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closed by seapson(m): 4:16pm On Feb 15, 2019
Sorry,no more trading for new investors
Re: closed by Zombicmodz: 4:18pm On Feb 15, 2019
You're welcome.
Re: closed by seapson(m): 4:25pm On Feb 15, 2019
This is going to be a very lengthy post,and hopefully I don't get banned by NL bot..
Re: closed by seapson(m): 4:35pm On Feb 15, 2019
(sorry couldn't post the link)and I've seen a couple of other guys also claiming to trade binary,but the funiest thing is that the post pics of bot with not upto 50 trades in total as proofs...like criosly? How can u make a couple of wins and think you've found the solution to making money with binary?
I've heard people say you can't have more than 5 losses in a row while trading so they tell you to double your stake on every losing trade until you win..are you kidding me?
I've had instances where you see 15 losses in a row..OMG


Re: closed by seapson(m): 4:40pm On Feb 15, 2019
Now look at the first pic I posted,zoom in,and check under,you'll see where it says No of trades...a consistent winning bot should run into thousands of trade...
I'll post a screen shot of my whatsapp chat with fruitfella and Ex-Machina(anybody that's really familiar with binary,will definitely know this two dudes...

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Re: closed by seapson(m): 5:02pm On Feb 15, 2019
As my bot continues to run,ill post more pics
Now back to the koko
The question is can one really make money from binary?
The answer is YES...
And NO
Yes: yes because people out there are making a fortune out of it,if not,binary wouldn't be in existence
No: No because many more people have jumped into it (without a good strategy,planning etc)and can never recover from the scar
The good thing is that they have a demo account which you can use till you understand the concepts,before you now put in real money and then you will still get burnt
Yes you heard me right...

Pls the fact that i'll be posting pics from my bot does not mean I'm here to sell my bot or anything

I'll take you through my journey with binary options and all you need to do..

And please take note that I'm not here to sell my bot neither I'm I here to give out my strategy...the best I will do is trade for you..i can't drop a bot I spent years on for chicken change...
In case you are in ibadan and you want to meet up,no problem....
So let's continue.......
Re: closed by seapson(m): 5:21pm On Feb 15, 2019
From the $10,000 from the virtual account,I've lost everything and kept on asking for more demo credit which they will always give you for testing...
Through out my years of testing(yes,ive spent about 9 years on binary now),i must have asked for credit more than 50 times
So trust me,its not a days job
Finally now,im able to use just $500 and build it up to $2000 in less than a week...no kidding

I've built nothing less than 300 bots before finally getting here
And I trade on EVEN / ODD
My trades as you can see in the pics,start with as little as $0.35, and climbs up gradually after a loss..just so you now,It doesn't usually go above $15 on each trade(worst case scenario)
To be cont.....


Re: closed by seapson(m): 5:24pm On Feb 15, 2019
Please feel free to ask any question...

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Re: closed by seapson(m): 5:31pm On Feb 15, 2019
Pls if anybody is following,can you please reply so I won't just be wasting my time.


Re: closed by macdaddy: 5:33pm On Feb 15, 2019
I am interested and following. Though i just lost $1300 thru someone that was trading for me.

What do u have to offer?


Re: closed by seapson(m): 5:46pm On Feb 15, 2019
I am interested and following. Though i just lost $1300 thru someone that was trading for me.

What do u have to offer?
Like criosly? $1300
That's what I was saying earlier, seeing people with zero know how bout how this works, suggesting to trade for others....
Well like I said, if you in IB,and you wanna meet no prob..but trust me I've been into this for years,and I know what I'm talking about...those pics are from my bots,and trades runs into thousand...


Re: closed by seapson(m): 5:51pm On Feb 15, 2019
By the way I'm sorry for your loss...
I'm planning on trading with a minimum of $500 for each individual...
And you get 50% weekly
But I'm thinking on dropping a previous bot I was using...this bot won't run 24/7 but will give you profits


Re: closed by seapson(m): 5:52pm On Feb 15, 2019
But on second thought,whats the essence of dropping a bot that might lead to losses...i don't wanna tarnish my name and image..
Re: closed by seapson(m): 5:53pm On Feb 15, 2019
Next post coming soon....
Re: closed by flames007(m): 6:02pm On Feb 15, 2019
Re: closed by reallouis: 6:56pm On Feb 15, 2019
My brother i believed your information. Following.

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Re: closed by Nobody: 7:03pm On Feb 15, 2019
Following...thou I have a bot too

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Re: closed by xenastar(f): 8:20pm On Feb 15, 2019

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Re: closed by seapson(m): 8:33pm On Feb 15, 2019
ok,thanks to you all guys...
Now the first thing i'll like as many that will be reading this post is that you should be very careful while trading,just like i said earlier, it can make you rich quickly,and it can also send you to the village withing the twinkling of an eye.. I'm talking from experience...you might think youve gotten the perfect bot just because it runs smoothly with a lot of greens for some hours,then you start thinking youve hit the jackpot,i'm sorry for you..
And again there are some tradings and strategy you need to run away from
Digits matches/differs(thsi is the easiest way to pack to the village) like wtf,digit differs weda u like it or not,is devilish...i have nothing more to say
Digits Rise/Fall(Seems to me like they put a lot of attention on this...ive used all the strategies in this world on this, still yet,it sucks away the demo $10,000 as if i snatch hin papa girlfriend
And also the use of martingale, especially compound martingale...
well,i cant rili go into details as to which strategy to use and which one not to use,as what will work for me might not work for you
after all the strategies ive tried for years,i've finally settled for even odd...
you have to know what works for you
dwell on it till youve gotten a hang of it...if you continue jumping around from rise and fall, to under over, to higher lower to matches differs, you will never get anything working...
beating the brokers providing this platform seems next to impossible...
from my research, i learnt they they employ psychologist,mathematicians and physicist to build all these platform, thats why it always seems as if they are in your brain,or that they always know your strategy and make you lose money so much....
At some point,i started thinking that they have a computer that saves my strategy and counters every option my bot chooses just to make me lose...lolssss
Re: closed by seapson(m): 8:42pm On Feb 15, 2019
for those that will want to invest in binary options and will want me to trade on their behalf, i want you to be rest assured, as i will now be posting pics of how my bot works....from the pics below,you will see i started with $500, this evening at 8:30pm..i will continue to update with pics of how my bot continues working for days non stop...making an average of $10 every 2 hours...you will see for your self...
to be cont...

Re: closed by seapson(m): 8:56pm On Feb 15, 2019
Following...thou I have a bot too
do you mind sharing your experience?
what are your current challenges?
Re: closed by sonofElElyon: 9:49pm On Feb 15, 2019
Reading you commitedly! Continue

Pls if anybody is following,can you please reply so I won't just be wasting my time.
Re: closed by Broderick555: 10:17pm On Feb 15, 2019
Following sir
Re: closed by Nobody: 10:33pm On Feb 15, 2019

do you mind sharing your experience?
what are your current challenges?
well,i lost a substantial sum to that bot few months ago,had to revisit demo acc to relearn.having practiced intensively,i had to deliberately reduce the $10000 to $100(something I can afford conveniently in live acc),started building gradually until I got to $300 with 2wks.prepping for live again.
Re: closed by seapson(m): 3:39am On Feb 16, 2019
Alright guys,if anyone tells you that you cant make money even why you sleep,show them this post...
from the pics below,i did a snapshot of the bot i started at 8:30 pm, the bot was running when i fell asleep,i woke up at about 2:30am and from the previous $500, it made about $50..thats $50 in 6 hours while i was asleep
this is a pic of the bot when i started at 8:30 (highlighted in yellow)

Re: closed by seapson(m): 3:42am On Feb 16, 2019
at 9pm
at 10pm
at 12am
at 3am

Re: closed by seapson(m): 3:44am On Feb 16, 2019
here,you can see that the number of runs in 6 hours is about 650 runs

Re: closed by seapson(m): 3:49am On Feb 16, 2019
well,i lost a substantial sum to that bot few months ago,had to revisit demo acc to relearn.having practiced intensively,i had to deliberately reduce the $10000 to $100(something I can afford conveniently in live acc),started building gradually until I got to $300 with 2wks.prepping for live again.
sorry for your loss bro
more greens to your bot
Re: closed by seapson(m): 4:31am On Feb 16, 2019
this is another example of the scammers i was talking about earlier (Earn $50 Daily Trading Binary) all the pics he posted for his bots has never exceeded 50 runs...and take a look at his staking strategy, using martingale with a whooping x4 factor....that is when a trade loses,his next trade will be times 4 of the previous...when he losses 3 times in a row the stake becomes $16..imaging losing a fourth time,it becomes $64....then if you lose a fifth time it,it becomes $256
these are the type of guys that will tell you that you will never lose 4 times in a row....hahahahaa
just take a look at the 9th picture i posted above,i had a straight loss count of 7....sometimes, it goes up to 15....yes you heard me right...15


Re: closed by seapson(m): 4:46am On Feb 16, 2019
here is my bot at 4:40 am....
the total credit amount is $566
a straight run of 777

Re: closed by seapson(m): 5:10am On Feb 16, 2019
if you think you have a strategy that i havnt tried,seriously,you need to have a rethink
below is a list of the bots ive built(182)
not to talk of the hundreds that ive deleted
from martingale to oscar's grind to d'Alermbert etc
from digit match/differs to high low, to rise fall to over under...hehehe
just check out the highlighted text in the pics below
those instances when you think you've found the best bot,you now save it with sweet sweet names grin grin
only for it to use NNPC pipeline as straw on your account balance

i'm planning on how to in-cooperate those with little cash into one account
cus like i said earlier, im not going to drop my hard earned bot grin grin
neither im i going to sell it
i'll trade on your behalf with my bot
but i wont take any investment less that $100
cus i cant start going through the stress of making payment to hundreds of little little investment(i'm an individual not a company cheesy cheesy)
i'll start trading when we have a total of $2000 from all the investors
then you get 50% of your investment weekly
at least since i can make $60 in 8 hours with $500,that $180 daily
im sure of making more than 50% weekly

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Re: closed by seapson(m): 5:25am On Feb 16, 2019
here i had 8 losses in a row,then somebody will now tell you that you cant lose more than 4 times undecided undecided
making money with binary bot is all about consistency
can you leave your bot to run for days
can you sleep in peace while your bot is working?

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