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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? (83877 Views)
Examining Talk That Jehovah's Witnesses Are The Only Ones Preaching Out There / Ghanaian Man Chases Jehovah's Witnesses Out Of His House By Stripping Unclad / Female Jehovah's Witness Knocks At Man's House, He Opens The Door While Naked (2) (3) (4)
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Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 2:32pm On Apr 23, 2018 |
Riofidelio: So you now consider yourself to be the all knowing. I am a Jesus witness come and beat me. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 2:34pm On Apr 23, 2018 |
Riofidelio:what are you still arguing about? I told you before that Christians are Jesus witnesses . Jehovah didn't ask you to witness for him. You can be zealous in preaching it doesn't mean your are in truth. Sorry to say Watch tower has deceived you well it is not too late to come to receive Jesus. Many of your members have found out the truth for themselves but they were abelled apostates by that organisation but they are now free. John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. You have been lied to concerning Jesus, God and the bible. If you are in error then you are in danger, for example if you die and found out there is hell what will you do? Find out the truth for yourself and don't let anyone deceive you. God bless 1 Like |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by xaggar(m): 10:53pm On Apr 23, 2018 |
Riofidelio: Daddy freeze is a new stumbling block to thier dogmas. I watched a clip in his Instagram page where pastor Ibiyeomie spoke of sowing seed for cessation of generational curses. Guess what the seed is? |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 6:13am On Apr 24, 2018 |
Riofidelio:Yes you are right, they are going to Hell spiritually, while their bodies rot in their graves! {Matthew 25:31-33} “When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left. {Verse 41} “Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels. {Spirituality the grave is not our last stop-Spirituality our Spirits roam-either with God or with the devil and his angels, many are called but few are chosen-Judgement starts with the Church, two very populated places indeed-between 6 deep by 3 wide?} For I was hungry for the Word of God and you gave Me no food; I was thirsty for the rivers of living water and you gave Me no drink; I was a stranger destitute homeless and you did not take Me in, I was striped and cold and you did not clothe Me, I was sick and in prison and you did not visit Me.’ Riofidelio: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 2:06pm On Apr 24, 2018 |
brocab:Satan said that, of course Adam died and nothing survived Adam. Death is the exact opposite of life! Resurrection is the only hope because God isn't interested in any form of punishment than removing the wicked from the surface of the Earth. So Satan lied to Eve saying "you won't die really" Eve was deceived but Adam wasn't.God's word proved true because man is simply a soul! Genesis 3:4,Ecclesiastes 3:19/20 No spirit survives a living soul after death! |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 2:12pm On Apr 24, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:You're beaten already that's why you keep agitating against those who's worship has been accepted before the eyes of all observers who are watching to know those who are able to do what Jesus commanded. Isaiah 54:17 Matthew 28:19/20 |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 2:17pm On Apr 24, 2018 |
solite3:Go out and declare what you know publicly just as Jesus commanded His faithful followers and not just sitting in the corner of your room with your phone deceiving yourselves that you're "preaching and teaching" as the Lord has commanded! Matthew 10:3-26,28:19/20 That's how to become a reputable,dedicated,zealous and industrious witness of Jesus. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 2:19pm On Apr 24, 2018 |
xaggar:My brother i'm tired of all their nonsense and ingredients, because that's what they chose those teachers to be teaching them in accord with their thinking. 2Timothy 4:3/4 1 Like |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 1:01pm On Apr 25, 2018 |
{John 20:17-18} Jesus said to her, “Mary!” She turned and said to Him in Hebrew, “Rabboni!” (which means, Teacher). Jesus said to her, “Do not hold Me, for I have not yet ascended to the Father; but go to My brothers and tell them, ‘I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God.’” Mary Magdalene came, reporting to the disciples that she had seen the Lord and that He had said these things to her. {Jesus had risen from the dead.} Riofidelio:{Matthew 17:2-4} There He was transfigured before them. His face shone like the sun, and His clothes became as white as the light. Suddenly Moses and Elijah appeared before them, talking with Jesus. Peter said to Jesus, “Lord, it is good for us to be here. If You wish, I will put up three shelters: one for You, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.”… If no Spirit survives after the flesh dies-then explain Moses and Elijah's story, how about John in Revelation, He was in Spirit.. {Ecclesiastes 12:7} Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.. From death In spirit we stand in front of Jesus, He who judges us, and He decides which side of the fence we stand..The only problem with your theory is, if you were to read the scriptures at anytime, it was Jesus who gave us a description about Hell, Just as much He gave us a description about Heaven.. {Matthew 13:41-43} The Son of Man will send out His angels, and they will weed out of His kingdom every cause of sin and all who practice lawlessness. And they will throw them into the fiery furnace, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. Then the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father. He who has ears, let him hear.… So don't ever think Hell isn't real-it's pumping and their are many that go in by it "Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it. Riofidelio: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 1:23pm On Apr 25, 2018 |
You are tried of the truth-because coming here to witness, is not what you had expected-it isn't quite the same as lying to the public, "Now is it.. We are Jesus witnesses-you are Jehovah witnesses, two different teachings, two different bibles, two different gospels.. Riofidelio: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 11:51pm On Apr 26, 2018 |
{Isaiah 42:1-3} Amplified Bible (AMP) God’s Promise concerning His Servant “Behold, My Servant, whom I uphold; My Chosen One in whom My soul delights. I have put My Spirit upon Him; He will bring forth justice to the nations. “He will not call out or shout aloud, Nor make His voice heard in the street.“A broken reed He will not break [off] And a dimly burning wick He will not extinguish [He will not harm those who are weak and suffering]; He will faithfully bring forth justice. So we are preaching the gospel in the comforts of our home-we don't lie, nor do we cause disputes, we don't cause verbal arguments, nor do we trespass on private properties, we are silent, we don't shout out loud, nor do we make ourselves heard in the streets, and yet the truth is heard and it's preached: Jesus said: go out unto all the nations to preach the gospel-and what better way is to use the net, that reaches to the four corners of the earth, in minutes, and outreaching to people like you 'unsaved.. Riofidelio: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 8:37pm On Apr 27, 2018 |
brocab:Great! So keep it up.and let people know your GROUP just as Jesus' followers were known as a GROUP and given a GROUP name "Christians" remember they were called that as a GROUP in Antioch and not as an individual so do the work and let observers recognize you people as a GROUP. God bless you! |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 8:44pm On Apr 27, 2018 |
brocab:Jehovah's witnesses are known globally and in every country our activities are felt, so go and witness for Jesus if truly you're His witnesses and let observers recognize you with the works resulting from your Faith.Hebrew 11:1, James 2:26 |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 12:37am On Apr 28, 2018 |
{John 5:43} I have come in My Father’s name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive. Question: "Do people know who we are-and does God know-On the contrary, we speak as those approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel. We are not trying to please worldly people, who claim they don't know us, we please God, who tests our hearts. Through faith we are rewarded in heaven. "Now this doesn't concern the unfaithful disbelieving earth bounded Jehovah witnesses that preaches from house to house claiming only the 144000 will be rewarded in heaven, while the rest are trying to survive on earth under the NEW WORLD ORDER" Answer: Do you know the bible mentions rewards in heaven, multiple times, and these rewards are for everyone that believes, not for those left on earth after the 144000 had risen..{Matthew 5:12; Luke 6:23, 35; 1 Corinthians 3:14; 9:18} But why are rewards necessary? Won’t being in heaven with God be enough? Experiencing Him, His glory, and the joys of heaven will be so wonderful, it’s hard to understand why extra rewards would be needed. Also, since our faith rests in Christ’s righteousness instead of our own {Romans 3:21–26} it seems strange that our works would merit reward. God will give rewards in heaven at the bema, or the judgment seat of Christ, based on our faithfulness in service to Him {2 Corinthians 5:10} The rewards will show the reality of our sonship {Galatians 4:7} and the justice of God {Hebrews 6:10} God will give rewards in heaven in order to fulfill the law of sowing and reaping {Galatians 6:7–9} and make good on His promise that our labor in the Lord is not in vain {1 Corinthians 15:58} One reason for the rewards in heaven is the fact that Jesus shares His reward with us. Paul said, “I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me” {Galatians 2:20} Our lives are “hidden” with Christ, who is seated at the right hand of God {Colossians 3:1–4} We die with Him and we live with Him and we share in His joy {Romans 6:8; Matthew 25:21} In heaven we will dwell with Him {John 14:1–3} Our lives are inextricably linked with Christ’s. The reward He receives is shared with all of us: “If we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory” {Romans 8:17} Our rewards in heaven depend on the goodness and power of God. Through Christ’s resurrection we gain an inheritance in heaven; on earth our faith is tested and results in praise and glory and honor when Christ is revealed {1 Peter 1:3–9} The things we do in this life are only permanent (that is, carried with us into heaven) if they are built on the foundation, which is Christ {1 Corinthians 3:11–15} The rewards we gain in heaven are not like the rewards we earn here on earth. We tend to think in material terms—mansions, jewels, etc. But these things are only representations of the true rewards we will gain in heaven. A child who wins a spelling bee treasures the trophy he receives not for the sake of the trophy itself but for what that trophy means. Likewise, any rewards or honor we gain in heaven will be precious to us because they carry the weight and meaning of our relationship with God—and because they remind us of what He did through us on earth. In this way, rewards in heaven glorify God and provide us with joy, peace, and wonder as we consider God’s work in us and through us. The closer we were to God during this life, the more centered on Him and aware of Him, the more dependent on Him, the more desperate for His mercy, the more there will be to celebrate. We are like characters in a story who suffer doubt, loss, and fear, wondering if we will ever really have our heart’s desire. When the happy ending comes and desire is fulfilled, there comes a completion. The story would not be satisfying without that completion. Rewards in heaven are the completion of our earthly story, and those rewards will be eternally satisfying {Psalm 16:11} But does this have anything to do with the JW's "No" Jesus rewards those who He entrusted to preach His gospel, and believe His every Word.. Riofidelio: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 1:25am On Apr 28, 2018 |
This is nothing to brag about, Jw's are knowing alright, but not because of the good works, they are knowing to be a cult, but in your case that's nothing to be ashamed off, because it's true. Riofidelio: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 6:43am On Apr 28, 2018 |
brocab:Known not for good works rather "Known to be a cult" "Peaceful" cult! "Preaching and teaching" cult! "Friendly in the neighborhood" cult! "Love amongst themselves" cult! "Law abiding" cult! "High moral standards" cult! "Globally known and respected for virtuous deeds" cult! "Producing none materialistic youths" cults! Why do you love darkness and deceit? What works are you known for? Nothing! Well if that's what a cult means i'll prefer to live and die a cult member after all Jesus was also referred to as the head of a cult so there's no big deal if a group of people are referred to as a cult! Matthew 10:25,12:24/27 God bless you! |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 7:11am On Apr 28, 2018 |
brocab:Everybody on this planet knows that we're zealously preaching and teaching people about everlasting life on a renovated earth preparing them to be ushered in as faithful,peaceful,law abiding,harmless,selfless and loving EARTHLY citizens.(Psalms 37:8-11,29.Proverbs 2:21/22.Isaiah 35:6,65:21.Matthew 5:5) You claim you're going to heaven yet you and your appointed teachers (Pastors) are striving really HARD TIMELESSLY for EARTHLY riches,sparing little or no time for the work Jesus commanded His faithful followers to do.(Matthew 10:3-22,28:19/20) You're always protecting your EARTHLY life even if it means killing someone who tries to disturb your EARTHLY life as your so called Pastors(teachers) goes around with HEAVILY armed security guards after accumulating EARTHLY materials,(Luke 9:24) whereas only spirits can go to heaven without any EARTHLY materials. Matthew 6:25 It's obviously evident that your POWERFUL faith is demonstrated by your good WORKS! James 2:18-26 ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 11:38am On Apr 28, 2018 |
Well I always say honesty helps us grow, and since you recognise you are a cult, Now we need to move on to our next chapter.. Riofidelio: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 11:57am On Apr 28, 2018 |
You may believe everyone knows you are preaching everlasting life-but honestly, the world don't know this. The Atheist, the Christians, Islam, Mormons, and every other religion that believes in something: knows the in's and out's about the JW's. I for one, am a outsider, you should see it from where I am standing-you can claim as much as you like to claim, but cult's are a system of a religious group, whose beliefs are considered extreme or strange by many people: Jehovah Witnesses are knowing by this description.. I don't care what you call yourselves-one must be born again before he can enter into the kingdom of God, this doesn't mean-you have given yourself over to God just by saying a few words-I mean you are saved only when the Holy Spirit comes and enters into a man. JW's are not Spirit filled believers-to know what it is like to preach the truth. Riofidelio: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 1:01pm On Apr 28, 2018 |
brocab:Excellent! I'm a member of the "cult" that was formed by a young Nazarene some 2,000 years ago numbering over 8,000,000 zealous evangelists today you can see their pictures down there!
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 1:10pm On Apr 28, 2018 |
brocab:This is strange ooooooo.JWs aren't Spirit filled yet all the nine qualities of the SPIRIT "mysteriously" happens to be complete in their form of worship! Galatians 5:22/23 Whereas critics can't come up with a GROUP in which to display at least four of those qualities. Na wa o! |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 10:38pm On Apr 28, 2018 |
If you are going by qualities, then you are connected to the wrong tree. Jesus was classed as an outsider-He told Rome, His kingdom is not of this world. Which means Jesus wasn't looking for qualifications, He wanted to train new believers.. {And plus cults are all the same-they are looking for rich professionals that big note themselves-bagging with pride, so the world will know them-Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life—is not from the Father but from the world.…Therefore I make known to you that no one speaking by the Spirit of God calls Jesus accursed, and no one can say that Jesus is Lord except by the Holy Spirit. [color=#000099]{And when has anybody outside the Watchtower have I ever heard a JW say the Holy Spirit is a living being and Jesus is Lord? {John 3:27} Jesus's kingdom is not of this world-and the gift's of the Spirit are not given unless the Lord Jesus calls you. And what sort of worship do you need to retrieve the 9 qualification of the spirit? Qualifications don't come from head knowledge, and Galatians is only used among those you are trying to corner in the innocent to believe you ever exist-outside that, Galatians don't exist.He didn't go to the professionals 'from house to house looking for qualities, He hit the place where He slept on the streets, looking for unqualified men and women to believe.. Riofidelio: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 2:49am On Apr 29, 2018 |
brocab:You're really a talkative. With nothing to show for your Faith and no practical applications of accumulated information yet you're mimicking what is written, this is truly amazing! Jehovah's witnesses organization is the only organization where the nine qualities of the fruit of Holy Spirit is operating and you said it doesn't matter! Everyone knows that Jehovah's witnesses are the only organization observing all that Jesus has commanded and you're saying it's no big deal. You quoted 1 John 2:17-19 but you and you so called Pastors are striving really hard for EARTHLY things, accumulating EARTHLY materials,going about with heavily armed guards due to accumulated EARTHLY material things yet you're still saying those who's religion has taught them to live none materialistic lifestyle don't have the Holy Spirit with them! How do you think a carnal man living in this modern age with so much material things, lifestyles and fleshly desires around as DISTRACTIONS yet not infected with materialism if not because the Holy Spirit is operating on him/her? My friend you're only reading and mimicking what the Bible says but the understanding is lacking in you. If you must know "knowledge is the accumulation of useful information" for example having the Bible and knowing it's God's word but "wisdom is the practical applications of accumulated information for lasting benefits" meaning putting what you know to use so that people can see and testify that the knowledge is truly worthwhile. My friend that's exactly what you're lacking! |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 3:51am On Apr 29, 2018 |
brocab my friend,Jehovah's witnesses are observing all that Jesus commanded with efficacy and all observers as in eye witnesses are seeing it and testifying to it so if some have chosen to blind themselves to all the evident demonstrations of the Holy Spirit in our organization there's nothing we can do to help them. We are proud to say it anytime anywhere and before anybody that we're Jehovah's witnesses but you and other critics can't do the same because all other religious groups have nothing to show for their professed Faith other than materialistic lifestyles and oppressive attitudes,each person could brag "i have money" or "i have influence" or "i have children" but as a group there's nothing to show for their Faith! God's Holy Spirit is invisible but the works are VISIBLE that's why Paul the apostle could mention the QUALITIES any unbiased observer should look for to ascertain the evidence of the Holy Spirit in any religious group.Each member of the early Christian congregation has his/her flaws but as a GROUP everyone can testify to the fact that God is with HIS people, please that's what is evident in our organization today.WE'RE JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES! |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 8:46am On Apr 29, 2018 |
I don't believe you? You don't even recognise the Holy Spirit-JW's believe the Holy Spirit is an active force-like a lighting strike hitting someone either dead or nearly dead. The Holy Spirit don't work in us like that, His Spirit lives, and it communicates with us, and the fruit of the Holy Spirit is divine. If you are really someone that truly believes in the Word of God, is this true-In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word is God! Is it true-Jehovah lived among men in the flesh? Riofidelio: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 8:53am On Apr 29, 2018 |
Thanks for you honesty, you are a member to a cult, and the Nazarene name is Charles T Russel born 1800's, about 200 years ago.. And the photo's taken are people of no man's land-waiting to be saved-let's pray that these poor people will receive salvation before they burn in hell fire with your father of lies and wonders.. Riofidelio: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 9:53am On Apr 29, 2018 |
brocab:Hmmmmmmmmm praying for those who won't agree with you on any religious settings! Truly speaking you have 1,000% Holy Spirit dwelling in you even more than Jesus who will never pray with those in disagreement with Him. John 17:8/9 Don't worry about me, i'm a bonafide member of that CULT and never willing to leave the CULT,over 8,000,000 yet growing number are zealously preaching and teaching about God's Kingdom with the CULT but unfortunately you and other critics have no visible GROUP that's bold enough to come out publicly(Act 4:29) for RECOGNITION at least CULT oo or WITCHS oo even WIZARDS just for the observation of onlookers! Act 11:26 For your information the GROUP name "Christians" came not from the mouth of believers but from ridiculers just to vilify Christ's faithful followers, and disciples welcome the development so if you call US CULT we're not troubled(Matthew 10:25) as long as you acknowledged that we're different from you people without a visible bold GROUP! |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 10:02am On Apr 29, 2018 |
brocab:You don't need to believe me because i'm not Jesus,i'm just one out of imperfect millions claiming to be His disciples. What i'm telling you is Jesus never brought any VISIBLE BEING before people and said "this is the Holy Spirit" He only said you'll see the "fruit" of the Spirit.Matthew 7:17-20 So if your religious group can score just 50% qualities of that fruitage then nobody should say anything against your group that's what Paul said! Galatians 5:23 |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Hairyrapunzel: 12:00pm On Apr 29, 2018 |
Riofidelio: Imperfect millions yet you say non jws will die because they refused to follow governing body in New York. When did Paul say what you are saying? Haaaa 50% of the fruit age Kwa? Thank God you have said you ain't Jesus, so all your beliefs are lies. 1 Like |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 1:45pm On Apr 29, 2018 |
No Jesus said: to His disciples He will send them the Holy Spirit {John 14:26} But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you. Riofidelio:{Acts 12-2} While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for Me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” So not bad, for a Spirit you believe doesn't exist, maybe if you had understood the scriptures in the first place-and understood the Holy Spirit-we wouldn't be having this misunderstanding conversation, because the Spirit that is in me, would be the same spirit that is you too! But that isn't the case now is it-the spirit in you is flesh warring against the Spirit of God. Riofidelio: |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by Nobody: 2:28pm On Apr 29, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:If you find a religious group that's able to meet up with 50% of the fruitage apart from Jehovah's witnesses please tell me now! God is not interested in destroying people if they're willing to accept discipline and correction but if not destruction is awaiting them. |
Re: What Is Your Reaction When Jehovah Witnesses Knock On Your Door? by brocab: 2:29pm On Apr 29, 2018 |
Agreeing is not what I had asked, praying for them, and allowing God to do His will, would be the better option. Riofidelio:Why would someone who knows nothing about God need our prayers from Jesus? How could they appreciate the goodness of God, of whom they know nothing about? Riofidelio:God wants to save all men, but those who have accepted him as Lord and Savior are privileged to special blessings. Jesus died for all men. The majority of people are in the world and are satisfied what the world has to offer, but all men from cult's and other religious denominations, are not called to be saved, but do we pray for them> {Acts 26:18} {James 4:4} Jesus is not praying for the world, because the world is enemy of God. {1 John 2:15-16} and the love of the Father can not be in us, if we love the world. God has called us to seek those who are lost in the world. I pray, we heed the calling and seek those who are lost, that Christ might be praying for them as he is praying for us. So don't give up JW-because there's still hope for you too! Riofidelio: |
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