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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? (83886 Views)
Examining Talk That Jehovah's Witnesses Are The Only Ones Preaching Out There / Ghanaian Man Chases Jehovah's Witnesses Out Of His House By Stripping Unclad / Female Jehovah's Witness Knocks At Man's House, He Opens The Door While Naked (2) (3) (4)
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Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 5:23am On Apr 21, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:My people will say "omo ale lon fi owo osi juwe ile baba re" meaning "bastards often denies their origin" If our "8 old men in New York" has failed US, we're the ones that will notice it and deny haven to do with them not you an outsider! But we're solidly behind them because we know they're the origin of what we know today, why not publicly established your own origin and stop being obstinate in stupidity? You're not from Israel so even a deaf and dumb can understand that whatever you (a black man from Africa) is saying about Jesus must have come to you through a source! Our governing body is the origin of what we know today and we're proud to say it anywhere anytime before anybody! The wisdom in their teaching has done a lot across the globe so tell US who are your teachers that taught a black man like you what happened in far away Israel some 2,000 years ago! Your lies can deceive a confused dullard like yourself and not sensible individuals, nobody will believe you that a spirit taught you what the founder of a movement actually sent real people to go and teach other people! Matthew 10:3-22 1 Like |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 8:52am On Apr 21, 2018 |
Riofidelio:You did say Spiritual! Riofidelio:So the temple is still Spiritual! Riofidelio:Which temple are we all flocking too? Riofidelio:What Do the Satanic Temple and Jehovah’s Witnesses Have in Common? They Are Champions Against Government Inculcation of Belief. Riofidelio:The JW's can't even accept their own bible-and you believe the JW's are the chosen-you and Catholic's, speak the same lingo, they believe they are the chosen vessels, none of the above is true! "This is way out of your league, believing you are Jews not Gentiles, you people can't even accept the Word of God, without changing it, works of Jewish tradition comes before the fall-claiming to the world Jehovah is, Jehovah was, and Jehovah is coming back, you so called denominations are all the same, none of you truly believe "He is the Christ.. Your little god will sit on his throne-when they build the third temple in Israel soon.. {Revelation 22:18-21} For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. These are the warning's you continual to disobey. I Am Coming Quickly, He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming quickly.” Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus! The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen. NWT JW Bible.. Riofidelio: 1 Like |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by xaggar(m): 10:14am On Apr 21, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel...if you are bold or believe in what u say, why not tell us the name of your denomination & pls don't tell us the excuse of "I don't need to belong to any". This forum provides enough avenue for u to hide your identity (your monicker, no picture etc), why get ashamed of stating the name of your denomination so we could understand where u coming from. Be bold, be proud of your denomination, say it like u mean it! |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 12:02pm On Apr 21, 2018 |
Jehovah's Witnesses began around 1870, originated as a branch of the Bible Student movement, which developed in the United States in the 1870s among followers of Christian Restorationist minister Charles Taze Russell. Bible Student missionaries were sent to England in 1881 and the first overseas branch was opened in London in 1900. The group took on the name International Bible Students Association and by 1914 it was also active in Canada, Germany, Australia and other countries. The movement split into several rival organizations after Russell's death in 1916, with one—led by Russell's successor, Joseph "Judge" Rutherford—retaining control of both his magazine, The Watch Tower, and his legal and publishing corporation, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania. So now we have the insights about JW's being in service. Riofidelio:{1 Corinthians 6:19-20} Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore glorify God with your body.… Riofidelio:You have said it yourself-We now know the Holy Spirit is a Living Spirit Being; and the Holy Spirit is not just an active force, the Holy Spirit is living in His Church body of believers, teaching them all things. Hairyrapunzel: is of that body of believers-and you would like to know which Church He belongs..I am in my Church now: witnessing to people like you, preaching to you the Word of God. Jesus is the Spiritual Temple-not made of brick and mortar... Riofidelio: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 12:17pm On Apr 21, 2018 |
Let us pray for you! xaggar: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by xaggar(m): 12:43pm On Apr 21, 2018 |
brocab: Likewise you (state ur denomination). Easy to criticize hiding behind the "annonimity" provided by the internet/nairaland. Are u not confident of your church? BE PROUD OF WHERE U WORSHIP! STATE ITS NAME!!! |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 12:58pm On Apr 21, 2018 |
Seek and you will find, knock and it will be open-ask and it will be given-my Church is with other believers who totally focuses on the Word of God. I am the temple of the Holy Spirit and My Church is wherever I maybe! No denomination, If I was to give you any name-you would search the net, to find fault within, but I don't have a name-the apostles didn't carry a name-nor do I need a name, Jesus said: don't cast your peals before swine-I am sure you understand this verse? Let us pray for you.. xaggar: 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 1:54pm On Apr 21, 2018 |
xaggar:What's your business with my denomination and how I choose to present myself on nairaland? |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by xaggar(m): 3:03pm On Apr 21, 2018 |
brocab: We are what Jehovah asked US to be (Isaiah 43:10). It is a name that has a task associated with it. And it is with this name WE are known. I don't know ur nameless "movement" and i believe many do not also. One major reason we don't is because your discipleship task is null and redundant. The early Christians were known as and called "Christians". They never chose to be called that but they adopted it cos it was okay for them (and the meaning was synonymous with their actions). We choose to be called Jehovah's Witnesses because God said we should be. We don't hide behind the " temple" description u gave even as we are temples individually; the acts of the apostles were evidently seen by many as they carried out the mandate commanded them by Christ which we also adhere to. It is because of our boldness to do this mandate that u are opportune to find faults. Despite these your findings or claims on US we don't hide. Even if you don't have a name, tell me your deeds, where you hold your meetings for worship with like minded individuals. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 2:19am On Apr 22, 2018 |
Isaiah 43 belongs to the JW's you say! And you don't know the nameless Church? xaggar:When Jesus established His Church, He received instructions from Heavenly Father. He then instructed His disciples. Jesus taught His followers that revelation from God was the rock on which He would build His Church. Christ built His Church on the Word of God. I told you my Church is with other believers who totally focuses on the Word of God. I am the temple of the Holy Spirit and My Church is wherever I maybe! xaggar:{Isaiah 43:10} But God said: go and preach His gospel-He never told you to call yourselves JW's and preach your own doctrine. {1 John 2:4-5} If anyone says, “I know Him,” but does not keep His commandments, he is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But if anyone keeps His word, the love of God has been truly perfected in him. By this we know that we are in Him: Whoever claims to abide in Him must walk as Jesus walked.… And if you were really honest-and if the Holy Spirit was in your temple-He would convict you, with the crimes the Watchtower have caused many to fall away from the truth: the JW's have added and removed the scriptures, as, it is written in the Word of God! xaggar:And you say you don't hide behind a name, then explain why you said this below? xaggar:In the Hebrew Scriptures, the name of God is recorded as YHWH. So, where did the name “Jehovah” come from? Ancient Hebrew did not use vowels in its written form. The vowels were pronounced in spoken Hebrew but were not recorded in written Hebrew. The appropriate vowel sounds of words were passed down orally. As a result, when ancient Hebrew is studied, scholars and linguists often do not know with absolute confidence how certain Hebrew words were pronounced. This particularly becomes an issue when studying the Hebrew name of God, written in the Hebrew Scriptures as YHWH, also known as the tetragrammaton. Despite much study and debate, it is still not universally agreed upon how the Hebrew name for God YHWH was pronounced. Some prefer “Yahweh” (YAH-way); others prefer “Yehowah,” “Yahuweh,” or “Yahawah”; still others argue for “Jehovah.” In conclusion, it is highly unlikely that “Jehovah” is the correct pronunciation of YHWH. Further, it is far more important to know God through faith in Jesus Christ, than it is to know the correct pronunciation of His name in Hebrew. xaggar:So without the name, {Isaiah 43:10} Answers it quite well. xaggar: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 6:06am On Apr 22, 2018 |
xaggar:My brother, when i said "eyes they have but not seeing, ears they have but not hearing"(Jeremiah 5:21,Matthew 13:13) someone was saying that's too harsh,how can people with brains be pointing to a religion that's not hidden and the members proud to come out publicly to proclaim it whereas they're hiding their own religion yet they don't get the sense of what Jesus meant.Matthew 5:14 compared to Isaiah 2:2,Micah 4:1 May Jehovah's name be praised! throughout all the earth in all nations Jehovah's witnesses are known for our zealous preaching and teaching work but their own religions are in corners that's not known beyond their locality, i'm fully convinced that they knew where they belong "in the dark" so the case is settled. John 3:19-21 1 Like |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 9:00am On Apr 22, 2018 |
Riofidelio:You people are known as a doomsday cult. You are known for wishing and preaching that billions will be slaughtered by your jehovah because they did not listen to, obey and join the cult/publishing company/corporation/organization lead by eight old men in new York called gb. 2 Likes 1 Share |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 1:22pm On Apr 22, 2018 |
{Romans 1:25} For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. Riofidelio:{John 12:13} They took the branches of the palm trees and went out to meet Him, and began to shout, "Hosanna! BLESSED IS HE WHO COMES IN THE NAME OF THE LORD, even the King of Israel."It say's praise the Lords name. {Luke 1:68} "Blessed be the Lord God of Israel, For He has visited us and accomplished redemption for His people. That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those who are in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and that repentance for forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem, "Blessed is the King who comes in the name of the Lord; Peace in heaven and glory in the highest! "And I will bring the third part through the fire, Refine them as silver is refined, And test them as gold is tested. They will call on My name, And I will answer them; I will say, 'They are My people,' And they will say, 'The Lord is my God.'" {Psalm 103:20} Bless the LORD, you His angels, Mighty in strength, who perform His word, Obeying the voice of His word! In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.. It doesn't matter how far you jump-the Word of God will jump further, accept His Holy name; Jehovah is Jesus in the flesh:"If you can't accept it, then you don't preach the Word of God.. Riofidelio: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by xaggar(m): 2:42pm On Apr 22, 2018 |
brocab: What is the correct pronunciation of the name of God's Son? Is it Jesus, Iesous, Joshua or Yeshua? Why the variation? If vowels weren't used in the ancient Hebrew writings, why do we have the vowels "e" and "u" in His name instead of "o" and "a". By the way, this shows that u already are aware that Jehovah refers to no one else but the Almighty. What is important is knowing that wherever the name or names are called, we all know who it is being referred to. For your information Jehovah or Yehovah is universally known and accepted in this modern age. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by xaggar(m): 9:41pm On Apr 22, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel: And what's your business with mine?! You are not proud to state your denomination because you are very well aware that it is nothing to be proud of! You are not only ashamed but doubt its teaching. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 9:59pm On Apr 22, 2018 |
xaggar:My business with yours is to counter it's false teaching by men who are uninspired and infallible |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 10:02pm On Apr 22, 2018 |
In conclusion, to your knowledge of how you see things-it is highly unlikely that “Jehovah” is the correct pronunciation of YHWH. xaggar:And as I have written before hand, it is far more important to know God through faith in Jesus Christ, than it is to know the correct pronunciation of His name in Hebrew. xaggar:Guessing His name won't bring you closer to Him-you should be more focused knowing "Who He is! "Which you had failed with flying colours, your main issue is about His Name, the believers have past that stage 2000 years ago, the apostles were called by God to preach about Jesus: the JW's were called by the Watchtower to preach about Jehovah's name.. xaggar: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 10:15pm On Apr 22, 2018 |
You sound just like the Catholic's they praise and worships their Church with flying colours too, "This is the case when concerning religion-it's all about which denomination are we from.. Don't you know, Christ built His Church on the Word of God, the Holy Spirit reins in temples made from God, not made of brick and mortar from men. xaggar: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 11:19pm On Apr 22, 2018 |
The ones in Nigeria are Just too Wicked |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 3:11am On Apr 23, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:Good! Exactly the same way Noah's contemporaries views him when he told them that everyone outside his woody ark will be slaughtered by his God and the same way Jews in the first century views Jesus and His disciples who kept saying that billions will be slaughtered by their God for not obeying Jesus and his chosen Apostles! John 3:16 Thank you for making it clear to all readers in this forum that Jehovah's witnesses are easygoing people saying the same thing today! Luke 17:26 |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 3:31am On Apr 23, 2018 |
brocab:Go and do the work of the Lord, after all we won't disturb you for obeying God's word in preaching and teaching people about HIS son who is the saviour of the world. We're preaching and teaching people what we know and throughout the Earth we're well known for that,please if you're not known with a group it's not our fault but yours for not being sure and confident of where you belong. We're Jehovah's witnesses! |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 3:46am On Apr 23, 2018 |
xaggar:Let us sing Jehovah's praise with courage! Because HE has revealed the secret of Satan to those who are willing to be free from Satan's bondage. They're all agitating against Jehovah and HIS witnesses because Satan has kept them in the dark so they're seeing brightly God's Holy mountain but they can't come because of the obstinate stupidity in their hearts! Psalms 24:2-6. Micah 4:1-3 Says Jehovah's mountain will be lifted above all yet they don't understand why Jehovah's witnesses are widely known for our confidence whereas they're agitating while hiding in the dark with their false gods! |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 4:27am On Apr 23, 2018 |
brocab:That's exactly what we're saying, you are not a Christian because real Christians were known as a GROUP PUBLICLY by their ACTIVITIES. Act 11:26 So honesthearted people can see them to learn from them, many will abuse,critisize,antagonise,persecute and even physically hurt them! That's the foundation of true Christianity. Matthew 10:11-42 We're not referring to our Kingdom Halls because Jehovah's witnesses will worship Jehovah with or without a Kingdom Hall but we need to continue associating for interchange of encouragement. Hebrews 10:24/25 The simple question is "who are the witnesses of your god?" Jehovah called US HIS witnesses and you're claiming that Jesus also sent you out as witnesses but you're not effective because nobody knows your group.Please if you don't belong to any noticeable group then it's inappropriate to call you a Christian! |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 6:15am On Apr 23, 2018 |
IpostStuff:God bless you, at least you acknowledged that Jehovah's witnesses are noticeable throughout the world but "the ones in Nigeria are just too wicked" Well it's the economy here that's making things difficult for Nigerians to demonstrate our faith with ease unlike JWs in advanced countries where life is easier. But one thing that's the same is the evident demonstration of realities not perceived. Hebrews 11:1 notice the difference in the pictures, a white man once asked "can blacks also practice this religion due to the economy here?" When asked why he thought so he said "i know them for their honesty but i don't think blacks could be that honest due to their poor conditions" Well Jesus said His followers will preach in all nations as final sign of the end time.Matthew 24:14 of course Jesus included that most of those practicing pure worship will also fail due to the hard conditions but only those that endures to the end will be saved! Matthew 24:12/13
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 7:04am On Apr 23, 2018 |
Riofidelio:Does this mean you do accept those outside your organisation to preach the gospel? Riofidelio:Yes you are well knowing not because you preach Jehovah, it's because you have made yourselves look like fools. Riofidelio:I do belong to a group, but not the group you can see, Jesus said: His Kingdom is not of this world. Riofidelio: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 7:07am On Apr 23, 2018 |
All these beautiful people heading for Hell. Riofidelio: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 7:47am On Apr 23, 2018 |
Riofidelio:The Bible didn't mention the name of any denomination We are Jesus witnesses just like the early Christians |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Ubenedictus(m): 10:17am On Apr 23, 2018 |
Riofidelio:funny enough England didn't conquer Rome at any time. Constantine didn't form the Catholic Church, he simply stopped the state from killing Catholic Christian and persecuting them. 1 Like |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 12:02pm On Apr 23, 2018 |
brocab:Yes! They're going to hell (grave) if God's Kingdom didn't come before their death(ecclesiastes 9:10)but if God's Kingdom comes today these beautiful,peace loving,humble,easy going, zealous preachers will live forever! John 11:23-27 |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 12:23pm On Apr 23, 2018 |
Ubenedictus:Before you come out to argue what you don't know please try to verify things.History has revealed that Romans ruled after Greece and it was England that took power away from Rome, the Bible prophesied it and it happened just as it was revealed in Daniel and Revelations. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 12:27pm On Apr 23, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:NO Sir/Ma you're not like them in any way because people IDENTIFIED them publicly as a group of zealous evangelists! Act 11:26 |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 2:29pm On Apr 23, 2018 |
Riofidelio:You don't know me. So you don't know if I am a zealous evangelist or not. Yes people identified them as such and never by the name of their denomination. Is it paining you I said I am a Jesus witness like the early Christians? Jesus told them that they will be His witnesses. I obey Jesus Christ and not some men in new York who claim they (these men in new York) are the only channel of communication between God and man. |
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