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The MFM Tactics - Religion (3) - Nairaland

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Why Daddy Freeze's Mockery Of The MFM Pastor Who Died In Church Is Wrong / 2018 Full Prophetic prophecies and prayer point needed By GO MFM Dr D.K OLUKOYA / 19 Manipulative Tactics Nigerian Pastors Use To Collect Money By Aroms Aigbehi (2) (3) (4)

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Re: The MFM Tactics by Emmanystone: 2:31pm On Apr 08, 2018
Emmanystone, bia negodu fvckery
This is the gathering of the ungodly. I'm standing not on the same way with them.

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Re: The MFM Tactics by Ishilove: 3:00pm On Apr 08, 2018

Negodu means shut up, not so?

Negodu means "come and see"
Re: The MFM Tactics by Ishilove: 3:03pm On Apr 08, 2018
Really you need not comment on such threads. It was interesting before you came along. Let them create threads of mockery and mock all they want, its interesting to see that several Christians ignore threads such as this. Let them create, analyze and decide what they think Christianity is. Your comment won't change them, only God will. So next time pal, just ignore.
Wise words
Re: The MFM Tactics by superhumanist(m): 3:20pm On Apr 08, 2018

The op is the sort of person classified as 'unconscious witch/wizard'. They are agents of Satan but are not aware they're been used to propagate misinformation and deadly ignorance.

There are many unconscious wizards on this thread hiding under the toga of 'scepticism' and 'atheism'

Haha. I knew that this thread would pain you.

MFM is a joke among churches. Take it or leave it.

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Re: The MFM Tactics by superhumanist(m): 3:23pm On Apr 08, 2018
Really you need not comment on such threads. It was interesting before you came along. Let them create threads of mockery and mock all they want, its interesting to see that several Christians ignore threads such as this. Let them create, analyze and decide what they think Christianity is. Your comment won't change them, only God will. So next time pal, just ignore.


Wise words

The hypocrisy. Winner01 is a mocker of atheists. Just look at his different threads attacking atheists.
Re: The MFM Tactics by Ishilove: 3:31pm On Apr 08, 2018

Haha. I knew that this thread would pain you.

MFM is a joke among churches. Take it or leave it.

Opinions are like ass holes; everyone's got one
Re: The MFM Tactics by Nobody: 3:40pm On Apr 08, 2018

What is the reason for his eye defect? If claims to raise people from the dead, heal the blind and all but he can not heal himself abi? Very telling.
The reason maybe because God wants to
1. Test time like he did to Abraham
2. Draw him much closer to him.
These are the reasons why situation of that nature happens to many preachers of which Reinhard Bonnke isn't an exception.
Re: The MFM Tactics by Mujtahida: 3:41pm On Apr 08, 2018
They do "Indirectly" tackle those problems but try hard to make it as indirect as possible so they have a soft landing

There's a joke I heard about dermatology that "dermatology is the perfect specialty, since 'patients never get well, never die, and never call at night.' " and that saying also applies to MFM

I watched a couple of DK Olukoya preachings and I read "Fire in the word" a couple of times when I had a MFM friend. I noticed rather than pray against real life problems, Olukoya would preach that those problems are caused by spirit of ancestors and father's house or some village enemies or some spirit boss or some demon somewhere, Olukoya is a very intelligent orator when he's through preaching and he's succeeded in convincing his congregation that spiritual entities are responsible for the problem, they'll spend a chunk of the next hour praying for those entities to die. "You evil spirit of my Father's house that is preventing me from getting my blessings. what are you waiting for? Die! Die!! Die!!!" and similar prayer points

Now back to the dermatology joke. since these enemies MFM members are praying against are invisible, intangible and undetectable by all physical senses they can never know if those enemies really died so they need to keep praying and this statistically favours Olukoya as common sense would show that if 3Million MFM members are suffering from poverty, a few hundreds would get out of the poverty whether they prayed or not. Now those hundreds would then give testimonies and garnish it with lies, half truths and post hoc to claim a particular prayer point was responsible for their breakthrough. this encourages the over 2Million members who the prayer didn't work for to keep praying as they assume their enemy might be stronger than that of those giving testimonies there's really no end in sight so they keep praying and hoping someday their enemy dies due to the incessant prayers. How would they know when this enemy is dead? When they're out of poverty or whenever they find the solution to the problem they're going through
It's the same madness they indulge in when they cast and bind Satan. Satan has been defeated by no less than the imperial Christ of God yet after binding and casting him for the last two thousand years he's still not bounded or casted. He's out there, somewhere working some diabolic scheme, luring one soul to sin, another to perdition, another to crime and lawlessness. Christianity needs the devil to succeed. Their hatred of the Devil is actually love. They love him. They really do.

In George Orwell's '1985,' Eurasia and Oceania are always at war but not really - only in the news tongue grin. For our battle is not against flesh and blood... says the fiendish maniac called Paul. And the beat goes on- talk of dog a chasing it's tail.

Christianity is so thinly disguised - Human beings must be really incredulous to fall for such a poor hoax.

Europeans have began setting the intellectual basis for the final rejection and collapse of Christianity. I however project that no intellectual argument will defeat Christianity. Reality will. It would collapse under the sheer force and relentless evolutionary pathway of the universe. Already in terms of real spiritual substance and vitality, Christianity is dead. It's just the empty crust that needs some good wind to blow it away. But this is not so obvious to the unobserving eye because the churches are still filled, the coffers full of money and the choir still sings. But I tell you that the church has triumphed over Christianity. Christianity is dead. Only it's tomb(churches) still remains and they too will be swept away.

Please read the 17 part series on why Europe must reject Christianity. Read the comments. Don't be miffed at the somewhat racial sentiments cos it's a white nationalist site. just remember that they too have abandoned Christianity and seek to drive the movement deeper. (navigate your way through the site to read the article in an orderly fashion)

CC pagan
Re: The MFM Tactics by Mujtahida: 3:42pm On Apr 08, 2018
Extraordinary things do happen. But they have more to do with our inadequate knowledge and understanding of reality than magic or "the supernatural."

Everything has a mechanism which is amenable to logic for a species intelligent enough to comprehend it.
God is our ignorance.
Re: The MFM Tactics by Mujtahida: 3:49pm On Apr 08, 2018
How would such occurrence, if it's true, invalidate my assertion that we merely don't understand the MECHANISM behind it which certainly must exist?

"Supernatural" things become natural the moment we understand the mechanism behind them. There's nothing supernatural. There is only ignorance!

But of course, all extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. So, if such were reported to have happened, it would take a hell lot to convince me, because it's so uncommon and rare it would probably be the first of its kind.

Even if I happened to be a witness, I would still carry out my investigations and scrutinize it to destruction, because the human senses are pretty easy to fool.
Religion is one of the phases of thought through which the world is passing-Robert G. Ingersoll

You have spoken extraordinarily well. I do not deny the miraculous but the fact that the miraculous predates Christianity and is not exclusive to Christianity makes me believe that our ignorance is at the back of what we call miracles.

Two things make religions as they exist now to perpetuate : our ignorance of nature and of reality.
And secondly man is myth creating and believing being who loves his fictions more than any other thing because they are his creations. Religion is a fiction. Reality knows no religion, nature knows no religion.
Re: The MFM Tactics by Mujtahida: 3:58pm On Apr 08, 2018
Perhaps treating personal eye problems isn't part of his skill set?

Why do you assume that a person who is able to heal others should be able to heal himself?
Because the one immutable law of nature is self preservation.
Re: The MFM Tactics by Mujtahida: 4:01pm On Apr 08, 2018
MFM is the worst Yoruba traditional fictious and witchcraft and juju minded church i have ever seen.

Every fiction that plays in the mind of the founder is what he displays as deliverance for Yoruba people who already believes in traditional nollywood fictions for them to see
They are very superstitious even as Christians. I know because I spent six years in Akure. Does mfm have a large following in the Christian parts of the North? I doubt cos Northern Christians are not superstitious. Once again I know cos I spent six years in zaria.
Re: The MFM Tactics by Nobody: 4:03pm On Apr 08, 2018

He claims he does. But even if he doesn't, the Jesus that has it enjoys sering him suffering with his eye defect abi?
No. The bible say seek first his kingdom and its righteousness and every other thing will be added. There is reason why it is so. It is better to be blind and get to heaven than to be see and go to hell. There is absolutely nothing in this wicked world
Re: The MFM Tactics by Mujtahida: 4:04pm On Apr 08, 2018

The op is the sort of person classified as 'unconscious witch/wizard'. They are agents of Satan but are not aware they're been used to propagate misinformation and deadly ignorance.

There are many unconscious wizards on this thread hiding under the toga of 'scepticism' and 'atheism'
Once more it's Satan. This love is deep.
Re: The MFM Tactics by Martinez19(m): 4:25pm On Apr 08, 2018

The op is the sort of person classified as 'unconscious witch/wizard'. They are agents of Satan but are not aware they're been used to propagate misinformation and deadly ignorance.

There are many unconscious wizards on this thread hiding under the toga of 'scepticism' and 'atheism'

Re: The MFM Tactics by Emmanystone: 4:47pm On Apr 08, 2018

Negodu means shut up, not so?

It means 'Juslukat'.
Re: The MFM Tactics by paxonel(m): 5:56pm On Apr 08, 2018

They are very superstitious even as Christians. I know because I spent six years in Akure. Does mfm have a large following in the Christian parts of the North? I doubt cos Northern Christians are not superstitious. Once again I know cos I spent six years in zaria.
good observation bro! In general, Yoruba people are the most superstitious tribe in Nigeria if not in Africa.
I'm a Yoruba man!
D. K. olukoya is a Yoruba man like me, he knows superstition is part of us, and that is why his methods in religion are accepted .

Prayer this, prayer that
Deliverance this, deliverance that,
Witchcraft this, witchcraft that
Name it.

They have turn the name of Jesus to what they traditionally use to invoke rituals right inside church.

Its a pity
Re: The MFM Tactics by Mujtahida: 6:01pm On Apr 08, 2018
good observation bro! In general, Yoruba people are the most superstitious tribe in Nigeria if not in Africa.
I'm a Yoruba man!
D. K. olukoya is a Yoruba man like me, he knows superstition is part of us, and that is why his methods in religion are accepted .

Prayer this, prayer that
Deliverance this, deliverance that,
Witchcraft this, witchcraft that
Name it.

They have turn the name of Jesus to what they traditionally use to invoke rituals right inside church.

Its a pity
Christian Babalawo

Superstition is in the ethnic unconscious mind of the people. Christianity has done nothing to take it away.

Every hill is a prayer mountain in Akure.
Re: The MFM Tactics by paxonel(m): 6:20pm On Apr 08, 2018

Christian Babalawo

Superstition is in the ethnic unconscious mind of the people. Christianity has done nothing to take it away.

Every hill is a prayer mountain in Akure.
grin grin
Ahahaaaha haaaha!!!!

Yoruba grin grin
Re: The MFM Tactics by Dalam0n: 10:09pm On Apr 08, 2018

No. The bible say seek first his kingdom and its righteousness and every other thing will be added. There is reason why it is so. It is better to be blind and get to heaven than to be see and go to hell. There is absolutely nothing in this wicked world

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Re: The MFM Tactics by Nobody: 11:27pm On Apr 08, 2018

You are too carnal to understand the things of the spirit mind you this world is a temporary place. There is nothing in this world
Re: The MFM Tactics by Dalam0n: 12:00am On Apr 09, 2018

You are too carnal to understand the things of the spirit mind you this world is a temporary place. There is nothing in this world

You are too deluded to know what you are talking about. How did we even get to this point? There is nothing in this world and your God allegedly left heaven and came into this world to offer himself as a sacrifice abi?

There is nothing in this world yet you struggle daily to survive in the same world abi? Make sure your tread what you type and see if it makes sense before posting it.
Re: The MFM Tactics by Nobody: 12:43am On Apr 09, 2018

You are too deluded to know what you are talking about. How did we even get to this point? There is nothing in this world and your God allegedly left heaven and came into this world to offer himself as a sacrifice abi?

There is nothing in this world yet you struggle daily to survive in the same world abi? Make sure your tread what you type and see if it makes sense before posting it.
For every idle words you use on earth, you shall give account
Re: The MFM Tactics by Dalam0n: 6:38am On Apr 09, 2018

For every idle words you use on earth, you shall give account
According to your delusions abi?
Re: The MFM Tactics by Nobody: 8:37am On Apr 09, 2018

According to your delusions abi?
You will give account
Re: The MFM Tactics by Dalam0n: 8:58am On Apr 09, 2018

You will give account

You'll give account to Allah and he'll throw you in his hell for not accepting him and Mohammed his last messenger.
Re: The MFM Tactics by Nobody: 10:06am On Apr 09, 2018

You'll give account to Allah and he'll throw you in his hell for not accepting him and Mohammed his last messenger.
Allah indeed! Many of kind are gnashing in the lake of fire
Re: The MFM Tactics by Dalam0n: 12:18pm On Apr 09, 2018

Allah indeed! Many of kind are gnashing in the lake of fire

You will ganish in Allah's like of fire forever.
Re: The MFM Tactics by Nobody: 12:45pm On Apr 09, 2018

You will ganish in Allah's like of fire forever.
U better come from darkness and join light. Go join the winning team
Re: The MFM Tactics by Dalam0n: 1:34pm On Apr 09, 2018

U better come from darkness and join light. Go join the winning team

Be there deluding yourself. You are in totally darkness . You'll burn in Allah's fire.
Re: The MFM Tactics by Nobody: 1:40pm On Apr 09, 2018

Be there deluding yourself. You are in totally darkness . You'll burn in Allah's fire.
Allah's fire grin grin grin grin grin. Leave darkness were you are forced to prayer
Re: The MFM Tactics by Dalam0n: 1:41pm On Apr 09, 2018

Allah's fire grin grin grin grin grin. Leave darkness were you are forced to prayer

You are in totally darkness but so much deluded that you think you are in sone imaginary light. Hell awaits you.

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