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The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! - Religion (2) - Nairaland

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Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 4:58am On Oct 15, 2018

Jesus said:

"And I say also unto
thee, That thou art
Peter, and upon this
rock I will build my
church; and the
gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And
I will give unto
thee the keys of the
kingdom of heaven:
and whatsoever thou
shalt bind on earth
shall be bound in heaven: and
whatsoever thou
shalt loose on earth
shall be loosed in
heaven." Matt 16:18-19.(KJV).
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 6:57am On Oct 16, 2018

Jesus said:

"He answered and
said unto them, He that soweth the good
seed is the Son of
man; The field is the
world; the good seed
are the children of
the kingdom; but the
tares are the children
of the wicked one; The enemy that
sowed them is the
devil; the harvest is
the end of the world;
and the reapers are
the angels. As therefore the
tares are gathered
and burned in the
fire; so shall it be in
the end of this world. The Son of man
shall send forth his
angels, and they
shall gather out of
his kingdom all
things that offend, and them which do
iniquity; And shall cast them
into a furnace of fire:
there shall be wailing
and gnashing of
teeth. Then shall the
righteous shine forth
as the sun in the
kingdom of their
Father. Who hath
ears to hear, let him hear." Matt 13:37-43.(KJV).
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by CAPTIVATOR: 8:45am On Oct 16, 2018
Sound like you're already very familiar with the story, so even though i'd not completed it yet, what other proof do you need that's not already provided there? To first experience it yourself? For firstly, Jesus-not me-said that it was in a place called "Hell" the rich man lifted up his eyes. Secondly, he was in "Torment". Thirdly, he spoke to a true-life character of renown, Abraham-to prove that it wasn't fictional-and asked him to have mercy on him, and send Lazarus-another true-life character, who he very well knew during his time on earth to be a beggar-to dip "the tip of his finger in water" and "cool his tongue" to show the extent to which he was "tormented in this flame". And there's yet more in the remaining part but if you are not able to even put all these ones together and get "Hell Fire", then i'm sorry ma, i can't help you. For if Jesus himself by his own words, can't make you believe, then who am i?

How can a ghost have tongue ? Do spirit have flesh ?

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Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 11:33am On Oct 16, 2018

How can a ghost have tongue ? Do spirit have flesh ?
I'm sorry i would have easily answered your first question but your second came and contradicted the first. So decide if it's the spiritual tongue or the physical one (flesh), you want to know about and then get back to me on that.
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 8:16am On Oct 17, 2018

Jesus said:

"Again, the kingdom of heaven is like unto a net, that was cast into the sea, and gathered of every kind:

Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good into vessels, but cast the bad away.

So shall it be at the end of the world: the angels shall come forth, and sever the wicked from among the just,

And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth." Mt 13:49-50.(KJV)
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 9:01am On Oct 18, 2018

Jesus said:

"And when the king
came in to see the
guests, he saw there
a man which had not
on a wedding
garment: And he saith unto
him, Friend, how
camest thou in hither
not having a wedding
garment? And he
was speechless. Then said the king to
the servants, Bind
him hand and foot,
and take him away,
and cast him into outer darkness;
there shall be
weeping and
gnashing of teeth." Mt 22:11-13.(KJV).
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 6:27am On Oct 26, 2018

Jesus said:

"For unto everyone that hath shall be given, and he shall abundance: but from him that hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath. And cast ye the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth." Mt 25:29-30.(KJV).
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 5:18am On Oct 27, 2018

Jesus said:

"And any tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire." Matt 5:7-19.(KJV).
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 4:12am On Oct 28, 2018
So going by the words of Jesus, hell fire is very real! And the amount of time he made reference to it either directly or indirectly buttresses how important the message is to mankind. Therefore any one who claims to be a follower of Jesus ought to do likewise.
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 6:40pm On Oct 28, 2018

Jesus said:

"There was a certain
rich man, which was
clothed in purple and
fine linen, and fared
sumptuously every
day: And there was a
certain beggar
named Lazarus,
which was laid at his
gate, full of sores, And desiring to be
fed with the crumb
which fell from the
rich man's table:
moreover the dogs
came and licked his sores. And it came to pass,
that the beggar died,
and was carried by
the angels into
Abraham's bosom:
the rich man also died, and was
buried; And in hell he lift up
his eyes, being in
torments, and seeth
Abraham afar off,
and Lazarus in his
bosom. And he cried and
said, Father
Abraham, have
mercy on me, and
send Lazarus, that
he may dip the tip of his finger in water,
and cool my tongue;
for I am tormented in
this flame. But Abraham said,
Son, remember that
thou in thy lifetime
receivedst thy good
things, and likewise
Lazarus evil things: but now he is
comforted, and thou
art tormented.
And beside all this, between us is a great
gulf fixed: so that they which would pass
from hence to you cannot; neither
can they pass to us from thence.
Then he said, I pray thee therefore,
father, that thou wouldest send him
to my father's house: For I have five
brethren; that he may testify unto them, lest
they also come into this place of torment.
Abraham saith unto him, they have Moses
and the prophets; let them hear them.
And he said, Nay, father Abraham: but if one
went unto them from the dead, they will
And he said unto him, if they hear not Moses
and the prophets, neither will they be
persuaded, though one rose from the dead."
Luke 16:19-31.(KJV).
This is an ILLUSTRATION not a real story!
Firstly Jesus said "no man has been to heaven before" John 3:13 Therefore Abraham can't be in heaven before Jesus,so when exactly did the event happened?
Secondly there was no good deed or evil deed of either the Lazarus in question or the Rich man, so that we can say these were the good that led Lazarus to Abraham's bosom and the evil that led the other man to a place of torment.
Thirdly Lazarus was DESIRING to be fed by the crumbs that's falling from the rich man's table and at the same time he is kept at the gate, so was he taken inside or the crumbs were taken to him?
Again what is the significance of the "sour" mentioned and the "dog" that's licking it?
The rich man said "i have FIVE brothers" and Abraham said "they have Moses and the prophets with them" . What is the significance of all these because Moses died long ago?
Hmmmmmmmmmm well the illustration has a deeper meaning that's far beyond the grasp of unbelievers, Jesus was talking to the Pharisees so both His followers and the Pharisees understood the illustration! But if you wish to know it's meaning, we will interpret it for you. Everything mentioned has a meaning! It has nothing to do with the teaching of Hellfire!
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 9:03pm On Oct 28, 2018
This is an ILLUSTRATION not a real story!
I still maintain my position that your post about the obedience of the master Jesus was perfect, despite that your subsequent posts have not only fallen well short of the standard of that first one but also contradicted it. Tell me what's it about the message of hell fire that you guys so obssessively against it? Lets just assume that it's false, what evil would it do to the chances of people making heaven? Doesn't it bother you that you are on the same page with Satan and his agents? If you doubt, check earlier posts on this thread and you'll see that one of his agents very active on this section with blaspemies against God agrees with you. And it's not surprising because i've met with his master Satan several times in truth, and trust me he'd rather have me do what you're doing because he doesn't want word about this to get out. So if you like keep helping Satan spread his message but never expect me to join you in that!
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 5:39am On Oct 29, 2018
Aside the many references to Hell Fire, made by Jesus both literally and metaphorically, that proves beyond any reasonable doubt that there's indeed such a place which was prepared for the devil and his angels, which the wicked are eventually going to end up in if they do not repent and turn from their wicked ways, there were also other people in the Bible who made similar references to Hell. And that's what i'm going to be sharing next starting from John the baptist, the forerunner of Jesus.
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 7:29am On Oct 29, 2018
I still maintain my position that your post about the obedience of the master Jesus was perfect, despite that your subsequent posts have not only fallen well short of the standard of that first one but also contradicted it. Tell me what's it about the message of hell fire that you guys so obssessively against it? Lets just assume that it's false, what evil would it do to the chances of people making heaven?

Jesus is the Way (1) the truth (2) and the life(3).John 14:6
Nobody can get an inch close to the Almighty God except the person first acknowledge Jesus, accept all His teachings and makes sure he/she applies it in all that he/she does everyday! (Matthew 7:21-27)Satan is the liar and the Father of lie, and he is behind all the lies ever told or heard against the sovereign LORD JEHOVAH. John 8:44
JEHOVAH has no plans or arrangements for evil or evildoers because HE is holy (pure, clean) so whatever is coming to disturb HIS arrangement that one HE destroys that's all (not to be kept)
HIS judgement against evil and evildoers is total extermination because HE created everything, and HE is a happy God.1Timothy 1:11 Whatever makes HIS creatures suffer or experience pain and agony brings no glory neither honour to HIS holiness. Jeremiah 7:31
Adam and Eve are the first human sinners, HIS pronouncement is death not agony or torment in a place where they'll be crying always. Please that's totally against the first and predominant attribute of Jehovah "LOVE" 1John 4:8
You can never find anything like eternal torment in the Hebrew~Aramaic scriptures (Old Testament) but the translators included their beliefs during the translation of the Bible that's why you're seeing it in the Greek scriptures (New Testament)
I know it will be difficult for you to believe but that's the truth in black and white. Satan has been lying against HIS holiness from the beginning till now and we are HIS Witnesses,ever ready to help honesthearted persons know the truth about our God JEHOVAH! Isaiah 43:10-13
There is nothing like Love in the heart of those anticipating torment for others,they're purely pagans. God's son urged us as Christians to keep praying for them because they're going to die and dead they'll be forever when true believers are living in Paradise on earth forever! Psalms 37:9-11,29 compared with Matthew 5:5
Jesus is our Master,Lord and King. When He was with us in the flesh He taught US many things and said that illustrations will make the difference between us and Satan's agents disguising as Christians. Why? Because when Jesus said something it's ONLY His own followers that will be able to comprehend it's meaning whereas Satan's agents will become confused so they'll be taking the illustrations literally and won't be able to align it with God's arrangement from the beginning! Matthew 13:10,11 compared with Isaiah 6:9,10 & 54:17


Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 7:41am On Oct 29, 2018
I always wonder why people choose to exchange their creator's given brain for dangote cement..!!

To me religion is just created for conquest...the idea of hell fire is simply the creation of the europeans to further their idea of using their created religion for subjugation...!!

Common sense should tell folks that the concept of fire is only limited to this three dimensional world...!!
Where time and material don't exit fire can never exist there...the human soul can never be affected by fire in any way...it's like trying to burn a ghost which is practically impossible...So many are caged in religious dogma...!!

My advice is for folks to strife hard and develop the spirit to attain higher spirituality which has nothing to do with religion or the created character of Jesus....!!



Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 8:07am On Oct 29, 2018
Aside the many references to Hell Fire, made by Jesus both literally and metaphorically, that proves beyond any reasonable doubt that there's indeed such a place which was prepared for the devil and his angels, which the wicked are eventually going to end up in if they do not repent and turn from their wicked ways, there were also other people in the Bible who made similar references to Hell. And that's what i'm going to be sharing next starting from John the baptist, the forerunner of Jesus.
John never said Hellfire, what he said was Gehenna (a valley behind the walls of Jerusalem were refuse and other unwanted or condemned items are thrown,and that's the same place the dead bodies of condemned criminals are thrown they're not to be buried for remembrance)
Please try to make thorough research about this to get the facts from the encyclopedia and other references.
If you're certain that God is Love and HE created everything out of nothing, then i can't see any reason why you find it difficult to understand that such a person has nothing to gain in preserving the creatures that failed to live by HIS standards only to make them experience agony continuously and for all eternity!
We're Jehovah's Witnesses that name is from the divine and our work is to help honesthearted persons who wants to know the truth gain that knowledge that's needed for everlasting life. John 17:3
Those teachings are from Satan and his agents, you'll notice that they're always telling you that you're going to live in heaven,what are humans going to do there? They can't explain (Psalms 115:16) but with all their might they're striving for the material things on earth!
They're deceivers and wolves in sheep's clothing, all their heart is here not in the heavens that they're telling you to hope. Matthew 6:19-21
Jesus lives in heaven because that's where God created Him from the onset and He made a promise to the little group of Christians who are to be chosen as is corulers that He is going to prepare a place for them as in government house in heaven,they will be transformed into spirits, no marriage because they're no more living in flesh, they will become His corulers and that's where they'll be forever!
That arrangement is not for ancient faithful servants of God because it's only amongst those that Jesus has trained fully that God will select few (144,000) even John the baptist is not included because he never became a Christian talkless been born again and it's only the born again Christian that are going to heaven! Matthew 11:11
If you want to know more please feel free to approach US and we'll help you!
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 8:21am On Oct 29, 2018
I always wonder why people choose to exchange their creator's given brain for dangote cement..!!

To me religion is just created for conquest...the idea of hell fire is simply the creation of the europeans to further their idea of using their created religion for subjugation...!!

Common sense should tell folks that the concept of fire is only limited to this three dimensional world...!!
Where time and material don't exit fire can never exist there...the human soul can never be affected by fire in any way...it's like trying to burn a ghost which is practically impossible...So many are caged in religious dogma...!!

My advice is for folks to strife hard and develop the spirit to attain higher spirituality which has nothing to do with religion or the created character of Jesus....!!

You've tried my friend. But just try to look this time with care further into the matter because sentiment won't solve nothing. If Jesus is a fabricated figure with all that high intellect and powerful teaching that's far beyond the grasp of mortal man, i'll say that's the greatest miracle far greater than all the miracles ever recorded in anywhere! Please think for yourself, how easy it could be for humans like you and i to sit down and fabricate such lofty personality. Hmmmmmmmmmm my friend, there's no doubt that something supernatural is behind it! Just sit down and read what they "fabricated" as the teaching of a man like you and i,remember that you're not the only person having working brains so please don't feel biased this time but read Jesus' words with keen interest hoping to help others see reasons with you and believe that it was all a fabrication! wink wink wink
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 8:33am On Oct 29, 2018

Jesus is the Way (1) the truth (2) and the life(3).John 14:6
Nobody can get an inch close to the Almighty God except the person first acknowledge Jesus, accept all His teachings and makes sure he/she applies it in all that he/she does everyday! (Matthew 7:21-27)
The post following yours proves exactly my point. It's really dissapointing for me that i'd thought that you were different and truly observed those words you posted at first, but it's now obvious you're not much different from the usual way of saying it without keeping it. Upon all that Jesus did to put that beyond any reasonable doubt, you are still here disputing it. Yes you do some good but why can't you aspire to truly be perfect as the master was and not leave any room for the enemy to manoever. The difference is represented in lost souls. But i can see you've made your choice in this respect, while i've made mine, so i think it's best we avoid such areas of dispute so as not to burn bridges.
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 9:47am On Oct 29, 2018
The post following yours proves exactly my point. It's really dissapointing for me that i'd thought that you were different and truly observed those words you posted at first, but it's now obvious you're not much different from the usual way of saying it without keeping it. Upon all that Jesus did to put that beyond any reasonable doubt, you are still here disputing it. Yes you do some good but why can't you aspire to truly be perfect as the master was and not leave any room for the enemy to manoever. The difference is represented in lost souls. But i can see you've made your choice in this respect, while i've made mine, so i think it's best we avoid such areas of dispute so as not to burn bridges.
Please tell me what command that you know Jesus gave His followers to keep observing until He comes back that you feel i'm missing apart from the issue of making God's creation to suffer forever which i can't accept as true from the God of Love!
Well you've said it all that you're disappointed in hearing about wisdom where you least expected (amongst Jehovah's Witnesses) But i'll rather implore you to have a rethink because the Spirit of wisdom to speak intellectually,boldly and with conviction could only come from the God who sent Jesus the same person you claim to be following! Act 26:28 compared with Isaiah 54:17 God bless you!
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 5:39am On Oct 30, 2018

"And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore any tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire."-John the baptist
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 6:20am On Oct 30, 2018

"And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore any tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire."-John the baptist
Simplest illustration ever! Trees not bearing good fruits are cut and used as heaters in the �. Please just learn about the commands of Jesus Christ to His disciples and do what is beneficial for everlasting life. As for the hellfire doctrines, it was included by the Antichrist church popularly known as the Catholic Church to instill fear in people's minds and make them obey the Pope back then. But after many of them have discovered that it was a lie many of the Popes today are resigning from continuously lying to the people!
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 2:30pm On Oct 30, 2018
So that was John the baptist, who was the forerunner of Jesus, using a similar illustration as that of Jesus to describe what would happen to those humans who do not repent and turn from their wicked ways, that they thrown into hell fire!
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 2:43pm On Oct 30, 2018
You've tried my friend. But just try to look this time with care further into the matter because sentiment won't solve nothing. If Jesus is a fabricated figure with all that high intellect and powerful teaching that's far beyond the grasp of mortal man, i'll say that's the greatest miracle far greater than all the miracles ever recorded in anywhere! Please think for yourself, how easy it could be for humans like you and i to sit down and fabricate such lofty personality. Hmmmmmmmmmm my friend, there's no doubt that something supernatural is behind it! Just sit down and read what they "fabricated" as the teaching of a man like you and i,remember that you're not the only person having working brains so please don't feel biased this time but read Jesus' words with keen interest hoping to help others see reasons with you and believe that it was all a fabrication! wink wink wink

Just a simple question...What empherical evidence do you that pointing to the fact that these words are from the said Jesus?

Just because a white brought a book to you and tell you they are the word from Jesus and you swallowed it hook line and sinker..!

I still maintain its a created character to achieve a purpose and they have achieved that purpose to some extent..!!

I just sorry for we Africans especially the Blackman..!!

Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Aaronsrod: 4:34pm On Oct 30, 2018

I just sorry for we Africans especially the Blackman..!!


I we are sorry for you. You are bound for the torture of eternal fire!

The Bible tells us we shall see Him face to face and dwell with Him in perfect peace forever.

Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 4:50pm On Oct 30, 2018

I we are sorry for you. You are bound for the torture of eternal fire!

The Bible tells us we shall see Him face to face and dwell with Him in perfect peace forever.

Lol..you are bounding me to your imaginary hell and posting a painted image of some random what man...Is that your said Jesus..!!

I pity you..you need get your head checked...but then again I forgot your brain has been exchanged and you've got no single self thinking capacity...just a white man drone..!!



Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by theoriginalgood: 5:12pm On Oct 30, 2018
The fires of hell are definitely fact. See it this way:

We’re sure both good and bad exists. They are battling. Good is stronger than bad. Good will wipe away bad [b][/b]eventually. What happens to all the bad beings then? They will be burning away in hell for eternity once the battle is over.

Mark 10:18 of the Bible tells us that only God is truly good. This means all humans are bad. After all, all humans die while God lives forever. A good being should never be able to die.
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 8:24am On Oct 31, 2018

"Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire."-Jude the brother of James
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 8:41am On Oct 31, 2018

Just a simple question...What empherical evidence do you that pointing to the fact that these words are from the said Jesus?

Just because a white brought a book to you and tell you they are the word from Jesus and you swallowed it hook line and sinker..!

I still maintain its a created character to achieve a purpose and they have achieved that purpose to some extent..!!

I just sorry for we Africans especially the Blackman..!!

The white brought so many things to our forefathers and they welcomed it all because they realized that these white people are much more intelligent than they are! Today they're still bringing so many things to you and i and we're still going for it all, so saying It's from the white is no excuse Sir!
What we need to find out is "why are they more intelligent than blacks?" even the best brains found amongst blacks they are buying to their place to make use of such ones, God has chosen them to present HIS words and is it now time to say NO?
My friend, whoever knows better or smarter than the others even you and i as dumb as we could be is the one that we'll choose as the first employee to work for usundecided undecided God bless you!
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 8:06am On Nov 01, 2018
"I am the
Living One; I was dead, and
now look, I am alive for ever
and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades."
-John the brother of James, one of twelve apostles of Jesus.
Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 10:11pm On Nov 01, 2018
"I am the
Living One; I was dead, and
now look, I am alive for ever
and ever! And I hold the keys of death and Hades."
-John the brother of James, one of twelve apostles of Jesus.
Many people do console themselves with the thought that others will suffer in torment while they will be laughing at them, so they're not interested in doing the right thing just for the sake of goodness nor for God's love but for the fear of hellfire! Such individuals have NO love for God, they're just pagans scared of their gods of bullies that's forcing them to practice some forms of worship! True Christians have love for God and their neighbors, God is only destroying evildoers because HE has no place for EVIL to dwell in HIS settings from the beginning! Genesis 1:31 compared with Genesis 3:17-19

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Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 11:01pm On Nov 01, 2018
The white brought so many things to our forefathers and they welcomed it all because they realized that these white people are much more intelligent than they are! Today they're still bringing so many things to you and i and we're still going for it all, so saying It's from the white is no excuse Sir!
What we need to find out is "why are they more intelligent than blacks?" even the best brains found amongst blacks they are buying to their place to make use of such ones, God has chosen them to present HIS words and is it now time to say NO?
My friend, whoever knows better or smarter than the others even you and i as dumb as we could be is the one that we'll choose as the first employee to work for usundecided undecided God bless you!

I shake my head..!! Can't believe you choose to sell into perpetual mental slavery..!!
It's your choice though..!
Enjoy yourself.. cry


1 Like

Re: The Fire Of Hell: Fact Or Fiction? Conclusion: Fact! by Nobody: 11:08pm On Nov 01, 2018

I shake my head..!! Can't believe you choose to sell into perpetual mental slavery..!!
It's your choice though..!
Enjoy yourself.. cry

It's OK! You can try to change things or the hand of time if that's possible. What i know is that you and i will still rely on what those Oyinbo set as the pace. And God has chosen them as HIS workman to dispense divine wisdom on earth period! undecided undecided

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