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My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. - Romance (3) - Nairaland

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Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by tellwisdom: 11:30pm On Dec 20, 2018
Look at this Ovoko being pushed around like a kid...Marriage na scam. Abobi! Las las, u go marry am come divorce her later as a result of her disrespectful nature wey u dey complain about, from the onset.. sad


Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by Skullano(m): 11:30pm On Dec 20, 2018
Abeg when una pick final date may you drop IV for us may we come drink beer �..


Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by chloride6: 11:30pm On Dec 20, 2018
Sorry OP but your mom is daft



Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by INDUSTRIALFAN(m): 11:31pm On Dec 20, 2018
I have dated this girl for three years. We fixed a date for the wedding for late this year. However, events seemingly out of my control necessitated that I shift the wedding to February next year. Initially, she was against the shift but I pleaded with her.

Sometime in August this year, we had a disagreement because I noticed she was being disrespectful towards me. She is hardworking, cooks well and is very business oriented. But her sense of independence makes her struggle with submission to her man. I told her how uncomfortable I was with it and she's promised to make amends. She has but from time to time, her old self comes out.

I was at a loss on what to do that I had to voice out the issue to her family. When they asked her, she told them that since I requested for a shift in wedding date, she became uncomfortable with the relationship. Her family then told her to call off the relationship. I got to know about this decision and I called her and she said she was going to obey the wishes of her family. Her mom also told me that since I keep complaining about her daughters lack of respect, I should leave her daughter alone. It took serious pleading from me before the family accepted the continuing of the relationship. They asked me that since the date I initially agreed for the wedding wasn't going to be convenient for me, when then do I think will be convenient? Since I didn't want to loose my woman, I mentioned February. The desperation on my path was much.

My mom on the other hand wants a wedding in April. She has said February is not convenient for her. All my pleas have fell on deaf ears. She has threatened not to bless the union and has even gone as far as threatening to curse me with her breasts if I wed in February.

My girl has refused to even entertain the thought of shifting the date again. She maintains that it is better that we outrightly call off the wedding, than shift it again. I understand her fears. She feels that I may just be wasting her time. I am not

This is my dilemma. Should I go with my woman who has spent three years of her life with me or do I go with my mom?

I must also mention that my mom was informed of the initial date of the wedding over a year ago. But she foot dragged in her support for months until much later in the year that I now had to take issues into my own hands.
guy why are you blind? A woman who is to be your best support isn't being supportive despite knowing that you are having issues. With the pleading you have done, she could have atleast been supportive of you but her family instead asked her to end a 3 year old relationship with you and she happily jumped at the offer. Are you sure these people will not show you pepper if you eventually tie the knot? My brother, the warning signs are already there boldly for you to see. Take a bow on this one while you can.


Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by andyanders: 11:32pm On Dec 20, 2018
I don't think you will have peace with this relationship if you go ahead into it. The signs are there coupled with her mother asking her to get out of the relationship. Since your mother again is against the date, another problem and this goes to show signs of danger ahead. The taste of friendship is not the taste of marriage.

Get off this relationship and allow her to be. You will overcome it and pray for a good woman out there that can be willing to reason with you. Wedding is not even a guarantee for a happy home.There are people who only did traditional wedding without white wedding and they are living happily.

Traditional wedding is the real wedding and not the white wedding.


Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by Evercurious(f): 11:32pm On Dec 20, 2018

N my mama dey beg me make I marry upandan... Even if na 2moro she go gree grin

OP..are u a man or not?? U begged ur gf(even with her disrespect)..begged her mum..begged ur mum..begged n begged....why not beg me...since all u do is beg...

Take charge as a man...u sound weak as fuq!!! N these women know...they be playing u like chess mannn! undecided

I guess that's what his mum saw and is uncomfortable with everything... If they all can't come to be in good terms with themselves, my dear pls forget that marriage


Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by bizza45: 11:33pm On Dec 20, 2018
I hate giving advise to all these over pampered kids on nairaland ... so its ur mum and ur future in-law , that is deciding what u should do .... dude u are a chicken not a man .... a girl dis-respects u time to time and u are still comfortable to marry her ... goodluck to whatever decision u want to take


Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by Orpe7(m): 11:33pm On Dec 20, 2018
Mama wan enjoy Valentine
U sef do April or free the babe
Na only she dey naija ni
When men dey pray for excuse to ditch their woman u wan die der aka Mario


Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by luminouz(m): 11:33pm On Dec 20, 2018
You are so soft.
Finally,someone who sees what I see..OP is soft and the women(his mum,his fiancee and her mum) know.. N trust me...if u ever ever watched the way female lionesses treat an aging lion who is too weak to take charge,u will grow 4 balls and 2 guts!!!
U are weak and she is old...shikena

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Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by Nobody: 11:33pm On Dec 20, 2018

I and my fiancee are sponsoring it ourselves. My mom is not contributing a kobo.
your mom she's a witch quote me anywhere if you doubt me I'll review more.

I'll post your pic on this forum your name and address.


Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by INDUSTRIALFAN(m): 11:35pm On Dec 20, 2018
you mean your mother threatebed to curse you just because she is not comfortable with the wedding date? please go with your woman. A CURSELESS CURSE SHALL NOT STAND....
flee from this advice. Not because of the curse but because this one is advising you to go head on unto marriage with a woman who obviously has no regard or love for you. Secondly, never let your mum curse you. If you can avoid it, flee from such curses because you will suffer.

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Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by Nobody: 11:35pm On Dec 20, 2018
Your woman hardly submit.
Her mother didn't even mediate or find out if her daughter is overbearing but was indifferent about it ending.
Your mum, I can seduce does not love your wife that much. Why would she curse you over this small thing? I wonder how post wedding will be with these hot tempered mothers.

Just move on. That babe is not for you

Exactly d mother is not feeling comfortable around the girlfriend presence
And the girlfriend has written down a negative report to her own parents about the boyfriend, ,,,so even if they eventually get married d wife will never say anything good about d husband to her parents

Who even is asking dis guy to pray doesn't like him because d signs is already there for him to see, ,,,,i just pray he doesn't marry this girl and after 5 years it will look like he did not marry a woman, ,,,,,becus any small provoking act the lady will say the guy should go and beg her parents, ,,,i grow up in d hard way in my hux so I kw wen something isn't right in a relationship


Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by Larryfest(m): 11:36pm On Dec 20, 2018
Ordinarily your momc should not have a problem with the date unless she is not telling you the real truth about what's going on, it's like she doesn't want you with the Lady probably she has noticed a thing or two about her attitude towards you that you yourself didn't know... follow momc talk wella and reason with her cos if you go against her wish and do it only for your wife and mother in-law to turn to something else after the wedding then you are on your own...


Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by mokay: 11:36pm On Dec 20, 2018
I understand your pain bro. I was in your shoe but not exactly the same story. My advice is this, don't fight a war you can't win. You will lose this. Stick with the plan with your mum. You are the guy here, don't sell your family so cheap. I guess you feel you will fund the whole wedding ceremony from your end, don't take fake blessings from your mum. Be a man!


Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by Nobody: 11:37pm On Dec 20, 2018
I don't think you will have peace with this relationship if you go ahead into it. The signs are there coupled with her mother asking her to get out of the relationship. Since your mother again is against the date, another problem and this goes to show signs of danger ahead. The taste of friendship is not the taste of marriage.

Get off this relationship and allow her to be. You will overcome it and pray for a good woman out there that can be willing to reason with you. Wedding is not even a guarantee for a happy home.There are people who only did traditional wedding without white wedding and they are living happily.

Traditional wedding is the real wedding and not the white wedding.

For the mother to ask the girl to leave a 3 year old relationship then bro there is another guy in d picture again think am


Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by PrimadonnaO(f): 11:38pm On Dec 20, 2018
@Dogalmighty17, I've been reading the comments on the first page and I feel they are all missing the point.

First of all, I hope your fiancèe's lack of submission is something you can live with forever, else I'd advise you to walk away for good. Don't nurse hopes of change because that may never happen.

About your fiancee and her mother's annoyance about the unsteady wedding date, I can understand it. Mind you, the consequences reflect more on the girl. It would seem to them and to others that you aren't serious... that you're yet to make up your mind on marrying her. Decide once and for all and quit shifting dates. I can see too that you aren't carrying your woman along in your plans else she'd have understood the reason for the shift.

About your mum...why's she being so difficult and dramatic? You mustn't have your wedding at her own preferred time.

Just carry everyone along..and stand by your woman. It's all going to be fine.

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Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by tellwisdom: 11:39pm On Dec 20, 2018
your mom she's a witch quote me anywhere if you doubt me I'll review more.

I'll post your pic on this forum your name and address.

Bros, where your church dey make i come visit you?


Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by zabuur: 11:39pm On Dec 20, 2018
Read this well.

Firstly, ignore those condemning your fiancee. They don't feel d way u feel about the lady. You own ur feelings. A lot of them have done worse things to keep their relationships.

Secondly, I am sorry for this, a good mother shouldn't be threatening to curse her child or whatever that's related to d child or are u and armed robber?. I believe ur mum should sit u both down and let u guys see reasons she wants April. Or she is amongst those that believe in what their spiritual fathers tell them without giving reasons and telling them it should be secret.

Thirdly, I'm ashamed you can even come on social media to tell d world that ur mother said she'll curse u with her 2 breasts if u go ahead.

I'm not telling u to disrespect ur mum or put d lady above her. Or maybe each of them belong to different fraternities. So they know themselves which u don't know.

Like I said. Please both. Ask ur lady for court wedding in Feb where u can just take few friends. Then party up in April. Even the court wedding might be unknown to ur mum


Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by Nobody: 11:40pm On Dec 20, 2018

Bros, where your church dey make i come visit you?
I'm a MOG my church is in lekki.

As the lord reviews I'll show you all things
Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by INDUSTRIALFAN(m): 11:41pm On Dec 20, 2018
Why is your mum telling you what to do?

You are the man, you should pick a date and tell them that final, act like a man, stop being a mummy's boy.
what of the girl's family? They are also controlling and obviously going to do a lot of influencing in his married life through their daughter. My opinion, he should find someone else because there's obviously no love from his fiancé to him as much as there is from him to her.

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Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by Nobody: 11:42pm On Dec 20, 2018

I and my fiancee are sponsoring it ourselves. My mom is not contributing a kobo.
Mr, your mom's wish must be respected. Never disobey your mother because of a woman. Be careful...never put a curse on yourself. Don't be deceived by 'love'; you can only have one mother, no woman (fiancee) is irreplaceable.

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Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by tellwisdom: 11:42pm On Dec 20, 2018
I'm a MOG my church is in lekki.

As the lord reviews I'll show you all things

Which one be MOG?...Na when make i come visit you? Na Heineken be my brand sad
Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by Nobody: 11:43pm On Dec 20, 2018

Which one be MOG?...Na when make i come visit you? Na Heineken be my brand sad
are you having a issues you can pm me I'll direct you

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Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by Nobody: 11:45pm On Dec 20, 2018
Read this well.

Firstly, ignore those condemning your fiancee. They don't feel d way u feel about the lady. You own ur feelings. A lot of them have done worse things to keep their relationships.

Secondly, I am sorry for this, a good mother shouldn't be threatening to curse her child or whatever that's related to d child or are u and armed robber?. I believe ur mum should sit u both down and let u guys see reasons she wants April. Or she is amongst those that believe in what their spiritual fathers tell them without giving reasons and telling them it should be secret.

Thirdly, I'm ashamed you can even come on social media to tell d world that ur mother said she'll curse u with her 2 breasts if u go ahead.

I'm not telling u to disrespect ur mum or put d lady above her. Or maybe each of them belong to different fraternities. So they know themselves which u don't know.

Like I said. Please both. Ask ur lady for court wedding in Feb where u can just take few friends. Then party up in April. Even the court wedding might be unknown to ur mum

See d kin advice way u day advice OP make he do wedding without the mother knowing, ,,,,u are a very bad person

If op trys such thing the girl go see am finish, ,,,,u don't kw wat u are saying, ,,,,,,,e b like say u never see home way scatter your last advice is a typical example of the starting point for a broken home ask any married couple who are aged


Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by tola9jaa: 11:45pm On Dec 20, 2018

I and my fiancee are sponsoring it ourselves. My mom is not contributing a kobo.

Ur girl is very rude and see the way her family suport her i will advice u to leave her, she will regret leaving you there are many good ladies out there just pray to ur creator to make the right choice


Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by Nobody: 11:47pm On Dec 20, 2018
Sorry OP but your mom is daft


It is not d mom dat has problem, ,,its the girl,,,,they can't get along, ,,,,,and d girl is the mummy type of person, ,,,,,such girls don't stay in marriage after getting married

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Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by Nobody: 11:49pm On Dec 20, 2018

Ur girl is very rude and see the way her family suport her i will advice u to leave her, she will regret leaving you there are many good ladies out there just pray to ur creator to make the right choice

Bro I like u
U are on point

That girl know go stay long with d op after marriage.......na so my uncle take marry woman finish the girl know gree stay with am, ,,,na her parent house she still day stay, ,,,,the tin frustrated d guy, ,,,,,
Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by tellwisdom: 11:49pm On Dec 20, 2018
are you having a issues you can pm me I'll direct you

The only issues i'm having presently is; ever since Buhari assumed office, I only drink 2 bottles of beer instead of 4. How can you help me ??
Re: My Relationship Of 3 Years May End Because Of Wedding Date. by Nobody: 11:49pm On Dec 20, 2018
The woman I am dating currently doesn't submit. she fits into that description of being trying to be bossy because she has that independent spirit and she is 30.



my advice for you is "MAN UP", Show her that you are in charge here.

If she feel uncomfortable to summit to you, Let her go. else you are digging your own grave.

it is just a matter of time before you die of heart attack (God forbid)

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