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How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. - Health - Nairaland

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How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by latestupdate: 7:45am On Jun 30, 2018
According to The World Health Organization, a stroke is in third place on the list of the deadliest diseases and disorders. Unfortunately, most strokes aren’t even noticed until it’s too late.

Doctors identify two types of strokes: a hemorrhagic stroke and an ischemic stroke caused by a vessel blockage.
An ischemic stroke can have no distinct symptoms and can easily go unnoticed.

According to statistics, 80% of strokes are of the ischemic type. 37% of these stroke patients die, 31% of those who had a stroke need constant care, and 20% can’t walk on their own afterward.

What happens during a stroke?

The most common reason for an ischemic stroke is a clot or a spasm that blocks the blood flow in a certain part of the brain. The tissue around the clotted vessel swells and the space in the skull is limited. The intracranial pressure increases and a headache appears.

The entire brain suffers from the high pressure. During the stroke, one’s arms and legs can stop moving, a person might lose their coordination or the ability to hear or speak. In some cases, even hallucinations are possible.

After some time, the blood flows into the neighboring arteries and veins, and the swelling disappears along with the headache. However, the nervous system takes a lot of time to recover. Some of its functions might disappear completely.

In cases of a very mild stroke, the memories of yesterday or the events that happened 10 years ago disappear. In more serious situations, the person becomes disabled.

But if the stroke is recognized on time, there is a good chance that damage could be prevented.

Symptoms of an ischemic stroke

Studio shot of sportsman with pain in neck
Sudden numbness or weakness on the face, in the leg or arm — especially on one side of the body
Confusion, the inability to speak or understand
Problems with one or both eyes
Difficulties walking, dizziness, loss of coordination
A severe headache that appears suddenly without reason
There may be no difference in symptoms between the 2 types of strokes, but either way, the wrong approach in treatment can kill the patient. That’s why it’s very important to call a doctor immediately to be diagnosed correctly.

Other symptoms that require you to visit a doctor.

A headache that leads to vomiting or the loss of a sense of direction
The tenseness of muscles in the back of the head
Darkening of the eyes
Looking at one spot for a long time for no reason
These signs may indicate a stroke or other health problems.

What you should do if you suspect someone is having an ischemic stroke..?

How to Recognize a stroke and what to do to prevent its damaging effects
June 30, 2018 admin 0 Comments
According to The World Health Organization, a stroke is in third place on the list of the deadliest diseases and disorders. Unfortunately, most strokes aren’t even noticed until it’s too late.

Doctors identify two types of strokes: a hemorrhagic stroke and an ischemic stroke caused by a vessel blockage.
An ischemic stroke can have no distinct symptoms and can easily go unnoticed.

According to statistics, 80% of strokes are of the ischemic type. 37% of these stroke patients die, 31% of those who had a stroke need constant care, and 20% can’t walk on their own afterward.

What happens during a stroke?

The most common reason for an ischemic stroke is a clot or a spasm that blocks the blood flow in a certain part of the brain. The tissue around the clotted vessel swells and the space in the skull is limited. The intracranial pressure increases and a headache appears.

The entire brain suffers from the high pressure. During the stroke, one’s arms and legs can stop moving, a person might lose their coordination or the ability to hear or speak. In some cases, even hallucinations are possible.

After some time, the blood flows into the neighboring arteries and veins, and the swelling disappears along with the headache. However, the nervous system takes a lot of time to recover. Some of its functions might disappear completely.

In cases of a very mild stroke, the memories of yesterday or the events that happened 10 years ago disappear. In more serious situations, the person becomes disabled.

But if the stroke is recognized on time, there is a good chance that damage could be prevented.

Symptoms of an ischemic stroke

Studio shot of sportsman with pain in neck
Sudden numbness or weakness on the face, in the leg or arm — especially on one side of the body
Confusion, the inability to speak or understand
Problems with one or both eyes
Difficulties walking, dizziness, loss of coordination
A severe headache that appears suddenly without reason
There may be no difference in symptoms between the 2 types of strokes, but either way, the wrong approach in treatment can kill the patient. That’s why it’s very important to call a doctor immediately to be diagnosed correctly.

Other symptoms that require you to visit a doctor.

A headache that leads to vomiting or the loss of a sense of direction
The tenseness of muscles in the back of the head
Darkening of the eyes
Looking at one spot for a long time for no reason
These signs may indicate a stroke or other health problems.

What you should do if you suspect someone is having an ischemic stroke

Emergency team assisting injured elderly man lying on stretcher outdoors

Ask the person to smile. Check if one side of the face looks strange.

Ask the person to raise both arms. Check if one of the arms is on the same level as the other.

Ask the person to repeat a simple sentence or poem. Check if the person pronounces the words clearly and correctly.

If you notice any of these symptoms, you should get the person to a hospital immediately. The only way to reduce the negative consequences of a stroke is to help the person within the first hour.


19 Likes 9 Shares

Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by Opinionated: 12:04pm On Jun 30, 2018
Nice one OP.

Eating more veggies combined with fruits per day can reduce the risk of heart attack, stroke, cancer, and early death.


Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by Ellixlimswag(m): 12:04pm On Jun 30, 2018
Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by Emu4life(m): 12:05pm On Jun 30, 2018
FRANCE vs Argentina. I'm supporting FRANCE today cuz its the only African team left in the Tournament.IF YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW

71 Likes 5 Shares

Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by Nobody: 12:05pm On Jun 30, 2018
Thanks OP, God bless you.


Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by dollyjoy(f): 12:05pm On Jun 30, 2018
Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by gabi98(m): 12:07pm On Jun 30, 2018
nice post


Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by Krafty006: 12:08pm On Jun 30, 2018
health is wealth

3 Likes 1 Share

Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by tuzle(m): 12:09pm On Jun 30, 2018
Very educative, these are the kind of info that should grace nairaland front page

12 Likes 1 Share

Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by legba1(m): 12:11pm On Jun 30, 2018
Thanks OP.....one cannot be too cautious in this season and time....with bubu and his marauding gang plus economy wahala......all join can send man pikin to early grave...y'all becareful
Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by Kelamma(m): 12:12pm On Jun 30, 2018
My mother taught me not to wish people evil but it would be nice to see some of our polithiefians down with this....but then if wishes are horses, then beggars will ride sad

1 Like

Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by alhassanyusuf29(m): 12:12pm On Jun 30, 2018
pls follow up with "how to prevent heart attack" bcuz this lady is giving me hard time
Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by lormama: 12:16pm On Jun 30, 2018
Highly educative
Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by muhammed50(m): 12:27pm On Jun 30, 2018
What about supporting Stroke City??
Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by Billygee2u: 12:28pm On Jun 30, 2018
According to The World Health Organization, a stroke is in third place on the list of the deadliest diseases and disorders. Unfortunately, most strokes aren’t even noticed until it’s too late.

Doctors identify two types of strokes: a hemorrhagic stroke and an ischemic stroke caused by a vessel blockage.
An ischemic stroke can have no distinct symptoms and can easily go unnoticed.

According to statistics, 80% of strokes are of the ischemic type. 37% of these stroke patients die, 31% of those who had a stroke need constant care, and 20% can’t walk on their own afterward.

What happens during a stroke?

The most common reason for an ischemic stroke is a clot or a spasm that blocks the blood flow in a certain part of the brain. The tissue around the clotted vessel swells and the space in the skull is limited. The intracranial pressure increases and a headache appears.

The entire brain suffers from the high pressure. During the stroke, one’s arms and legs can stop moving, a person might lose their coordination or the ability to hear or speak. In some cases, even hallucinations are possible.

After some time, the blood flows into the neighboring arteries and veins, and the swelling disappears along with the headache. However, the nervous system takes a lot of time to recover. Some of its functions might disappear completely.

In cases of a very mild stroke, the memories of yesterday or the events that happened 10 years ago disappear. In more serious situations, the person becomes disabled.

But if the stroke is recognized on time, there is a good chance that damage could be prevented.

Symptoms of an ischemic stroke

Studio shot of sportsman with pain in neck
Sudden numbness or weakness on the face, in the leg or arm — especially on one side of the body
Confusion, the inability to speak or understand
Problems with one or both eyes
Difficulties walking, dizziness, loss of coordination
A severe headache that appears suddenly without reason
There may be no difference in symptoms between the 2 types of strokes, but either way, the wrong approach in treatment can kill the patient. That’s why it’s very important to call a doctor immediately to be diagnosed correctly.

Other symptoms that require you to visit a doctor.

A headache that leads to vomiting or the loss of a sense of direction
The tenseness of muscles in the back of the head
Darkening of the eyes
Looking at one spot for a long time for no reason
These signs may indicate a stroke or other health problems.

What you should do if you suspect someone is having an ischemic stroke..?

Read More

Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by Folashade2016(f): 12:30pm On Jun 30, 2018
Nice one
Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by asdfjklhaha(f): 12:35pm On Jun 30, 2018
Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by Fabulous7(m): 12:35pm On Jun 30, 2018
looking at one spot for a longtime...this has been occur to me for a very long time and no stroke so that that make me to disprove that over there.
Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by godofuck231: 12:41pm On Jun 30, 2018
pls follow up with "how to prevent heart attack" bcuz this lady is giving me hard time

Leave her ass alone or you will die alone, and she will move on

1 Like

Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by Yhemit(m): 12:50pm On Jun 30, 2018
FRANCE vs Argentina. I'm supporting FRANCE today cuz its the only African team left in the Tournament.IF YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW

funny guy
Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by Jamean(f): 1:15pm On Jun 30, 2018
Well, from my experience, quick home remedies for stroke is to make a cut on the hand or thigh of the person so that blood can follow out and interrupt the spasm. Then you give the person a lot of coke to drink.

1 Like

Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by sixtuso(m): 1:17pm On Jun 30, 2018
FRANCE vs Argentina. I'm supporting FRANCE today cuz its the only African team left in the Tournament.IF YOU KNOW, YOU KNOW
Brazil nko grin
Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by opeyehmmy(m): 1:24pm On Jun 30, 2018
All these for STROKE wey be say na just 6 letter words
Ok. How about HEPATITIS
Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by Elliot2(m): 1:39pm On Jun 30, 2018
does it work? i have only heard of applying ocupuncture on the toes with needle in the first few minutes of the attack. i have a cousin who is battling with stroke.

1 Like

Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by veacea: 1:41pm On Jun 30, 2018
Nice article
Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by Nobody: 2:07pm On Jun 30, 2018
Great article.

If you have hypertension, elevated hypertension increases your chances for stroke. So keep it controlled. You can do it with diet, exercise, and hypertensive meds.

If you do suspect a stroke, get to the hospital quickly. A CT scan of the head will be done to confirm and thromblytic drugs(blood clotting) drugs will be given. In some cases surgery has to be done
Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by Nobody: 2:10pm On Jun 30, 2018
does it work? i have only heard of applying ocupuncture on the toes with needle in the first few minutes of the attack. i have a cousin who is battling with stroke.

Was acupuncture done for your cousin?
Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by alhassanyusuf29(m): 2:15pm On Jun 30, 2018
real talk tho,gracias!!

Leaves her ass alone or you will die alone, and she will move on
Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by Elliot2(m): 2:32pm On Jun 30, 2018

Was acupuncture done for your cousin?
no. i didnt get d info on time to advise them to apply it. i read somewhere that it only works in the first few minutes of d attack.
Re: How To Recognize A Stroke And What To Do To Prevent It. by Justiceleague1: 2:52pm On Jun 30, 2018
Awon coneheads to pariwo ojojumo ni bi yi bi aja,to pariwo igbo this,igbo that,awon scholes0 pelu gbogbo moronu min to wa sofisticated,ekiyesi..

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