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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? (31675 Views)
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Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by dometome: 11:01pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:I asked you a simple question, if you cannot answer it then say so, or yoh just Shut your big mouth up! |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by lexy2014: 11:09pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
hopefulLandlord:if i get d people who can corroborate d story, do I bring them 2u? |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by Hairyrapunzel: 11:11pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
dometome:Shut your big lying mouth up. You me to justify your non biblical doctrines. Disgusting attitude. You can't fool sensible people with your Catholic Hutus killing Catholic tutsis. Do you know the number of tutsis Catholic Hutu priest hid from violent hutus? I guess watchtower forgets that part of history. Google Rwandan genocide. Don't read watchtower cooked up lies so as to favor their non biblical doctrines of not joining military. Liar. 1 Like |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by dometome: 11:14pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:I did not even read the rubbish you typed there. All I want to do is answer my question (I asked first) or STFU! and fvck off! You think I am afraid of you? Common Get way you! |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by Hairyrapunzel: 11:14pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
dometome: You asked a simple question from a lie you made up in your head. Propagandist. Where did anybody leave the military because he accepted Christ in the Bible? You cannot answer the one in the Bible yet you are forcing people to answer the question you made up from a terrible lie coined by watchtower. Propagandist. 1 Like |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by Hairyrapunzel: 11:16pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
dometome:You want people to answer question from a lie you made up about a real life event. That's lying and being deceitful just to justify your non biblical doctrines. 1 Like |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by Hairyrapunzel: 11:19pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
dometome: You wanna tell lies about Rwandan genocide to justify your non biblical doctrines. Lol E pain you well well. I understand that you are hurt that somebody has seen the lie you made up. Thanks to watchtower. Always formulating questions from lies so as to justify their beliefs that are never seen in the Bible 1 Like |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by Hairyrapunzel: 11:21pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
dometome: When you start asking true questions from real life events then we will take you serious. You want to peddle falsehood. Liar liar 1 Like |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by dometome: 11:25pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:Hahahahahahahahahahahhahahh Hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahaha! The question I asked is simple, where is the love? How hard can that be? That it wasn't recorded in the scriptures doesn't mean it did not happen. Cornelius would certainly have become a member of the Senate if he continued as a soldier in the army, when he retires, but he did not become a senator, which means that he must have resigned, his Christlike life will not permit him to go to war and he can no longer be paid by the Roman government if he doesn't carry out his duties, is he tge only one? No! Even Theophilus (though he wasn't a soldier but a high ranking official that he was addressed as his Excellency by Apostle Paul). Use your head! |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by dometome: 11:26pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:STFU usless slanderer. Get out! |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by nenergy(m): 11:28pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
Waffarianman:Woah! Bros, how did you do it? You were formerly JW or you married her as a non-JW? Very good and close lady turned me down coz I'm not a JW. |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by dometome: 11:31pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:Mumu! Hutu Catholics killed innocent Tutsi Catholics even inside Churches where they sought refuge, German Catholics Killed French Catholics, Killed Polish Catholics, killed American Catholics and Vice versa. No JW has soiled his hands with the blood of his fellow man, and you say you are Christians, there is no difference between Catholism and Islam. They are one and same. 1 Like |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by Hairyrapunzel: 11:34pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
dometome:You even have to lie and formulate things so as to cover up the fact that there was no record of anyone leaving the army because he accepted Christ. Who told you Christians where pacifists? Where in the Bible did they tell you that being a high ranking official in the the roman army will give you an edge over others in joining the senate (politics)? In other words, according to your non biblical assumption, Cornelius must have jumped from being a high ranking official in the roman army to becoming a senator after he received Christ? Don't forget your jehovah hates joining military and joining politics How did you know Cornelius did not get to that extent? From Cornelius you jumped to Hitler Nazi Germany. You see how you guys run away from issues and change topic? Thank God Bible was silent on the military issue. 1 Like |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by Hairyrapunzel: 11:41pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
dometome: *Yawns* show us evidence. Don't come here and give us watchtower publication o. Jws has killed jws via blood transfusion ban. Now you guys are even. OK then Hutu Catholics happily killed Tutsi Catholics even inside their church German Catholics killed French Catholics Jw killed jws via blood transfusion ban. Why are you shouting. Your jehovah that you say is coming to kill 8 billion humans because they didn't join watchtower nko? Have you forgotten? You all are thesame thing. They kill you also kill and you are waiting for your jehovah to come commit the greatest genocide known to man. What's now the difference? You are just like any other murderous group. 1 Like |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by dometome: 11:42pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:You must be really dumb! The Bible is not a work of fiction, a lot of things in the Bible are in line with historical records, But is the Bible a history textbook? No! so it cannot record ALL that happened during the Roman empire. There are rules and regulations that guided daily life of everyone in the empire, From the emperor to the common slaves, will it all be written in the Bible, No! What I am telling you is a historical fact. I did not Jump from Cornelius to Nazi, it is your brain that lacks the ability to read and comprehend. It is your like that information goes in through one ear and goes out through the other. Go and read that post again and again. 2 Likes |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by dometome: 11:43pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel: |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by Hairyrapunzel: 11:43pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
dometome: Peddler of lies. The way you love slandering Catholics. You can't stand when people come at you but you always attack Catholics. Lol 1 Like |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by dometome: 11:46pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:Google is your friend. In fact go and look for the movie called Some times in April. I haven't seen Hotel Rwanda, so I can't tell for that one, but I am sure if Sometimes in April. Use Google, it is your friend. Catholicism = Islam, Period! |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by Hairyrapunzel: 11:48pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
dometome:See someone that is bright giving reasons for his non biblical doctrines because of hearsay. Is it written in the Bible? NO According to your imaginary tale Cornelius can Become a politician after being an army officer because he accepted Christ. Yet your jehovah has told you guys through your leaders that he hates anybody joining military and politics. It has to be written in the Bible for you to follow it. You just admitted your beliefs are from secular story tellers and not the Bible. 1 Like |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by dometome: 11:50pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:Who did the Crusades, JW? Hahahahaha! Who blessed the Nazi weaponry, Jw? Which church did the bulk of the killing during the genocide in Rwanda? JW? Hahahahahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahaha. JW did not soil their hands in the senseless massacres in the name of army, You guys did! Catholicism = Islam |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by dometome: 11:53pm On Jul 29, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:You cannot be Christian and be a politician at the same time, You are advocating for God's Kingdom and advocating for Human kingdom at the same time. You must find one and stick with it, because you cannot serve two masters at a time. |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by dometome: 12:06am On Jul 30, 2018 |
Hairyrapunzel:In the case of Blood transfusion, Why is that doctors don't want it used on themselves? Why is it that the US military is now concentrating on using bloodless medicines on the battle field, to treat wounded soldiers, blood transfusion is and can never be the solution. The Bible says christians must abstain from blood and things sacrificed to idols. And stop worshipping mary
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by Themandator: 12:08am On Jul 30, 2018 |
dometome: You stretch the scripture to cover human doctrine,somebody cared to confront you now you have gone historical. Just say your church idea of not joining the army is their doctrine with no scriptural support and be be done. Why did you have to bring Cornelius to justify your human doctrine 1 Like |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by Hairyrapunzel: 12:14am On Jul 30, 2018 |
dometome:Cornelius was not a Christian. Buhaha. Lol. See how you are moving goalposts? When your beliefs are not biblically backed this is what happens. Why can't you speak and advocate for human kingdom? Is God against speaking and advocating for humanity? This your jehovah has so many rules he didn't talk about in the Bible. David and Solomon you guys want to be like were human leaders. So serving two masters is now speaking and advocating for God's kingdom and human kingdom? David and Solomon served two masters. Where did God say speaking and advocating for human kingdom is not advocating and speaking for God's kingdom? 1 Like |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by Hairyrapunzel: 12:16am On Jul 30, 2018 |
Themandator: The thing tire person. He brought Cornelius in to justify a speculation made by worldly historians about high ranking roman army officials so as to back up his non biblical doctrines. I just dey laff 2 Likes |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by Hairyrapunzel: 12:27am On Jul 30, 2018 |
dometome: Buhaha. It's like you are reading watchtower magazine as your medical textbook. Quote the medical journal that said doctors don't want blood transfusion? Show me the source where us soldiers no longer use blood transfusion? Your claims are all lies till you quote source and it must be from a reputable medical journal. What concerns watchtower with military medical procedure? Come and tell me where they said the us army used bloodless surgery/medicine to treat very severe anemia? Watchtower will lie about situations to propagate their killer doctrines. Your organization kills people. War criminals kill people. They both use different mechanisms Watchtower denies that people ever die from refusing blood transfusion even though they put small children who died because they refused blood transfusion in 1994 awake. War criminals deny ever killing people even with evidence everywhere. Killer organization 2 Likes |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by Hairyrapunzel: 12:31am On Jul 30, 2018 |
dometome:Your blood transfusion ban that has killed millions of jws nko? Are you guys not still killing your members? Everyone has killed including your organization. You guys are just like the rest 2 Likes |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by Hairyrapunzel: 12:34am On Jul 30, 2018 |
dometome: See someone that can't check internet telling me to check internet. If I didn't check internet I wouldn't have been able to point out your lies. Rumor monger, peddler of falsehood and staunch liar 1 Like |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by allaboutobed(m): 3:36am On Jul 30, 2018 |
Op thank u. It's called Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses. Not church. |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by allaboutobed(m): 3:38am On Jul 30, 2018 |
TLisieux:Simply through voluntary contribution. |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by Jsabigi: 6:39am On Jul 30, 2018 |
Nobody force u pay tithes and offering. Its cos u no want pay na why if then talk about it, it the provok you. They are under obligation to teach, and by teacher; its much more than just preaching it. 1 Like |
Re: Can Pentecostal Churches Make Offerings Optional Like Jehovah's Witnesses? by phemmyfour: 6:45am On Jul 30, 2018 |
nairavsdollars:Mumu, offering has always been optional be it Pentecostal, Methodist, Anglican, Catholic etc 1 Like |
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