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First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 - Religion (4) - Nairaland

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Give Your Salaries As First Fruit - Pastor Adeboye's Son Leke Says (video) / Truly, The Forbidden Fruit Is Sex! / Bishop Mike Okonkwo's Confession About First Fruit And Tithe (Video) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by Evercurious(f): 1:30am On Jan 01, 2019

You forgot various offerings which are far more than tithe at the end of the month . In some cases 50% of total earning goes to church

And God keeps providing... Thats why HE IS ALL SUFFICIENT

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Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by Nobody: 1:31am On Jan 01, 2019
GOD will judge u for dis ur wrong teaching.

Ur a Fake pastor

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Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by Emary(f): 1:31am On Jan 01, 2019
if you earn 100k per month, and you pastor receive that in January, in addition to 10% of your salary which is 10 every month for 12 months which is 120k

first fruit = 100,000

annual tithe = 120,000

total sum going to your pastor = 220,000

its an attempt to collect tithe twice.

double tithtation ..lol

multiple tithe ation !!!

Tell them, o. There are also multiple offerings and contributions to be made in the same churches.

Exodus 23:19 says "bring the choice first fruits". That means bring some of the nicest of the first fruits, not all of it. After you will find church members in the same premises begging while the pastoral members are living in opulence.

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Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by SonsOfLiverpool(m): 1:33am On Jan 01, 2019


Who has paid January salary to you. Liar.

Which happy new year, with empty stomach hahahahaha?

Agent of false pastors. grin grin grin grin

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Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by sprints2: 1:33am On Jan 01, 2019

You meant 90 days of January right?

All the January I've witnessed are like 2.5 months rolled in one.
bros na bonanza pack 3 in 1...what a month morning+aftanoon+night= 48 hours what a powerful month...no wonder people don't fast during January cuz a day na 3 days


Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by usebog: 1:33am On Jan 01, 2019
Why will sane parson give some pastor my first salary of the year.........Too hilarious


Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by Athena4: 1:34am On Jan 01, 2019
GOD will judge u for dis ur wrong teaching.
Abeg shut up.How do you know God's judgement.God God God full your mouth, yet 99%of your comments are full of insults. Ordinary spelling you no fit spell.Your signature alone shows what you think with,definately not your brain. Abeg shut up and go and dash one pastor your Jan salary in advance, that is...if you even have a decent job. Everyone can not afford to be foolish like you.

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Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by Aystarz: 1:34am On Jan 01, 2019
So many children of hate on Nairaland! When has the business of the Church become the concern of satanic children?
People who do not know the road to a Church, who are tight-fisted, who can never help themselves, let alone giving to others, always believe that pastor has no other job other than eating Church money. Please, nobody is begging you for money, keep it for yourself and let us hear word. Is it by force that you should give your cursed first fruit? Those who know what it is, are giving regardless of your meaningless write-up.
The day is coming when if it not a pastor that is called, the case will become bad.
I have discovered that this generation of youths is the most unfortunate. They tell dreams they never dreamt. How could you be in your father's house (because I know you're still in school), and label every pastor as a thief?
Did you see that the fear of God is no longer in your eyes? You have left the good path your parents wanted you to follow and now gone astray. You need to come back, otherwise, your parents will curse you more from their graves!
Face your life, and leave pastors alone. Since you have decided on your own to go to hell, go alone, and don't try to drag others with you. Be warned!

And this one calls himself a Christian!

By their fruits (unguarded utterances), you shall know them.


Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by sprints2: 1:34am On Jan 01, 2019

Tell them, o. There are also multiple offerings and contributions to be made in the same churches.

Exodus 23:19 says "bring the choice first fruits". That means bring some of the nicest of the first fruits, not all of it. After you will find church members in the same premises begging while the pastoral members are living in opulence.
they call it first fruit not first salary Nigerians only God knows when we will be wice...


Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by Nobody: 1:35am On Jan 01, 2019

You forgot various offerings which are far more than tithe at the end of the month . In some cases 50% of total earning goes to church

you are super correct, let me add that.
but what is the requirements for starting a church business ?

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Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by Kolping: 1:35am On Jan 01, 2019
2 Peter 2:3

King James Version
"And through covetousness shall they (false prophets/false teachers) with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not."

New Living Translation
"In their greed they (false prophets/false teachers) will make up clever lies to get hold of your money. But God condemned them long ago, and their destruction will not be delayed."


Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by SonsOfLiverpool(m): 1:36am On Jan 01, 2019

Tell them, o. There are also multiple offerings and contributions to be made in the same churches.

Exodus 23:19 says "bring the choice first fruits". That means bring some of the nicest of the first fruits, not all of it. After you will find church members in the same premises begging while the pastoral members are living in opulence.
why quoting exodus sef, I thought that was old testament? There are some horrible stuff in that book should we also follow that?

Christ is the reason for Christianity and he never collected anything or asked anyone to pay. So why should Christians pay?

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Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by Antichristus: 1:36am On Jan 01, 2019
her opinions should be kept to herself

That is not how things work in sane societies. The OP is simply performing her civic role of enlightening the public. You don’t have to agree with her as you are free to exercise your freedom of thought and conscience. However, you have no right whatsoever to seek to shut her down. We’re in 2019 not Buhari’s 1980’s.

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Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by Nobody: 1:37am On Jan 01, 2019

You people lack the spirit of God, that's why you can't understand his words because they are spiritually discerned.

You say no one gave money to God. How come Proverbs says we should honor God with all our increase i.e anything that we earn which includes money?

Proverbs 3:9
9 Honour the LORD with thy substance, and with the
firstfruits of all thine increase:

All thine increase here is agricultural product n also stop reading it directly, it's Proverbs

Fake pastor Pls point out where anyone paid Money as first fruit or tithe in the bible n stop blabbing incoherent nonsense.

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Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by winningwinner(m): 1:37am On Jan 01, 2019
You typed lots of trash, show us where Jesus or the disciples preached first fruit or even tithe.

You are a thief, say whatever you like we must educate people of your dubious scam.

Thief undecided

You have gone public with this character of yours? God save us!
It's now incurable!!!
Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by CyberWolf: 1:38am On Jan 01, 2019
You satanic agents are easily recognized anywhere you are stationed. Keep twisting, misleading people and misquoting the word of God. Your days are numbered.
shatap there angry Satanic agent kee you there.. She said show us in the scripture where God commanded us to hand over our first fruit him sad .. It’s you criminals parading yourselves as men of God that are destroying Christianity.


Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by Jummyju: 1:38am On Jan 01, 2019

That is not how things work in sane societies. The OP is simply performing her civic role of enlightening the public. You don’t have to agree with her as you are free to exercise your freedom of thought and conscience. However, you have no right whatsoever to seek to shut her down. We’re in 2019 not Buhari’s 1980’s.
happy 2019
Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by semyman: 1:38am On Jan 01, 2019
Most christians are retards

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Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by Nobody: 1:39am On Jan 01, 2019

You forgot various offerings which are far more than tithe at the end of the month . In some cases 50% of total earning goes to church

Have u ever paid 50% of ur salary to ur pastor?
Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by SonsOfLiverpool(m): 1:40am On Jan 01, 2019

You have gone public with this character of yours? God save us!
It's now incurable!!!
As expected, no bible verse to back up where Jesus or the disciples preached such.

People must be woke. We must send you scam prophets out of market so you can allow people invest their money well for the betterment of humanity and to reduce poverty in Nigeria.

we the wise ones must make lots of people understand that people like you are thieves.

Happy New Year smiley grin

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Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by TruthHurts100: 1:41am On Jan 01, 2019
Do not say what you dont know op. Giving is an act of tapping blessings from God. I pray you experience Lords blessings as you give. if not for giving nobody will be calling Abraham father of all nations. Enough said.

What is God gonna do with your money? To buy Benz abi? It's an insult to say God must take from you before he gives you. It's ungodly to even think like that. These useless pastors have made a mockery of God.

It's like saying you must give Dangote your January salary before he will help you. It's stupidity to even reason that way.

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Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by alBHAGDADI: 1:41am On Jan 01, 2019

All thine increase here is agricultural product n also stop reading it directly, it's Proverbs

Fake pastor Pls point out where anyone paid Money as first fruit or tithe in the bible n stop blabbing incoherent nonsense.

All thine increase means every increase you get which includes material, agricultural and monetary increase.

Nowhere does the verse say agricultural increase alone.
Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by Pachesky(m): 1:42am On Jan 01, 2019
I'm not surprised about the comments ive read here, many people have turned to bible scholars over night and believe they have become wiser without even studying the bible in fulfilment of the scriptures of the last days are men would be lovers of their own soul and not the word..

If you have no idea about first fruits just keep quiet and let those who know its importance carry on with it.
Ill pick a worldly example. Taxes are required of every working class citizen by law. Just because the government of your country missues tax payers money meant for infrastructural developments doesn't make taxes illegal..whether you pay or not doesnt render tax paying a scam or a lie..
And when the hour comes those who failed to pay when caught would be handed their appropriate judgement depending on their level of default..

Thats how first fruits, tithes, offerings and free will giving and other requirements of God would be judged too..if you like pay or not when the hour comes we would all know who has been wise and who has been foolish..

There are fake pastors everywhere but I pray that God would not let the actions of these wolves in sheep clothings who have made many christian backslide continue to turn the hearts of others cold.

Bible scriptures supporting first fruit
Proberbs 3:9-10
Leviticus 23:10
Exodus 23:19
Deuteronomy 18:4
Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by PotatoSalad(m): 1:43am On Jan 01, 2019

You meant 90 days of January right?

All the January I've witnessed are like 2.5 months rolled in one.
Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by macello4(m): 1:44am On Jan 01, 2019
Abeg shut up.How do you know God's judgement.God God God full your mouth, yet 99%of your comments are full of insults. Ordinary spelling you no fit spell.Your signature alone shows what you think with,definately not your brain. Abeg shut up and go and dash one pastor your Jan salary in advance, that is...if you even have a decent job. Everyone can not afford to be foolish like you.
now i know u are sick. Why are u so in pain becos of first fruit? Is it ur money? No one can speak for GOD not even u, u are too junior.
Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by TruthHurts100: 1:44am On Jan 01, 2019
First fruit is not a scam. As long as it's done from your heart then you're good to go.

It's not a scam but MUMUry.

It baffles me that PhD holders, doctors become fools in front on their illiterate pastors.

Na so one go read satire give him mumu followers and dem start to dey cast and bound fake news.


Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by Avater0147(m): 1:44am On Jan 01, 2019
Your father is a scam, your dead mother is a scam. Animal like you, if e no work for you, e mean say e no dey work for me, idiot. you stupid cow, main while a foreigner is the one ruling your useless country, how many scam have you called him?? fool, no go mind your business, all of una go die this year if una no leave pastors issue out of una matter. goat, i wish you can see this, and may thunder strike any idiots that reply me rubbish here. fools
Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by Nobody: 1:45am On Jan 01, 2019

All thine increase means every increase you get which includes material, agricultural and monetary increase.

Nowhere does the verse say agricultural increase alone.

All thine increase here is agricultural products, But fake pastors don't ever want to hear this.

I will only believe u wen u pay in 100% of ur salary on 31st January 2019 to a pastor. Onye Oshi.

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Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by Nobody: 1:45am On Jan 01, 2019
Your father is a scam, your dead mother is a scam. Animal like you, if e no work for you, e mean say e no dey work for me, idiot. you stupid cow, main while a foreigner is the one ruling your useless country, how many scam have you called him?? fool, no go mind your business, all of una go die this year if una no leave pastors issue out of una matter. goat, i wish you can see this, and may thunder strike any idiots that reply me rubbish here. fools

Are u a Christian?

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Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by alBHAGDADI: 1:45am On Jan 01, 2019

That is not how things work in sane societies. The OP is simply performing her civic role of enlightening the public. You don’t have to agree with her as you are free to exercise your freedom of thought and conscience. However, you have no right whatsoever to seek to shut her down. We’re in 2019 not Buhari’s 1980’s.

Most people don't know that it is antichrists and satanic agents that are advising against firstfruits. They don't want you to obey your father the Almighty. Look at the Monika of the one I quoted. Tell me if an Antichrist will advise you to stop paying firstfruits if truly paying it is a wrong thing to do. No, he will advise you to continue doing the wrong thing. But here he knows paying it is right, that's why he and his likes are advising you against it.
Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by jice(m): 1:46am On Jan 01, 2019
If you are one of those that foolishly give your January salary to your pastor, you have been sold a lie.
It is the invention of commercial pastors about a decade ago.

The Bible has no such teachings
You celebrate the birth of the savior December 25th and yet believe he needs your money to bless you.
That money is to satisfy your greedy pastor and has nothing to do with Christ.

Stop being pawns in the hands of these greedy men of mammon.

I dare anyone to show me where anyone surrendered their first salary to anyone in the Bible? You won't find it because it doesn't exist.

Don't let people twist an old testament practice that has nothing to do with bringing money and make you act foolishly.

If you don't know what to do with your salary,go give it to your mother.

Don't be a mumu

See what you want to start the new year with. Religion is personal why are you dying for what doesn't concern you.?

The most unfortunate part is that you neither have intellectual capabilities nor biblical references to back your subversive derailed thought

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Re: First Fruit Is A Scam, Be Wiser In 2019 by macello4(m): 1:46am On Jan 01, 2019

Ur a Fake pastor
am not pastor.

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