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Why You Should Never Pray - Religion - Nairaland

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Why You Should Never Pray by ifenes(m): 6:51pm On Jun 30, 2018
Under no circumstances should you use the word “ Prayer” whichever way you see or use it, prayer is a sign of weakness and helplessness, allowing yourself to become a “PREY”. A prey to to negative predators( on soul levels)who might use you as a vessle if you allow it. It’s more like turning yourself into a “ sucker” in your neighbourhood and therefore becoming a prey to predators who will take advantage of you.

Firstly you must know what and whom exactly you are praying. Prayer is like a contract, terms and conditions . Anything El, Elohim, Allah are Energy frequency imposed on you and must you must run away from. I’m talking about Esoteric Energies. These are Energy feilds people on this planet are contracted to. You follow their terms and conditions and become a prey to them, letting them do to you whatever they wish. They feed from your thoughts, emotions and Energy fields. Imagine the amount of Energy fed to the Energy beings called Allah and Yahweh. These are parasite entities that feed of your energies from the shadow.

Let’s look at the 10 commandments for example. A follower of Yahweh is meant to follow these laws and once this fellow breaks any of these laws he automatically feels remorse, you give your power to that energy to manipulate you which ever way it feels. You become a Prey.

Everything that happens to us first happens on Enegy levels. I’m sure lots of people ain’t aware of that. Let’s say you are praying for £20, the spirit you are praying to doesn’t actually know what £20 is but since you are in that energy vibration of needing £20, it will make you to always need £20. You have become a prey in that sense.

The Gods of religion are Enegy vibration ignorant humans have been being subjected to. They will always give you the Enegy vibration which you are while praying, hence it’s really dangerous to prey or beg. Otherwise they gonna make you more realities of being a beggar.

Understand that you are Gods. Rather than prey, make AFFIRMATIONS. MAKE THE ENERGY WORK FOR YOU! Stop bowing to gods/ spirits you do not know. You are like a radio that has the ability to pick up radio station based on the frequency you tune to. Worshiping, praising, Prey-ing is selling your soul to someone else. Be wise !

14 Likes 3 Shares

Re: Why You Should Never Pray by MizMyColi(f): 7:05pm On Jun 30, 2018
Very timely.

This message was written for me.
I feel so weak to type longer texts now, it's already 6am and I haven't batted an eyelid. I hope to return when I am fully rested to describe my experience on praying and fear.


Re: Why You Should Never Pray by Heartbreaker007(m): 7:18pm On Jun 30, 2018
OP I don't doubt your epistle, every one has his own view of life... cool
Re: Why You Should Never Pray by Primesky(m): 8:43pm On Jun 30, 2018

Under no circumstances should you use the word “ Prayer” whichever way you see or use it, prayer is a sign of weakness and helplessness, allowing yourself to become a “PREY”. A prey to to negative predators( on soul levels)who might use you as a vessle if you allow it. It’s more like turning yourself into a “ sucker” in your neighbourhood and therefore becoming a prey to predators who will take advantage of you.

Firstly you must know what and whom exactly you are praying. Prayer is like a contract, terms and conditions . Anything El, Elohim, Allah are Energy frequency imposed on you and must you must run away from. I’m talking about Esoteric Energies. These are Energy feilds people on this planet are contracted to. You follow their terms and conditions and become a prey to them, letting them do to you whatever they wish. They feed from your thoughts, emotions and Energy fields. Imagine the amount of Energy fed to the Energy beings called Allah and Yahweh. These are parasite entities that feed of your energies from the shadow.

Let’s look at the 10 commandments for example. A follower of Yahweh is meant to follow these laws and once this fellow breaks any of these laws he automatically feels remorse, you give your power to that energy to manipulate you which ever way it feels. You become a Prey.

Everything that happens to us first happens on Enegy levels. I’m sure lots of people ain’t aware of that. Let’s say you are praying for £20, the spirit you are praying to doesn’t actually know what £20 is but since you are in that energy vibration of needing £20, it will make you to always need £20. You have become a prey in that sense.

The Gods of religion are Enegy vibration ignorant humans have been being subjected to. They will always give you the Enegy vibration which you are while praying, hence it’s really dangerous to prey or beg. Otherwise they gonna make you more realities of being a beggar.

Understand that you are Gods. Rather than prey, make AFFIRMATIONS. MAKE THE ENERGY WORK FOR YOU! Stop bowing to gods/ spirits you do not know. You are like a radio that has the ability to pick up radio station based on the frequency you tune to. Worshiping, praising, Prey-ing is selling your soul to someone else. Be wise !

What is prayer?.


Re: Why You Should Never Pray by ifenes(m): 10:54pm On Jun 30, 2018

What is prayer?.

Showing of mental weakness,Portraying the emotions of lack,hence you receive an abundance amount of lack as a reward. It’s law of attraction. You are always attracting something through feelings, be it negative or positive. Affirmation rather than begging/preying

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Re: Why You Should Never Pray by narrowpathy(m): 11:11pm On Jun 30, 2018
What is the best possible technique to affirm? Is it in past tense or present or future tense?
Re: Why You Should Never Pray by ifenes(m): 11:33pm On Jun 30, 2018
What is the best possible technique to affirm? Is it in past tense or present or future tense?

Everything happens Now. Firstly, banish negative beliefs and thought by questioning their usefulness to you. You nurse the idea of holiday in Paris. The thoughts pops in, your feelings about the idea shouldn’t be doubt, do not tell yourself how it should happen,Just visualise yourself in Paris having most the fun of your life. Now you have tricked the Univese into creating ways for that to happen. The Universe asnwers to you by scanning through Energy patterns of your feelings. It sees you are feeling as if you are in Paris constantly, then it will do everything to make it happen. It will start fighting, forcing doors open etc. Imagination is the key to opening new realities. The more you do this the easir it becomes.

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Re: Why You Should Never Pray by Nobody: 11:34pm On Jun 30, 2018
What is the best possible technique to affirm? Is it in past tense or present or future tense?
Present tense.

Use images, feelings and repetitions too. The goal is that the messages gets to your higher self. Then 90% of the job is done. Don't forget to bind your declaration else you may soon lose whatever you get.

Above all be happy as everything you need has been provided for already.

11 Likes 5 Shares

Re: Why You Should Never Pray by Ishilove: 11:44pm On Jun 30, 2018
Satanic post. May God have mercy on human beings


Re: Why You Should Never Pray by OCTAVO: 11:49pm On Jun 30, 2018
Heretic post from the pit of hell!
Re: Why You Should Never Pray by MizMyColi(f): 7:19am On Jul 01, 2018
There is something about prayer, or better put, begging, that shows your level of spirituality.

There is something about decreeing or sending forth your word that shows how high up you are up there.

The state of the mind needs to be in constant touch with source energy. This energy is not something you pray into you, it is already within you. It is who you are. From personal experience, it is when you begin to lose touch with this energy that you experience depression and anger in forms that feel even alien to you.

For sometime now, I struggled with fear and doubt.
It then occurred to me that I have been depending too much on some being out there to bring my desire to pass. So I began again to unlearn, and unslip myself out of religion. Religion inspires fear. It is not for me anymore.

Now I know that all I need to be is at rest. Real rest. There is nothing I worry of, or conceive, no need or desire that hasn't been amply taken care of. It is all taken care of, it is all given to me.

What I am more concerned about now is how to unearth more pure energies of light and love, and channel it through my body into this world. Even then, I should not worry about that. As I go on in life, I fulfil my truest, realest nature in every experience(s) of my journey.

You mentioned binding declarations. How do you do that? Please explain. Thank you smiley

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Re: Why You Should Never Pray by MizMyColi(f): 7:20am On Jul 01, 2018
Heretic post from the pit of hell!

Oh but it isn't.
Someday, you will know. You will understand.


Re: Why You Should Never Pray by narrowpathy(m): 7:36am On Jul 01, 2018

Present tense.

Use images, feelings and repetitions too. The goal is that the messages gets to your higher self. Then 90% of the job is done. Don't forget to bind your declaration else you may soon lose whatever you get.

Above all be happy as everything you need has been provided for already.

Thanks for this concise answer. Please when you say "Bind" how do you mean? What is the method or technique?

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Re: Why You Should Never Pray by narrowpathy(m): 7:42am On Jul 01, 2018

Everything happens Now. Firstly, banish negative beliefs and thought by questioning their usefulness to you. You nurse the idea of holiday in Paris. The thoughts pops in, your feelings about the idea shouldn’t be doubt, do not tell yourself how it should happen,Just visualise yourself in Paris having most the fun of your life. Now you have tricked the Univese into creating ways for that to happen. The Universe asnwers to you by scanning through Energy patterns of your feelings. It sees you are feeling as if you are in Paris constantly, then it will do everything to make it happen. It will start fighting, forcing doors open etc. Imagination is the key to opening new realities. The more you do this the easir it becomes.

Wow. okay. Thanks a million. This is the most direct answer I've ever gotten on this subject.

I would like to ask, what role does numerology play in determining one's life lessons. For example I've read that a name number that determines wealth would make someone rich while other names that encourages spiritual growth may not favour wealth.

The question is this. If a person with a name not favouring enormous wealth imagines and creates and feels wealth...how does it work out?
Re: Why You Should Never Pray by Nobody: 9:15am On Jul 01, 2018
Satanic post. May God have mercy on human beings
There is nothing in religions. Religionists will realise this sooner or later — religion is simply a tool created by some set of people to keep adherents enslaved mentally.

How can each of Yahweh or Allah call himself the Supreme God and couldn't write books (the Bible and Qur'an) devoid of mistakes, errors and contradictions?

Just like there are thousands of errors and contradictions in the Bible, we also have hundreds of scientific errors and contradictions in the Qur'an.

This shows the knowledge of Jehovah and Allah is limited.

I believe, strongly, there is a Supreme God and such an entity cannot be limited in knowledge and show other humanly weaknesses like hate, jealousy, violence, which are similar traits in Allah, Jehovah and other gods of religion.

However, I haven't seen strong evidence showing whether God exists as a single entity or the summation of souls of living things, universes and multiverses.

Personally, I feel the stance of otemanuduno on God is more reasonable: He believes God had existed as a single entity in the past (He's the Beginning) and has dispersed (disintegrated) into living things, universes and multiverses, and that God is Existence.

ifenes, interesting and educating post by the way. I don't quite understand your position on the concept of God.

Did the universe come into existence about 13 billion years ago from nothing, without a Creator God? What's your view about the Big Bang theory?

Scientists say there are about 100 billion galaxies in the universe with each galaxy consisting of more than 100 billion planets.

Can this unimaginably big universe come into existence without a First Cause?

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Re: Why You Should Never Pray by OCTAVO: 11:08am On Jul 01, 2018

Oh but it isn't.
Someday, you will know. You will understand.

Oh but it is.
Someday, you will know. You will understand.

1 Like

Re: Why You Should Never Pray by Ranchhoddas: 11:38am On Jul 01, 2018

Present tense.

Use images, feelings and repetitions too. The goal is that the messages gets to your higher self. Then 90% of the job is done. Don't forget to bind your declaration else you may soon lose whatever you get

Above all be happy as everything you need has been provided for already.
Kindly elaborate!
Re: Why You Should Never Pray by Ranchhoddas: 11:39am On Jul 01, 2018
Satanic post. May God have mercy on human beings
How is this satanic?

Don't you think it's possible that all you've been taught your entire life is not the truth?

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Re: Why You Should Never Pray by tobechi74: 11:46am On Jul 01, 2018
prayer is same with affirmation
Re: Why You Should Never Pray by Moveonmax: 12:18pm On Jul 01, 2018

Under no circumstances should you use the word “ Prayer” whichever way you see or use it, prayer is a sign of weakness and helplessness, allowing yourself to become a “PREY”. A prey to to negative predators( on soul levels)who might use you as a vessle if you allow it. It’s more like turning yourself into a “ sucker” in your neighbourhood and therefore becoming a prey to predators who will take advantage of you.

Firstly you must know what and whom exactly you are praying. Prayer is like a contract, terms and conditions . Anything El, Elohim, Allah are Energy frequency imposed on you and must you must run away from. I’m talking about Esoteric Energies. These are Energy feilds people on this planet are contracted to. You follow their terms and conditions and become a prey to them, letting them do to you whatever they wish. They feed from your thoughts, emotions and Energy fields. Imagine the amount of Energy fed to the Energy beings called Allah and Yahweh. These are parasite entities that feed of your energies from the shadow.

Let’s look at the 10 commandments for example. A follower of Yahweh is meant to follow these laws and once this fellow breaks any of these laws he automatically feels remorse, you give your power to that energy to manipulate you which ever way it feels. You become a Prey.

Everything that happens to us first happens on Enegy levels. I’m sure lots of people ain’t aware of that. Let’s say you are praying for £20, the spirit you are praying to doesn’t actually know what £20 is but since you are in that energy vibration of needing £20, it will make you to always need £20. You have become a prey in that sense.

The Gods of religion are Enegy vibration ignorant humans have been being subjected to. They will always give you the Enegy vibration which you are while praying, hence it’s really dangerous to prey or beg. Otherwise they gonna make you more realities of being a beggar.

Understand that you are Gods. Rather than prey, make AFFIRMATIONS. MAKE THE ENERGY WORK FOR YOU! Stop bowing to gods/ spirits you do not know. You are like a radio that has the ability to pick up radio station based on the frequency you tune to. Worshiping, praising, Prey-ing is selling your soul to someone else. Be wise !

I do not agree with your notion, not because of the way you have attempted to maul, debase and deny the superiority of the divine and existence of an Almighty; a stance which ordinarily is reason enough to discredit your assertions, nor your charge for us all ( the consumers of your perhaps, humanist locutions) to be expedient from the majority of humanity who bow to a fixed rule and reign. I am not antagonistic to these views not because they are cool with me and my line of belief but because I as a person have agreed to agree with other people's choice of religion or choice to lack it as the case may be. In this case, I am disagreeing with you because your scope lacks ingredient. You have been too simplistic in your approach to have looked at "Prayer" as a thing only religious people do when indeed it is human. Do you know asking for forgiveness is a form of prayer, that asking that a culprit be pardoned in a court of law is a form of of prayer that even religious wise , prayer is not intended to denigrate or degrade rather it is meant to upgrade and entrench willpower? To set it straight, Prayer is not truly about asking it is
actually receiving. Prayer is an action that puts you in that position, that placating state of mind that have you believing all is well when it is seemingly not. That even though the status quo is not encouraging and all probabilities of chance is at zero, impossible is nothing. So, instead of degrading one, prayer does the direct opposite, It empowers. Don't get it twisted.

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Re: Why You Should Never Pray by Lirqur: 1:03pm On Jul 01, 2018
prayer is same with affirmation

Sadly they are blind to see that it is exactly the same. Shaitan has blinded them to take his part. Prayer is exactly affirmations. The difference is when you make prayers, you are seeking the help of your creator, you are relying on him. But when you affirm, you have acknowledged that you are your own God. Affirmations are also used by religious people.But anyone can affirm.
Re: Why You Should Never Pray by Ishilove: 1:47pm On Jul 01, 2018
How is this satanic?

Don't you think it's possible that all you've been taught your entire life us not the truth?
It is not about teaching and indoctrination, it's the practical word of God that brings about almost impossible testimonies that I base my post on. Someone will just sit down somewhere and start writing things, and some gullible people will swallow it hook, line and sinker

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Re: Why You Should Never Pray by Nobody: 2:23pm On Jul 01, 2018
Religionists cannot just sit down and patiently do some research about their Bible or Qur'an. They merely believe in anything blindly.


Re: Why You Should Never Pray by Primesky(m): 3:18pm On Jul 01, 2018

Showing of mental weakness,Portraying the emotions of lack,hence you receive an abundance amount of lack as a reward. It’s law of attraction. You are always attracting something through feelings, be it negative or positive. Affirmation rather than begging/preying

If that's your answer, then sorry, you failed it. In fact, you had an F9 grin Couldn't you even consult the dictionary?. SMH

Prayer simply means communication with God. It is asking or making a petition or request for help or assistance from God. It can also be just fellowship with God. Communication is a two way thing, if you ask or request from God, He too, responds to you.

However, it's erroneous to think or suggest that prayer is an alternative to taking action. In fact, a prayer of faith without works is dead, the bible clearly state that. Prayer should not and has not any way encouraged laziness. This should be corrected and not to say prayers don't work. That's satanic advice.

The problem with our generation today is that we continue to misbehave and sin, and then expect that we can still call or pray to God and He will answer. It doesn't work that way. God demand absolutely obedience from us. So if prayer is not working, the one or the persons making the prayer, must do self check on God's terms, with God's yardstick of evaluation, not yours or your pastor's. This is what the bible said with regards to prayers not being answered.

Isaiah 59:1 Behold, the LORD's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear:

59:2 But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear.

59:3 For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness.

59:4 None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity.

Are the above happening in our society today?. Yes!

Calling for prayer in the time of need is not bad, neither is it something new. The challenge is, calling for prayer without due and sincere repentance when that is absolutely necessary, will amount to nothing!.

Prayers work, and that's why I laugh at people who say don't pray, or prayer doesn't work. That you haven't experienced it doesn't make it ineffective. let me tell you just one of my own many experiences about the effectiveness of prayer. I should have been using glasses now because I had an eye problem shortly before sitting for my WAEC exams, but one day in 2006, at 10pm one night, no pastor, no bishop and I didn't even fast nor did I pray for an hour, just simple request about my eyes that I made to God, the next thing, I felt a hot liquid (not physical) flowing down from my head down to my eyes, after that minute, I could use my eyes, I could see clearly without glasses, from 2006 till now!. And that's just one of many. Anybody can pray to God and get answers, you mustn't even go to see any GO or bishop, God is there for you, except your faith is small or you don't believe in Him. He is your Father for crying out loud!. Don't you request something from your Father?, don't you communicate with your Father?. Prayer is not only demanding, you can worship God in prayers as well.

Now, anybody campaigning against prayer is directly an employee of the devil whether he/she knows it or not, that's why we must be careful what we say. The devil will give anything to ensure that our communication with God does not continue, so you can't get help when he attacks you or your defense is weakened at such moments. No child of God should ever believe the lie that prayers don't work. True, in some cases the answers might be delayed for your own good or for the glory of God, but there will always be an answer. And the answer will not always be yes! Take note. Sometimes the answer will be no.

Prayers work! God still answers prayers.

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Re: Why You Should Never Pray by damola1: 8:27am On Jul 02, 2018
There is something about prayer, or better put, begging, that shows your level of spirituality.

There is something about decreeing or sending forth your word that shows how high up you are up there.

The state of the mind needs to be in constant touch with source energy. This energy is not something you pray into you, it is already within you. It is who you are. From personal experience, it is when you begin to lose touch with this energy that you experience depression and anger in forms that feel even alien to you.

For sometime now, I struggled with fear and doubt.
It then occurred to me that I have been depending too much on some being out there to bring my desire to pass. So I began again to unlearn, and unslip myself out of religion. Religion inspires fear. It is not for me anymore.

Now I know that all I need to be is at rest. Real rest. There is nothing I worry of, or conceive, no need or desire that hasn't been amply taken care of. It is all taken care of, it is all given to me.

What I am more concerned about now is how to unearth more pure energies of light and love, and channel it through my body into this world. Even then, I should not worry about that. As I go on in life, I fulfil my truest, realest nature in every experience(s) of my journey.

You mentioned binding declarations. How do you do that? Please explain. Thank you smiley

Thats the real issue.


Re: Why You Should Never Pray by Nobody: 12:21pm On Jul 02, 2018
Very timely.

This message was written for me.
I feel so weak to type longer texts now, it's already 6am and I haven't batted an eyelid. I hope to return when I am fully rested to describe my experience on praying and fear.

Alhaja MyColi - Iyawo mii, how's my baby doing? kiss

Ifenes - One of the greatest minds I respect on NL. Always on point. A time will come (maybe around year 2032) that anyone who shouts Halleluyah or Allahu Akubar will be shot in the head. grin cheesy grin

Coming to terms with the reality that everything you've been taught from your childhood about religion are lies - will be the trigger. A lot of people will commit suicide. grin


Re: Why You Should Never Pray by Willzz(m): 8:44pm On Jul 03, 2018
You look up because you want to be exalted and I look down because I'm exalted

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Re: Why You Should Never Pray by lawani: 9:46am On Jul 30, 2022
Your submission is intelligent but prayer has always been with us. Not the Christian or Muslim type though. You pray to seek clarity before an Ifa divination. You also pray when you are helpless and at other times, you take charge.
Re: Why You Should Never Pray by MizMyColi(f): 3:26am On May 29, 2023
There is something about prayer, or better put, begging, that shows your level of spirituality.

There is something about decreeing or sending forth your word that shows how high up you are up there.

The state of the mind needs to be in constant touch with source energy. This energy is not something you pray into you, it is already within you. It is who you are. From personal experience, it is when you begin to lose touch with this energy that you experience depression and anger in forms that feel even alien to you.

For sometime now, I struggled with fear and doubt.
It then occurred to me that I have been depending too much on some being out there to bring my desire to pass. So I began again to unlearn, and unslip myself out of religion. Religion inspires fear. It is not for me anymore.

Now I know that all I need to be is at rest. Real rest. There is nothing I worry of, or conceive, no need or desire that hasn't been amply taken care of. It is all taken care of, it is all given to me.

What I am more concerned about now is how to unearth more pure energies of light and love, and channel it through my body into this world. Even then, I should not worry about that. As I go on in life, I fulfil my truest, realest nature in every experience(s) of my journey.

You mentioned binding declarations. How do you do that? Please explain. Thank you smiley

To the person that liked this post today.
Thank you.
I am grateful.

It is timely.

1 Like

Re: Why You Should Never Pray by Kobojunkie: 3:32am On May 29, 2023
■ To the person that liked this post today. Thank you. I am grateful. It is timely.
But the post does not in fact indicate the truth of God as none of what is claimed particularly regarding prayer aligns with the Truth as decreed by God Himself. undecided

You see, Scripture states that God does not answer the prayers of the unrighteous; the pleas and requests and every petition, praise, offering, work, plea, sacrifice, etc., of the unrighteous are tainted by their sins(disobedience/unholiness) and are hence an abomination to God. So, what is definite is that even your many pleas for the forgiveness of sins are not answered by God given that God made no special exemptions for that kind of plea. No amount of praying can cause God to change His mind regarding that which concerns the unrighteous by the way. So if you are thinking of prescribing more prayers that only means you really don't understand or know God at all. undecided

God, however, openly bragged about how He only answers the prayers of the righteous; He delights in granting them the desires of their heart meaning that they are those who he loves. For this very reason, Jesus Christ urged His followers to seek first the Kingdom of God and God's Righteousness in order that all things— the blessings and rewards of the Kingdom of God(holiness), answers to prayers included—shall be added on to them. And as Jesus Christ explained in His Gospel, the only way to become Holy, and then also Righteous, is by way of continuous submission and obedience to the teachings and commandments of Jesus Christ, god's Truth and Law in the Kingdom of god - John 8 vs 31 - 36 & John 14 vs 15 - 23. Jesus Christ is the only way. Obedience to the Truth of God is the one and only path to righteousness. No amount of praying and other religious rituals can accomplish that. undecided

God deals indirectly with the unrighteous, the same way He deals with the unbelievers including the wicked and the ungrateful and that is by pouring out His mercy and kindness on them daily. So every time as an unrighteous you feel that God has answered your prayer know that at that same moment, or moments before that, God also provided the same mercy or similar to someone else across the world — or maybe just across from you— who does not even believe in God, nor asked God for anything. So, if answers from God are what you seek, then do what Jesus Christ said you should, which is to seek first the Kingdom of God(holiness), and then God's righteousness, in order that all these things —the blessings and rewards of the Kingdom of God(including answers to prayers) can be added to you. undecided

So, aren't you better off dumping out the lies entirely so you can finally grasp the Truth of God and eventually begin to benefit in Truth from it? undecided
Re: Why You Should Never Pray by MizMyColi(f): 3:33am On May 29, 2023

Understand that you are Gods. Rather than prey, make AFFIRMATIONS. MAKE THE ENERGY WORK FOR YOU! Stop bowing to gods/ spirits you do not know. You are like a radio that has the ability to pick up radio station based on the frequency you tune to. Worshiping, praising, Prey-ing is selling your soul to someone else. Be wise !

It's how this post makes more sense in in 2023 than it did five years ago. I'm also reminded how it was a journey of spiritual awakening for many of us that period.

I hope we are all good. Sending love and light your ways🙂

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Re: Why You Should Never Pray by MizMyColi(f): 3:35am On May 29, 2023

Thank you for your input.

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