the 'boobs' but I knew who to ask.

Ten minutes later, the detective excused himself he hadn't really been involved and didn't seem to have the slightest interest in the case.

Agogo who was the boyfriend of the girl we just interviewed confirmed the clerks earlier decision. She had huge watermelons although the clerk might have exaggerated a bit but according to Agogo it was bigger than average.

"My Eunice was watching me closely you know how girls like to do if another one is close by, they don't even want you looking at another so I had to resist the urge to turn and see if the backyard had enough parking space like the frontyard if you know what I mean" he winked

I gave him a blank look, Andy raised an eyebrow and he hurried on "not until we got to our room 32 that I looked back and saw she had been standing at the mouth of the stairs watching us...when we opened the door I glanced back and she was gone"

"I'm sure she wanted to know the room you guys would enter because she had just killed someone in one of the rooms moments ago." I concluded

"Jesus! You mean she is the one that killed...someone I was lusting after..chei! That is how someone would just pick up the wrong girl and before you know she has killed you..." He shivered "the best thing is to remain loyal...Eunice for life at least she is pure"

"Good for you...now what else can you remember? Anything at all."


The maid who had found the body was still shaken although she had calmed down a bit. Now she seemed to have lost her voice as a result of all the screaming, it was faint and hoarse. Her name was Evelyn and she had been working in the hotel for close to 3 years.

She went through her routine again step by step, from when she had pushed her cart with fresh towels and sheets on the 2nd floor.

She complained of one guest who shouted at her rudely and ordered her to come back later and I knew it had to be the man Dagnet had been questioning minutes ago.
She described how the hole in the wall had caught her attention. Her eyes blinked rapidly as she remembered the blood and offensive smell. Recounting the detail was obviously tough on her and I signaled Andy to cut the questions.

We interrogated two more guests both elderly men in early fifties. They hadn't been around when all the shouting had begun that morning as they were having breakfast in a nearby canteen. They lodged in the morning before and were waiting for someone else to join them so they could continue their journey to Osun state for a distant cousin's burial.

We had just rounded up the interview when Dagnet strolled in with an astonished look.

"You finished all the interrogations?!"

I didn't know if she sounded happy or angry. But then again she had spent 30 minutes interrogating one guest and her slow method was what made me leave. Now under the same time frame we had questioned 4 other people.

"Hope you recorded it sha" she said taking our silence as an affirmation.

I pointed to the ceiling were a CCTV camera had its red light on. "Unless this is just for display you should have the interviews on tape"

She looked at me in the fowl manner I had become accustomed to.

",How about your detecting....any luck?" Andy asked her.

"Nothing substantial, Terry called me from the hotel. He combed the room the killer lodged in but he didn't get anything. No fingerprints but she must have used the bathroom because the two towels were on the floor and quite damp"

"She must have worn gloves throughout then" I suggested

"Yes, its very possible and the clerk said he didn't see her again meaning she stayed in her room till she carried out the murder"

"And immediately she killed him she left the hotel"
I explained what the young couple said about the encounter in the corridor.

"The clerk is currently downstairs with a sketch artist he was the only one she spent some time with but the useless man couldn't look at her face but her chest!" She looked at me "men! Tufiakwa" and snapped her fingers.

"This sketch artist, is he any good?" Andy asked a little too quickly.
"Yes very good, one of the best, the couple might be able to also add some features, I'll send for them" she brought out her phone and dialled a number "constable lead the young couple to Tina's desk you'd see Sama sketching with somebody, tell them to also describe the woman they saw this morning" she ended the call and looked at us

"Did any of the people you interrogated seem suspicious?"
"Of course they'll feel suspicious they're all suspects" Andy said.

I suddenly remembered something and I asked "Terry found a strand of hair earlier remember? He said it was likely to be feminine"

"Yes feminine but its probably a wig or weavon or attachment" at my questioning glance she added "Terry called me, he examined the hair and there is no root, no DNA..he's going to study it better in the lab but don't get your hopes up"

We both nodded. "Please keep us informed on the investigation" I said
She nodded "likewise"

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by mitchelljnr(m): 12:43pm On Mar 21, 2018
Keep it coming

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by meneski(m): 1:42pm On Mar 21, 2018
I still dey here...nice one soul!

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by Ayoshewa12(f): 2:16pm On Mar 21, 2018
Thanks for the update soul wink wink wink

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by nikz(f): 4:22pm On Mar 21, 2018
And he is back!!!! Great writer.

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by Yemike(m): 5:47pm On Mar 21, 2018
Right now everyone issa suspect including Olivia.

She knew about the email threat, and she's been keeping tabs on Mr Kehinde. I don't trust that lady she seems to be ruthless.

Thanks for the update Mr souloho, more anointing.

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by Oroolorun(m): 6:56pm On Mar 21, 2018

you know all these journalists looking for headlines

The journalist know something or know someone who know someone who know something. Witch cry today pikin die the next day.....

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by EkopSparoAyara(m): 11:05pm On Mar 21, 2018

hahaha...you know all these journalists looking for headlines
She's going to to mess herself up..

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by EkopSparoAyara(m): 11:08pm On Mar 21, 2018
Right now everyone issa suspect including Olivia.

She knew about the email threat, and she's been keeping tabs on Mr Kehinde. I don't trust that lady she seems to be ruthless.

Thanks for the update Mr souloho, more anointing.
Her colleague at work,Tonye told her about the email and so she upped her game.. Am not disputing the fact that she's a suspect...

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by EkopSparoAyara(m): 11:21pm On Mar 21, 2018
Oh boy... This case is such a pain in the ass.. It will take so long to nap the culprit..

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by souloho19(m): 1:13pm On Mar 22, 2018


Bami was worried. There were so many thoughts in his head but they all had the same conclusion. And one theory in particular scared him.

He left the lab instructing the medical examiner to perform an autopsy.

He drove round undecided. He was supposed to head to the agency and fill some paperwork but the latest developments had him worried and undecided. Finally he trafficated and got on the bridge. He had made up his mind just before he trafficated and the bridge didn't lead to the headquarters.

After navigating through traffic and potholes for 1 hour 45 minutes, Bami got out of his car and observed the building. He hadn't come here in years and nothing had changed although the paint had began peeling here and there and it almost looked like one of those roadside buildings that had been abandoned because it was marked for demolition.

But it was far from abandoned. Bami knew this. He strode through the door aware that his plates had been run the moment he switched off the engine.
Inside, this was the part Bami loved. It was always a shock for first timers. There was nothing but a big wall. The minute one entered the building you were staring at a wall, nothing else. The words: Mark and Mack legal advisers was written in uppercase with an arrow after the last word.
He turned right like the arrow pointed and there was a staircase hidden in the corner. It was also behind a small gate that was locked. Behind the gate, sitting on the steps was an unsmiling face. He looked at Bami with expressionless eyes "we're closed"

Bami checked out the man hunched on the stairs. He hadn't seen him before but he was no doubt an agent. He decided to go with the code.

"I have annulment papers I have to sign for my divorce hearing."

"We're closed" the man repeated.
"Look" Bami took a step closer but stopped when the man straightened alert. "This is very very important I need to see Mark Zipiter." He added the unknown last name so the man would know he wasn't just anyone. Then lowered his voice "This is a north grade situation" that was a code and meant the situation was very urgent and important.

The man looked at Bami with unblinking eyes "we're closed"
Bami was sure that was the only phrase he was going to get. This man was like a recording. Bami was sure the man in fact knew who he was which would mean he had been blacklisted and no one wanted to see him. The agency still regarded him as a defector after all.
But he had questions he needed to ask. Once he had followed orders blindly and he had haunting memories and situations that needed clarity. Especially events from two years ago.
He sighed in frustration and stormed out of the building.

I dropped Andy off at the closest bus stop and he took a bus to the hotel. He wanted to get his car and we agreed to meet up at the agency.

As I headed to the BROTA agency, the 4oclock news kicked in and one of the headlines was the murder and the announcement that the agency was looking into the case.

To be honest I didn't think we were going to catch the killer and it wasn't a priority to me. The killer could very well be an agent from the UK,Russia,Israel,China......the list was endless but the most important thing was the shadow was dead, gone. Along with the threat that had shaken my home three days ago.

I couldn't wait to tell Olivia. Although I hadn't told her about the previous threat and I knew she wouldn't appreciate that omission but there wouldn't be need again, the shadow was gone.
For the first time in 72 hours I smiled and it reached my eyes.

For the first time in a long time the road was free and I arrived at the agency in no time. I wondered where Bami was when I didn't see his car in the lot. I was going to call him once I got in.

"Good evening sir"
"Welcome sir"

"What are you still doing, its way past four already" I said to the two employees who were standing close and probably chatting idly.

"I'm waiting for Mrs Tonye to ring me, there's something I'm supposed to give her before I leave" the pretty girl said with a slight blush.

I recognized her as one of the promising talents we had in research. Kristy or Karen something was her name. I looked at the second person. "How about you Jimoh?"

Jimoh used to be my assistant but since there was nothing to assist these days he ran errands and performed any task given to him.
"I was waiting for you sir...I wanted to tell you the audit for last month just arrived"
"OK, that can wait...take a break, tomorrow is still a workday" with that I headed up the stairs.

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by neurojosh(m): 3:05pm On Mar 22, 2018

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by queenDD(f): 6:20pm On Mar 22, 2018
Phewwww, the suspense is killing. More ink bro

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by souloho19(m): 8:41am On Mar 23, 2018


"Bami where are you..I've been calling you since what's going on?" She asked closing the big file. She was going to ring Kristen after this call for the flash drive containing the soft copy of the report. She would use her computer instead and when she went home she could use her laptop plus she could easily refer to any detail anytime once she sent it to her phone.

Her husband sounded stressed over the phone. "I'm coming to the office, have you heard what happened?"

"No I've been buried in this report I lost track of time. What happened?" The words were barely out of her mouth when there was a knock and the door opened.

Rex strode into the office she noticed irritably he seemed relaxed.
Bami was saying "there was a murder this morning or rather at midnight, I just confirmed the ID and its the last shadow"

She was shocked, that was the last thing she had expected to hear but it was good news.

Rex sat down on the only chair on the other side of the table. He glanced at the report on the desk which was as big as a dictionary and pulled it towards him.

"Is Andy in the office?" Bami asked
"No" she replied
"He's probably still at the crime scene, what of Rex?"
"Rex is here he just entered now"
"OK...I'm almost there" with that he hung up.

"That was Bami" Rex commented without taking his eyes off the report.
"Yes, he'd soon be here...he told me what happened"

He glanced up and grinned "The bastard is gone blown away and I don't feel the least sympathy for him...this is a hell of a report by the way"

Tonye also gave a sigh of relief. Her best friend and goddaughter were safe, the immediate danger was gone. "Yes, its Kristen who compiled it, who killed him?" She asked

"We don't know yet but the method was quite unique" he then proceeded to fill her in on the details.



His car was exactly were he had left it and at first he wanted to get in and drive off but then he decided to check the scene again if the crime scene expert Terry was still working.

The clerk was sleeping just like in the fake video upstairs and the hotel was empty. Other guests had checked out after finding out a murder had taken place in one of the rooms and the few that remained left immediately they found out the police had carted hotel guests to the station.

Andy strolled past the sleeping clerk and skipped the stairs two at a time.

The second floor was empty and apart from a uniformed officer outside the room the hallway was deserted. The police man didn't say anything but stepped aside when he glanced at the badge on the belt.

Inside, the bed had been turned to the other side and Terry stood to the side putting different evidence he had bagged in ziplock bags in a bigger box. Cigarette butt, hair strands, a boxers, the items all pointed to the murdered man who had been in the room.

Terry mumbled to himself then wrote something on his notebook. He finally looked up and saw Andy.

"Hey you're back"
"Yes, I thought you would have left by now"
"Oh I'm rounding up already" he said "the policeman outside is about to seal this room. Hope the media people have left?" He asked worriedly.
"Everywhere is clear don't worry...did you find anything while we were gone?"
"Oh yes" the young man said excitedly "I was able to get a print off the inside of the wall"
"Great...I just hope it doesn't belong to the maid" Andy said
"We'll find out soon enough. As long as the owner of the fingerprint has a bank account, passport, drivers license, voters card even a registered sim we'll get him" Terry said confidently
"Her" Andy corrected.

He handed the man the BROTA agency card. "Please once you get a match let us know..if possible before you alert the police.
" That's not possible its the police server I'm using, besides I'm a police man" he added indignantly.
"Tooh...anyhow let us know anything you come across...anything at all. Good job" he turned and left the room.

He got into his car and pulled out of the hotel. He put in a 'Naija greatest hits' CD and drove toward the BROTA agency.


Re: The Hole In The Wall by EkopSparoAyara(m): 11:15am On Mar 23, 2018
I just hope the prints doesn't belong to the maid.. Bravo Souloho..
Re: The Hole In The Wall by Oroolorun(m): 7:25pm On Mar 23, 2018
[quote author=Yemike post=66036128][b] Olivia's been keeping tabs on Mr Kehinde.[quote]
Re: The Hole In The Wall by Oroolorun(m): 7:40pm On Mar 23, 2018
[/color][quote author=Yemike post=66036128][b] Olivia's been keeping tabs on Mr Kehinde.[quote]
I once suspected her in DD that how did the Cleaner know that Obasi will be attached to her. But now, I doubt she is involved.

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by souloho19(m): 7:51am On Mar 24, 2018
Dedicated to ekopsparoAraya oroolorun queenitee meneski yemike Ayoshewa12 genius43 horladstar queenDD mitcheljunior
I appreciate ur comments fam�


I paused my narrative when Tonye's assistant knocked and entered the office. She handed a flash drive to Tonye.
"This is the soft copy you asked for ma, is there anything else you need I'm about to close for the day"
"No..I'm good. I love the report it was top notch"

I could tell the latest development had cooled off the urgency that had been burning in her.
"Yea its really good" I added glancing at the file still in my front.

She blushed "Thank you. See you tomorrow ma" she left the office.

Tonye plugged the flash drive into her computer then glanced at me "have you told Olivia?"

"Not yet..I'm going to call her now" I replied.

"So the killer is a woman..interesting" Tonye said
"Yea that was quite a surprise" I replied
"Wait gimme the report I want you to read something"
I handed the big book to her and she flipped the pages her eyes scanning the contents as she did so. Finally she found what she was looking for.

"Here" she handed the report back to me.
For the next ten minutes I was silent as I read about the man who had witnessed the 'imaginary' lovers fight. And how he had been killed a week later.

"Do you think the hotel is the same with this one the Shadow's body was found?" She asked when I finally looked up.
"Its a possibility and it does have balconies....in fact I'm sure of it now" I remembered the hotel was in a residential area so it was possible for the man to have seen the tussel from his apartment.

"Hmmm...then it may as well be this same woman...I'd let Kristen dig into the woman tomorrow but I don't think she'd find much" Tonye said

The door opened and Bami strolled in.

"You're lucky its not my office, I would have kicked you out for not knocking" the shadow was dead and I could kid around now.

Bami smiled although it was strained "its my wife's office mister...what is her's is mine and vice versa" he went round the table to his wife and bent to kiss her but Tonye turned her face away.

"Why didn't you tell me about the murder when the call came in?" She asked accusingly

Bami straightened "I didn't want to wake you, you know how stressful the last few days has been and I only wanted you to rest."

I saw Tonye soften immediately, trust Bami with his sugar tongue.

"But you should have called me later at least"

"I did..didn't your assistant tell you"
"Oh, she did I totally forgot...I've been nose deep in that report since morning" she pointed at the book I still glanced at occasionally.

"Heey...shey you people know I'm not a marriage counselor sha"I said jokingly
Tonye looked at me "Rex you should call Olivia and tell her so she can stop worrying"

"Worrying? But she doesn't know about the threat in the first place" then I frowned at her "right?"
"Just call her baba!" Tonye said exasperatedly

I brought out my phone and dialed her number from memory.

"We need to discuss this case when you're done" Bami said perching on the arm of Tonye's chair.

"Which case? The man was killed, its not as if- hello" Olivia answered the call.
"Hello, Rex"
"Sweet, how are you..hope you're not bored"
"Bored ke...its impossible in this house" my wife replied.
"I have something to tell you.."
"I'm listening"
"You remember the shadow we have been searching for the last two years?"
She sighed tiredly "how could I forget"
"Well cheer up...he's no more, his body was found this morning"
Her voice was immediately vibrant "he's dead?"
"Yes darling" I didn't dare add the part that the killer had used her name to check in the hotel.
"Oh thank God" relief flooded her voice "this means we can come home now...no more threat"

I looked at Tonye as my suspicion was confirmed. These women told themselves everything! One had to remember that.

But I was extremely pleased "I'd book the flight now against tomorrow, I'd call my parents later in the night to greet them"
"OK lovely" over the line I heard my daughters voice clearly "daddee!daddee!phone....daddy...!" I smiled as I pictured her tugging on her mother's skirt and pointing at the phone.
"Let me speak to my princess" I said
"Okay o...I'm jealous o" Olivia said with a laugh
"Haba...you're my queen now." I laughed. When you found out the deadly killer after your family was dead everything was funny.
"Ello...daddee" Emma said in her cute voice
"My love, how are you"
"I'm fine...my cheeetch is shaking"
"Your teeth...you're a big girl..I can't wait to see you tomorrow"
I heard her cousin, my niece Soma call out 'Emma!'
"Okay byebye daddy I loff you"
"I love you too my princess"

Olivia's voice came over the line "and she's off again..I also can't wait to see you tomorrow..there's something I got last week but I haven't had the chance to try it yet...so get ready"
I was hot immediately "what's it?"
"Its a secret..the kind of secret Victoria keeps" she laughed happily "you're the detective you figure it out"

I also had a vivid imagination and I could see her clearly in the sexy lacy underwear she had hinted at"

I ended the call with a smile on my face and was shocked to find Andy leaning on the other side of the desk. The three of them were watching me and Tonye was smiling mischievously.

"When did you enter?" I said to Andy
"Not long ago...you were in your own world...Olivia is good I take it"
"She's wonderful..they'd be here by tomorrow"
"I stopped by the room when I went to get my car" Andy said "I met the crime scene technician and he said he found a print in the hole"
"Wow....that's a lucky break" I said
"Whose print is it?" Bami asked
"He was running it on the server then..but he'd call us once there is a match"
"If we're lucky it won't belong to the victim and we'd get the killer on a silver platter" Tonye said
"Yea...that would be the best" I agreed.

I was about to ask Tonye for a USB cord to send the report to my phone when the landline on her desk rang.


"Who is this, this is almost five" she said and raised the receiver to her ear. "Hello....oh...yes, OK hold on" she pressed a botton on the phone and the call was on loud speaker.
"Okay...go on please" she said.

The voice was a bit shrill but it was filled with energy. I knew it belonged to Terry immediately.

"I got a match on the print....a kiddies bank account was opened for her about 15 years ago and that's the only match, that was just lucky...I checked out the account and by tomorrow I'd get the statement from the bank, I'd let you know"

"Wait...you haven't told us who the print belongs to" I called out.
"Oh....it was a positive match with one miss Fomé Oliseh"

I suddenly wished I hadn't asked as my heart began pounding and I felt a pressure in my chest. "That's not possible....Fomé is dead" I said as my voice shook.

"Hmm....what are the odds..." Terry said thoughtfull "that's the match I got...I have your card and I'd send the picture I'm looking at to the email address here...it may just be a namesake...no name is exclusive you know"

"OK...thanks a lot we'd be expecting the mail" Tonye said and ended the call.
She looked at me suprised. The expression on Bami's face was undescribable but he was looking at me in shock. Andy was staring at the phone in disbelief as if he was still hearing the words.
None of us could believe what we just heard.

Finally Andy broke the silence. "What the hell is going on"

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by mitchelljnr(m): 8:33am On Mar 24, 2018
Mr soul Fome don turn Jesus abi, dis your suspense is killing me softly, if to say I be babe I for don ask you out. grin

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by Yemike(m): 8:38am On Mar 24, 2018
What da fucq??

Fomé has risen from the underworld

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by dimssy(m): 10:22am On Mar 24, 2018
Wait....Fome didn't die....?

Wow...this just got interesting...nice work bro
Re: The Hole In The Wall by Nostradamus: 12:15pm On Mar 24, 2018

fellow bookies, use the link above to join world reader's club WhatsApp group. Basically we share and discuss books and believe me 90% of all ebooks r available.
hi souloho nice story here, keep on the creativity.the link above is not opening

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by phoenixchap: 4:11pm On Mar 24, 2018
Souloho19, you are always killing it, I duff my hat and you timely updates I just can't deny you this comment.

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by Oroolorun(m): 4:13pm On Mar 24, 2018
[quote author=souloho19 post=66109080] ....oroolorun.....[quote][quote author=souloho19 post=66109080] ....oroolorun.....[quote] Thanks for the dedication. The story is getting more and more interesting.
Re: The Hole In The Wall by Oroolorun(m): 4:29pm On Mar 24, 2018

Am not disputing the fact that she's a suspect
Can some1 b so stupid, an agent 4 that matter, committed murder and yet put down her real name? Mrs Obasi is not that stupid.

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Re: The Hole In The Wall by chisiudeh: 6:10pm On Mar 24, 2018
Baba souloho19 you too much. Before it was olivia now it's fome. Hmmm who is the next in this twist. Keep the suspense up jarey. I'm happy though that Olivia is not the suspect.


Re: The Hole In The Wall by HORLADSTAR(m): 12:30am On Mar 25, 2018
This suspense is killing me broshockedshocked

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