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Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince - Religion - Nairaland

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Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 5:27pm On Apr 16, 2018
1 John 4:10
In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.

“You have to love God more! You must have more passion for God!” You have probably heard this type of preaching and may have even tried your best to love God, only to fail miserably.

But what is the true definition of love? Let the Bible define it for us: “…this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us…” Yes, it is not about our love for Him, but His love for us!

“Pastor Prince, the Bible says that you must love God with all your heart, soul and strength!”

Yes, that is true according to the law (Deuteronomy 6:5), and even Jesus taught that as the great commandment when He walked on earth. (Matthew 22:37) But that was before He died on the cross. At the cross, He became the very fulfillment of this law for us when He loved us with all His heart, soul and strength, by laying down His body and life on the cross for us.

Today, we are no longer under the law but under grace. And grace tells us that God loves us, not that we love God. Yet, we will love Him when we see how much He loves us. The Bible says that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us! (Romans 5:cool That’s how much He loves us!

Beloved, God has seen you trying your best to love Him. And because He loves you, He wants you to sit down and be still, and let Him love you instead. He wants to love you with all that He is and all that He has. He loves you unconditionally regardless of who you are or what you have done because His love is not dependent on you but on Himself. He will never stop loving you.

So let God love you today. Don’t worry about loving Him. The more of His love you receive, the more you will fall in love with Him!


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Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 5:00am On Apr 17, 2018
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 5:30pm On Apr 17, 2018
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 9:40pm On Apr 17, 2018
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 7:54am On Apr 18, 2018
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 6:40pm On Apr 18, 2018
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by thrillionaire(m): 9:15pm On Apr 18, 2018
Jiggaz, how do I let God love me? How do I simply rest and receive his love?
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 7:49am On Apr 19, 2018
Jiggaz, how do I let God love me? How do I simply rest and receive his love?
Good morning bro... You rest in Christ by casting all your cares to him and believing in your heart that he will take care of all your needs as He promised us in His word.

You receive His love by believing he died for you on the Cross. That on that cross, He took away your shame, your disgrace and all the evil things that befall us in this world. Then He exchanged it for us and gave us His Righteousness, His Peace, His Divine Health, Wholeness and Eternal Life.... This is the greatest love in the whole world. Just rest in Christ and believe all the good things He promised us in His word and it shall be well with you.

In this world, we ( believers) will have tribulations ( challenges) but take heart, He has overcome the world for us. He promised to protect us from the evil in this world.

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Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 6:32pm On Apr 19, 2018
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 7:41pm On Apr 20, 2018
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by thrillionaire(m): 1:25pm On Apr 21, 2018
Good morning bro... You rest in Christ by casting all your cares to him and believing in your heart that he will take care of all your needs as He promised us in His word.

You receive His love by believing he died for you on the Cross. That on that cross, He took away your shame, your disgrace and all the evil things that befall us in this world. Then He exchanged it for us and gave us His Righteousness, His Peace, His Divine Health, Wholeness and Eternal Life.... This is the greatest love in the whole world. Just rest in Christ and believe all the good things He promised us in His word and it shall be well with you.

In this world, we ( believers) will have tribulations ( challenges) but take heart, He has overcome the world for us. He promised to protect us from the evil in this world.
Thanks bro. Good work you're doing with the Grace teachings. Pls continue. Bless.

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Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 3:39pm On Apr 21, 2018
Thanks bro. Good work you're doing with the Grace teachings. Pls continue. Bless.
You welcome my bro.... It's the Lord's doing. All glory to our Lord Jesus Christ.


Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 7:06am On Apr 22, 2018
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 12:44pm On Apr 22, 2018
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by calmG(m): 10:42pm On Apr 27, 2018
The day I found GRACE....I found LIFE


Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 4:52pm On May 05, 2018
The day I found GRACE....I found LIFE
Yes oo... That's very true.


Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 1:25pm On May 06, 2018
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by Estella27: 9:12pm On May 07, 2018
Hello people I need some advice. I became born again 3 years ago ever since my life has changed drastically for better. From not beliving in God to worshiping Him with all my soul.
I attend a church which forces me to belief things that are not been laid in my heart. They don't seek for me to understand but to impose it on me. Right now I am very grateful for what God has done for me and open my eyes and set me free from bondage.
I was told that I am a sinner because I ear pin earning and do my hair. I was brought up with string moral values and I have always dressed modesty and decent wherever I go. But the fact that the church that I am attending says I am a sinner makes me believe that maybe that's not my church. I dont want to do something because of people I am not serving them I didn't become born again and started beliving in God because of men. If i am to change something I want to do it because of God not men. So what will you advice me? Thanks and God bless
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 9:26pm On May 07, 2018
Hello people I need some advice. I became born again 3 years ago ever since my life has changed drastically for better. From not beliving in God to worshiping Him with all my soul.
I attend a church which forces me to belief things that are not been laid in my heart. They don't seek for me to understand but to impose it on me. Right now I am very grateful for what God has done for me and open my eyes and set me free from bondage.
I was told that I am a sinner because I ear pin earning and do my hair. I was brought up with string moral values and I have always dressed modesty and decent wherever I go. But the fact that the church that I am attending says I am a sinner makes me believe that maybe that's not my church. I dont want to do something because of people I am not serving them I didn't become born again and started beliving in God because of men. If i am to change something I want to do it because of God not men. So what will you advice me? Thanks and God bless
Click on my posts... It will set u free...
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 8:42pm On May 10, 2018
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 9:08pm On May 11, 2018
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 1:59pm On May 12, 2018
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 9:14pm On May 14, 2018
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 10:16am On May 17, 2018
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 7:30am On Jun 18, 2018
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 10:59pm On Aug 18, 2018
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 7:37am On Aug 19, 2018
Thank you Lord
Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by Nobody: 8:43am On Aug 19, 2018

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Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by mekuz2014(m): 8:48am On Aug 19, 2018
Hello people I need some advice. I became born again 3 years ago ever since my life has changed drastically for better. From not beliving in God to worshiping Him with all my soul.
I attend a church which forces me to belief things that are not been laid in my heart. They don't seek for me to understand but to impose it on me. Right now I am very grateful for what God has done for me and open my eyes and set me free from bondage.
I was told that I am a sinner because I ear pin earning and do my hair. I was brought up with string moral values and I have always dressed modesty and decent wherever I go. But the fact that the church that I am attending says I am a sinner makes me believe that maybe that's not my church. I dont want to do something because of people I am not serving them I didn't become born again and started beliving in God because of men. If i am to change something I want to do it because of God not men. So what will you advice me? Thanks and God bless

Hi dear, i would suggest you look for another bible believing church that does not have issues with it. But if you choose to remain in that church you will have to submit to their rules. But above all jesus loves you thesame


Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by hopefulLandlord: 8:59am On Aug 19, 2018
Hello people I need some advice. I became born again 3 years ago ever since my life has changed drastically for better. From not beliving in God to worshiping Him with all my soul.
I attend a church which forces me to belief things that are not been laid in my heart. They don't seek for me to understand but to impose it on me. Right now I am very grateful for what God has done for me and open my eyes and set me free from bondage.
I was told that I am a sinner because I ear pin earning and do my hair. I was brought up with string moral values and I have always dressed modesty and decent wherever I go. But the fact that the church that I am attending says I am a sinner makes me believe that maybe that's not my church. I dont want to do something because of people I am not serving them I didn't become born again and started beliving in God because of men. If i am to change something I want to do it because of God not men. So what will you advice me? Thanks and God bless

The good thing about Christianity is that you can always find a church that caters to you be you saint, prostitute, criminal

if you like strict dress code you head to deeper life. if you want to dress like you were a prostitute in church you head to Christ embassy. if you want somewhere in the middle I'm sure you'd find churches like that too

If you don't find a church that agrees with you fully you can go to the one that agrees with you the most OR create your own church

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Re: Let God Love You Instead - Joseph Prince by jiggaz(m): 9:10am On Aug 19, 2018
You are blessed

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