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What Would Jesus Do In This Case? - Religion (5) - Nairaland

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Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by nihilistjnr: 7:02pm On Jul 08, 2018

Losers like me dont get girls who have spent their ages from 16 smoking weed and shisha, slept with different men. Be whooped by one of them and couldnt have the mind to share what she did.

No, men like me deserve better. Not women who have gaggled on those dics and have that mouth kiss my own son. Or breastfeed my child on the breasts that some men may have cummed on. Sent all manner of nude pics to them boys that in her mind now sees it fit not to date or marry. Especially since i havent done same to any female in my life.

Why has thou now want to crucify me for demanding what is just, right and fair before God and man?

World people what have i done not to deserve a virgin?!!!!! cry cry cry cry

Nooo, i will be that loser that deserves a virgin. I hope you married your wife a virgin tho smiley smiley

Look at this liar talking about getting virgins cheesy


The second lie you told was calling yourself a man...
The third is the lie that you deserve better...

The only thing you deserve is scorn mate. You deserve to be hung up from a tree in a public square and spat at on a daily basis. Sadly it's illegal to do that, so I need to do the next best thing...

kill yourself mate.

Do it now

1 Like

Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by Nobody: 7:04pm On Jul 08, 2018

Are you talking about this post? grin grin grin

Good God how idiotic are you? cheesy

Less idiotic than you who cheats on his wife.

And umm the guy who posted that screenshots have guts to use your real moniker now.

Stop being weak. Use your real moniker and come at me.
Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by nihilistjnr: 7:04pm On Jul 08, 2018
nihilistjnr he posted this once i think its his real name

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Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by digz: 7:05pm On Jul 08, 2018
bwuahahahahaaaaa cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy
Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by nihilistjnr: 7:06pm On Jul 08, 2018
My nigga even got rejected to study in Canada? grin

What kind of Life are you living Blackfyre?

Taking Ls online and taking Ls in real life

What a goddam Loser


Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by Nobody: 7:07pm On Jul 08, 2018

Look at this liar talking about getting virgins cheesy


The second lie you told was calling yourself a man...
The third is the lie that you deserve better...

The only thing you deserve is scorn mate. You deserve to be hung up from a tree in a public square and spat at on a daily basis. Sadly it's illegal to do that, so I need to do the next best thing...

kill yourself mate.

Do it now

Dumb ass! grin grin

I posted that because I was concerned from where she left off plus about a foretelling that i think is meant for her. Go meet her so she will inform you better.

Why the flying fucck will i want saff as a bride? God doesn't match couples that way.

I already told saff tho.
Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by nihilistjnr: 7:09pm On Jul 08, 2018
anyone no this guy in real life? cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy

There's a few of these guys on facebook. Blakfyre, can you please provide some additional information so I can locate your miserable ass on facebook?
Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by nihilistjnr: 7:11pm On Jul 08, 2018

Dumb ass! grin grin

I posted that because I was concerned from where she left off plus about a foretelling that i think is meant for her. Go meet her so she will inform you better.

Why the flying fucck will i want saff as a bride? God doesn't match couples that way.

I already told saff tho.

A foretelling?

As in like a vision ?

You...saw a vision....of a Nairalander and her intimacy gadgets? grin grin grin

You see your overative imagination has betrayed you again.....

The next thing we see you typing is....

kpa kpa kpa


1 Like

Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by Saff(f): 7:12pm On Jul 08, 2018

Saf never told me to leave her alone. If she did, she shoupd bring the screenshot out. Last she did, was opined if i was dead.

I have told you to leave me alone countless of times. I rarely responded to your emails anyway, only did when you had the drama with ibk. I rarely respond to the hundreds of mentions you give to me on NL. Going through your posts 90 percent are directed at me. I genuinely think you’re a weirdo, I don’t want your wahala.


Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by Vorfool: 7:12pm On Jul 08, 2018
nihilistjr i think mr abimbola is frm lagos

shocked shocked cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy cheesy

Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by Nobody: 7:13pm On Jul 08, 2018

There's a few of these guys on facebook. can you please provide some additional information so I can locate your miserable ass on facebook?

Go and ask them na. Why are you waiting for me to help you out.
Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by Nobody: 7:14pm On Jul 08, 2018
I have told you to leave me alone countless of times. I rarely responded to your emails anyway, only did when you had the drama with ibk. I rarely respond to the hundreds of mentions you give to me on NL. Going through your posts 90 percent are directed at me. I genuinely think you’re a weirdo, I don’t want your wahala.

Stop lying.

What does "bye for now" means?

Plus why didn't you answer me concerning the death part?
Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by nihilistjnr: 7:16pm On Jul 08, 2018

Go and ask them na. Why are you waiting for me to help you out.

You said you would beat me when you saw me. I just want to talk to you offline so we can arrange a venue

So what's your facebook name Tosin?
Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by Nobody: 7:16pm On Jul 08, 2018

A foretelling?

As in like a vision ?

You...saw a vision....of a Nairalander and her intimacy gadgets? grin grin grin

You see your overative imagination has betrayed you again.....

The next thing we see you typing is....

kpa kpa kpa



Ask her, she will explain it to you.
Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by Saff(f): 7:17pm On Jul 08, 2018

Stop lying.

What does "bye for now" means?

Plus why didn't you answer me concerning the death part?
fucckk off you loser. You Idiot! not in the mood today for your stupid manipulative shenanigans. Because I will blast you.
Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by Nobody: 7:18pm On Jul 08, 2018

You said you would beat me when you saw me. I just want to talk to you offline so we can arrange a venue

So what's your facebook name Tosin?

Fools trick.

Na me this one want take dey play. cheesy
Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by chic2pimp(m): 7:20pm On Jul 08, 2018

No it wasnt from a diary. It was recently. Dont lie. You travelled to an eastern european country and posted a shot of your dick in a white female's mouth. Amongst other pictures as well.

That wasn't Him though. It was one of His brethrens. I know this because the post in question was personally addressed to yours truly.
Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by Nobody: 7:21pm On Jul 08, 2018
fucckk off you loser. You Idiot! not in the mood today for your stupid manipulative shenanigans. Because I will blast you.

Okay I understand. Think you must have thought i was the one the entire time.

Which is really funny.
Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by digz: 7:23pm On Jul 08, 2018
Mr Chics aka chic2pimp... cheesy cheesy cheesy
Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by Nobody: 7:24pm On Jul 08, 2018

That wasn't Him though. It was one of His brethrens. I know this because the post in question was personally addressed to yours truly.

Stop lying bro. I saw it all.

Which kind of lie is this. You trying to back him up because its your "bro code" i guess.

I saw it all bro and read it all. You were even planning to stage the next trip with him but he said he was planning on spending time more with his family.

He went off on a business trip. Stop lying abeg!
Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by Nobody: 7:27pm On Jul 08, 2018



Do you want me to post a screenshot of where she asked me to find out if she was the one? Where she demanded for the name of the said guy?

Where she asked if it was me?

Where she saw my picture to prove to her i am not the one?

Yet claims she never took me serious. But i leave her be.

At one point she asked if i was the one and i told her i am not the one.

Why will you allow a chat go that far if you werent interested?

On top of that, took time to engage someone else over the matter. You didnt know it was serious yet you created a curiouscat account simply because i asked why you dont have one?

Yet claim didnt take him serious. But i understand why tho.
Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by nihilistjnr: 7:28pm On Jul 08, 2018

Stop lying bro. I saw it all.

Which kind of lie is this. You trying to back him up because its your "bro code" i guess.

I saw it all bro and read it all. You were even planning to stage the next trip with him but he said he was planning on spending time more with his family.

He went off on a business trip. Stop lying abeg!

chic2pimp abeg leave this madman o.

I'm happy to engage him, but you don't need this loser on your conscience
Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by nihilistjnr: 7:30pm On Jul 08, 2018

Do you want me to post a screenshot of where she asked me to find out if she was the one? Where she demanded for the name of the said guy?

Where she asked if it was me?

Where she saw my picture to prove to her i am not the one?

Yet claims she never took me serious. But i leave her be.

At one point she asked if i was the one and i told her i am not the one.

Why will you allow a chat go that far if you werent interested?

btw razorblade or rusty knife bruh?
Re: What Would Jesus Do In This Case? by nihilistjnr: 7:32pm On Jul 08, 2018
i knew this rascal was super effeminate

All the profiles i can see matching that name on facebook are female.

Abi I've been essing with one particularly strongheaded female with jambody tendencies all along?

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