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Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) - Programming - Nairaland

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Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by javalady(f): 8:21pm On Apr 11, 2018
Before learning how to program, I used to be a cashier at a bet9ja shop. Everyday tens and thousands of naira are wasted by our youths on the bet9ja virtual league. Some of these monies were lost due to greediness or lack of proper forecast. Personally, I discovered that ov 1.5 goals hardly cuts and 3 ov 1.5 goals of 1.28 odds will produce an odd of 2.09.
Choosing ov 1.5 goals is just as simple as ABC yet people are still loosing their money to the bookies because of greediness or impatient in forecasting.
Today with the little knowledge I have in android programming, I want to make a simple app that would forecast 3 random ov 1.5 goals with the click of a button.

This isn't any Artificial Intelligence or Maching Learning stuff, it is just a script/function that would select 3 ov 1.5 goals randomly.
I'm building this as a fun project and I cannot guarantee if the predictions would be correct or not.

This isn't a question and answer thread so I'd not be responding to any questions unless of course it's related to the project I'm working on.
I'd build this app using my smartphone so I cannot say for sure how long it is going to take.
My IDE is sketchware, a mobile app that's allows lazy/amateur developers like myself to build and compile apps on the go


The developer of of this app does not guarantee a 100% perfect forecast. This app do not have access to bet9ja virtual platform and its fully offline. Please use at your own risk.

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Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by Nobody: 8:26pm On Apr 11, 2018
Mr. Man behave, ladies are watching you.

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Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by javalady(f): 8:34pm On Apr 11, 2018
Mr. Man behave, ladies are watching you.
What's that?
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by Obainoneandonly(m): 8:38pm On Apr 11, 2018
I hope you will b able to share it
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by javalady(f): 8:40pm On Apr 11, 2018
I hope you will b able to share it
Sure I will
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by javalady(f): 8:46pm On Apr 11, 2018
I just downloaded the bet9ja logo.
I ain't so good at UI design/colour combination so get ready to see some very odd looking colors in the app. My IDE is ready. I've created a new project named Bet9ja Ov1.5
I'd work on the splash screen first before designing the main activity file

Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by Obainoneandonly(m): 8:48pm On Apr 11, 2018
Sure I will
k, u have my blessings.I will pray DaT you surely succeed
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by javalady(f): 8:55pm On Apr 11, 2018
I uploaded 3 images but I can see just one. Maybe their size is greater than 4mb I don't know. I added an activity named SplashActivity.xml.
I added a vertical linear and inside the linear, I added an image view, a text view and another horizontal linear(I will add a loading bar programmatically in this linear.

Pics attached

Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by javalady(f): 9:01pm On Apr 11, 2018
Next I'd be adding a component in the Splash Activity.
The function of the timer component is simple, On activity create (When splash activity becomes visible) the timer would start and after 5000ms, the splash activity would end and the Main activity screen is displayed.
I named the timer obainoneandonly
Pics of the timer component and its function

Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by Obainoneandonly(m): 9:09pm On Apr 11, 2018
Next I'd be adding a components in the Splash Activity.
The function of the timer component is simple, On activity create (When splash activity becomes visible) the timer would start and after 5000ms, the splash activity would end and the Main activity screen is displayed.
I named the timer obainoneandonly
Pics of the timer component and its function
am flattered right now.don't know wat to say
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by javalady(f): 9:10pm On Apr 11, 2018
Time to work on the Main activity page.
First I'd need to app to take the user to the splash screen before the main activity page and by default, the main activity is the first activity that the user sees once he launches an app. So in other to display the splash screen first, I'd add an intent component that would start the splash activity first. So my intent would be named nairaland.
Using the intent, I've added a function that would execute the command.
Pics Attached

Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by javalady(f): 9:13pm On Apr 11, 2018
Somebody should suggest a color for me.
I'd continue 2moro and hopefully I might finish it because it wouldn't require any complex codes plus it would fully be offline
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by netbeans1(m): 1:12am On Apr 13, 2018
Wonderful idea


How would you be able to work on the back end?

I think you should just get android studio and face the real deal grin
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by Iamvictor(m): 1:30am On Apr 13, 2018
Somebody should suggest a color for me.
I'd continue 2moro and hopefully I might finish it because it wouldn't require any complex codes plus it would fully be offline
go with green.
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by javalady(f): 6:33am On Apr 13, 2018
Wonderful idea


How would you be able to work on the back end?

I think you should just get android studio and face the real deal grin

Back end kini?
The app needs just three textviews, one button and three number(int) variables.
On button click, three random numbers would be generated and assigned to the three (int) and they'd be displayed on the textviews.
That's all
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by javalady(f): 6:35am On Apr 13, 2018
go with green.
Alright thanks.
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by netbeans1(m): 9:33am On Apr 13, 2018

Back end kini?
The app needs just three textviews, one button and three number(int) variables.
On button click, three random numbers would be generated and assigned to the three (int) and they'd be displayed on the textviews.
That's all

Oh.... grin
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by dauddy97(m): 11:11am On Apr 13, 2018
are you programming with your phone?
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by javalady(f): 5:46pm On Apr 13, 2018
are you programming with your phone?
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by dauddy97(m): 8:16pm On Apr 13, 2018
wao...if dat is possible, can u tell me the apps to download and clue to get started.
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by javalady(f): 10:34pm On Apr 13, 2018
wao...if dat is possible, can u tell me the apps to download and clue to get started.
Go to www.sketchware.io then join their slack community. The app is based on a scratch programming language. its a drag and drop IDE. Very easy to learn. You can reach me on 08087804322 if you need any help.
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by javalady(f): 10:36pm On Apr 13, 2018
Hello all, I'd update you all on the progress of the app tomorrow. Our lectures has been fixing some impromptu test since yesterday.
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by nlandgrandfada(m): 5:34pm On Apr 14, 2018
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by dauddy97(m): 10:12pm On Apr 14, 2018
Go to www.sketchware.io then join their slack community. The app is based on a scratch programming language. its a drag and drop IDE. Very easy to learn. You can reach me on 08087804322 if you need any help.
called ur number. It rang but u didnt pick it.
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by silento(m): 10:33pm On Apr 14, 2018
I like this ideal but I can only offer you help
when you have this ready

if you do follow me you will understand that I has a program that can predict 89% correct result of total match of the day

to be able to achieve what you are trying to you need a way to scrap data from bet9ja virtual soccer portal

I mean the last previous 3 to 6 matches
then I can give you my program you just feed it the data and believe me if you minus greed as you said you will make thousands in just few days

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Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by javalady(f): 11:14am On Apr 15, 2018
I like this ideal but I can only offer you help
when you have this ready

if you do follow me you will understand that I has a program that can predict 89% correct result of total match of the day

to be able to achieve what you are trying to you need a way to scrap data from bet9ja virtual soccer portal

I mean the last previous 3 to 6 matches
then I can give you my program you just feed it the data and believe me if you minus greed as you said you will make thousands in just few days
Hello friend, it seems you are not understanding the whole concept, the app I'm building would fully be offline. Its just an app that would select three random numbers from 1-10.
We really ain't going to scrap data from the bet9ja portal.
Maybe in the future updates, I may consider making it a fully online app.
Thanks for your input
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by javalady(f): 11:15am On Apr 15, 2018
This is what the splash screen looks like. The main activity is still under construction.

Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by javalady(f): 11:26am On Apr 15, 2018
Main activity still looking ugly.

Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by javalady(f): 1:16pm On Apr 15, 2018
Main activity looking nice now. Any suggestions?

Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by ponti93(m): 3:00pm On Apr 15, 2018
U have to connect it to a live virtual server... So that it can predict using probability theory... From the data gathered from the virtual football server
Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by javalady(f): 4:19pm On Apr 15, 2018
U have to connect it to a live virtual server... So that it can predict using probability theory... From the data gathered from the virtual football server
Let me finish this fun project before I can think of scrapping data from the virtual server. I'm not a professional developer so I'd take one step at a time.

If you know how to connect and get data(s) from the bet9ja server please do well and contact me on 08087804322. Thanks


Re: Let's Build An App That Can Predict Bet9ja Virtual League (FUN PROJECT) by javalady(f): 8:07pm On Apr 15, 2018
The app is ready, I tried it on a bet9ja full season(38games) and I recorded 27/38
I believe it will get better if I can scrap data from the virtual league server.
This is how the main activity looks like after forcasting

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