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Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? - Romance (2) - Nairaland

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Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by Biglittlelois(f): 9:46pm On Sep 02, 2018

An open socket will always attract a waiting plug.

Are the girls responsible? If they are, the fvck boys have no other option than to look elsewhere.

Wrong!!! opposites attracts, it's now left for either one of them to be influenced or walk away.

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Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by majekoam(m): 10:05pm On Sep 02, 2018
Cause most guys are pricks, so we would rather stay single than die of heartbreak

Correction. Most of the guys you've met or been around with are pricks.

Also of all the women that have commented about men. Have you met all of Us... Those comments are wildly ignorant.

The tables can be turned...alot of men have plenty of stories of being messed over by women so lets not be partisan and hypocritical.

The fact is that most ladies would prefer a well to do guy. The problem is that SOME of those well to do guys prey on it and take advantage....

Then Ladies you have a choice... Take a risk and suffer with a guy that might not be all set but is going places (Usually the nice guy or the quiet ones who are either overlooked and exploited) and is more likely to end well (but not all the time)... or continue to "Enjoy" with "Bad guys", who are Fresh, Paid, will most likely be using you and then dump you (The writing is on the wall - He is a "Bad Guy"wink and then you come on every social media platform to then call the male gender a bunch of P-nis led demons...

....Oh and if your thoughts are Id rather go with the bad guy because he has money....then I dont have any sympathy for you.

One last point....there are maaaany women who are in great relationships and marriages...they just are afraid of letting the world know because they know there are many low-life women that would be willing to snatch their boyfriends/husbands if they could.

Essay over.
Peace y'all.

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Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by coolzeal(m): 10:11pm On Sep 02, 2018
The situation is alarming but I believe our ladies are not ready to take what belongs to them. So many of our young ladies are going higher with their shoulders without considering men who can possibly marry them.

However, Some are picky. You can’t blame them because they are constantly impacted with movies and TV shows, the kind of guy that they want is the kind of guy in the media.

The economy is hard for most eligible young men who are interested in getting married while, some are still playing or counting scores.

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Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by afroxyz: 10:26pm On Sep 02, 2018

Many are single because the average Nigerian Bred male is a misogynist, a cheat, a scammer, a rapist and a pedophile. No woman in her sane mind will want to spend the rest of her life with such kind of individuals. It is unhealthy to raise a family with such kind of human beings who have questionable character and depraved minds.

Besides, the entire world knows that the average Nigerian bred male treats his wife like a slave. Now why would anyone with a functioning brain willingly go into slavery? Today, children can be gotten without being married. Most women want children, not misogynist husbands that will oppress, abuse and enslave them. Life is too short for that!

Please if your mom, sister or your aunties have suffred from domestic violence or failed marriages, don't generalize on everyone. Stop exposing your ignorance.

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Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by samguru(m): 10:38pm On Sep 02, 2018
Alot of factors are contributing to these

1. The rate at which our ladies are not submissive to their husbands is alarming as a result, the violent and immature guys will resolve to beating their wives to demand submissiveness.

2. Men who have attained marriageable ages are scared of getting married as the rate at which wives are killing their husbands is disturbing.

3.women have failed to realise that their divine purpose on Earth is to completement men and not to compete with men,but nowadays our women will want to hijack the control of family from their husbands and render their husbands useless and we all know men have this natural ego of being domineering in their homes.

4. Westernization has reconfigured the thinking of our women and made them to believe divorce is normal even when resolvable and petty disagreements happen the next thing our women's minds is divorce.

All these and more are the reasons our ladies are single and some of them think they are happy being single but I can bet with my life that no man or woman who has tasted sex can hold body for six months or more. If you know this why not resolve whatever issue you have with your husband/wife and keep living together happily.

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Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by Kudducini(m): 10:49pm On Sep 02, 2018
Here is one reason

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Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by bigpicture001: 11:13pm On Sep 02, 2018
Because most mature and responsible men are jobless.


Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by Robynwelo1(f): 11:46pm On Sep 02, 2018
It's fun. Hahaha

I love the comments I have seen so far. More and more women are beginning to realize that marriage is not a do or die affair, it's a choice. Knowing this, there would be more respect in relationships, especially coming from the men, as time goes on.


Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by Kudducini(m): 11:54pm On Sep 02, 2018
how can you conclude like that
Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by Nobody: 12:03am On Sep 03, 2018

And the average Nigerian woman is holy and acceptable in all good things abi?

please give valid points not points that come from hatred because of what some men did to you or women around you

It would surprise you to know that men whom you described as such aren't single. In fact many have numerous girlfriends and sidechicks due to their wealth and influence.

look at dino melaye for example. He is loud ,uncoth and brash. His last two marriages ended based on domestic violence allegations

But do you think with the money and influence he has he goes to bed at night hugging his pillow?
the answer is no. He can get as many women and even beautiful ones if he wishes.

or have you seen femi fani kayode , he is also an uncoth wife beater .

you would be surprised how these runs babes and even independent working class women practically scheme and beg millionaires and billionaires to spend some time with them. You think if he popped the question they wouldn't jump at it.

like the poster above said many rich ,independent women are single because there are many unemployed or underemployed men today

unlike before when 95 percent of work force in large organizations where men and farming was still lucrative.
Thanks for being honest and the one to point out that she's a misandrist. God bless you.


Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by cronsberg: 12:03am On Sep 03, 2018
Because believe it or not, numerically there are more women than men to the extend that if all men were to marry a woman each, there will still remain basically millions of women unable to find husband cuz all the men are taken. Plus the facts that men are likely to end up in prison, more men die than women, plus all the gay men etc. Polygamy offers a solution, but we are made to think its backwards and uncivilized. So here we are, with majority of new borns being females. Makes it look like as if we are really heading towards the prophecy that a dozen women will be chasing after one man because of male scarcity. Funny enough, with all that, women are still foaming hard to get and playing games, which interestingly also contributes to more women being single because men simply are refusing to chase after the hard to get women unlike before.

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Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by stacyadams: 12:09am On Sep 03, 2018
I'm begging for an answer, why are there too many single ladies these days. Just heard of a stunt where a sister ( rich and graduate, working class with car who had no husband ) pulled a game-play to unseat her uneducated sister from her husband, i'm left bewildered why, why are there too many single sisters out-there left unmarried. I need answers. I really do as it beats my understanding.
cos of the high rate of unemployment ,the economic melt down and 99.9% of the ladies are into olosho business..u can't keep a LovePeddler as a house wife.....still Dre

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Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by Kudducini(m): 12:15am On Sep 03, 2018
Because believe it or not, numerically there are more women than men to the extend that if all men were to marry a woman each, there will still remain basically millions of women unable to find husband cuz all the men are taken. Plus the facts that men are likely to end up in prison, more men die than women, plus all the gay men etc. Polygamy offers a solution, but we are made to think its backwards and uncivilized. So here we are, with majority of new borns being females. Makes it look like as if we are really heading towards the prophecy that a dozen women will be chasing after one man because of male scarcity. Funny enough, with all that, women are still foaming hard to get and playing games, which interestingly also contributes to more women being single because men simply are refusing to chase after the hard to get women unlike before.

No wonder Indians dey marry themselves
Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by Mruwa1(m): 12:17am On Sep 03, 2018
Cause most guys are pricks, so we would rather stay single than die of heartbreak
Most and not all ..relax there are still good guys maybe u r looking from wrong /different direction ..


Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by seedord247(m): 1:32am On Sep 03, 2018
Lmfaooo battle of sexes thread.

Make una continue.�

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Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by drizzle25(m): 1:38am On Sep 03, 2018
[quote author=victorian post=70847791]Most men are not ready to be responsible, that's why.

And women these days prefer to be single have kids, than settle with just any guy for marriage sakes. Gone are those days, a woman will be suffering and smiling.

More women are not ready to be treated as slaves in a marriage they spend their hard earned money on. The guy more or else doesn't contribute anything other than sex, collects her money and he will still be as controlling as fucvk! Some slaps here and there, feeling he should be able to make her scared of him.
Why would a man instill fear in his wife instead of respect from his wife
Most single ladies don't need such stress biko.

Personally, I can never marry a controlling, abusive, lazy man. [left][/left]I rather remain single and have kids instead. ./quote]

Watch what you wish for.

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Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by Indigenous(f): 2:41am On Sep 03, 2018
It's fun. Hahaha

I love the comments I have seen so far. More and more women are beginning to realize that marriage is not a do or die affair, it's a choice. Knowing this, there would be more respect in relationships, especially coming from the men, as time goes on.

Sorry for your life

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Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by drizzle25(m): 2:50am On Sep 03, 2018
1. Ladies generally marry up the socio- economic class. A Lady earning around 100- 120,000 monthly will fancy men earning above that pay grade. How many young men earn above 120,000 in the " Nigeria" of today?

2. Fear of the unknown by the eligible bachelors

3. The Nigerian economy.


Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by Nobody: 2:57am On Sep 03, 2018


Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by ecstasy357(m): 2:59am On Sep 03, 2018

Wrong!!! opposites attracts, it's now left for either one of them to be influenced or walk away.

Then why should all d blame go to the fvck boys when fvck girls have an equal hand in everything.


Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by Gerrard59(m): 5:47am On Sep 03, 2018
Because believe it or not, numerically there are more women than men to the extend that if all men were to marry a woman each, there will still remain basically millions of women unable to find husband cuz all the men are taken. y also contributes to more women being single because men simply are refusing to chase after the hard to get women unlike before.

There are more men than women globally and in Nigeria. So say the World Bank and United Nations. Why should anyone believe you?



@Topic: Yet again, another false attempt at statistics. Have you conducted a survey to support your claim: "Why are there too many single women these days?".

If I use my observations as a yardstick, I'll say there are more ladies getting married these days. Immediately they are done with studies, NYSC or even during their final year. During my university days, majority of my female colleagues were either married or pregnant or mothers or about to wed or in a relationship leading to marriage. But I cannot use the findings to claim that MANY WOMEN ARE GETTING MARRIED THESE DAYS as I've not conducted any survey to support my claim. You should learn to backup your claim with evidence.

As for women not being interested in marriage, well, this is not entirely true. The Nigerian society encourages such and I'll wager that most women nay their mothers are overly interested in marriage.


Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by chris31(m): 6:43am On Sep 03, 2018
One of the major reason is that Nigerian Ladies are devaluing their selves on daily basis
Almost all the girls are into runs this days tell me how can u marry such a girl as ur wife
Also most Nigerian girls lack home training bad character & cooking incompetence

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Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by Nobody: 7:39am On Sep 03, 2018
The question should be why are there too many single guys out there?
Cos I can swear with my balls that there are more single guys than there are single ladies. Most of them are in one abusive relationship or the other.
They prefer to be with the wrong guy that can fvck well and has little cash than to be with a perfect gettleman.

9ja girls I hail Una
I still de wait for the day weh Una go get sense


Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by Robynwelo1(f): 7:39am On Sep 03, 2018
Sorry for your life
Great! My life is just fine.

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Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by ayusco85(m): 8:09am On Sep 03, 2018
Cos there are more fvck boys than responsible men, it's not easy detecting which is which!!!

Absolutely spot on


Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by millionboi2: 8:19am On Sep 03, 2018
Like seriously

For church thy plenty

Just com dey twist waist4ur front


Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by jy2kbeyond(m): 8:19am On Sep 03, 2018
Less fantasy, more realistic....Then the Nigerian ladies can begin to get their mengrin grin grin

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Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by jtjohn(m): 8:21am On Sep 03, 2018
Because most mature and responsible men are jobless.

U said it all......Perfect answer to the question.


Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by akinszz: 8:21am On Sep 03, 2018

Is this excuse legit when many fathers and mothers of the previous generations got married before they had jobs and were not at the mercy of jobs
can u marry with no job in hand?


Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by thaoriginator: 8:22am On Sep 03, 2018

1. Farming

2. Freelance Writing

3. Own a provision shop

4. Uber

5. Egg Distributor

6. Barber

7. Keke Marwa Operator

8. Food produce Distributor

Any more excuses?
High-grade weed distributor
Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by Lordofthewest(m): 8:22am On Sep 03, 2018
Lmao...stay in your father's house and continue washing plate, running errands or better still look for a female partner the world is already a messed up place since all of you are claiming men are dogs like married women too don't sleep around.Chimamanda una mama sef dey her husband house.That work most of you refuse to do in your husbands house most of you gladly do it in your father's house dem go marry una finish thats when you remember feminism.
well written,, women of course r now wiser n can’t settle for trash all in the name of marriage.

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Re: Why Are There Too Many Single Ladies These Days? by TheAngry1: 8:23am On Sep 03, 2018
Chimamanda grin grin grin grin

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