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Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by HigherEd: 11:14pm On May 26, 2018 |
It is sad that once again a Nigerian who ought to be a responsible mentor for Nigerian youths has towed the unfortunate path of Ignorance. In his recent music video, Fahlz called out Nigerian Churches for building universities with money of the poor yet made it unavailable for the poor due to "expensive" tuition. This is one of the numerous emotional blackmail that churches in Nigeria are being subjected to. It is sad because one wonders if much of these accusers even realise what it takes to fund a mediocre university not to talk of a good one. In much of these debates and attacks against churches, most seem to abandon the facts rather they go feed on the lies and propaganda against the church which is an easy target because most churches rightly do not have PR teams or many individuals knowledgeable enough to defend them. How Much Does It Cost To Run A Nigerian University We would be using federal and state universities as a guide here due to the unavailability of data from mission universities. In their underfunded states, the University of Ibadan's annual wage bill stands at 800 million naira/month translating to 10 billion naira/annum. Capital allocation to the university also stands at 1 billion naira/annum. While Tetfund's annual allocation stands at 2 billion naira per annum. Therefore all FG induced funding stands at 13 billion naira for a total number of 29,783 students which put total FG subsidy of UI at N437,000.00 per annum. This is excluding the IGR made by the university. State universities on the other hand have a typical wage bill profile of about 5 billion a year. Example would be the likes of Lautech and EkSu with 390> million naira and 450 million naira as wage bill respectively. If Governments are finding it hard to fund universities how would fahlz expect churches to do so exclusively? Until recently Lautech was enmeshed in a serie of Industrial actions which was a result of the two owner state's inability to pay subvention for the university. Adekunle Ajasin on the other hand witnessed an internal crisis when state government had to hike the fees students where paying. All these are testament to the fact that university education is severely expensive to fund. So the intelligent questions that Fahlz should be asking is how state governments funded with Oil revenue, Compulsory Tax and a predictable income regime are finding it nearly impossible to properly fund single universities across their various states. Not why should churches who are funded by Voluntary donations and a nonconsistent income regime must fund free education. There Are No Free Church Universities Anywhere In The World. While most of the advocates of free church university education are quick to cite old missionaries as the reason why today's church must give free education it is curious as to why they refuse to cite free church universities in adavanced nations of the world today which currently practices free education. They cunningly make it sound as though tuition fees was invented by Nigerian pastors. But it is indeed far from the truth. The fact is that majority of the conventional churches across the globe funded or founded by churches charge way higher than their counterparts in Nigerian universities. Exceptions would be made of university cum seminaries which are usually also funded by churches. "Church Universities Are Funded By The Poor" - A lie invented by Mischievous individuals Half truths are equal to lies, to say that church universities are funded by the poor is to insinuate that they are exclusively funded by them. But that would be a lie because the obvious truth is that they are equally funded by the rich and middle class who in some cases don't even bother applying. Much of these self appointed advocates of the poor are in the reality hypocrites using poor people as a pawn in a dirty war game against the church. University education is expensive everywhere and where it is free someone must be paying for it. Many of the hyocritic advocates of the poor make it seem as though poor people sell off their inheritances to gift to churches so as to build schools "that are for the rich". But in reality what most church members give to churches or university donations are negligible funds such as 50 - 500 naira. How many 50/100 naira notes are you going to pull together to replace one 800,000 required to educate one kid? Nigerian Churches Should Continue Their Good works In The Higher Education Sector And Ignore Detractors. The fact of the matter is that Nigerian churches provided over 30 universities which has given thousands of Nigerian youths the opportunity to study in a country with one of the lowest university per populations in the world. They've done that and have equally saved Nigeria millions in foreign exchange which erstwhile was lost to education tourism. They've funded researches in millions, owned research institutes which helped in curbing infectious disease and now even one now has a startup laboratory. 110 Likes 13 Shares
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by jonesoibe(m): 11:23pm On May 26, 2018 |
I least expected this from falz. ![]() Leave the church alone and mind your music career. 93 Likes 10 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by izzou(m): 11:33pm On May 26, 2018 |
![]() [b]First of all, I do not support Falz in anyway. So don't quote me if you don't understand my points. Thank you. My question is? What is the aim of building the University in the first place? Is it to provide quality education, or to make profit? If it's to provide quality education, then who are the targets? The rich or the poor? Because I'm sure no poor man can afford a private university. Take a look at this country. The churches have made a mockery of the whole education sector. Every church wants to have a university. And you want to tell me it's not for profits? ![]() Why can't these churches build industries? Why can't two or three of these churches come together and create wealth if not for anyone, at least for their members? Instead, they create more and more divisions among themselves. This founder will boast to his students that his school is the best amongst others, and how God gave him the vision to revive the educational sector. Rubbish ![]() I need not type more so you don't think I actually support Falz. Falz should have just kept quiet. It would have been better[/b] 402 Likes 28 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by HigherEd: 1:05am On May 27, 2018 |
izzou:You ask why churches build universities? That I'm sorry to say is very funny. The churches build universities to be able to pass the Christian ordinance into a youthful population. Having the opportunity to teach students the ways of God under the platform of secular education is too great an opportunity to pass by. To correct ills of the society by taking folks at their formative stage and serving as an incubation for their developments into morally equipped individuals with reverence and knowledge of God. Now churches have been building universities even before the person who named Nigeria was born and even preceded the US government and European nations to establish them. The Harvard's, Yale, Notre dame, yonsei would never have existed without the church. Why can't these churches build industries? Why can't two or three of these churches come together and create wealth if not for anyone, at least for their members?As per industry the church has no mandate in it. Why should the church build industries? To create wealth - it is not the role of the church to create wealth, To provide jobs - It is not the role of the church to provide jobs. Unlike Universities, industries don't serve any relevance to the mandate of the church or her gospel. Let Kings remain kings and priest remain priest. The church continues to have a mandate in creating schools(especially primary and secondary), Orphanages, Rehabs and Hospitals. Skill acquisitions for members is ok, building income generating companies is taking it too far. My question is? What is the aim of building the University in the first place? Is it to provide quality education, or to make profit? No church university in Nigeria today is for profit making. The most expensive one, Babcock is subsidized by 2% of her total budget by the adventist church. Apostolic church gives Crawford 350 million subsidy every year, CU gets above 2 billion grants from winners every year. Landmark has gotten 6 billion in the past few years(I can go on!) If it's to provide quality education, then who are the targets? The rich or the poor? Because I'm sure no poor man can afford a private university. Are Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Yonsei, Notre dame affordable to the poor? Shouldn't they have been created(by the church) because the poor couldn't afford them? Do you even know the purpose of creating universities. You think it is to share admission for people. Do you know the poor too would benefit most when the universities turn out great research, discoveries and product for the benefit of society? Take a look at this country. The churches have made a mockery of the whole education sector. Every church wants to have a university. And you want to tell me it's not for profits?Mockery? You sir are beginning to spout nonsense. The church universities which have run uninterrupted academic calendars, housed students like actual human beings, provided amenities the govt can't provide are suddenly the ones who are making a mockery of education. To take it further you are quite confused also. You just accused the church of profit mongering after slandering them for not investing in industries which are huge money spinners. It is safe to assume you would end up accusing the church of anything your imagination can create if they actually go into building industries. I know your type sir you would also accuse the church of building car industries with money of the poor while the poor can't afford it. Abi what are we supposed to do when we build cars that the poor can't afford. We should share the cars for free abi. After all with una thinking the church receives tithe and should be able to share free cars it produces 271 Likes 27 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by izzou(m): 1:48am On May 27, 2018 |
HigherEd: [b]It may please you to know that I am a product of a private university(church owned) in this country Saying that no church built it's university for profit making is a lie. It's either you are ignorant, or you just want to lie. Ask those who have been there. I'll rest my case on this point. Make we no too talk am ![]() Now, you say the church doesn't have the mandate to build industries. Fine. I agree. So how did they get the mandate to build schools? Note that I'm not against churches building universities . I'm just against the fact that every church now builds it's own universities. Our purpose of getting education is to have a positive impact in the society, while we make a living. There is no platform for us to make a living. There are no jobs, and no structures on ground to create one. Instead of using this loophole to impact godly principles into people, we still create more problems Look at Nigeria. Every state has its own university, polytechnic and other tertiary institutions. Coupled with the ones of the Federal government and you still see sense in adding more. Talking about godly principles, what class of Nigerians are they targeting? The rich or the poor? Because a middle class Nigerian will not find paying 500k a semester easy, not to talk of the poor. Be it known to thee that there are other super mega churches outside Nigeria and Africa. If the aim was to impact godly principles, they should have littered their countries with universities too. [/b] 168 Likes 13 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by DrayZee: 2:15am On May 27, 2018 |
izzou:Are you saying Africa is the only place where you see churches running universities? Try making a search for once, and while at it, check the school fees they charge. MODIFIED: That said, I don't really have a problem with his swipe at church funded universities. He, like many other Nigerians simply doesn't know what it costs to run a university. 41 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by DrayZee: 2:19am On May 27, 2018 |
These people asking the church for industries, please just name some of the "industries" that would be appropriate to be built by a church. Should the church begin to manufacture steel? Or assemble cars? Or sell cement? Really, what do you people want? Or is it that you people just feel like typing? 74 Likes 7 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by HigherEd: 2:30am On May 27, 2018 |
izzou: I may need to school you again on what a profit making university is. Harvard with $25 billion endowment and 15 million naira/annum tuition is not a profit making university. Neither is Stanford nor Yale. That a university is collecting 10 million naira a year doesn't make it profit making. When we say a university is non profit. It simply means that the founders have elected to reinvest all revenue into the system. The only faith based university in Nigeria that i am aware of being a profit making university is Alhikmah university which is Islamic. There is no platform for us to make a living. There are no jobs, and no structures on ground to create one. Instead of using this loophole to impact godly principles into people, we still create more problemsWhich yeye loophole. That is why you have a government you voted for. Even the Isrealites who had a thin line between Religion/State didn't expect nonsense from the synagogue. The church can't veer into full blown political governance and leave matters of spirituality relegate to the background. The essense of the church is to feed the spirit and soul not the belly. The church can give you food but does not have to give you a job. Look at Nigeria. Every state has its own university, polytechnic and other tertiary institutions. Coupled with the ones of the Federal government and you still see sense in adding more.Lol don't talk about an issue you know nothing of. NUC license more universities because there is shortage of universities. Nearly a million Nigerian youths are denied spaces every year in unis due to unavailable spaces. Be it known to thee that there are other super mega churches outside Nigeria and Africa. If the aim was to impact godly principles, they should have littered their countries with universities too.What are you saying lol. The Adventist church has over 100 universities splashed across USA and Europe. There is no organisation in the world that owns half as much universities as the catholics. According to Professor Okebukola the catholic church has about 3,000 universities splattered across the globe. The Church of Christ owns/affilited to hundreds of universities in North America. The baptist church owns about 70 universities in the US. Combine all the government universities in the US they don't have 1/10th of universities belonging to churches. And amazingly govt partly funds the church universities there too and they are still not free. 70 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by Readonee35L(m): 5:14am On May 27, 2018 |
Body they scratch una. Truth so bitter people are having sleepless nights over falz. Until people mumu do. You will continue to be slaves to your fellow humans. 135 Likes 13 Shares
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by Inricash(m): 6:05am On May 27, 2018 |
You guys are typing out of ignorance... Fahlz said the bitter truth without any sugar coating... You mention cost of running a University as maybe a profit making venture not as a missionary.. Those missionaries that came to preach the gospel had several secondary school they ran for free, which one is your church running for free? And in your comparison to Government, ask yourself if the government is not also struggling to fund Secondary or even primary schools.... How do you even Justify fees in excess of a million or two in a bid to Justify the Church... 177 Likes 16 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by CodeTemplar: 6:15am On May 27, 2018 |
Booked. 1 Like |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by CodeTemplar: 6:26am On May 27, 2018 |
izzou:I am forced to reply folks like you through whom dark voices speak... Industries or schools? As long as the church is taking up one or two responsibilities of the government that matches her own goals the church is doing more than enough for the government and people. Even If the church builds industry you will still lament that illiterate church goers can't secure employment there because the church didn't build schools and educate them for almost free. To even start with, the governments' responsibility isn't to create industries directly but to create an enabling environment for industries to thrive and compete globally. If the church must be the one to create industries let all who desire to work in those industries pay their tax to the Church and maintain a tax card as their social security ID. 47 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by lajuto: 6:27am On May 27, 2018 |
Booked |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by delugajackson: 6:41am On May 27, 2018 |
Falz is right. What's the need of establishing a university that even a common man cannot afford? I see it as an outright extortion on the part of these churches. If the church in its entirety cannot serve the needs of its members justly, then perhaps they should re-consider their priorities. 79 Likes 7 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by CodeTemplar: 7:04am On May 27, 2018 |
Inricash: You are the one parading ignorance here. Let me try tracing it from the church to the poor for you. The church schools are established to deliver a certain standard of education which has its own level of required funding. Now let's say that funding translate to #10, 000 per student per year. The church can't pay #10,000 for all student so decide to pay for only those they can through à scholarship arrangement that targets a blend of the best and the poor. After covering those within their immediate capacity they open the floor for best(academically) who can afford the whole #10,000 on their own. This is the reality for most church unis but people don't want to hear that. They think the church is their government. As long as the government receives your tax the government is the sole provider of every other things you share in common with nonbelievers. 18 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by CodeTemplar: 7:09am On May 27, 2018 |
delugajackson:But let us be reasonable oh, How can a church extort a follower and the follower still goes there ? Use what God gave you na. 13 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by Georgekyrian(m): 7:19am On May 27, 2018 |
HigherEd: Please shut up Sir 75 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by izzou(m): 7:27am On May 27, 2018 |
HigherEd: We are talking about Falz and his opinion. You should know Falz was talking our Nigerian pastors and not Harvard or Yale. I don't know why you keep bringing Harvard into this. Or you want to compare Harvard to mediocre universities like Madonna or Redeemers that still charge millions of naira for nothing? And you guys feel it's not the church's responsibility to create jobs. I totally agree. But it's the church's responsibility to take almost a million from me a session, because they want to impact godly principles into me? Wonderful. I wish I had time to reply your mentions. I want to hit the road soon. Falz is wrong because it's not his business, just as it isn't mine. But the springing up of universities everywhere by churches shows its not longer an issue of godly principles. It's about the money 119 Likes 13 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by izzou(m): 7:32am On May 27, 2018 |
CodeTemplar: Pick up one or two responsibilities of the government? Mtcheeew The number of students admitted into Ife,Ibadan and Unizik and Unilag in a year is more than what all the private universities in Nigeria take a year Today is Sunday. Go to your church. Some members have no jobs and some are hungry. It's the job of the government to take care of them, but you could kindly ask your pastor to help, instead of adding more universities to the already choked system. 62 Likes 4 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by CodeTemplar: 7:38am On May 27, 2018 |
izzou:Tithe is voluntary unlike tax. If pastors are to provide a working society for members don't you think Muslims and nonbelievers are being left out? Let FG relinquish 5 or 10 juicy oil wells to the church and we will see church providing cheap populated schools like UNIZIK and UNILAG. 6 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by Nukilia: 7:41am On May 27, 2018 |
izzou: The church is an instrument of social re-engineering! The church is doing a great job by keeping countless number of our youths in Nigeria. The money still keep circulating in Nigeria. Kudos ... A time will come when these universities will provide scholarships... Intelligent folks run the church of today in the face of reckless politicians who would rather make shoe shinners out of the youths ![]() ![]() 6 Likes |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by Wiseandtrue(f): 7:48am On May 27, 2018 |
The truth is that most religion in Nigeria cares more about the structure and the profit rather than the people People being the most important cause they are the CHURCH So anything done without considering the people first is not right! Take Christ for an example His teachings centres on the welfare of the people Infact He feeds them first before considering Himself But imagine what is going on now ![]() ![]() What is worrisome is that the clerics who are in this path is more than those in the right path! So who will correct who ![]() 32 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by StarOnEarth(m): 7:50am On May 27, 2018 |
HigherEd:You deserve some accolades 9 Likes 3 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by StarOnEarth(m): 7:56am On May 27, 2018 |
Georgekyrian:Reasonable people are giving quality point on the topic created and you just came from nowhere to make a fool of yourself. If you don't have a point to counter is opinion then I believe you deserve to shut up. 38 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by HigherEd: 7:56am On May 27, 2018 |
izzou:We are simply asking many of these entitled folks to tell us where you got your ideas of an utopia where church uni run without charging fees. Yale, Princeton, Harvard came into the argument because they were founded by churches of their clergies. But if you think that is too hard to process then tell us how Yonsei, regeant, pepperdine, Oral Roberts uni, biola uni, Loyola Marymount uni, oakwood uni, villanova uni, leeward, Georgetown uni, St Andrews uni all founded and in many cases still run by churches charge millions of naira that dwarf the tuition of Nigerian church unis. Why are people in those countries not screaming like many of the idiots in Nigeria. Maybe it's because they understand a thing or two about what it cost to run a university. Why are their poor not screaming blue murder against the church for allowing their unis charge them thousands of dollars in fees which results in ppl taking back breaking loans to pay. Their poor also pay tithe and offerings, not to talk of the huge financial aid their govt still gives to private universities. Catholic uni of Notre dame collected millions of USD from US every year yet the school fees is 45,000USD. The best private uni in Africa is American Univ of Cairo which charges 14,000USD while Covenant is the second and charges about 3,000USD. Let that sink in. DrayZee CodeTemplar made important point on the so called call for industries. And let me reiterate that many universities funded by churches even have more employees than some industries. But be rest assured that when churches go into industries you would hear demonic things like "how can church build an auto industry when members can't afford the cars they make." That's the insanity of the Nigerian populace they deliberately forget the churches to employ ppl through universities and draw out the fact that poor people can't attend. Covenant for instance has over 2000 families feeding from it. But no let's forget that and focus on the 850,000 fees that the poor cannot pay. 23 Likes 5 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by HigherEd: 8:11am On May 27, 2018 |
Wiseandtrue:Erm you too consider the church. The early christians sold off inheritances for the church yet they never got free education nor free healthcare. They did wealth redistribution but that was because the church got the all of members. You can't be giving 50-150 naira a Sunday and expect to get free everything. 6 Likes 6 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by itiswellandwell: 8:12am On May 27, 2018 |
Interesting.......... |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by Stallion93(m): 8:12am On May 27, 2018 |
HigherEd:So u can dedicate time this much to Express your High grade Ignorance? Foolishness is Toxic, in as much as u are foolish and u have every right to be, plz keep it to yourself and your wrinkled herniated ballz, don't bring it here on Nairaland 30 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by Wiseandtrue(f): 8:23am On May 27, 2018 |
HigherEd: Erm you too consider the church. The early christians sold off inheritances for the church yet they never got free education nor free healthcare. They did wealth redistribution but that was because the church got the all of members. You can't be giving 50-150 naira a Sunday and expect to get free everything.So if many are giving 50-150 then where is all these money generated from ![]() Are you saying they are into another business ![]() The early church as you put it preaches about humility, care, love and equality! They shared themselves, they helped the old, the weak and the poor. So what are you saying ![]() They could as well amassed the wealth and keep it for themselves, why share it ![]() 28 Likes |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by CodeTemplar: 8:35am On May 27, 2018 |
HigherEd:So let us reason it further brethren. A man earn #50,000 and can't afford to pay #600, 000 as fee per annum, he pays his tithe of #5,000 in accordance with the covenant and now wants the church to flip his average annual tithe of #60,000(#5000/month) into #600,000 in form of subsidized education. It takes a level of dead conscience for such a thought to flow through a sane mans mind. 8 Likes 6 Shares |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by CodeTemplar: 8:39am On May 27, 2018 |
Wiseandtrue:Thank You. There is the prophets' seed. There are partners of the church who understand better and give willingly. There is the tuition fee component, there is also the venture proceeds like Landmarks Farm in Kwara. Tithe is squarely for direct church activities |
Re: Falz And His Shenanigan Lamentations Against Nigerian Church Universities by CodeTemplar: 8:43am On May 27, 2018 |
HigherEd:At N850,000 covenant charges around $2,500 dollars. N365/$ 4 Likes 1 Share |
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