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Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? - Islam for Muslims - Nairaland

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Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by AbdulHakeem44(m): 5:00pm On Nov 17, 2018
There is nothing in the Qur’aan to say that we should celebrate the Mawlid or birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him). The Prophet himself (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) did not do this or command anyone to do it, either during his lifetime or after his death. Indeed, he told them not to exaggerate about him as the Christians had exaggerated about Jesus (upon whom be peace). He said: “Do not exaggerate about me as the Christians exaggerated about the son of Maryam. I am only a slave, so say, ‘The slave of Allaah and His Messenger.’”
(Reported by al-Bukhaari). What has been reported is that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) made the day of his birth a day of worship, which is different to celebration. He was asked about fasting on Mondays, and he said: “That is the day on which I was born and the day on which I was entrusted with the Mission or when I was first given Revelation.” (Reported by Muslim, al-Nisaa’i and Abu Dawood).
Moreover, we know that the Sahaabah (may Allaah be pleased with them) were the people who loved the Prophet most. Was it reported that Abu Bakr, who was the closest of people to him and the one who loved him the most, celebrated the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)? Was it reported that ‘Umar, who ruled for twelve years, or ‘Uthmaan, did this? Was it reported that ‘Ali, his relative and foster son, did this? Was it reported that any of the Sahaabah did this? No, by Allaah! Is it because they were not aware of its importance, or did they not truly love the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)? No one would say such a thing except one who has gone astray and is leading others astray.
Did any of the imaams – Abu Haneefah, Maalik, al-Shaafi’i, Ahmad, al-Hasan al-Basri, Ibn Seereen – do this or command others to do it or say that it was good? By Allaah, no! It was not even mentioned during the first and best three centuries. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said in a saheeh hadeeth: “The best of mankind are my generation (or my century), then those who come after them, then those who come after them. Then there will come a people who will not care if their testimony comes before their oath or vice versa (i.e., they will not take such matter seriously).”
(Reported by al-Bukhaari, Muslim and al-Tirmidhi). The celebration of the Prophet’s birthday appeared many centuries later, when many of the features of true religion had vanished and bid’ah had become widespread.
Thus this celebration became a sign of one’s love for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him)? But can it be possible that the Sahaabah, the imaams and the people of the best three centuries were unaware of it, and it was only those who came later who were aware of its importance?! What the Qur’aan tells us is that love of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) is demonstrated by following the guidance he brought. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):
“Say (O Muhammad): ‘If you (really) love Allaah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your sins. And Allaah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.
Say: ‘Obey Allaah and the Messenger.’ But if they turn away, then Allaah does not like the disbelievers.” [Aal ‘Imraan 3:31-32]
The first aayah explains that love is just a claim, but the proof of sincerity is following what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) brought. The second aayah reaffirms the importance and necessity of obeying Allaah and His Messenger. Hence Allaah ended the aayah with a very stern warning in which those who refuse to obey are described as kaafirs, and Allah does not love the disbelievers. We ask Allaah to keep us safe from that. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) told us of the danger of not obeying him, and the danger of adding to what he brought. The celebration of Mawlid or his birthday is indeed an addition to what he brought – as all the scholars agree. He said: “The best of speech is the Book of Allaah, and the best of guidance is the guidance of Muhammad. The most evil of things are those which are newly-invented (in religion), and every innovation is a going astray.”
(Reported by Muslim and al-Nisaa’i).
We ask Allaah to protect us from bid’ah and to bless us by helping us to follow. Allaah knows best. May Allaah bless our Prophet Muhammad.
Source: Islamqa.info
Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by Nobody: 10:45am On Nov 19, 2018
is it kufru or sin?
back it up with dalil.

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Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by AbdulHakeem44(m): 7:44am On Nov 20, 2018
is it kufru or sin?
back it up with dalil.
Takfereee, your delight is in making takfeer, ha, jabata Don destroy people.
Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by talk2hb1(m): 10:03am On Nov 20, 2018
“Rahmatan lil-’alamin”
(A Mercy To All Creation)

Maolud Mubarak!!!

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Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by Nobody: 10:25am On Nov 20, 2018

Takfereee, your delight is in making takfeer, ha, jabata Don destroy people.

stupid boy. is calling kafir a kafir not part of Islam?
Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by AbdulHakeem44(m): 10:47am On Nov 20, 2018

stupid boy. is calling kafir a kafir not part of Islam?

it is part of Islam, it is not a priority. We were not taught to start going around looking for whonto call kafir and labelling everyone kafir. We were rather taught to try as much as we can to call dem towards the Deen. jabatiyya and their typical curses sha.

Your Manhaj is already clear to everyone on this platform, you are a khorijee, so just know that you are here ranting.

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Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by Nobody: 3:01pm On Nov 20, 2018

it is part of Islam, it is not a priority. We were not taught to start going around looking for whonto call kafir and labelling everyone kafir. We were rather taught to try as much as we can to call dem towards the Deen. jabatiyya and their typical curses sha.

Your Manhaj is already clear to everyone on this platform, you are a khorijee, so just know that you are here ranting.

see this kafir. in fact you are worst than dog.. calling kafir a kafir is not a priority .

According to hadith rosul, you are a kafir
Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by Demmzy15(m): 3:18pm On Nov 20, 2018
∆∆ Please mods, ban this Abuheekmat once and for all. Wallahi, if I was a mod, I'll ban your life on this forum.

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Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by Nobody: 4:35pm On Nov 20, 2018
∆∆ Please mods, ban this Abuheekmat once and for all. Wallahi, if I was a mod, I'll ban your life on this forum.

why should I be banned?

well, you are not a moderator
Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by FriendNG: 5:24pm On Nov 20, 2018
∆∆ Please mods, ban this Abuheekmat once and for all. Wallahi, if I was a mod, I'll ban your life on this forum.

Banning him alone will make him register new account. If it's possible ban his browsers i.p from opera to Uc to chrome and all other browsers.
Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by Nobody: 8:27pm On Nov 20, 2018

Banning him alone will make him register new account. If it's possible ban his browsers i.p from opera to Uc to chrome and all other browsers.


kufar from the days of rosul till now are always same..
Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by AbdulHakeem44(m): 8:42pm On Nov 20, 2018

see this kafir. in fact you are worst than dog.. calling kafir a kafir is not a priority .

According to hadith rosul, you are a kafir

You are just making jest of ur self on this platform, when has making takfeer been a priority in Islam, bring your deleel, that we should just go out and be calling people kafir. Prophet solallahu alaihi wasalam told us to convey his message even if just one verse, that is our priority as Salafiyya, but as khowarij where you belong, calling people kafir is the priority. The difference is clear mubtadi doolu mudilu takfeeri jahilun murokab.

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Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by AbdulHakeem44(m): 8:46pm On Nov 20, 2018


kufar from the days of rosul till now are always same..

It is a pity that you came here not purposely for dawah but to make takfeer. The funniest part is that what are you now doing on this platform cos no one is listening to u nor taking you serious, you are as lifeless as useless. Everybody see o, kafir is just appearing in all his comments, lolxxxx, see dawah.
Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by Nobody: 9:30pm On Nov 20, 2018

It is a pity that you came here not purposely for dawah but to make takfeer. The funniest part is that what are you now doing on this platform cos no one is listening to u nor taking you serious, you are as lifeless as useless. Everybody see o, kafir is just appearing in all his comments, lolxxxx, see dawah.

everyone has seen. your dolal.

you came here to spew nonsense, I asked you questions, you didn't answer.

you are not a Muslim. its not new that you are waging war against kitab wa sunnah
Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by Nobody: 9:37pm On Nov 20, 2018

You are just making jest of ur self on this platform, when has making takfeer been a priority in Islam, bring your deleel, that we should just go out and be calling people kafir. Prophet solallahu alaihi wasalam told us to convey his message even if just one verse, that is our priority as Salafiyya, but as khowarij where you belong, calling people kafir is the priority. The difference is clear mubtadi doolu mudilu takfeeri jahilun murokab.

let me expose your dumbness..

explain khawarij creed with kitab wa sunnah.


my dalil is in Quran, Allah called idolators, Christians,Jews, sects and Muslims who fall into kufru a kafir..i.e. those sahabahs that made jest of rosul..

rosul call khawarij kufar
umar called quweziroh lugar
Sahabahs killed khawarij (kufar)

finally, rosul said whoever calls a Muslim a kafir is a kafir..and vice versa..


حَدَّثَنَا مُحَمَّدٌ، وَأَحْمَدُ بْنُ سَعِيدٍ، قَالاَ حَدَّثَنَا عُثْمَانُ بْنُ عُمَرَ، أَخْبَرَنَا عَلِيُّ بْنُ الْمُبَارَكِ، عَنْ يَحْيَى بْنِ أَبِي كَثِيرٍ، عَنْ أَبِي سَلَمَةَ، عَنْ أَبِي هُرَيْرَةَ ـ رضى الله عنه ـ أَنَّ رَسُولَ اللَّهِ صلى الله عليه وسلم قَالَ ‏

‏ إِذَا قَالَ الرَّجُلُ لأَخِيهِ يَا كَافِرُ فَقَدْ بَاءَ بِهِ أَحَدُهُمَا ‏"

‏‏‏ وَقَالَ عِكْرِمَةُ بْنُ عَمَّارٍ عَنْ يَحْيَى، عَنْ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ يَزِيدَ، سَمِعَ أَبَا سَلَمَةَ، سَمِعَ أَبَا هُرَيْرَةَ، عَنِ النَّبِيِّ صلى الله عليه وسلم‏‏

Narrated Abu Huraira:

Allah's Messenger (ﷺ) said, "If a man says to his brother, O Kafir (disbeliever)!' Then surely one of them is such (i.e., a Kafir). "

Sahih al-Bukhari 6103
In-book : Book 78, Hadith 130
USC-MSA web (English) : Vol. 8, Book 73, Hadith 125  (deprecated)

Get Hadith Collection (All in one) App:https:///8j06i9


وَحَدَّثَنِي مَالِكٌ، عَنْ عَبْدِ الرَّحْمَنِ بْنِ مُحَمَّدِ بْنِ عَبْدِ اللَّهِ بْنِ عَبْدٍ الْقَارِيِّ، عَنْ أَبِيهِ، أَنَّهُ قَالَ قَدِمَ عَلَى عُمَرَ بْنِ الْخَطَّابِ رَجُلٌ مِنْ قِبَلِ أَبِي مُوسَى الأَشْعَرِيِّ فَسَأَلَهُ عَنِ النَّاسِ، فَأَخْبَرَهُ ثُمَّ، قَالَ لَهُ عُمَرُ هَلْ كَانَ فِيكُمْ مِنْ مُغَرِّبَةِ خَبَرٍ فَقَالَ نَعَمْ رَجُلٌ كَفَرَ بَعْدَ إِسْلاَمِهِ ‏.‏ قَالَ فَمَا فَعَلْتُمْ بِهِ قَالَ قَرَّبْنَاهُ فَضَرَبْنَا عُنُقَهُ ‏.‏ فَقَالَ عُمَرُ أَفَلاَ حَبَسْتُمُوهُ ثَلاَثًا وَأَطْعَمْتُمُوهُ كُلَّ يَوْمٍ رَغِيفًا وَاسْتَتَبْتُمُوهُ لَعَلَّهُ يَتُوبُ وَيُرَاجِعُ أَمْرَ اللَّهِ ثُمَّ قَالَ عُمَرُ اللَّهُمَّ إِنِّي لَمْ أَحْضُرْ وَلَمْ آمُرْ وَلَمْ أَرْضَ إِذْ بَلَغَنِي ‏.‏

Malik related to me from Abd ar-Rahman ibn Muhammad ibn Abdullah ibn Abd al-Qari that his father said, "A man came to Umar ibn al- Khattab from Abu Musa al-Ashari. Umar asked after various people, and he informed him. Then Umar inquired, 'Do you have any recent news?' He said, 'Yes. A man has become a kafir after his Islam.' Umar asked, 'What have you done with him?' He said, 'We let him approach and struck off his head.' Umar said, 'Didn't you imprison him for three days and feed him a loaf of bread every day and call on him to tawba that he might turn in tawba and return to the command of Allah?' Then Umar said, 'O Allah! I was not present and I did not order it and I am not pleased since it has come to me!' "

USC-MSA web (English) : Book 36, Hadith 16
Arabic : Book 36, Hadith 1420

Get Hadith Collection (All in one) App:https:///8j06i9
Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by emekaRaj(m): 10:49pm On Nov 20, 2018
Na d children I pity

Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by emekaRaj(m): 10:54pm On Nov 20, 2018
∆∆ Please mods, ban this Abuheekmat once and for all. Wallahi, if I was a mod, I'll ban your life on this forum.

Make ur contribution now, you just came and start calling for ban, how will ban help. But ur contribution can help ppl to understand better
Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by Nobody: 6:45am On Nov 21, 2018

Make ur contribution now, you just came and start calling for ban, how will ban help. But ur contribution can help ppl to understand better

they have absolutely nothing reasonable to say. exposing their evil is making them seriously uncomfortable
Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by talk2hb1(m): 8:11am On Nov 21, 2018
May The Barakah of this season be our portion, Amin.
Maolud Nabiyi

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Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by Empiree: 4:39pm On Nov 21, 2018
It is fine if some people don't believe in celebrating birth anniversary of the best man ever stepped on this planet (Sallalahu aliy wasalam). It is not fard. But we all can agree that harrasing those who do celebrate Mawlid or bombing them is Haram.

I just watched this video..smh

Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by Empiree: 11:05pm On Nov 21, 2018
I removed Arabic reference to avoid getting spambot attention. This was copied.


The first attack often brought up by Mawlud's antagonists is that it's not from the Sunnah (practice or approvals of the Prophet). For a fact, no one claims it is of the observed Sunnah of the Prophet. It is rather of the "good deeds/practices".

# Observing Mawlud is a good act in many ways - it honours the Prophet, it brings all Muslims together (where we put aside our ideological differences) as Quran emphasized on Unity, its a dhikr (remembrance) of our Prophet etc.

Surah Al-Anaam, vs 160:

"Whoever brings a good deed, he shall have ten like it, and whoever brings an evil deed, he shall be recompensed only with the like of it, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly."

Imam Muslim also documents this Hadith:

The Prophet says:

He who introduced some good practice in Islam which was followed after him (by people) he would be assured of reward like one who followed it, without their rewards being diminished in any respect. And he who introduced some evil practice in Islam which had been followed subsequently (by others), he would be required to bear the burden like that of one who followed this (evil practice) without their's being diminished in any respect.

Hadith # 6466

Observe lest you are hoodwinked! Neither the ayah nor the hadith is talking about established Sunnah of the Prophet. Here's an example of these "good deeds/practices"  in this hadith:

It was narrated that Abu Sa'eed Al-Khudri said:

"Mu'awiyah, (may Allah be pleased with him,) said: 'The Messenger of Allah [SAW] went out to a circle - meaning, of his Companions - and said: 'What are you doing?' They said: 'We have come together to pray to Allah and praise Him for guiding us to His religion, *and blessing us with you*.' He said: 'I ask you, by Allah, is that the only reason?' They said: 'By Allah, we have not come together for any other reason.' He said: 'I am not asking you to swear to an oath because of any suspicion; rather Jibril came to me and told me that Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, is boasting of you to the angels.'"

Grade: Sahih (Darussalam)

Reference : Sunan an-Nasa'i 5426In-book reference : Book 49, Hadith 48English translation : Vol. 6, Book 49, Hadith 5428


Imagine those group of Muslims in the hadith appreciating the Prophet and thanking Allah on it (for blessing them with Muhammad, salallahu alayhi wa Ahli). Prophet approved this "non-Sunnah of his" based on their good intentions. This is exactly the intentions of Mawlud Nabiyy celebration. We dissociate ourselves from those that have commercialized it.

To be continue in sha Allah.

Compiled by
Abdulwasi Olawale A.

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Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by Empiree: 8:10pm On Nov 23, 2018
Part 2

I removed Arabic reference to avoid getting spambot attention. This was copied.



"That you may believe in Allah and His Apostle and may aid him *and revere/venerate him (i.e the Prophet)*; and (that) you may declare His glory, morning and evening." (Sura Al-Fath:9)

So far (in part 1) we've been able to established in the hadith (an-Nasa'i 5426) of Abu Saeed al-Khudri that even the sahabah gathered in a group with good intentions to " _venerate and honor_" the Prophet by thanking Allah for blessing them with Muhammad, _salallahu alayhi wa ahlih_. What day exactly did this event took place? Was it a continuous process? No information shed light on these but what we gathered is Prophet never rebuked their gathering or intentions rather, he commended their initiatives. This shows us the Prophetic approval of " _any gathering with good intentions and righteous acts_" in his name.

This is a good pointer for the establishment of Mawlud Nabiyy celebration where we gather ourselves with the intention to praise Allah and thanking Him for blessing us with Muhammad.


Another often repeated rhetoric of Mawlud antagonists is that neither the Prophet nor his companions celebrated Mawlud. Therefore whoever practices what Prophet did not practice has done Bid'ah. And they often add that since Islam is complete, we do not need "new initiatives".


In Islam, we have laws of Allah well stated in the Quran. Then, we have the Sunnah (what Prophet say or did). Both are binded upon the believers. On the other hand, we have what sahabah (whether individual or group) initiated and did during the lifetime of the Prophet which he approved for them. These, though some scholars counted it among the Sunnah of the Prophet but indeed, are not Sunnah of the Prophet. Sunnah of Muhammad (his sayings and practices) are revelations from Allah (sura Najm: 3 - 4). What sahabah initiated and did on their own thoughts (and later approved by the Prophet) are only *in harmony with* Allah's law and Muhammad's Sunnah.

Whatever is not in harmony with Allah's law and Muhammad's Sunnah are outrightly rejected.

Narrated Aisha:

Allah's Messenger (s) said, "If somebody innovates something which is not in harmony with the principles of our religion, that thing is rejected."

Al-Bukhari 2697

This is the measure to judge new things as Allah and His Prophet knew new things and initiatives (not laws) will later come up. Hence, Quran says: " *Whoever brings a good deed, he shall have ten like it...* (sura An'am: 160)" and Prophet said, " _He who introduced some good practice in Islam which was followed after him (by people) he would be assured of reward like one who followed it_ ..." (sahih Muslim #6466).


The flexibility of Islam is what makes it relevant since 1400 years ago till Qiyamat. If there are no new good initiatives (not laws), muslims will be stuck in the past. Quran was never in binded book (during the lifetime of the Prophet) as we have it today. There were no harakat (vowel signs) on it either. Books and collections of ahadith were not approved by the Prophet or any sahabah. Prophet never initiate Hijri calendar. Prophet never commanded us to say "radiyallahu anhu" once name of sahabah is/are mentioned. We can go on and on. None of these is "new law" but are good deeds and initiatives.

The completion of Islam is in its Aqaeed (beliefs) and Ahkam (laws). Completion of Islam does not meant the door to " _good deeds in form of new initiatives_" are closed.

Allah and His Prophet warn as per laws of Halal and Haram:

Surah An-Nahl, Verse 116:

And, for what your tongues describe, do not utter the lie, (saying) This is lawful and this is unlawful, in order to forge a lie against Allah; surely those who forge the lie against Allah shall not prosper."

Imam Abu'l Hasan Ali Daraqutni documents:

Abu Tha’laba reported:

The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, Allah has made duties obligatory, so do not neglect them. He has set limits, so do not transgress them. He has made some things sacred, so do no violate them. *He has remained silent upon matters as mercy for you, not out of forgetfulness*, so do not search them out.”

4316 \ 42 -

Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to Ibn Al-Qayyim

Source: Ali ibn Umar Ad-Daraqutni, Sunan al-Dāraquṭnī (Dar Muh'yid, 1422 A.H) Hadith #4316

Describing innovation and innovators, Imam Ali ibn Abi Taalib in a sahih athar says:

"The innovators are those who contradict the command of Allah, His Book and His Messenger; they are those who follow their own opinion and desires, even if they are the majority"

Source: kanz al-Ummal, hadith no.44216

Therefore, our submission to all Mawlud antagonists is that while there is no law in the Quran or hadith that specifically say "celebration of Mawlud nabiyy is haram", the act is placed upon what "... _He has remained silent upon matters as mercy for you, not out of forgetfulness_" as stated by the authentic hadith. Therefore, what we should be asking is: Are the intentions and amaal (activities) of Mawlud celebration in harmony with Allah's law and Muhammad's Sunnah? The reply is emphatic YES.

*Intention of Mawlud*: to thank Allah for  blessing us with Muhammad and to venerate him.

*Amaal (activities):* Recitation of Quran, glorification of Allah, eulogies of the Prophet, sending salat and salam upon Prophet, lectures about his seerah (life history) and lifestyle, coming together of the Ummah despite our huge differences, sadaqat (alms giving).

What is out of Islam in these, we ask? It is only those who commit excesses and perform acts which Islam forbid (done in the name of Mawlud) that should be condemned.

In sha Allah, our final part of this article will briefly reply other issues often raised by Mawlud antagonists.

To be continue in sha Allah.

Abdulwasi Olawale A.

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Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by aadoiza: 9:01am On Nov 24, 2018
Okay oo.. they're celebrating prophet's birthday, we don hear. Why were those people doing mawlud somewhere in Agege dey shout Niyas up and down? I tire for our Muslim brothers.
Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by Empiree: 12:50pm On Nov 24, 2018
Okay oo.. they're celebrating prophet's birthday, we don hear. Why were those people doing mawlud somewhere in Agege dey shout Niyas up and down? I tire for our Muslim brothers.
go and ask them why. This place is not proper to ask this question.
Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by Empiree: 6:44pm On Nov 24, 2018
Final Part

I Removed Arabic Reference To Avoid Getting Spambot Attention. This Was Copied.



First, it is far from truth that Prophet did not "celebrated" his day of birth. In fact, he did "celebrate" it weekly by fasting privately, but he never burden people with it.

Imam Muslim documents:

Abu Qatada Ansari (Allah be pleased with him) reported that Allah's Massenger (peace be upon him) was asked about fasting on Monday, whereupon he said: *It is (the day) when I was born* and revelation was sent down to me.

Sahih Muslim 1162 e

If the day of birth of the Prophet is nothing important, why did he specialised that day in particular for fasting? Only Allah knows what else he used to do privately in worship to mark his day of birth.

Yes, there is another hadith which states that Mondays (and Thursdays), " _are two days in which deeds are shown to the Lord of the worlds (Sunan an-Nasa'i 2358)_"; therefore, Prophet used to fast on those two days. What we gathered from these two ahadith is that Prophet had two reasons to treat Mondays special, one of which was because of his birth.


In Sura Maryam, Allah specifically made mention of 3 days in human life: day of BIRTH, day of death and day of his resurrection. What should we do on these days?

Practically, our Lord sends His abundant salam upon His Prophets - Yahya (sura maryam: 15) and Prophet Eesa (sura maryam: 33). Were these two blessed anbiya devoid of Allah's blessings outside these 3 days? Why did Allah specifically mention these days years after the demise of these noble Prophets? It only shows their great importance which should be remembered.

* Believers are commanded in surah Ahzab: 56 to send Salat and Salam upon the Prophet. We gathered from Prophet Yahya and Eesa's cases that Allah send salam to them on their respective "day of birth". Even if we send Salat and Salam upon Prophet Muhammad daily, then his "day of birth" should be specialized in sending salat and salam upon him by imitating Allah.


1. Celebrating 'Milaad' is imitations of Christians and Jews. Jews celebrate birthday of Uzair, while Christians celebrate birthday of Isa (A.s).

2. Prophet Muhammod (s.a.w.s) said, " whoever imitates a sect or people becomes one of them". (Abu Dawood).


# Kindly give us a reference of the Jew celebrating the birthday of Uzair as Christian celebrate that of Jesus. What is clear in the Quran is that a particular Jewish group regarded Uzair as "son of Allah" (sura Tawba: 30). There is no record his birthday was celebrated.

However, there are lots of common practices between the Muslims and the Jews (and true Christians of old). What set us apart is our intentions and the way we practice those things. As regard Christian's celebration of Jesus birthday, we ask:

Has any Muslim erect and lit up a Mawlud Nabiy trees (mimicking Xmas trees)? No.

Has any Muslim start a concept of "father Mawlud" (to mimick father Xmas)? No.

Has any Muslim make cake in the name of Mawlud Nabiyy as Christians do for Jesus? No.

However, last time we verify, it was the patron of the Mawlud antagonists - the Wahabi-Salafi Saudi royal family that yearly makes giant cake with picture of king Salman on it to celebrate "birth anniversary" of the forced hijacked Hijaz peninsula by the Saudis which they then named after their family "Al-Saud" hence it is called "Saudi Arabia".

So, how is the way Muslim world celebrate Mawlud Nabiyy imitating Jews (if at all Jews do that) and Christians ways?

We had highlighted fully in part 2 of this article the intentions and practices of Muslims during Mawlud Nabiyy celebration in line with Quran and hadith. Anything evil contrary to that is rejected.


3.Prophet Muhammod also said, "be different from Mushrikeen (the Unbelievers)." (Sahih muslim).

4. Prophet Muhammod(s.a.w.s) again said, "Do not exaggerate in praising me".


# Muslims who celebrate Mawlud correctly have nothing to do with Mushriqun (Polytheists). The later never recognize Allah and His Prophet or revere him, but Muslims do.  So where's the similarities?

# And how's "celebrating Mawlud" translate to "exaggerating of him (the Prophet)"?  The Hadith the antagonists quote ends with the following phrase, " _just like the Christian exaggerated Eesa (Jesus) but I am only a slave of Allah..._".

So, how did the Christians exaggerated Prophet Eesa? They called him "God" and "son of God" and "1 in 3 = 1 God" whatever that trick is. Is this what Muslims who observe Mawlud doing? No Muslim believe or practice such nonsense.

In this blessed season of Rabiul awwal, we praise and thank Allah for blessing us with the best of Mankind, Muhammad ibn Abdullah. And we send Salat and Salam upon our Prophet Muhammad and his purified household and righteous from amongst his sahabah.


...and the last of their cry shall be: Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds. (Surah Yunus:10)

Wa salam alaykum

Abdulwasi Olawale A.

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Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by Demmzy15(m): 6:00am On Nov 25, 2018
Okay oo.. they're celebrating prophet's birthday, we don hear. Why were those people doing mawlud somewhere in Agege dey shout Niyas up and down? I tire for our Muslim brothers.
Were they also slapping their faces and chests too? grin grin
Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by FriendNG: 11:06am On Nov 25, 2018
A single Siwak is worth more than thousands of Maulud.

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Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by aadoiza: 2:23pm On Nov 25, 2018
Were they also slapping their faces and chests too? grin grin

I was too confused to notice if they were clobbering their own faces and chests.

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Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by aadoiza: 2:27pm On Nov 25, 2018
go and ask them why. This place is not proper to ask this question.
Make I go ask a procession of abokis why they were chanting Niyas? Oga, I ain't ready to be knifed.
Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by Empiree: 4:31pm On Nov 25, 2018

Make I go ask a procession of abokis why they were chanting Niyas? Oga, I ain't ready to be knifed.
So why dont you mind your business then if you can't ask them?. We don't have your answer here. And i don't buy your statement that you may be knifed by them. Your presentation matters.
Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by Demmzy15(m): 8:54pm On Nov 25, 2018
So why dont you mind your business then if you can't ask them?. We don't have your answer here. And i don't buy your statement that you may be knifed by them. Your presentation matters.
Looks like someone's pissed o grin grin
Re: Is Mawlid An Nabiy Worth Celebrating? by aadoiza: 9:39pm On Nov 25, 2018
So why dont you mind your business then if you can't ask them?. We don't have your answer here. And i don't buy your statement that you may be knifed by them. Your presentation matters.

Why so much bitterness, man? It was merely a rhetorical question. Many people, especially christians, on the day were wondering why would a bunch of Muslims be vigorously and continuously chanting a sheikh's name on a so-called prophet's birthday party. It was damn weird and confusing . You'd think Niyas was prophet's second name.

If you know the Hausas very well you'd know they—a number of'em—move around with daggers and they 'd strike with little or no provocation. We all know they can be overly and unnecessarily aggressive. And don't even think me a tribal bigot as I don't do tribalism. In fact I prefer praying in their Masaajid to anyone else's here in Lagos.

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