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Rebuttal To The Thread "Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Trousers?" - Religion - Nairaland

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New Changes For Jehovah's Witness: Women Can Wear Trousers, Men Must Not Wear.. / Evangelist Victor Edet: 'Ladies Who Wear Trousers Can Never Make Heaven' / Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Trousers? (2) (3) (4)

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Rebuttal To The Thread "Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Trousers?" by alBHAGDADI: 3:37pm On Feb 17, 2019
There has always been heated arguments among Christians and Christian denominations as regards the position of the Bible on wearing of trousers by women. I also had been conflicted about this at certain stages of my development as a Christian but after thorough and thoughtful examination of this matter, I came to a conclusion and I will outline my own argument on this issue with this thread.

Deuteronomy 22:5 (KJV)
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.

This Bible passage above is where the entire controversy over appropriateness of Christian women wearing trousers or not emanate from

1. Note that it made not specifically talking about women wearing trousers, it does not even mention the word trouser as it wasn't even in existence then. It was talking about what we call Cross-dressing today so the question is should women wearing trousers today be seen as an example of cross dressing?

Trousers were not our clothing in this part of the world, it was a dressing we borrowed from western culture so if we are to determine if it is male or female clothing or not, we need to look to those that own the culture. From my research, the earliest appearance of trousers in human history were in Asia and much later in Europe and much of what we call the western world today.

The question is did women wear trousers in Asia and the western world or was it only for men? The truth is their women wore trousers and it is not a modern thing, they had been wearing trousers long before Christianity came to Nigeria. If Among the people that invented this trousers, women wear trousers, how did Africans who borrowed the culture come to conclude that it is only a man's wear? There are lots of evidence in historical arts that women wore trousers as far back as even before Jesus came.

2. Deuteronomy 22 is a Chapter with 30 verses all giving commandments to be obeyed by the Israelites in those days. They include commandments like,

Verse 9: Do not plant two kinds of seed in your vineyard; if you do, not only the crops you plant but also the fruit of the vineyard will be defiled.

Verse 11: Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together.

Verse 12: Make tassels on the four corners of the cloak you wear e.t.c

The chapter even advocates for the stoning to death of a woman found not to be a virgin on her wedding night. So my question is why do some Christians zero in on only verse five and try to condemn people with it? Why not advocate for the implementation of the entire commandments in that chapter of the Bible? After all, Jesus said if you fail in one, you have failed in all.

My advice to Christians is that Jesus came and became a fulfillment of the law, in other words, he fulfilled all the requirements of the law and introduced an era of grace where it is faith in Him and not observance of the law that brings salvation. It is a deception by the enemy to make us believe that after receiving salvation by grace through faith in Christ, we need to maintain that salvation by trying to observe all old testament laws and commandments.

The above quote is from a thread which made front page today Sunday. It tried to justify why women can wear trousers regardless of what anyone thinks the Bible says. Sadly, I was in church this morning and only came back to meet the thread on front page, so I couldn't contribute to it. However, I am writing this rebuttal because I found so many errors in the thread which can mislead a true Christians. I will point out those errors and will also show why women shouldn't wear trousers. Mind you, no human will beat you for wearing trousers, but what do you think your heavenly Father feels seeing you doing that?

Deuteronomy 22:5 (KJV)
The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the Lord thy God.

The above verse clearly condemns women wearing what pertains unto a man and also man wearing what pertains unto a woman. God says people who do such are an abomination to him. This means he hates such people, because hate is another word for abomination. Has God stopped hating what he use to hate? God is the same Yesterday, today and forever.

Malachi 3:6 (KJV)
For I am the LORD , I change not;

Those who see nothing wrong in a woman wearing what pertains to a man often kick against it when a man wears what pertains to a woman. Isn't that confusing and a double standard?

What are the things that pertain to a man which women are not to wear? Before I go into that, let me first list some things that pertain to women which men are not to wear. Imagine a boy putting on earrings, won't you find it awkward? Yes, Rappers and RnB musicians wear earrings, but then most of them are closet homosexuals which is part of their covenant with Satan whom they sold their soul to for fame. What about a guy wearing bra or high-heels? Won't you find it disgusting? Proponents of women wearing trousers would bark at Bobrisky for dressing like a woman, but won't be worried when a woman dresses like a man. They are just confused.

Now, what are the things that pertains to a man which a woman should not wear? Number one is trousers, shorts and everything manly. These people who support women wearing trousers are always quick to say women have been wearing trousers in Asia way before Jesus Christ came into this world, even though they never provide evidence for that. The thing is, who designed trousers and for what purpose? Before trousers, men wore robes, which aren't the one wore by women. But during war, it was discovered that robes prevented them from fighting well, that's how the invention of trousers came about, at least according to popular believe. The question now is, who was it designed for? Surely it was designed for men because they were the ones going to battle, not women. And since then, it became a masculine fashion which has advanced to short nickers and three quarter shorts. Since it is regarded as a masculine fashion, then it pertains unto a man, which means women are to stay away from it as commanded by God himself.

If you ask those who say women can wear trousers to tell you what the things that pertains unto a man which a woman should not wear, they won't have any answer. Take a deep breathe and try to create a list. You will see that you won't be able to make any list that won't contain things like boxers, shorts and trousers. Women have now gone to the extreme by wearing Agbada and Suits.

God who clearing prohibited women wearing clothes that pertains to a man knows why he said so. Look at the way girls are now showing off their camel toe in trousers. One can almost see the shape of their vagina, yet someone wants me to believe that trousers is good for women as well. What about the curves and the shape of their round backside which it exposes? Trousers bring out their shape in a seductive manner which makes many innocent men fall into sin. Ask yourself, why do you wear trousers as a female. Be sincere, is it not to make your shape pronounced? Some will say it makes them walk smart. Are you going to war? Our mothers who wore skirts and wrappers, did they die for lack of smartness? Admit it, you wear trousers just to look sexy. Most have even graduated to wearing leggings which make them look almost as if they aren't wearing anything at all. That's wickedness.

You see, the thread which prompted my response talked about some old testament laws of the Bible and also placed the law against wearing that which pertains unto the opposite sex in the same category. Yes it belongs there, but the problem of the OP is that he said we should dump all the laws away because Jesus has come to die to give us grace. Now, take a look at some of the laws which he quoted from the same Chapter in Deutoronomy.

He wrote;

2. Deuteronomy 22 is a Chapter with 30 verses all giving commandments to be obeyed by the Israelites in those days. They include commandments like,

Verse 9: Do not plant two kinds of seed in your vineyard; if you do, not only the crops you plant but also the fruit of the vineyard will be defiled.

Verse 11: Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together.

Verse 12: Make tassels on the four corners of the cloak you wear e.t.c


The funny thing about people like the OP is that they have divided the Bible into two and have thrown one part away which is the Old testament and have kept the new testament. However, that action of theirs has prevented them from understanding the New Testament.

Are you trying to tell me Jesus Christ came to die for us so we can all become cross-dressers? Oh, Jesus has died for us, therefore we can also disobey they law below by becoming homosexuals. God forbid.

Leviticus 20:13 King James Version (KJV)
If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.

Now, not all the laws of the old testament has been thrown away like false people would have you believe. As a matter of fact they didn't get thrown away but some of them got changed while others got upheld. Now, the passage I quoted above on homosexuality is upheld in the new Testament as seen below.

Romans 1:27
And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.

Now, how do you know those parts of the law which has not been done away with? The simple rule is this: If God didn't say anything about it in the new testament in the contrary, then it still stands. It means we are to continue observing that commandment untill we hear otherwise. An example is seen below.

Leviticus 18:6
None of you shall approach to any that is near of kin to him, to uncover their unclothedness: I am the LORD.

According to these false prophets, you can go and sleep with your mother, sister or daughter because Jesus has died and redeemed us from the law above. God forbid. Where did Jesus say we can now do such? Since you can't find such in the new testament, then it means what he said back then in the old testament still holds and must be obeyed.

Now, there are some laws of the old testament which Jesus and his disciples specifically upheld in the new testament e.g the law on homosexuality, murder, fornication, adultery, etc. There some that they they changed. An example is the law which says one cannot eat pork i.e pig meat. Apostle Paul changed that by saying we can eat all things. He however warned against eating blood, which is an affirmation of an old Testament law. Do you get it now?

Now, the OP of the thread above tried to play smart by quoting some old testament laws which sounds awkward for today and tried to use it to rubbish the law against cross-dressing.

He quoted:

2. Deuteronomy 22 is a Chapter with 30 verses all giving commandments to be obeyed by the Israelites in those days. They include commandments like,

Verse 9: Do not plant two kinds of seed in your vineyard; if you do, not only the crops you plant but also the fruit of the vineyard will be defiled.

Verse 11: Do not wear clothes of wool and linen woven together.

Verse 12: Make tassels on the four corners of the cloak you wear e.t.c


For verse 9, I don't think I've read the Bible up to the extent where the law there got changed or upheld, so I won't touch that.

Now, for verses 11 & 12, those requirements have been changed in the new Testament by Apostle Paul.

1 Timothy 2:9-10
9 In like manner also, that women adorn themselves in modest apparel, with shamefacedness and sobriety; not with broided hair, or gold, or pearls, or costly array;
10 But (which becometh women professing godliness) with good works.

As seen above when Paul spoke of how a Christian woman should dress, he didn't mention that we should always have tassles on the four corners of our cloak, neither did he say we shouldn't wear clothes of wool and linen woven together. So, clearly that old testament law has been changed. The changing of the law happened because the priesthood changed from the levitical priesthood to the priesthood of Melchizedec which is Jesus.

Hebrews 7:12 (KJV)
For the priesthood being changed, there is made of necessity a change also of the law.

As seen above, Paul didn't say the law got thrown away. He only said it got changed, and I've shown you some of the changes.

When Paul spoke of how a Christian woman should dress, did you see where he said it should be with shamefacedness? Go look for the dictionary meaning of that word and tell me how it supports a woman wearing trousers or bump shorts which show off her camel toe or vagina shape, her butt shape and her curves.

When the Bible says Jesus has redeemed us from the curse of the law, it's not saying we should throw the law away. It's simply saying we as born again Christians won't be judged by the law regarding eternal salvation, whether we keep it or not. We have been saved by Grace, not by the works of the law.

Ephesians 2:8-9 (KJV)
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Not of works, lest any man should boast.

If you say you want to make heaven by keeping every aspect of the law, which is impossible, then you will end up in hell because you have rejected the work of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Galatians 3:10
For as many as are of the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, Cursed is every one that continueth not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them.

You can't rely on the law as a way to get saved, because you will fail totally. If you disobey in one, then you have failed even the ones you passed.

James 2:10
For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.

This is why you must rely on Jesus and on him out for your eternal salvation. But does that mean we can now disobey the law? Why not go ahead and cross dress, sleep with your daughter, father mother, son, grannny or even become homosexual and also sleep with animals? If you disobey any of those old testament laws as a child of God, then expect your Father the Almighty to discipline you, but you will never lose your salvation as a result of such disobedience.

Hebrews 12:6-11 King James Version (KJV)
For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.

Hope this speaks to the soft mind who is willing to obey God's word over man made ideas.



Re: Rebuttal To The Thread "Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Trousers?" by ayodijex(m): 3:46pm On Feb 17, 2019
Lol. If I say "the translated bible (English Bible) itself is the cause of the rift in Christianity" you people will be crying.
Re: Rebuttal To The Thread "Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Trousers?" by Nobody: 3:50pm On Feb 17, 2019
Ignorant trash again from brain dead Pentecostal fanatics.

Stop basing your life on a Jewish book - try and be original black man. Your female ancestors went bare breasted for thousands upon thousands of years and surprisingly during that period, incidents of lust and sexual perversion was almost non-existent.

Besides, you have sinned already by looking at the pictures that you attached to your post. You intentionally chose the worst case of trouser wearing by the female to underpin your boko haram bullsh1t theology. Why are you obsessed with the bodies of women ? Are your struggling with lust ? Are you married ?

This is how your mothers, sisters and daughters dressed in times past ( until the arrival of your white Jesus )

And these are the pictures of decent trouser wearing women you should have shown ( hypocrite )


Re: Rebuttal To The Thread "Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Trousers?" by Nobody: 3:53pm On Feb 17, 2019
Lol. If I say "the translated bible (English Bible) itself is the cause of the rift in Christianity" you people will be crying.

They are the most confused bunch of deluded people on this planet !!

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Re: Rebuttal To The Thread "Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Trousers?" by alBHAGDADI: 3:56pm On Feb 17, 2019
Ignorant trash again from brain dead Pentecostal fanatics.

Stop basing your life on a Jewish book - try and be original black man. Your female ancestors went bare breasted for thousands upon thousands of years and surprisingly during that period, incidents of lust and sexual perversion was almost non-existent.

Besides, you have sinned already by looking at the pictures that you attached to your post. You intentionally chose the worst case of trouser wearing by the female to underpin your boko haram bullsh1t theology. Why are you obsessed with the bodies of women ? Are your struggling with lust ? Are you married ?

This is how your mothers, sisters and daughters dressed in times past ( until the arrival of your white Jesus )

And these are the pictures of decent of trouser wearing women you should have sho.wn ( hypocrite )

MiMind you bro, I'm not a Pentecostal because what they do over there is false.

Secondly, when our forefathers went topless, they were blind then and dwelt in darkness. They worshipped Satan and sacrificed their children to him by burning them. But Christianity has saved us from all of that. If you believe there's nothing wrong in our ancient culture of women going topless, then tell your wife to go topless to work tomorrow. Bloggers will have s field day with her pictures.

Mind you, the so-called decent trousers you posted aren't decent but wicked still. Look at their curves.
Re: Rebuttal To The Thread "Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Trousers?" by MJBOLT: 4:02pm On Feb 17, 2019
christianity saved us by selling our ancestors and stealing our resources


MiMind you bro, I'm not a Pentecostal because what they do over there is false.

Secondly, when our forefathers went topless, they were blind then and dwelt in darkness. They worshipped Satan and sacrificed their children to him by burning them. But Christianity has saved us from all of that. If you believe there's nothing wrong in our ancient culture of women going topless, then tell your wife to go topless to work tomorrow. Bloggers will have s field day with her pictures.

Mind you, the so-called decent trousers you posted aren't decent but wicked still. Look at their curves.

Re: Rebuttal To The Thread "Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Trousers?" by alBHAGDADI: 4:11pm On Feb 17, 2019
christianity saved us by selling our ancestors and stealing our resources

Men did that, not Christianity. Missionaries brought Christianity to Africa, but colonialism was brought by non-religious men. Blame them for stealing from you. Mind you they still gave you some goodies too.

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Re: Rebuttal To The Thread "Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Trousers?" by Nobody: 4:18pm On Feb 17, 2019

Secondly, when our forefathers went topless, they were blind then and dwelt in darkness. They worshipped Satan and sacrificed their children to him by burning them. But Christianity has saved us from all of that. If you believe there's nothing wrong in our ancient culture of women going topless, then tell your wife to go topless to work tomorrow. Bloggers will have s field day with her pictures.

Human sacrifice has nothing to do with dressing. The Romans and later the Europeans also practised human sacrifice , yer their women were fully clothed ( with exception of some slaves ).

Why is it that with the advent of Christianity peoples minds are more corrupt, perverse and immoral ? Nigeria is awash with Christianity but is equally awash with sexual wickedness, pornography, paedophilia and all manner of prostitution. Why are moral standards going down with the proliferation of this your white Jesus Christianity that saved you ?

Mind you, the so-called decent trousers you posted aren't decent but wicked still. Look at their curves.

Nothing wrong with the curves of women, why are you so focused on the curves of other women ? Do their curves cause you to masturbate ? Repent !!!
Re: Rebuttal To The Thread "Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Trousers?" by Nobody: 4:21pm On Feb 17, 2019
Men did that, not Christianity. Missionaries brought Christianity to Africa, but colonialism was brought by non-religious men. Blame them for stealing from you. Mind you they still gave you some goodies too.

Missionaries brought Christianity to Africa at the same time that the same bible they preached to you supported slavery, colonialism, the raping of your women and the continued oppression to this day of your brothers and sisters worldwide.

Sorry. your WHITE MAN Christianity is what has totally messed up our heads to the point were we are unable to build and operate a healthy functioning society. Look at how decadent , poor and lost your country is, despite all your bibles, religion, churches, mosques and millions of religious adherents.

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Re: Rebuttal To The Thread "Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Trousers?" by Nobody: 4:23pm On Feb 17, 2019
christianity saved us by selling our ancestors and stealing our resources

And by keeping the black man down by telling him to pray for his heaven when he dies, not here on this earth , and also asking him to turn the other cheek when the white man slaps him on the right cheek.


Re: Rebuttal To The Thread "Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Trousers?" by alBHAGDADI: 4:23pm On Feb 17, 2019

Human sacrifice has nothing to do with dressing. The Romans and later the Europeans also practised human sacrifice , yer their women were fully clothed ( with exception of some slaves ).

Why is it that with the advent of Christianity peoples minds are more corrupt, perverse and immoral ? Nigeria is awash with Christianity but is equally awash with sexual wickedness, pornography, paedophilia and all manner of prostitution. Why are moral standards going down with the proliferation of this your white Jesus Christianity that saved you ?

Nothing wrong with the curves of women, why are you so focused on the curves of other women ? Do their curves cause you to masturbate ? Repent !!!

Christianity sure gives you sleepless nights. grin

If you know who Christians are, you won't insinuate that immorality is high in their midst. Not every churchgoer or one born into a Christian family is actually a Christian. You have to be born again to be called a Christian.

Why are you attacking the doctrine that will help reduce the immorality you speak of?

Why are you so pained?

Did Christianity take you biscuit?
Re: Rebuttal To The Thread "Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Trousers?" by alBHAGDADI: 4:25pm On Feb 17, 2019

Missionaries brought Christianity to Africa at the same time that the same bible they preached to you supported slavery, colonialism, the raping of your women and the continued oppression to this day of your brothers and sisters worldwide.

Sorry. your WHITE MAN Christianity is what has totally messed up our heads to the point were we are unable to build and operate a healthy functioning society. Look at how decadent , poor and lost your country is, despite all your bibles, religion, churches, mosques and millions of religious adherents.

Why not start practicing Sango religion? Start now and leave us alone.

Face topic or get no response from me again.
Re: Rebuttal To The Thread "Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Trousers?" by Nobody: 4:27pm On Feb 17, 2019

Christianity sure gives you sleepless nights. grin

If you know who Christians are, you won't insinuate that immorality is high in their midst. Not every churchgoer or one born into a Christian family is actually a Christian. You have to be born again to be called a Christian.

Why are you attacking the doctrine that will help reduce the immorality you speak of?

Why are you so pained?

Did Christianity take you biscuit?

Pal , you are talking to a once insider , a leader and a bible teacher who was a worker in one of the most extreme christian sects out there - deeper life.

I am not pained by Christianity, not now , not ever - or why do you think I left the pagan myth ?

Christians are the No 1 hypocrites ;
Men of God = Sexual predators
Catholic priests = 90% paedophiles
Christian members = rampant fornication, abortion , pornography and masturbation
Christian families = same level of divorce as the rest of the world - definitely not a good example

My friend scram with your religious gibberish.


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Re: Rebuttal To The Thread "Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Trousers?" by Nobody: 4:28pm On Feb 17, 2019

Why not start practicing Sango religion? Start now and leave us alone.

Face topic or get no response from me again.

Response from you ?? - Don't flatter yourself IGNORANT ONE.

I am not here to respond to you, my aim here is to destroy your ignorant doctrines with common sense and plain logic.
Re: Rebuttal To The Thread "Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Trousers?" by alBHAGDADI: 4:32pm On Feb 17, 2019

Pal , you are talking to a once insider , a leader and a bible teacher who was a worker in one of the most extreme christian sects out there - deeper life.

I am not pained by Christianity, not now , not ever - or why do you think I left the pagan myth ?

Christians are the No 1 hypocrites ;
Men of God = Sexual predators
Catholic priests = 90% paedophiles
Christian members = rampant fornication, abortion , pornography and masturbation
Christian families = same level of divorce as the rest of the world - definitely not a good example

My friend scram with your religious gibberish.


I repeat, you don't know who a Christian is.

Now, go and worship Sango or sacrifice your wife to Amadioha.
Re: Rebuttal To The Thread "Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Trousers?" by Nobody: 4:32pm On Feb 17, 2019

I repeat, you don't know who a Christian is.

Now, go and worship Sango or sacrifice your wife to Amadioha.

White MAN Slave - bye bye wink
Re: Rebuttal To The Thread "Is It A Sin For Women To Wear Trousers?" by alBHAGDADI: 7:15am On Mar 03, 2019
Happy Sunday

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