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How to have a bright, smooth ,beautiful skin - Fashion - Nairaland

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How to have a bright, smooth ,beautiful skin by ModestGal(f): 8:52pm On Oct 26, 2018
This thread is dedicated on how we can look beautiful in a healthy way, healthy way here refers to looking beautiful without any side effect now or in the future.
Please if you also have passion for this, help me move this thread toward by joining us in our discussion.
Note** We will like to keep this thread as real as possible, no advertisement of any sort is allowed in here or you face mods ban when you try such.

If you want this thread to move forward kindly indicate below
Topics we will be discussing include;

Best body cream for your skin type
Importance of exfoliation for the skin
How to exfoliate properly
Facial expression and beauty
Best cream to use during different weathers
Skin types
Skin problems and solution
Skin lightening, toning and bleaching
Natural skin care
Acne treatment
Limiting aging effect
Body creams and lotions review
Looking good in dresses
Dress combination
Weight loss
Weight gain
Skin brightening
Atopic dermatitis
Natural plants and essential oils
Hair care
Natural hair
Relaxed hair
Dandruffs and other scalp and hair problems
Re: How to have a bright, smooth ,beautiful skin by ModestGal(f): 8:56pm On Oct 26, 2018
This thread is borne out of the fact that the op is a fashion enthusiasts, who has had some difficulties in the past as regards looking beautiful the healthy way and she wishes to help others as much as she can as regards this. The op also noticed that most of the thread like this on naira land has been killed with spam adverts, and thus wants something that is biased free
Re: How to have a bright, smooth ,beautiful skin by ModestGal(f): 9:07pm On Oct 26, 2018
This thread is dedicated on how we can look beautiful in a healthy way, healthy way here refers to looking beautiful without any side effect now or in the future.
Please if you also have passion for this, help me move this thread toward by joining us in our discussion.
Note** We will like to keep this thread as real as possible, no advertisement of any sort is allowed in here or you face mods ban when you try such.

If you want this thread to move forward kindly indicate below
Topics we will be discussing include;

Facial expression and beauty
Best cream to use during different weathers
Skin types
Skin problems and solution
Skin lightening, toning and bleaching
Natural skin care
Acne treatment
Limiting aging effect
Body creams and lotions review
Looking good in dresses
Dress combination
Weight loss
Weight gain
Skin brightening
Atopic dermatitis
Natural plants and essential oils
Hair care
Natural hair
Relaxed hair
Dandruffs and other scalp and hair problems
Re: How to have a bright, smooth ,beautiful skin by ModestGal(f): 9:08pm On Oct 26, 2018
[quote author=ModestGal post=72439463][/quote]
Re: How to have a bright, smooth ,beautiful skin by ModestGal(f): 11:39am On Oct 27, 2018
Facial expression and Beauty
A smiling face always look more beautiful than a non smiling face. So always try your best to avoid frowning your face all the time.
Re: How to have a bright, smooth ,beautiful skin by ModestGal(f): 6:58am On Oct 31, 2018
These creams will help brighten/lighten the skin. It is of importance to note that they do not contain chemicals that could further lead to skin damage.
They do not contain hydroquinone, mercury, nor steroid which can damage both the skin and the internal organs
1. Nivea natural fairness
2. Amaira Skin Lightening Serum
3. Zeta White
4. Meladerm
5. Revitol Skin Brightening Cream
6. Obagi Nu-Derm Clear FX Skin Lightening System

Re: How to have a bright, smooth ,beautiful skin by adahgold(m): 1:03pm On Nov 02, 2018
These creams will help brighten/lighten the skin. It is of importance to note that they do not contain chemicals that could further lead to skin damage.
They do not contain hydroquinone, mercury, nor steroid which can damage both the skin and the internal organs
1. Nivea natural fairness


Can you help me out finding the right cream to use cuz I'm tired of using different types of cream. I'm light in completion.
Re: How to have a bright, smooth ,beautiful skin by ModestGal(f): 1:48pm On Nov 02, 2018

Can you help me out finding the right cream to use cuz I'm tired of using different types of cream. I'm light in completion.
For me to fund out the best cream for you, you need to do the following
1. What exactly do you want the cream to do
2. What type of skin do you have(like,normal or combination, sensitive)
3. Are you currently battling any skin condition like psoriasis, acne,ezcema,or kapilaris , hyperpigmentation. This will make me recommend the right cream for you
Re: How to have a bright, smooth ,beautiful skin by adahgold(m): 12:47pm On Nov 03, 2018

For me to fund out the best cream for you, you need to do the following
1. What exactly do you want the cream to do
2. What type of skin do you have(like,normal or combination, sensitive)
3. Are you currently battling any skin condition like psoriasis, acne,ezcema,or kapilaris , hyperpigmentation. This will make me recommend the right cream for you

Do you have a number so I can reach out to u.
Re: How to have a bright, smooth ,beautiful skin by eoamodeling: 3:38pm On Nov 03, 2018
I have written about beauty tips for good smooth skin for male models and skin care routines for dark skinned female models on my blog eoamodeling.com.ng

I will post about some few tips but the rest are on my blog:
1- don't use your hands to touch your face because day to day your hands are covered in germs
2- use face cleanser to wash your face not the soap you use to bath your body because of the pH your body possesses
3- don't stay under the sun for too long
4- know your skin type
Re: How to have a bright, smooth ,beautiful skin by ModestGal(f): 3:55pm On Nov 03, 2018

Do you have a number so I can reach out to u.
Sure. WhatsApp number is ....
Re: How to have a bright, smooth ,beautiful skin by adahgold(m): 11:02pm On Nov 05, 2018

Sure. WhatsApp number is ....


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