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Lethal Matrimony - Literature (5) - Nairaland

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Deadly Matrimony [Romance❤] / Matrimony Of Secrets / Wilting Matrimony #2/matrimonyseries/ (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Lethal Matrimony by princessyere1(f): 12:27pm On Apr 05, 2018
update please
Re: Lethal Matrimony by labelle123(f): 12:44pm On Apr 05, 2018
Ginnaaaaa please update I'm staving
Re: Lethal Matrimony by Giannaaaaaa: 2:33pm On Apr 05, 2018

Cassie sat on her bed nervous what did Dele mean by he'd handle it.  She'd already heard the sound of Tobi's car and wondered what next would happen.
Would she really sleep with Dele tonight, could she cheat on her unfaithful husband?

Dele was the one who answered the door when Tobi got back.  "Hey brother" he grinned.
"Dele" Tobi acknowledged.
Dele moved out of the way,  he couldn't help but grin again.  Tonight I'll be fùcking your precious wife, he thought.
"Cassie in?" Tobi asked dropping his blazer and leather file.
"I think so,  come on man let's catch up.  Have a drink with me?" Dele said.
"A drink?  I just got back Dele. I haven't even seen my wife yet or had a shower and dinner.  The drinking can wait" Tobi said.
"come on, I'll be going out soon.  Celebrate with me before I go" Dele said.
"All right" Tobi followed his brother into the mini parlour.
"What are we celebrating?" Tobi asked watching Dele pop a bottle of champagne.
"I just finished up a deal today,  I figured I'll celebrate with my big brother" Dele lied. He handed Tobi a glass of champagne.
Tobi accepted the drink and lifted it up to the air.
"To more wealth" He said smiling at his brother.
"More wealth" Dele smiled.
"I'm having just one drink, I have to go upstairs to Cassie" Tobi said.
"Come on brother when did you become a püssy. Cassie has got you so whipped that why she treats you like dirt" Dele frowned.
Tobi chuckled shaking his head, "I don't think you get it Dele, I love Cassie. One day you'd fall in love with a woman and I bet she'd drive you crazy like that" Tobi said.
"I did, don't you remember. I even engaged her, too bad my brother couldn't keep it in his pants" Dele frowned angrily.
Tobi stilled " Dele, she wasn't good enough for me. She came on to me, that's not the kind of woman you marry Dele. You should be happy you never married her, I'm sorry" Tobi said remorseful.
Lies, Dele thought. "It doesn't matter anymore, it's a closer chapter" Dele said. He watched Tobi carefully waiting for the pill to set in. Soon you'd fall asleep brother and I'm going to go upstairs to your bed and fück your bloody wife. Hopefully I'll get her pregnant too, Dele smiled to himself.
Twenty minutes later Tobi dozed off on the couch.
"Fucking bastárd, you will pay for what you did to me and what you did to the love of my life. Dele swore loudly before going upstairs to devour the sheep.


Re: Lethal Matrimony by StellamarisIII(f): 2:43pm On Apr 05, 2018
Gianaaaaaaa its too short na

well nice one

1 Like

Re: Lethal Matrimony by Giannaaaaaa: 3:02pm On Apr 05, 2018

"Richard is having an affair, do you know that?" Nene told Cassie casually.
"Richard Ke, How can Richard cheat on you? He's devoted to you" Cassie said.
"Devoted indeed, he's not only a gold digger he's a cheat" Nene hissed.
Dara rolled her eyes as she came into the living room with a drink.
"I don't think that he's a gold digger, if he's cheating you probably pushed him to do it" Dara said.
"Darasimi, how can are you say that?" Nene asked hissing at her friend's comment.
"Nene, Dara is right. If you weren't like a sister to us, we wouldn't tell you. You're ruining your marriage yourself. You rarely cook for him, you don't do chores, you disrespect him. You don't even have sex with your husband, so how do you expect him not to cheat. Body no be firewood" Cassie said.
"That's no reason for him to cheat, I'm pregnant. You can't expect me to cook everyday, do chores or fück him. It's dangerous for me" Nene defended stupidly.
Dara laughed amused.
"Oh please Nene, pregnancy won't stop you from doing those things. You're just being a lazy and terrible wife. Listen to me, if you want Richie to start treating you like a jewel then you have to start doing your duties as a wife. If you don't, you will lose your husband" Dara warned.
"He won't leave me" Nene bragged.
"You think so? Nene you better change. Richard is a rare gem, now that you have him you better hold him tight. Shine your eyes o, one Lagos babe go just snatch am from you. You will regret it if you lose him" Dara warned.
"Fine, Fine whatever. I will change" Nene rolled her eyes.
"Nene promise me, I will hate for you to get hurt. You know you're my close friend, please change. Don't ruin your marriage" Cassie begged.
"For Christ sake let me be, I've heard you" Nene hissed.
Richard should be grateful that he had her, instead the bastàrd was paying her with unfaithfulness. Hmmmm, she'd pay him back. She'd think of a plan and deal with him. He'd regret messing with her, she promised herself.


Re: Lethal Matrimony by Giannaaaaaa: 3:03pm On Apr 05, 2018
smiley All right, I'll give you a longer one
Gianaaaaaaa its too short na

well nice one
Re: Lethal Matrimony by Giannaaaaaa: 3:55pm On Apr 05, 2018

Dara clasped her hands together and watched her husband's family in awe. Her mother in law and her dramatics.
"Everyday she tells her husband that she hates us.  That she wants us out of the house" Adanna said.
Mama raised her hand above her head.
"Mazi, can you hear this?  After carrying my own son for nine solid months,  catering for his needs,  training him in school, this witch doesn't want me to enjoy the fruit of my labour!" mama wailed.
Jidenna placed his hands on his wife's thighs and rubbed it in a comforting gesture.
"Jidenna, mba it is a bad thing. You will not send your family away because of a strange woman" Mazi uchendu said.
"uncle, thank you for coming today. I don't know why mama called you, there's no problem with my family. Dara isn't a strange woman, she's my wife. She only expressed her thoughts to me and I've settled it" Jidenna said casually.
"Shut up there! Mazi Uchendu my son has been bewitched. This girl here, she won't rest until she's destroyed us. Pastor Levi look at her, do you know that this woman has deprived my son from having children. Ada what's that thing she's been using?" Mama asked Adanna.
"Contraceptives, Dara has been using contraceptives. That's why my brother doesn't have any children" Adanna hissed.
Dara frowned, she turned to Jidenna but he said nothing. She shook her head in disappointment.
"Kedu ihe bụ ihe ahụ?" Mazi uchendu asked confused.
"mazi, it is medicine that doesn't allow her to get pregnant no matter what my son tries. She's purposely denied my son children, and he says nothing. Isn't that signs of bewitchment?" mama asked.
"God forbid, you mean she's the cause of their childlessness? Abomination!!!!" Mazi eyed Dara in disgust.
"She has to leave my son!" Mama said with a note of finality.
Pastor Levi cleared his throat this time.
"Mama please, forgive your daughter in law. She's offended you but you have to forgive her. She's only a child, she needs guidance. You have to be patient with her" Pastor Levi said.
"Pastor Levi, she doesn't want to learn. She insults my mother, she doesn't listen to mama" Adanna hissed.
"you're the one to talk, why aren't you in your husband's house? You have brought your family to my own husband house and you don't even acknowledge me as the second head of the house" Dara said.
"Shut up before I slap your ugly face there" Adanna got up in anger.
"Ehn Ehn Ada sit down. You have no right at all to slap your brother's wife in her own house" Mazi uchendu said.
Pastor Levi sighed tiredly before picking up his bible. After a long sermon, he prayed for the family and left the decision making to Mazi Uchendu as the traditional head of the family.
"Adanna, our wife is right. You have to leave your brother's house. This is not your home, you can visit but you don't have to make this a home for your own family. I will speak to your husband, it's not done" Mazi Uchendu cleared his throat.
"As for our wife, Dara. You have to respect your husband's mother, she's also your mother. You also have to give your husband children, he needs heirs. If you won't do these things and I get another complaint from your mother In law, we will send you out of this house and bring another woman for our son. Jidenna knows what will happen if he stops us, he will be disowned. Behave yourself, you're no longer a child. You're a wife, act like one" Mazi uchendu said.
Dara smiled and nodded, Adanna on the other hand looked like a wounded lion.
"Ehm, thank you uncle. Thank you for coming. I'm very sorry that mama had to disturb your stay in the village, I will compensate you for your troubles" Jidenna said.
"Thank you my son, you know how women behave. I do not think this is a serious matter, it's a small family thing that could have been handled by you. You're the head of this home, you have to make them see you as the head" Mazi picked up a piece of kola.
"Thank you Nna, I'm glad his matter has been settled. Let me go and get you food to eat before you begin your journey. Will you be taking the night bus?" Mama asked.
"I want to take aeroplane, you people have stressed me, put me inside aeroplane with big chair, and AC" Mazi uchendu said.
Adanna glared at the man distastefully. 'Old fool' she muttered.
"That will be arranged uncle, Dara why don't you show uncle to the guest room" Jidenna turned to Dara.
"Okay" Dara picked up the sack bag on the floor and beckoned to the old man to follow her.
Jidenna waited for the duo to leave the room before turning to his mother and his sister angrily.
"What kind of embarrassment was that? You've both turned my house into a circus, airing out my dirty laundry in public. What kind of nonsense is that? I've ignored the drama in this house for too long. Adanna I'm giving you a one month notice, find a house for your family and leave my house. And mama, the minute Olanna finishes her exams you will return to enugu. There's no business for you here in Lagos, I've had enough. My wife and I would love some privacy!" Jidenna hissed and walked out of the living room.
"Mama, didn't I tell you we shouldn't invite that old fool to this house?" Adanna asked.
"Ada, enough. I'm tired" Mama shook her head.
"I'm not going to leave this luxury, I'm not leaving this house. If you don't do something about it, I will" Adanna hissed and went over to her own room.
Mama watched her first child and wondered what Adanna's next move would be.


Re: Lethal Matrimony by labelle123(f): 10:16pm On Apr 05, 2018
Thanks ma'am more ink to your pen

1 Like

Re: Lethal Matrimony by labelle123(f): 10:16pm On Apr 05, 2018
Thanks ma'am,more ink to your pen

1 Like

Re: Lethal Matrimony by skubido(m): 11:02pm On Apr 05, 2018
Tanks a lot 4d update. Jah bless

1 Like

Re: Lethal Matrimony by Ibunkun1(m): 11:52pm On Apr 05, 2018
E Be Like Say This Adanna Dey Mad Fa,what Rubbish(alainitiju).As For Cassie I Hope It's Not Too Late For Her To Realise That She's Just A pawn In The Game of Dele's Vengeance.Nene I Freaking Feeling like Giving You A Reset Slap Are You The First Woman To Help Her Husband.Great Job.More Power To Your Elbow @gianaaa.I love This Story#rideon


Re: Lethal Matrimony by skubido(m): 6:48am On Apr 06, 2018
E Be Like Say This Adanna Dey Mad Fa,what Rubbish(alainitiju).As For Cassie I Hope It's Not Too Late For Her To Realise That She's Just A pawn In The Game of Dele's Vengeance.Nene I Freaking Feeling like Giving You A Reset Slap Are You The First Woman To Help Her Husband.Great Job.More Power To Your Elbow @gianaaa.I love This Story#rideon

broz abeg oo, how d reset slap dey b... Lolzzz


Re: Lethal Matrimony by kimoyo: 7:37am On Apr 06, 2018
Adanna's entitlement mentality full everywhere. So annoying cry


Re: Lethal Matrimony by Giannaaaaaa: 11:16am On Apr 06, 2018
wink Thank you sir
E Be Like Say This Adanna Dey Mad Fa,what Rubbish(alainitiju).As For Cassie I Hope It's Not Too Late For Her To Realise That She's Just A pawn In The Game of Dele's Vengeance.Nene I Freaking Feeling like Giving You A Reset Slap Are You The First Woman To Help Her Husband.Great Job.More Power To Your Elbow @gianaaa.I love This Story#rideon

1 Like

Re: Lethal Matrimony by Pearl05(f): 4:39pm On Apr 06, 2018
Adanna's entitlement mentality full everywhere. So annoying cry

I tire ooo. She for marry the brother.

1 Like

Re: Lethal Matrimony by Ibunkun1(m): 4:52pm On Apr 06, 2018

broz abeg oo, how d reset slap dey b... Lolzzz
Lol.Sir Don't Mind Me Jare,that Update Really Touched My Emotions


Re: Lethal Matrimony by Sweety189(f): 4:53pm On Apr 06, 2018
Hmmm! Let me sit well n read how the story unfolds. As for Jidennas Mama, she should respect herself n go back to Enugu oooo. Let son n wife alone to enjoy deir marriage. Giaaaana u try wells, but let d update keep coming faster than d usual. Sweet story though


Re: Lethal Matrimony by Ibunkun1(m): 4:55pm On Apr 06, 2018
wink Thank you sir
You're Welcome.

1 Like

Re: Lethal Matrimony by SapphirePRINCEX(f): 9:43pm On Apr 06, 2018
Gianaaa Biko come back and finish what you have started...

Adanna doesn't even deserve a one month notice. She is meant to be thrown out.


Re: Lethal Matrimony by Giannaaaaaa: 9:49pm On Apr 06, 2018


Cassie paced about the room wondering why Tobi was not yet upstairs, she wanted to go downstairs and see how Dele was handling it but she remained rooted to her spot. 
Then she head footsteps, possibly Tobi or Dele she thought nervously. She watched the door curiously till it came open.
Dele... Where was Tobi?
"Is he back?" Cassie asked.
"Yes,  but he won't bother us" Dele said.
"What do you mean,  what did you do to him?" Cassie asked nervously.
Dele smiled and walked to her.
"You're nervous, don't be.  I'm not going to kill you honey,  I only want to give you the pleasure your husband has been denying you" Dele said unbuttoning his shirt.
'But Your husband has denied you nothing, you've been the one depriving him" a voice in her head said.
She refused to listen to the voice,  her conscience. Tobi had cheated on her,  she'd pay him back in his own coin. 
'Just one night' she reminded herself.
"I love this skimpy night dress,  do you wear it for Tobi too?" Dele asked his finger holding the tiny straps of the dress.
"No" Cassie answered. Her heart was beating, she wondered if Dele could hear her heart beat.
"Lucky me,  I guess" Dele smirked before ripping the dress.
"In future I'd prefer you wait for me naked" He said dropping his lips to her bare shoulder.
Cassie pushed him.
"In future? Dele this is a one time thing.  After tonight, no more" Cassie said.
"If that's what you want" Dele said sourly before taking her face in his hands.  He kissed her rough and hard, bruising her lips.
"You're one of the most beautiful women I've seen. Your lips are driving me mad,  I have to kiss you again" He took her lips again and kissed her.
"Exquisite" his hand cupped her brèasts,  she had small plump brèasts. Just a handful, didn't Tobi like big brëasted women? Shocker!
Cassie sighed finally relaxing in Dele's arms.
"When was the last time you had sex?" Dele asked cupping her nicely rounded bütt.
"Three weeks before my wedding" Cassie responded shyly.
Dele chuckled "That's a long time,  don't worry. I'll take care of you" He picked her up as if she weighed nothing, carrying her bridal style to the bed.
His mouth settled on her brëasts enjoying the traitorous sounds leaving her mouth.
Here he was fücking his brother's wife,  wishing his brother could watch it.  Watch the way his wife was responding to him,  that would surely kill Dele.
'I'll just leave him a souvenir, hopefully the bitch is very fertile' he chuckled inwardly.
"Fück Cassandra,  you're so tight" His hand pulled away from her Venus hole to his lips.
"You're my favorite flavor" He said.
Cassie watch his eyes go dark with lust.
'God will send me to hell for this' she thought.
He kissed her again, stroking his dïck before slipping into her.
She was the silent type... no screams.
Just little moans that sounded like music to his ears.
'My brother's beloved wife' the thought made his dïck harder.
He buried his lips in Cassie's neck and left painful bites there.
"Dele..." Cassie moaned a bit loudly when she came.
'My brother's fucking wife' he came inside her.  Wonderful....he looked down at her and saw remorse.
"You don't look happy" he said.
"This was a mistake, you should go" She said.
"Don't act like you didn't enjoy it,  you were dripping wët  before I touched you.  Tell me was I better than Tobi?" he asked.
"Stop it,  you bastärd! Don't mock me, I made a mistake. You should be ashamed of yourself too,  I'm your brother's wife" Cassie snapped.
Dele laughed harshly.
"I'm sure he won't mind, he fücks other people's wives and girlfriends too" Dele said getting up from the bed.
Cassie felt a tear slip down her face,  "You're no different from him,  I'm not too. You didn't even bother with protection" Cassie sobbed covering her naked skin with the bedsheet.
"I'm not fertile,  can't get a woman pregnant" he lied.
"Good...This will never happen again Dele.  It's just a one time thing" Cassie said poker faced.
"I doubt it" Dele said picking  his clothes off the floor.
"Good night,  we'll talk in the morning" he said putting on his briefs.
Cassie gasped as the realization of what she had done,  dawned on her.
"Sleep well, you might go check on your husband downstairs honey" Dele smiled walking out of the room.
Cassie buried her head in her pillow and sobbed,  why did it  feel like she'd slept with the devil. 
She wanted to hurt Tobi this wasn't worth it.
'I can't ever forgive myself for this' she muttered sadly.


Re: Lethal Matrimony by marychommy(f): 10:36pm On Apr 06, 2018
thanks for d update In nine months time De result will show.

1 Like

Re: Lethal Matrimony by SapphirePRINCEX(f): 6:29am On Apr 07, 2018
Wow... Does a woman really get pregnant that quick or could Dele be calculating her Ovulation periods for her?

Am deeply rooted, waiting for updates kiss

1 Like

Re: Lethal Matrimony by Giannaaaaaa: 7:55am On Apr 07, 2018

Richard was truly surprised when he woke up early the next morning and found out that Nene had gotten up early to do a few chores and she'd also prepared breakfast.
Ha! Surprise was an understatement, the act left him speechless.
"I threw few of your shirts into the washer,  I'll do the ironing later in the afternoon" she said casually over breakfast.
Richard's eyes widened in shock,  she'd not yelled at him this morning, no complaints, nothing.
"Is there any other thing you'd like me to do?" she asked picking up a glass of orange juice.
"No... No. This is great,  thanks Nene. Are you okay, is the baby fine?" Richard asked.
Nene always had the habit of blaming her laziness on her pregnacy, he wondered what happened today that she'd gotten up early to do her chores.
"Yeah,  I'm fine. Why?" she asked arching her brows in her usual arrogance.
"Nene when was the last time you cook me breakfast, of course I'm worried. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad you cooked me breakfast. I don't understand why?" Richard said.
"I was bored, felt like doing something" she gave a faint smile.
"Really" I wish you'll get bored everyday, Richard thought smiling.
"Well don't you like the food?" Nene asked, she new she wasn't a good cook but she didn't really care if he liked it or not.
"Nene it's okay, thanks" Richard said.
He didn't want to offend Nene, so he ate quickly throwing compliments her way.
"Since you're so bored,  I could skip work and take you to the beach. We could go to the cinema too" Richard offered.
Good mood Nene was very rare,  he might as well just enjoy the day with her.
"How about work?" Nene asked.
"I'm sure your father won't mind,  I'll tell him I took his daughter out to ease her boredom" Richard said smiling.
"Hmmm" His daughter and not your wife. She wondered what the woman Richard was seeing looked like.
She also wondered if he'd leave her for the woman, 'he wouldn't' she thought. He cherished his unborn child too much.
"If I lose the baby Richard, will you leave me?" she asked out of the blue.
Richard was surprised by her unexpected question.
"I don't know" he said, truth was that he'd leave her in a flash If there was no baby.
"Just remember that whatever you're doing, it might affect my father's reputation" Nene said staring up at him coldly.
And just like that good mood Nene was gone.
"What are you talking about Nene?" Richard asked confused.
"That woman you're seeing...." Nene stopped.
Richard swallowed the huge bile in his throat and Nene watched with interest.
'So she'd been right' she thought.
Richard on the other hand wondered how she knew about Idara.
"I heard you talking with her, did my research" Nene said confidently.
"You had no right to spy on me Nene, no right at all!" Richard yelled.
"I am your wife!" Nene stood her ground not backing down.
"Not for long anyway..." Richard muttered to her hearing.
"Then have it in mind that you will also lose your baby" Nene threatened.
"You'll be in for a surprise Nene, a big surprise" Richard chuckled.
"I hate you so much, I wish I'd never met you. You disgust me down to my toes" Nene spat getting up from her chair.
Richard said nothing else, it wasn't a surprise. Nene had always been clear about her feelings right from day one. Infact the only time she'd ever been nice to him was just that single night.
He'd gotten a tiny glance of what sweet, loving and fun Nene would be like. She must have killed and buried that Nene after that night.
Just then her phone rang and she checked the caller, it was her father.
"Good morning daddy" she answered curtly.
'Nene I don't know what is going on with you and Richard but you both have to make sure it doesn't stain my reputation' Her father sounded angry.
Nene sighed and sat on her seat.
"Daddy what are you talking about, what has Richard done this time?" she asked.
Richard's head shot up to look at Nene.
'Your husband's lawyer has dished me out some threats, serious blackmail Nene' her father replied.
Nene's eyes narrowed at Richard.
"Richard has a lawyer, I mean apart from the family lawyer?" Nene asked.
Richard crossed his arms and watched with interest. Idara must have contacted their lawyer already.
"Yes, he's gotten himself one hardass lawyer" her father muttered rather gruffly.
"I see, well why is he threatening you?" Nene asked.
This time Richard was confused, was Idara dishing threats?
"Nene, Richard wants a divorce" her father said.
"Oh I see..." but her father stopped her.
"It's not good Nene, I think they want full custody of your child" Her father said.
And her world stopped.

12 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Lethal Matrimony by Cadec007(m): 8:53am On Apr 07, 2018
WW3 around the corner......thanks giannaaaaaa

1 Like

Re: Lethal Matrimony by Pearl05(f): 9:09am On Apr 07, 2018
Cassie is a compound fool. Two wrongs don't make right. Dele will soon start blackmailing her for more sex, that's if she is not already pregnant sef.

Nene is pulling down her own home because stubbornness, the father is more concerned about reputation and not her happiness. No man can survive long in such home without going bananas.

Giannaaaaaa Weldon

5 Likes 1 Share

Re: Lethal Matrimony by Giannaaaaaa: 9:25am On Apr 07, 2018

"That's it Ada, we're taking that house at Jakande and we're leaving your brother alone for good.  Jay told me what you did, I'm so disappointed. What is wrong with you?" Emeka asked.
"Oh good, you can go. Go alone, Ruby and Coral will remain here with me. I'm not going to leave this house for anybody" Adanna frowned .
"Your brother has said we should leave, because of your bad attitude Ada" Emeka yelled.
"My brother is under the influence of something, can you imagine? How can my own brother ask me to leave his house because of a woman?!" Ada beat her chest.
"How can he not? she's his wife. If you weren't treating her badly in her own house Jidenna wouldn't ask us to leave. Tell me would you tolerate this if you were in her shoes?" Emeka asked.
"This is why I have problems with you, do you ever support me? You're always against me and you're my husband" Ada hissed.
"Ada, I can't support evil" Emeka said.
"Emeka the only evil in this house is Dara, she's used a spell on my brother. I'm going to make sure I destroy her charms" Ada said vehemently.
"What kind of foolishness is this Ada?" Emeka asked angrily.
"Emeka, I will be a bad sister if I allow my brother to live under the influence of juju" Ada said.
Emeka gaped at his wife in disbelief.
"Besides, if we remain in this house for a few more years. We can save money to get a house like this. We don't pay any bills, Jidenna pays for it all. Even our kids school fees, we need to save for our future. We need to remain here for the next six years" Ada said.
"Six years! Are you crazy?! You want to feed off your brother and inconvenience his family for the next six years. Ada you are wicked!" Emeka said.
"I am a man, I had a little problem and I begged Jidenna to let me live here for a few months. Months turned into a year, now I'm back on my feet. I want to leave, get a house and provide for my family not in your brother's house Ada" Emeka said.
"I'm not leaving luxury for poverty, I'm staying in this house. I can handle my brother, as for his wife. I will hit her had when she doesn't expect it" Ada swore.
"You're mad, we're leaving this house in two weeks. Two weeks Ada, I wasn't rich when I married you but we never lacked. You will be satisfied with what I give you" Emeka said.
"If I had known my brother would make this much money I wouldn't have married you" Ada hissed.
"I hope you remember when Jidenna came to you to ask for a loan for a business he wanted to invest in, you told him you wouldn't give him a dime to invest in his worthless ambition. Do you remember who loaned him that money?" Emeka asked.
Adanna hissed, of course she knew. It was Dara who had ran around to get the money for him.
"Jidenna is under no spell, without Dara he wouldn't be this rich today. You wouldn't be enjoying this luxury yet you treat her badly. I see what you and mama do to her, calling her names. She stood by your brother when he was penniless, when you abandoned him. Leave Dara alone let her enjoy the fruit of her labour, I won't say anything to you again. I pray you don't do something you will regret" Emeka warned before leaving his bedroom to go check on the kids.
"Foolish man, stupid man" Ada cursed her husband.
"You want me to respect that Idiot because of the little change she loaned my brother. I will make sure he hates her" Adanna promised herself. She picked up her phone and called her childhood friend.
'Hello Nkechi' she said.
'Ada beke, how you dey na. I bin wan call you last night, sleep just hol' me" Nkechi said.
'Nkechi, I need your help. That man for Epe, you still get hin number?' She asked her friend.
'Ahan, I think sey you be born again. Why you want the number?' Nkechi asked.
'I need to take care of someone' Ada said.
'No wahala, I get am. I go text you the number' Nkechi promised.
Adanna smiled victoriously.
'Dara you might have won the battle but watch out for the war' she muttered to herself.


Re: Lethal Matrimony by Giannaaaaaa: 9:25am On Apr 07, 2018
smiley thank you so much ma
Cassie is a compound fool. Two wrongs don't make right. Dele will soon start blackmailing her for more sex, that's if she is not already pregnant sef.

Nene is pulling down her own home because stubbornness, the father is more concerned about reputation and not her happiness. No man can survive long in such home without going bananas.

Giannaaaaaa Weldon
Re: Lethal Matrimony by Nobody: 10:31am On Apr 07, 2018

"That's it Ada, we're taking that house at Jakande and we're leaving your brother alone for good.  Jay told me what you did, I'm so disappointed. What is wrong with you?" Emeka asked.
"Oh good, you can go. Go alone, Ruby and Coral will remain here with me. I'm not going to leave this house for anybody" Adanna frowned .
"Your brother has said we should leave, because of your bad attitude Ada" Emeka yelled.
"My brother is under the influence of something, can you imagine? How can my own brother ask me to leave his house because of a woman?!" Ada beat her chest.
"How can he not? she's his wife. If you weren't treating her badly in her own house Jidenna wouldn't ask us to leave. Tell me would you tolerate this if you were in her shoes?" Emeka asked.
"This is why I have problems with you, do you ever support me? You're always against me and you're my husband" Ada hissed.
"Ada, I can't support evil" Emeka said.
"Emeka the only evil in this house is Dara, she's used a spell on my brother. I'm going to make sure I destroy her charms" Ada said vehemently.
"What kind of foolishness is this Ada?" Emeka asked angrily.
"Emeka, I will be a bad sister if I allow my brother to live under the influence of juju" Ada said.
Emeka gaped at his wife in disbelief.
"Besides, if we remain in this house for a few more years. We can save money to get a house like this. We don't pay any bills, Jidenna pays for it all. Even our kids school fees, we need to save for our future. We need to remain here for the next six years" Ada said.
"Six years! Are you crazy?! You want to feed off your brother and inconvenience his family for the next six years. Ada you are wicked!" Emeka said.
"I am a man, I had a little problem and I begged Jidenna to let me live here for a few months. Months turned into a year, now I'm back on my feet. I want to leave, get a house and provide for my family not in your brother's house Ada" Emeka said.
"I'm not leaving luxury for poverty, I'm staying in this house. I can handle my brother, as for his wife. I will hit her had when she doesn't expect it" Ada swore.
"You're mad, we're leaving this house in two weeks. Two weeks Ada, I wasn't rich when I married you but we never lacked. You will be satisfied with what I give you" Emeka said.
"If I had known my brother would make this much money I wouldn't have married you" Ada hissed.
"I hope you remember when Jidenna came to you to ask for a loan for a business he wanted to invest in, you told him you wouldn't give him a dime to invest in his worthless ambition. Do you remember who loaned him that money?" Emeka asked.
Adanna hissed, of course she knew. It was Dara who had ran around to get the money for him.
"Jidenna is under no spell, without Dara he wouldn't be this rich today. You wouldn't be enjoying this luxury yet you treat her badly. I see what you and mama do to her, calling her names. She stood by your brother when he was penniless, when you abandoned him. Leave Dara alone let her enjoy the fruit of her labour, I won't say anything to you again. I pray you don't do something you will regret" Emeka warned before leaving his bedroom to go check on the kids.
"Foolish man, stupid man" Ada cursed her husband.
"You want me to respect that Idiot because of the little change she loaned my brother. I will make sure he hates her" Adanna promised herself. She picked up her phone and called her childhood friend.
'Hello Nkechi' she said.
'Ada beke, how you dey na. I bin wan call you last night, sleep just hol' me" Nkechi said.
'Nkechi, I need your help. That man for Epe, you still get hin number?' She asked her friend.
'Ahan, I think sey you be born again. Why you want the number?' Nkechi asked.
'I need to take care of someone' Ada said.
'No wahala, I get am. I go text you the number' Nkechi promised.
Adanna smiled victoriously.
'Dara you might have won the battle but watch out for the war' she muttered to herself.

Giannaaaa well done.

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Re: Lethal Matrimony by Ibunkun1(m): 12:35pm On Apr 07, 2018
Hmmm.Let's See Where The Battle Will Lead To.Great Update

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Re: Lethal Matrimony by Ibunkun1(m): 12:36pm On Apr 07, 2018
Hmm This Adanna Eehn...

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Re: Lethal Matrimony by skubido(m): 1:42pm On Apr 07, 2018
Wahala dey ooo

tanks a lot 4d update

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Re: Lethal Matrimony by Whyke141: 2:30pm On Apr 07, 2018
...PoetKhu on this one again! - The solicitor for African Women.

"Wonder Woman explores the beauty every woman carries using a specimen woman.

I feel accomplished and proud as a woman while reading through the piece. It's a piece that makes you want to do the extraordinary and break limits as a woman, as itbis embedded with lots of eulogies and self appraisals.

I love it" - Anonymous.

Have a Taste of this raw poetry now!!!���

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