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Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into - Properties (8) - Nairaland

Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Properties / Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into (49737 Views)

Can You Buy A House With A Grave? / Hot Sale Just Out 2 Storey Building Newly Built, 2 Building Inside Compound, Con / To Let Decent 3 Bedrooms Ground Flat, 3t 2b, 2 Occupants To Share Compound @ I (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by sosidauto(m): 6:00am On Apr 10, 2018
everybody has a different perception to issues unlike here in taraba state were an average tiv man will pass the night on top of the grave becos of heat.

Thought Tiv people are from Benue state,Are they also in Taraba state?
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by agohmamuda(m): 6:02am On Apr 10, 2018

U are the one with a foolish mind. Full stop. Bye tongue

I don't have beef with u bro. Next time just say u don't like the joke. Rather than throwing shades at me. cheers.
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by castrol180(m): 6:04am On Apr 10, 2018
No comment wink

Why are you sweating profusely from the armpit in your new pic which you uploaded yesterday?
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by leksai12: 6:08am On Apr 10, 2018
the numbers of grave in the town where I study is more than the number of people alive, and I have been here for five years no issue, we sit on them to study at night self
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by Inixy: 6:09am On Apr 10, 2018

Wat has a grave to do wit a spirit? Shey una talk say if person die, na heaven or hell e dey go? See how una dey confuse una sef.
I know what am saying bro, the experience is too ugly to mention. I know what op is saying very well. Let him take it and come here to give testimony of ugly sounds of moving object in d roof like sounds of human feet. They are creatures tho... or to experience a sudden collapse of wall from roof top of a 4bed which I pray God forbid.
A word is enough for d wise
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by obaataaokpaewu: 6:10am On Apr 10, 2018
Always faulting the blackman. Why bury someone in a place you'll give out for rent?
lol.... As if you are not a ph girl? Isn't that common in some Portharcourt compounds?
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by Nobody: 6:12am On Apr 10, 2018

Yes, something is wrong o.

The ghost of the person buried there would rise in the dark and be making scary noises.

The ghosts also eat children (especially new-born babies) if you don't spray holy water on the children every night before they go to bed and ensure there is one bible each above their head, below their feet and at either sides of the hand.

So please don't move in except you can cope with that.


Honestly, I Dnt Knw Y Ur Kind Is Here, The Man Seeked For Advice But U Are Here Saying Rubbish, Dont You Have Any Sense Rara Ni? Are U Mad Mi ? Honestly This Cheap Technology Dis Days Dey Cause Wahala
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by Inixy: 6:20am On Apr 10, 2018
Oga you won't understand


Wat has a grave to do wit a spirit? Shey una talk say if person die, na heaven or hell e dey go? See how una dey confuse una sef.
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by Silvano34: 6:22am On Apr 10, 2018
No big deal. I have two graves in the compound I live in. One at the front of the entrance door and another right behind my window.
I sleep like a baby sef. cool

You be lord of the grave? grin
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by abaquad(m): 6:26am On Apr 10, 2018
I can't advice you to pack in because if another person die, he\she will be bury thesame place.
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by Mannie92(m): 6:26am On Apr 10, 2018
Hello all. Pls I wasn't sure where to ask this question. I'm about to pay for a house and I noticed there's a graveyard inside d compound and close to our side of d house (its just 2 flat bungalow. Someone else is already occupying d back flat). We asked and they said d mother of d owner of d house was buried there.

At first I didn't even mind at all but I just thought it wise to ask questions before we pay. Is there anything wrong moving into a house where someone u do not know was buried?

Also I have 2 small boys and expecting a 3rd child and my boys play a lot and I have no doubt that one day they may play to that grave as its at our front yard.

What are ur advice's please? Does it mean? Can we go ahead and stay there? Anything wrong in staying at a house where someone was buried? I'm not afraid I just want to be sure that there's no spiritual consequences or anything of sort

Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by Mannie92(m): 6:27am On Apr 10, 2018

Honestly, I Dnt Knw Y Ur Kind Is Here, The Man Seeked For Advice But U Are Here Saying Rubbish, Dont You Have Any Sense Rara Ni? Are U Mad Mi ? Honestly This Cheap Technology Dis Days Dey Cause Wahala

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Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by pennywys(m): 6:27am On Apr 10, 2018

Perhaps everything in ur life is a joke. If u don't have any meaningful contribution u should have just shut up!
Taaaaaaaa go nd sit down Op u no go sch. Hw can u be afraid of a may grave. Oya buy insecticide spray there on the grave to drive away the evil spirits
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by wealthyhenry(m): 6:30am On Apr 10, 2018

Yes, something is wrong o.

The ghost of the person buried there would rise in the dark and be making scary noises.

The ghosts also eat children (especially new-born babies) if you don't spray holy water on the children every night before they go to bed and ensure there is one bible each above their head, below their feet and at either sides of the hand.

So please don't move in except you can cope with that.

Stop spilling rubbish bro.
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by anaton(m): 6:31am On Apr 10, 2018
No respect for the dead again. cry embarassed embarassed lipsrsealed undecided
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by DavidEsq(m): 6:36am On Apr 10, 2018
Oga you won't understand

So wat u mean is dat the "souls" of the dead jump outta hell to torment u? See confusion. Rather than explain ur belief in life after death, u are resorting to "u won't understand": a lame effort, evident of a lack of understanding of one's belief.
The devil is powerful. We know. If the devil thru misconceived ideas of beliefs in dead men haunting the living, uses his demons to appear as dead men, to pursue u upandan, don't u think his purpose is to use that belief to introduce anoda belief that if u go to one babalawo, u wld be ok? So u see? The devil uses ur own twisted beliefs to enslave u, yet the bible says "u wld come to know the truth and it wld set u free". How?
Ecclesiastics 9:5 & 6 says: "For the living know they will die, but the dead know nothing at all, nor do they have anymore reward, because all memory of dem is forgotten. Also, their love, their hate and their jealousy have already perished and dey no longer have any share in wat is done under the sun".
If ur belief is based on dis scripture, wld u be set free from the belief in d dead haunting the living? Wld the devil be able to taunt and haunt u with 'ghosts' of the dead, if believe in dis scripture?
Hell naw!
CC Inixy

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Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by Otii4god: 6:37am On Apr 10, 2018
My dear forget about these unserious nairalanders that jokes about everything. Pls don't pay for that house, just forget about it and look for somwhere else
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by Trendy05(f): 6:38am On Apr 10, 2018
I don't see anything wrong with it o. if u lived in the area I grew up, u will know it's not a big deal.

what u don't know, won't know u and your family!
simply pray about the house and if u have peace, move into the house!

some compounds don't have graves but people living there don't prosper.

Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by brainhgeek(m): 7:00am On Apr 10, 2018
Dp you know if where you currently live used to be someone's grave hundreds of years ago? Early men once lived and died. They also burry their dead but no one knows the grave until we excavate. Move in bro. Prayer is not an option. It is a must. Not only for cases like this. We live with Christ in heavenly places, far above principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness in high places........
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by Ficeo(m): 7:01am On Apr 10, 2018
My dear, personally I have phobia for graves. I suggest you look for another house since you are pregnant and have kids. Besides, we can't tell the circumstances that led to the death and burial of the person. Try search and see if you get another house. As a bachelor, I will not pack in to a compound of such not to talk of now that am married. May God guide your decision, Amen.
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by obua: 7:05am On Apr 10, 2018
Hello all. Pls I wasn't sure where to ask this question. I'm about to pay for a house and I noticed there's a graveyard inside d compound and close to our side of d house (its just 2 flat bungalow. Someone else is already occupying d back flat). We asked and they said d mother of d owner of d house was buried there.

At first I didn't even mind at all but I just thought it wise to ask questions before we pay. Is there anything wrong moving into a house where someone u do not know was buried?

Also I have 2 small boys and expecting a 3rd child and my boys play a lot and I have no doubt that one day they may play to that grave as its at our front yard.

What are ur advice's please? Does it mean? Can we go ahead and stay there? Anything wrong in staying at a house where someone was buried? I'm not afraid I just want to be sure that there's no spiritual consequences or anything of sort
The dead are of no consciousness, so nothing to worry about
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by godofuck231: 7:05am On Apr 10, 2018
Ahhhhhhhhh! The gods are wise, drink orijin and see the future,
young man you have done well, your blessings are intact, first of all let me thank you for doing what is right by marrying that woman and not making her a baby mama, may your ancestors strengthen your yam barn,

the owl who was accused of witchcraft has replied saying "she was not a witch o and her only crime was that she only frightened kids from going on errands at night" no smoke without fire, this is Africa our beliefs are real, find out how that woman lived and built that house, did she die an angry or miserable death? Was she fetish? When people die in questionable conditions there is bound to be a grudge, a grudge is a spirit that has refused to rest in peace and has become malicious and violent, it knows no friend or enemy,it hunts everyone even children, do not put a pregnant woman in a house of horror or the child will be polluted, women are receptive to infections very fast and are hard to detect the infection so as spiritual infections, what a pregnant woman sees becomes her child or children, a family house isn't a place for tenants, first if the mother of the landlord is buried inside that compound the house becomes his by tradition, that grave is a statement, it says keep off.
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by godofuck231: 7:09am On Apr 10, 2018
Ahhhhhhhhh! The gods are wise, drink orijin and see the future,
young man you have done well, your blessings are intact, first of all let me thank you for doing what is right by marrying that woman and not making her a baby mama, may your ancestors strengthen your yam barn,

the owl who was accused of witchcraft has replied saying "she was not a witch o and her only crime was that she only frightened kids from going on errands at night" no smoke without fire, this is Africa our beliefs are real, find out how that woman lived and built that house, did she die an angry or miserable death? Was she fetish? When people die in questionable conditions there is bound to be a grudge, a grudge is a spirit that has refused to rest in peace and has become malicious and violent, it knows no friend or enemy,it hunts everyone even children, do not put a pregnant woman in a house of horror or the child will be polluted, women are receptive to infections very fast and are hard to detect the infection so as spiritual infections, what a pregnant woman sees becomes her child or children, a family house isn't a place for tenants, first if the mother of the landlord is buried inside that compound the house becomes his by tradition, that grave is a statement, it says keep off.

Today is a good day fortune will smile on you, make sure you buy your wife a beautiful material for a dress she likes purple.
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by Allikola(m): 7:12am On Apr 10, 2018
If you are Muslim, it is advisable not to move into such house because Salat (Prayer) will not be accepted where there is grave yard.

That is y Islam teaches us to bury our dead in a cemetery.
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by 0monnak0da: 7:12am On Apr 10, 2018
Stop asking silly questions
Silly? Ithought we were talking of grave and tenant and you brought in pregnancy? That is quite silly it seems to me.......
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by Oyindidi(f): 7:13am On Apr 10, 2018

Silly? Ithought we were talking of grave and tenant and you brought in pregnancy? That is quite silly it seems to me.......
The op said his wife is pregnant
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by Oyindidi(f): 7:15am On Apr 10, 2018
lol.... As if you are not a ph girl? Isn't that common in some Portharcourt compounds?
I'm just hearing this from you. I've not seen grave in any compound I live or around where I stay before
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by revolt(m): 7:15am On Apr 10, 2018

Don't allow education to take away ur culture from u
This is Africa things do happen like it or leave it
hehrh I lived six years in a hospital and my quarters was behind the morgue . In ALL those years with my encounters with D O.A , I NVR saw a single paranormal activity. Both night and day. So my Africa is different from yours, and because most of us attribute eery problem n solution to the spiritual , thts why our cities look like where monkeys hve taken over ...
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by 0monnak0da: 7:15am On Apr 10, 2018
The op said his wife is pregnant
So you are not pregnant? Or are you the OP's wife?
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by 0monnak0da: 7:19am On Apr 10, 2018
If you are Muslim, it is advisable not to move into such house because Salat (Prayer) will not be accepted where there is grave yard.

That is y Islam teaches us to bury our dead in a cemetery.
Muslim prayers(Salat) not accepted where there is a graveyard? Source of this?This is certainly not in the Quran.

Also how far from the graveyard? How many metres? Does it matter if the graveyard is in a neighbours compound?
Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by Crixina(f): 7:19am On Apr 10, 2018
This one doesn't know tht everywhere u go at some point somebody was buried there in the past. Perhaps 500 yrs ago sef. Blackman and stupidity. Always bothered about spirits tht don't exist in our dimension.
Very TRUE...many of us live on burial sites,or worse, that it didn't happen recently doesn't mean it isn't there.

where i come from, people are even buried inside houses, At least i still remember my uncle's bed right across his mom's grave, what if he decided to rent that apartment out?

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Re: Grave Inside Compound I And Family Are About To Move Into by Oyindidi(f): 7:21am On Apr 10, 2018
So you are not pregnant? Or are you the OP's wife?
I am not pregnant

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