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Nairaland Forum / Nairaland / General / Religion / The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time (2084 Views)
Why Do People Choose To Be Atheist(s) ? / The World Will End And Armageddon Will Come On Or Before Year 2000- Watchtower / One Shocking Reason We Must never end up in hell. (2) (3) (4)
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by frank317: 11:10pm On Feb 07, 2019 |
bloodofthelamb:U just got at peace with urself and called it God. its the same peace atheists feel when they denounce religion and all mythical stories and accept themselves for who they are. 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by budaatum: 11:46pm On Feb 07, 2019 |
GoodMuyis:Where is winner01 with his superior brainpower!? |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by Golden6(m): 3:35am On Feb 08, 2019 |
A Long Epistle #Religious God can do anything, Knows everything, Loves everyone Equally ; Thoughts I used to wonder why evangelism could appear to "fail" , why could a believer preach yet not convert, I mean, if they are supposed to be guided by God to the particular individual and are supposed to be speaking by the holy ghost (the holy ghost guides/inspires their speech), why would a God inspired speech not convert an unbeliever, and if God knew the speech wouldn't change the unbeliever why waste the believer's time on a fruitless endeavor when there were probably some people out there that could had been "saved" in that time. I drew some conclusions - The believer's weren't inspired by God , They simply used their knowledge to try and convince a random unbeliever chosen by intuition, about God. The believer probably had problems with his relationship with God -I wondered why, if God knew it wouldn't succeed, why let it happen at all? When He knows he would use that against the unbeliever on judgement day - I got annoyed at those who tried and failed to convert me.. I believed they just weren't the ones to "save" me. I believed someone would, and Goo d would tell that person when and how. I also believed all the "failures" had issues with their faith. They probably didn't hear God. They just chose me at random and believed they were led to choose me. Which made me wonder if people "faithful" enough to evangelize had problems, is there anyone who doesn't?? (Which was the main question that made me faithless which I am. Is there anyone who is actually "Christlike" Some thinking has negated those questions , but however has generated a more important question To illustrate Assuming some of us wanted to ask our dad for #10,000 , the way we will go about it will be different. A will ask er mum to try and convince her dad for her. Knowing her dad won't refuse his wife. B will make a dish of friend plantain and kpomo for her dad, then ask him for it. Knowing her dad's love for food. C will praise her dad all day , then ask him for the money. Knowing appreciation is her dad's weakness. D will lie she needs money for something in school. Knowing her dad's value for her education. E wouldn't bother, because she knows her dad's salary is too thin to afford giving her that much. And F will pester his dad (ask repetitively him until he agrees and gives him the money). Now, why did they all ask in different ways? Because they had different dad's. They know their dads , and they know which way will (most likely) work on them. Now ,when I thought of F (The son who pestered), I realised that probably the otherwise "failed" evangelisms where true after all and where holy ghost inspired, but they needed more messages to preach before they could convert the person. So all the apparently "failed evangelisms" where actually important efforts made to achieve success. .. but now the problem this brought up.. A - F above, tried different methods to ask their dads because they knew their dads Likewise, since God is all knowing.I want to believe God knows exactly what will save each and every one of us. (That is, assuming everyone can be saved, which must be true, God wouldn't create a soul That's doomed to hell.) So now the question, based on the fact that Good knows what can save every one, why does anyone still go to hell?? The thing is that , if they got to hell , that simply means that whichever thing/person/way that would had saved them didn't happen to them on Earth. Yes, Brother L may have been preached to Mr X ,about God's Merciful nature, but God knew only if Brother M came to preach to Him, about God's loving nature,would he had been saved. Yes Brother M preached to Miss Y ,but God knew, only if a sister came too preach to her , telling the story of Mary, would Miss Y had been saved. Yes , four people might had preached to Z , but God knew 11 people had to preach to him before he would be saved God knew from the start that brother M's preaching would have had no effect on Miss Y. He knew Mr X wouldn't had been converted by Brother L's message. He knew not enough believer's had preached to Mr Z yet, for him to be saved. So why would God use these encounters against the unbelievers on judgement day. As they now know about Christ but still aren't saved. Just like above , You think B would had made Garri and groundnut instead for her dad , and EXPECTED him to Give hey the money? Of course not!! (For those thinking the dad might still give B the money , yes he might, but B didn't know that, and That argument doesn't apply to God. By Definition , he knows everything , he knew us before we where even born, he knows what decisions we will make now and in the nearest future, so he knows exactly what will change us, and what wouldn't.) To make it a bit clearer , Imagine we are all as robots with blood in us. God made us all perfectly But his enemy came to tell us that if we cut ourselves we will be upgraded. We "chose" to cut ourselves. Some cut rectangles, some squares, others circles,some cut more than one hole, So now we're all bleeding and are doomed to die eventually. Now , God in his love and mercy sent Jesus with these cut parts (disks). squares , circles , rectangles, etc. To save us. He filled (Saved) some people personally, and gave them discs for go fill (Save) others, he gave A circles , B squares , and C rectangles Now, my opinion of "failed" evangelisms, was when A with circles goes to preach to J with square Cuts. God couldn't had sent A there, Knowing it would be fruitless, meaning A is probably disconnected from God, has problems with his faith. It's not J's fault he doesn't believe ,God knows brother A isn't the right person to convince him. But now I'm guessing it's more like A did his part in J , by preaching and filling the circular holes in J , But B also has to fill the square holes in J for him to be saved ( that's my idea of multiple preaching required to save one.) Given that it is God, who directs the believer's going to preach to who they should preach to, and guides them what they should say, My question is why can any one end up unsaved If J above wasn't saved, its because the right person/place/thing didn't make him be saved. So why exactly would God blame J for not being saved? J heard the word from M, Yes, So now he is accountable to God because he can't claim to not heard about Jesus, But A wasn't the one/ the only one who needed to save him. In other words, why does anyone go to hell when God should know it's not their fault. The perfect/right preaching wasn't delivered to them. You see I believe , it is actually God who makes that choice of who gets to be saved. We don't control life, We don't determine who we bump into on the road, if we get in an accident, who become our classmates , who are family will be. But God does, he planned all their paths to cross ours. I Believe, That God planned, that, for those to be saved, the path that will save them will cross them, and for those that wouldn't be, that path wouldn't cross them. Now, why would God Choose for anyone to not be saved? Given that negates the fact God loves Everyone?. The only explanation is that all can not be saved Why is that? only two possible reasons; There is no way for them to be saved.(e.g they have star holes) which would mean they've been doomed to hell from the start, which is not correct, as if God loves everyone, there should be the opportunity for all to be saved. The other reason is that there were ways.But those ways didn't get to them..And God knows it.So why exactly would he blame them for these ways not happening to them?. Now the only reason I can think of is the greater good. Some people have to go to hell, not to any fault of their own, but just because their going to hell , means more will get to go to heaven. I.e Maybe if one goes to hell, it ensures two go to heaven. (Like , let's say if God knew O's future is to be a IndecentStar, her dieing now (before becoming one) means less boys will get addicted to porn , and have a higher chance of making heaven , you get?) Now ,this can only mean one thing ,Everyone can't be saved. Every one can be saved, but all can not be saved , some "savable ones" have to be left behind. So , Now.. if God loves each and everyone Equally, how can Such a God Choose who Gets left behind?. No mother , will make a choice, if she is asked to save one, out of two of her children's life, no mother,That is if she loves them all equally. No mother will say, okay, Let A die if it means B,C,D and E will live. No mother , will make the choice, to doom to certain death,her child that she loves. So how can an All loving , all Knowing , and all powerful God make that Choice. Unless in some way, he is not all powerful, and cannot do Everything ( He Cannot Save Eveyone) Or , he is not all Knowing , and does not know everything (He Does Not Know People Well Enough To Know What Will Convert Them) Or he is not all loving , and does not love each and every of his creation equally.(That He Can Choose To Let Some Die For Others) Confused #Personal I wrote a religiously questioning article before, then I deleted it days later. Because I didn't want to Rob people of the peace they have in the belief that some Good that loves them, and can protect them from any danger he knows they are set to encounter. Can you imagine someone wondering if he is the Antichrist? And they'll knock with on the door, with their Bible in their hand, Brother can I talk to you, do you have a few minutes etc. I gave them audience , listened along, tried to see if i could try to believe all what they were saying. I laughed you know, there was this one guy that I watched him sign in frustration/confusion. Was I that gone. Am I that terrible that I can't be convinced of this fantasy. And this all happened because I actually wanted to get more serious with my life by being more serious with my "God". Now I have landed. Knowing fully well I will never believe in the mirage that seems to be reflecting in the eyes of majority in our country. Let me put it like this. We are in a room filled with lions ( the world which is a bad place) , We all have blindfolds on (Belief that a God is protecting is and on our side) , I take my blindfolds off and see the Lions ( I realise , God doesn't exist, and there is no Divine/special bodyguard service for me) , no matter how tightly I put back the blindfolds , I would not be peaceful as I was before. Just less than a year ago I was peacefully unserious. If Good existed or not was not my concern for then. Church was just a place to go on Sunday, a place you dress to, and see others in beautiful attire.I checked out babes if I saw one. What was my business, I didn't ask them to dress so attractively. Like I mentioned earlier , I wonder if there is anyone actually Christlike. The minutely negligible few I might consider are people I don't know at all. People I meet in church who know Bible verses, speak in tongues, e.t.c. But I am almost certain they hold some sinful attitude in their closet. I only hoped I would probably die from sickness , so I'll have time to beg for forgiveness from God so I'll make heaven. an online account is wrong, then you are not a believer. ( "Sin is sin, there is no thing as small or big sin" That was another issue, to think I might find myself in the same hell as Hitler , if all I did was steal a chewing gum. I miss where I was, peacefully unconcerned / indifferent. My intent with this post is to try and either convince others , or to get convinced , that somehow there is a God (commenting insults, or Jesus is coming soon, hell is real, repent for the kingdom of God is at hand , etc is of no effect, I've heard them a million times please type something useful, or pray for what to type). Now, is that selfish, me attempting to Rob others of their peace because I've lost mine, I guess so. The future I always saw was me being rich ( from some profession God was supposed to show me) , being a philanthropist , having a wife and kids I could provide for. I imagined me as a parent. I believe it's better to teach a child than to train (Cain) one, I've always believed teaching was the better way. Never imagining flogging my children.. Raising them with good and proper values. But how can I do that when I don't know what those are. As of now, I wonder, Will have kids. Providing physically for them is easy beans , but do I think I can raise them morally sound. So I even know what that is. Do I raise them to be blindly among the religious crowd, or raise them believing what I believe to be true, but expose them to taunting and discrimination from their mates. So I am releasing this. Yes hopefully to demolish our faith grounded morals for proper ethical way of life. A future for Nigeria where atheism is a free believe, not to be discriminated against be fellow Nigerians. Thank God for assu strike, I'm not editing that out. God has been so infused into me I still say bless you, thank God , or bless this food in our Lord's name.. they are meaningless statements to me.. always have been, but they are now a habit to me. Can't just be dismissed. Back to ASUU strike I'm supposed to become a Godly world renowned engineer ( my mom's belief), hell , I don't even know why I picked my fucking course, well , I am good at math, but what is one to expect from constant practice. I was supposed to be guided to God to know his plan & purpose for my life. Hence why I decided to get serious religiously , hence why my life is a fucking mess right now, hence why am glad for assu strike. Hopefully I can develop some interests before they call if off. I don't know how anyone believes in stories like Noah ark. Anyone who can try to convince me , please check this out and have your arguments against each of their points https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Noah's_Ark Anyone who can try to convince me that God loves everyone , please read Drunk with blood by Steve Wells and explain the love behind the documents 2._ million killings God ordered , executed , or approved of I can't see how I'm supposed to believe all these lies. And someone keeps telling me just believe , just believe , like it's some kind of choice I can just choose to make our not make. I actually needed to make the decision but I Couldn't. You would assume believing in no God has helped me solve any problems. It hasn't. Hell, it only created deeper problems for me, having no goals, no motivation, no purpose, no moral standard for anything. Hell, if I knew more about him I could actually defend Hitler . Tried to get help. Met a psychologist. Going to one isn't how Lucifer (the series) makes is seem. You're actually admitting defeat , knowing your life ( home , family, possessions) is some people's dreams out there, yet here you are, having it all, yet you're the one claiming you need help. Didn't work though. Got a Christian psychologist, referred me to her church right away. Well , I don't know, am glad I got this out 1 Like |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by GoodMuyis(m): 9:05am On Feb 08, 2019 |
budaatum: Maybe off schooling, but am not sure. |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by GoodMuyis(m): 9:22am On Feb 08, 2019 |
Golden6: C' mon, don't go this way. This is one of the reasons why debate will never end. Lies and conjecture. Have you ever heard about Freewill at all? Study the Life of Late Tai Solarin, a Militant Atheist and that of Williams F. Kumuyi. Williams was a student under Solarin and would later become an employee. 1 =>Tai Solarin throughout his lifetime cannot boast of 1000 people he had influence with his Atheism. 2=> Williams Kumuyi who stated his evangelism while still working under Tai Solarin today can declare that his evangelistic work has yielded over 1 million people Evangelism progress is not counting people who heard it, but they that gladly received his word 1 Like 1 Share |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by budaatum: 11:35am On Feb 08, 2019 |
GoodMuyis:Or learning what he was taught, and growing. |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by Nobody: 1:11pm On Feb 08, 2019 |
frank317: Yes...Frank. Something's wrong with me...(heard that a few times). Prayer is not a "one-time" trick...where I pray once and poof...there's my answer. God teaches us (patience, faith, trust, perseverance etc) through the art of praying. It's not always about "what we can get".... I'm not a "numbers-sort-of-gal", so I'm not impressed by them. I've come to know that "majority" oftentimes, doesn't equate to truth. It just equates to "a lot".. We are even told in the Bible (and I'm paraphrasing) that "broad is the way that leads to destruction...and many there be that are on that path"...Matthew 7:13. I guess I haven't been on the site long enough to know the tons of "Christians" who have been deceived.... You guys do work "overtime" though...especially on impressionable minds...who aren't firmly solid on what they believe. Even if you could produce numbers, that would not phase me at all. I have only known of one young lady...who I saw a recent change (within the 2 years of me being a member here), that I'm concerned about...and I made that known. Obinna is the other person (that I know of) who consistently boasts of his "conversion"...unfortunately. He's very proud and happy....so he says. But the stories of (his, her) and many folks are not finished just yet..with all due respect. Frank, that's not a proud thing to be on here boasting and partying about folks who you (and others) are leading to perdition... Even if an atheist had a conversion back to Christianity he/she would probably be too frightened to speak about it on here. Some "re-conversions", if I can loosely use that word, we will only know, when we make it into the Kingdom. A lot of you guys and gals are very intelligent...but that will be the down-fall for some of you. Trying to intellectually reason (with finite minds) and completely understand an infallible Creator. It will never happen... Which is why you guys have no peace. Surrender so you can have that peace...it's crucial. God doesn't "force"...the Holy Spirit touches hearts..and transforms them. But you guys have to be willing to see your need... I see no atheist achievement. I see how powerful some of you guys could be if______....let me just let you guys fill in the blank. What I have is a heart of pity...and an even more steadfast comittment to daily praying, Frank I'm not stopping sir... You take care... 1 Like |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by Hermes019: 1:21pm On Feb 08, 2019 |
Mobilia:Don't waste ur prayers on us instead pray for Leah Sharibu |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by budaatum: 1:52pm On Feb 08, 2019 |
Can you see why we must take their tithes? They must pay for their stupidity! And atheists are fools for educating them for free when what we would consider inferior teaching is receiving a tithe! For their level? A twentieth is cheap! But for love of them, a score. |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by budaatum: 1:55pm On Feb 08, 2019 |
Mobilia:Too busy knocking, those atheists. Studying the lost sheep! |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by frank317: 7:13pm On Feb 08, 2019 |
Mobilia: Reading this I visualised u are gentle and perhaps pretty but that's by the way. If the bible tells u broad is the way to destruction and narrow is the way to God, then it had since the beginning admitted failure. The fact is that prayer never works, u pray for everything with no result. Prayer for Nigeria, prayer for our leaders, prayer for Leah, prayer for atheist, prayer for health, prayer for the sick... All ur life is praying for something that never comes.... Do u know why gamblers are always stuck to the gambling habit despite loosing? It is because of the uncertainty of when gambling will pay off... That's same trick pastors gat u praying all ur life... Its really sad, but if mugu no fall, sharp man no go chop. Like I said, its time u guys start paying us for trying to bring u out of this mess u call religion. |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by Nobody: 11:27am On Feb 11, 2019 |
budaatum: Not trying to "knock" anyone. Lost sheep include more than atheists. There just seems to be a "disproportionate" number of you guys (meaning male/female) in this section....so your group is who I have decided to address...at times. Have never met an African atheist ever in my life. I'm not gonna debate...not my style...and most of you guys know that by now. You don't like the message, but I am compelled to remind you guys that God still loves you all and is calling you to repentance...and back to Him. 1 Like |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by budaatum: 11:43am On Feb 11, 2019 |
Mobilia:Do you know why God created mosquitoes? See here. Same with the atheist. |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by Nobody: 11:44am On Feb 11, 2019 |
frank317: Gentility is a very beautiful & powerful trait.. (especially for a woman)... What a lovely compliment... I haven't reached perfection just yet. I have some challenges to overcome. But the key is that I am striving...and will conquer them eventually. Frank, I won't go into depth...but I decided to read through some of your past threads and I found some things...that make me understand you a little better.. (if I may say that). It allows my prayer for you to be tweaked a little more personally. Oh...you don't need any money from me.. I'm quite sure you have both the "brain and brawn" to make an "honest" living. If I pay you, then that becomes a fraudulent means of income...correct? Praying for you sir.... |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by Nobody: 11:51am On Feb 11, 2019 |
Hermes019: They won't be a waste for some of you. Leah has not been forgotten. My prayers for her are specific. My prayers for you guys are also specific. |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by LordReed(m): 2:48pm On Feb 11, 2019 |
Mobilia: It is arrogant to claim that people who reject your beliefs based on careful consideration of the facts as we have discovered them, are deceived. Especially when your own beliefs have no factual support for them other than tales of extraordinary acts from thousands of years ago and subjective experiences which you interpret in 10,000 ways. Anybody who comes here, looks at the facts presented and decides that faith is irrelevant is not deceived, in fact such a person has been enlightened as opposed to remaining ignorant of the facts of reality and holding on to fairy tales from a 1,000 years ago. |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by tintingz(m): 3:01pm On Feb 11, 2019 |
Whether a debate is endless or not, it's still very useful not only for the debaters but also the audience. I was a Muslim, it was this religion forum that made me start questioning everything and realized how delusional I was. Now I'm an atheist. So philosophical debate is very useful, it enlighten and inform people. 3 Likes 2 Shares |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by Hermes019: 5:21pm On Feb 11, 2019 |
Mobilia: Why hasn't she been released ? Don't u see ur prayers are useless |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by luvmijeje(f): 6:13pm On Feb 11, 2019 |
Indeed it's a waste of time for those who refused to see God from another point of view. The religionists are close minded individuals and surprisingly I've gotten to discover that the Atheists are more close minded than them. But for people like me(I know I'm coming off as arrogant) who are knowledge seekers it's not a waste of time. I've learnt a lot from the Atheists and I've also learnt a lot from the religionists. I'm now a well rounded individual. |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by Nobody: 11:23am On Feb 13, 2019 |
Hermes019: You do know that I am only a "creation" and NOT the Creator; therefore I cannot (with a finite mind) answer your question on either Leah's earthly fate nor exactly "why" God has allowed this to occur in this manner. I can speculate, but I choose not to. I do know she wasn't ashamed to boldly stand for her Lord and Savior (and the Bible clearly says that those who desire to live Godly lives shall suffer persecution... 2 Timothy 3:12) and He knows and has her...and "good" can come from a tragic situation. Sometimes it's just not about "us" only....but a bigger picture. However, "no", I do not see where my prayers are useless.. Prayer has never, nor is, nor will ever be useless if it is done with sincerity and humility. No offense but I don't expect you to understand the spiritual aspect of the situation...cause you are thinking with a carnal mind. I invite you to study the Word of God..prayerfully and with humility through the Holy Spirit's guiding... |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by Nobody: 11:24am On Feb 13, 2019 |
LordReed: Ok...you have a right to express your opinion Mr. Reed. |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by LordReed(m): 11:51am On Feb 13, 2019 |
Mobilia: Its not opinion, it is fact. |
Re: The Christian(s) Vs Atheist(s) Debate Will Never End... And Is A Waste Of Time by Hermes019: 3:21pm On Feb 13, 2019 |
Mobilia:Your prayer is useless whether u choose to accept it or not |
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