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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Politics / Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves (23363 Views)
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Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by bejeria101(m): 1:37pm On May 09, 2018 |
PUSH1: Dumb reply. |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by Juban(m): 1:38pm On May 09, 2018 |
Printerscanner:They have borrowed the equivalent from Chinese banks and world bank even on the backdrop of billion dollars recovered from Abacha family and looters. Who is deceiving who? ![]() ![]() |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by somehow: 1:44pm On May 09, 2018 |
waveman2: See one of them.. Even with google that's free, you still dont understand ziltch. 1 Like |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by femorra(m): 2:26pm On May 09, 2018 |
aribisala0: Thats not true bro USA Foreign reserves 2018 =126510.00 Nigeria foreign reserves 2018 = 47360.00 Foreign Exchange Reserves are assets held by a central government or other monetary authority, usually in various reserve currencies. ... The main purpose of holding foreign exchange reserves is to make international payments and hedge against exchange rate risks. |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by deebrownneymar: 2:42pm On May 09, 2018 |
How can we verify this fact? You know this govt can lie pass Satan. |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by Vinceolu: 4:29pm On May 09, 2018 |
@aribisalaO Let me explain to you how high foreign reserve encourages FDI. FDI means foreign direct investment, meaning money being brought into the economy by foreigners in form of dollars to finance investments in the country with the hope of making a profit. After bringing their dollars in they will have to change it into Naira to finance their projects. As an investor even if there are opportunities to make money (very high ROI) in a certain country. However,if such country has very low foreign reserve i.e just about barely enough what can cover their 3 months recommended import bill and not enough to intervene and stabilize their country's currency in the case of an economic crisis i.e like Nigeria in 2015 when the price of crude oil dropped suddenly. Would you be willing to bring your dollars into such country and change it to their currency? Knowing they have no way of stabilizing their currency in a period of financial crisis. Of course you won't,because once you change it to lets say Naira and if there is a crisis then the value of your investment which is now domicile in Nigeria will drop rapidly with the Naira against the money (dollar) you brought in. Foreign investors like to invest in a country where they are sure the value of their currency won't just lose serious value without the country's ability to protect their currency,hence stability. In 2015 we had no fiscal instrument to protect the Naira because we barely had the minimum 3 months import reserve and nothing to stabilize the currency. The reason why the Naira is 360 to a dollar now is because some people depleted our reserve pre-2015 and we couldn't defend the Naira when the price of crude oil dropped and with it our dollar reciepts. China has a lot of foreign reserve and with it, a huge FDI. Also,for the reason why USA does not keep high foreign reserve:Why would they when they can just print more? It's their currency. Also excess dollars stached as foreign reserve by countries,while it is obviously useful for international trade and the reason I just stated above earns very little interest rate,It earns a lot more being put in the economy such as American's. I hope I have answered your question. Have a great day. |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by lexy2014: 4:46pm On May 09, 2018 |
SoNature:ur analogy about taking loan, collateral and all that doesn't follow and doesn't relate with d discussion. Thats entirely different from foreign reserves&how it attracts investors. What is d size of Bangladesh foreign reserve that it attracts most of d big clothing companies? D main attraction in Bangladesh is cheap labour, same 4d rest of asia. So it gives u a sense of what investors are looking 4, a place where they can make least investment and get d highest profit(economies of scale). Foreign reserves doesn't guarantee that. |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by Babaolorioko(m): 6:25pm On May 09, 2018 |
Just like having Thousands of Naira in your account and you are sleeping on a mat |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by aribisala0(m): 7:07pm On May 09, 2018 |
Vinceolu: Sorry but your write up is based on theory. There are so many assumptions that is is clear you have little practical experience of the real world. FDI does not have to enter your economy as cash that is changed into Naira or even enters your banls. In the oil sector e.g. an FPSO off shore platform which could cost $3 billion may enter your country and it is fully faabricated abroad 100% so FDI has many dimensions to it beyond changing dollars into naira. The reality is that foreign reserves are not a static measure. They change all the time So to make a major investment based on the snapshot of a Foreign Reserve measure is a very stupid thing to do . Foreign reserves can be depleted very quickly even if import levels are static and is a measure of confidence in the economy. It is annoying when people throw words or phrases about because they heard someone else ue them or to sound smart? What is a fiscal instrument and what has that got to do with defending the Naira. Defending the Naira is a monetary and not a fiscal intervention within the ambit of the Central Bank. It is the government and not the CBN that deploys fiscal instruments and this is not for currency defense The sector of investment makes a huge difference as well as the business model. A company that invests in the oil sector makes its own sales and manages adequately its forex cash flow You have not established any logical cause and effect relationship between FDI and foreign reserves and your China association is a voodoo association. Did the FDI follow huge Forex reserves or vice versa. There is no linear graphical relationship between FDI and foreign reserve. China has the BIGGEST forex reserves but the UK has more investment Russia has huge foreign reserves rlatively little investment The UK and Japan are good examples for comparison because they are top economiies but Japan has very huge reserves compared to the UK which has a lot more investment There are so many factors affecting FDi First The opportunity must exist Next is politiics. If you are not friends with the right countries and do their bidding (especially the US) you will struggle unless you are big in your own right. You must have security, infrastructure and the workforce. The English language is an advantage and a reasonable judicial system FDI is not a useful tool for making investment decisions. In the case of Nigeria is there ANYTHING anyone is doing to enhance FDI? The only effective thing is to industrialize and reduce imports otherwise we restrict the sale of dollars and articially grow reserves as we are doing now .To what end? |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by Anyad231: 10:41pm On May 09, 2018 | why has it not trickled down to the man on d street. ....u can not be holding ur foreign reserves while d masses are suffering.....APC created only 250k jobs.....which we don't know about for 180m lazy youths.... |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by waveman2: 11:04pm On May 09, 2018 |
So u even had to like ur post by urself. somehow: |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by 14(m): 11:23pm On May 09, 2018 |
Printerscanner: They wont tell Nigeria about the GDP in Africa. Nigeria has not been the leading economy in africa for the past 5 month. you can use any exchange rate nigeria uses, all of them, Nigeria's GDP is still lower than that of SA. |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by somehow: 11:36pm On May 09, 2018 |
Olodo, how's that possible? waveman2: |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by 14(m): 11:45pm On May 09, 2018 |
emmygzy: You forgot to state this: SA 2018 Budget = $120bn Nigeria 2018 Budget = $24bn. Easy 1 Like |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by progress69: 3:35am On May 10, 2018 |
aribisala0: Something must be really wrong with u and the people that liked ur posts. I have said it before, most Buhari haters and everlasting dull people. |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by emmygzy(m): 6:09am On May 10, 2018 |
14:Then why are those fools celebrating the useless foreign reserve? The only usefulness of tye reserve is for protecting the currency and Nigerias currency is already useless. The should accrue less reserve and spend those monies on infrastructures. USA that has the largest economy, theyre not even in top 15 when it comes to foreign reserve and yet they're number one. |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by aribisala0(m): 6:45am On May 10, 2018 |
progress69: |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by aribisala0(m): 6:57am On May 10, 2018 |
emmygzy:You haven't a clue have you? Reservess are not being "accrued" and so cannot be spent. Reserves are like depositors funds in a bank they are "not" accrued and cannnot be spent.If government gets $1 billion from oil sales they send that to the CBN which gives them about 300 million to spend. The dollars are still with the CBN and the government spends the money which enters the economy. The dollars become part of the foreign reserves. Who owns it? Can the government go back and spend that $1 billion that is now n the CBN account? after spending the 300 million Nara. NO!! The $1 billion belongs to whoever is now in possession of the 300 million. The 300million is a CBN debt which is balanced by the $1 billion; a CBN asset. Others may bring in dollars from many other sources and the same process repeats itself . That is how reserves in the CBN grow. They are not savings of the government or the CBN to be spent . It is because they exist that people would accept the Naira as Foreign exchange Reserves are simply a balance betwee what NIGERIANS export and import with their money. They belong proportionately to every person who holds naira. To that extent the CBN is a banker to all of us. In short everybody with naira in his pocket has an "account" with the CBN based on those reserves so if government should spend reserves whose money is being spent |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by emmygzy(m): 7:06am On May 10, 2018 |
aribisala0:Okay with your explanation, why are they making noise about it knowing its useless to an average Nigerian? APC always include it in their achievements everytime. With those things over 25 states are still owing salaries. They should just lay low and loud things that matters. |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by aribisala0(m): 7:24am On May 10, 2018 |
emmygzy: It is not an achievement and certainly not an achieement of APC . |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by tonero230(m): 11:24am On May 10, 2018 |
Austinchamakh: What are they trying?South Africa has no oil yet they have a strong foreign reserve and good exchange rate.What if they had oil? 1 Like |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by googi: 1:17pm On May 10, 2018 |
The only sense here is that foreign reserve is good only for imports, knowing it can be paid for in "accepted" currency. So it helps exchange rate because foreigners will sell to you with less risk i.e less interest rate like a bank lending money out to good or risky customers. If you do not live and die on imports like US, Britain, China or Japan you can bluff and negotiate terms of trade. I did not mention Germany because like Japan, they have strong export market like China. The point and lesson here is that if you have week exports, not a member of trading group, not even within your African community, your foreign exchange and reserve is only good and dictated by the confidence expressed in you by your foreign trading partners. More important, your ability to pay them. Cut the crap, eat, drink, wear and drive what you produce like US, Britain, Japan and China. Trade with other African countries. I think the last statistics I saw was 20% trade between African communities. Change your taste and strengthen your currency with your gold instead of saving it in countries that just print currency without gold backing like US. Talk about theories that surround import economy all we want, until we realize that we are consumers and import economy, our reserve matter only for that purpose. Become producers, even within African economy up to 50% and we will see a substantial difference. Before those importers and foreign contractors cry murder, 50% will not kill you but you will make less dollars and euro. 1 Like |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by Dollyak(f): 11:24am On May 15, 2018 |
aribisala0: Mr Bushman, you are fooling no one with all these bullz you've written. Why are you so dishonest about what you have no idea about? You have been corrected multiple times about your misinformation on this thread. STOP!! UK does not have more foreign investment than china. You were corrected about your wrong assertion that Nigeria has more forex reserves than USA and you are still peddling more ignorant lies and falsehoods. Fyi, UK's foreign investment last year was skewed by London-listed brewer SABMiller takeover by its rival Anheuser-Busch InBev which made up a huge chunk of the investment. STOP MAN, YOU'RE EMBARRASSING. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by aribisala0(m): 11:51am On May 15, 2018 |
So many interesting threads and comments oon Nairaland .So many idiots quoting me but no time to answer them all. If you quote m and get no response likely its because you are an idiot |
Re: Nigeria Leads South Africa In Foreign Reserves by aribisala0(m): 11:51am On May 15, 2018 |
So many interesting threads and comments oon Nairaland .So many idiots quoting me but no time to answer them all. If you quote me and get no response likely its because you are an idiot |
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