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Why Are You Not Voting Today? - Politics (3) - Nairaland

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If You Voted At The Presidential Election And You Are Not Voting Today, Why? / George Moghalu: Igbos Didn’t Consider Implications Of Not Voting Buhari / We Are Not Voting Today - Osun Voters (video) (2) (3) (4)

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Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by Nobody: 7:34am On Feb 23, 2019
Cause I love my life more than I love Nigeria.

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Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by Ayo25: 7:39am On Feb 23, 2019
I have no respect for any Nigerian politician whosoever

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Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by Rumobaba: 7:39am On Feb 23, 2019
I don't have PVC
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by adioolayi(m): 7:39am On Feb 23, 2019
Nairalanders Atikulated supporters have finished Atiku oooo. They are not going to vote ooooo. Where will the poor man get his votes now oooo... They have been giving him high hopes with likes and shares oooo... They have been the like loudest oooooo... DiarisGod ooooooo..
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by lonelytraveller: 7:40am On Feb 23, 2019
The way Atiku is eager to sell NNPC...
It's like the guy has already collected advance payment...
I dey tell u
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by Goddys(m): 7:41am On Feb 23, 2019
Bevaei have lost hope in Nigeria
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by myettiallah: 7:41am On Feb 23, 2019
You can see thee warriors campaigning for likes and shares...PVC-less people.

As for me, the first vote for PMB will come from me at a Unit in Ward 10, Ibadan SW.
NextLevel straight
PMB till 2023
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by R0LL0N(m): 7:42am On Feb 23, 2019
I am not going to vote because I was cheated as an ad-hoc staff. I pertake in the three days inec training still I wasn't shortlisted despise meeting up their requirements. E.O pocket our money and put all their family members. Indeed Nigeria is a country for the elite.

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Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by Bestchisom(m): 7:43am On Feb 23, 2019
cuz the system is bad and my vote is a waste... until the presidency stop appointing INEC chairman, i wont be voting...
I kind of agree with u on this... I think INEC chairman should be voted in not appointed by presidency

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Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by datopaper(m): 7:43am On Feb 23, 2019
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by Picienza: 7:44am On Feb 23, 2019
Today is elections. If you like sit down at home and not go out to contribute in the process of determining who your leaders are. After, you will carry your coconut head to RCCG, MFM and Co and start disturbing God with unnecessary prayers for him to change Nigeria.
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by Nobody: 7:46am On Feb 23, 2019
Its no news that a couple of eligible voters won't be voting today because of one reason or the other.
Some due to the unpeaceful political environment, some due to distance, a lot wanna use the day as home vacation.

Well I am not voting cos dey cancelled last week"s election and I can't travel such a distance this week to the area I registered my PVC.

Oya guys why aren't you voting today. I hope your reason is genuine, if not, I will urge you all to exercise your right and do the needful

I'm not voting today because I don't have #2,000 to travel. Not only me but all that are with me here. Sadly, we wish to vote and make Nigeria work again. This poverty and suffering Mr opposition fighter has brought on Nigeria is too much.
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by DesChyko: 7:46am On Feb 23, 2019
Because I am a keyboard warriors

Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by point5: 7:46am On Feb 23, 2019
Very painful to me when I could not get my PVC from INEC...but my happiness is that since we are all Obidently Atikulated,we are going to win..
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by cooluzi: 7:46am On Feb 23, 2019
maybe because voting is a scam...... and many Nigerians are blind to see this
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by gidgiddy: 7:46am On Feb 23, 2019
Its no news that a couple of eligible voters won't be voting today because of one reason or the other.
Some due to the unpeaceful political environment, some due to distance, a lot wanna use the day as home vacation.

Well I am not voting cos dey cancelled last week"s election and I can't travel such a distance this week to the area I registered my PVC.

Oya guys why aren't you voting today. I hope your reason is genuine, if not, I will urge you all to exercise your right and do the needful

I'm not voting because I think that both Buhari and Atiku are disasters.


Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by AXYZ: 7:46am On Feb 23, 2019
I'm on elections duty.
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by tobby98: 7:48am On Feb 23, 2019
Really grin

In Nigeria Your Vote Dont Count grin
Don't misinform people... if votes don't count how did GEJ lost to PMB in 2015
just go out and vote. low voters turn out is the easiest way to rug elections in Nigeria
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by Sectis(m): 7:49am On Feb 23, 2019
INEC sold my PVC to politician in Minna, Niger State. So I don't have PVC and I'm unable to register again since 2016. So pissed off with Nigeria.
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by Oladimejy4: 7:49am On Feb 23, 2019
Bcoz our vote does not count.
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by higgs: 7:52am On Feb 23, 2019
I will vote.I always vote in elections and by the grace of God,my candidate always wins.

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Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by dingbang(m): 7:55am On Feb 23, 2019
Because the person I am voting for hasn't given me transport money
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by princeade86(m): 7:56am On Feb 23, 2019

Distance again. The people distance will be robbing of voting today ehn. Most people sacrificed a lot to vote last week.
Supposing you were to vote. Who will b ur choice candidate?
to my own observation, i think they shud allow us to vote at anywhere since we all carried nigeria pvc.
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by Nobody: 7:58am On Feb 23, 2019
I hate to predict election results, but I couldn't resist this one, as it turns out to be very profound. And I honestly place data over sensation.

While I have been silent for the most part, on the issues concerning these elections, particularly the presidential elections; what may not be obvious is that I have been quietly researching and making political calculations on the presidential elections specifically, given the interplay of the multi-component variables involved.

It's also important to note that I have consulted very widely with key sources and political actors who are by no means to be considered frivolous or superfluous and have no reasons to flatter me.

This prediction is purely based on scientific trend analysis and may clearly be against popular sentiments or known order. If the prediction offends your deepest convictions, please go ahead and prove me wrong at the polls.

I will not ARGUE with you and certainly not going to lend my time or timeline to any exchange that is not civil or mutually respectful. If you disagree, simply say why you disagree with civility or just move on.

After careful analysis of the distribution of PVCs, the occupational distribution of the voting public, past voting patterns, impact of IDP, election finance, changes in polling booth distribution, age and new voters composition of the total eligible voters, election day dynamics, effect of fake news, foreign interventions and the effect of postponement;

Based on my analysis, I predict with about 99.9% accuracy that the winner of the presidential elections holding tomorrow Saturday February 23, 2019 will be a Man.

Thank you and may God bless Nigeria. - From WhatsApp
I copied your picture of atiku and buhari
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by Nobody: 7:58am On Feb 23, 2019
I'm scared ooo
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by Smazlexander: 7:59am On Feb 23, 2019
My PVC Is Not Ready Since 2015
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by TheManofTomorrow(m): 7:59am On Feb 23, 2019
I'm not voting today because I don't have #2,000 to travel. Not only me but all that are with me here. Sadly, we wish to vote and make Nigeria work again. This poverty and suffering Mr opposition fighter has brought on Nigeria is too much.
Reasonable enough. The last week election distablized a lot of stuffs for willing voters.
I pray God rule through this people. There is real poverty in the land.

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Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by TheManofTomorrow(m): 8:00am On Feb 23, 2019
to my own observation, i think they shud allow us to vote at anywhere since we all carried nigeria pvc.
Exactly for the presidential elections particularly. I guess Naija's resources is not yet on that level.

We'll get there
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by Chuslim: 8:01am On Feb 23, 2019
Until we get things right where we can do voting by mail, through biometrics such as block chain technology that cannot be manipulated, a technology system that doesn't require much Hunan interphases.
How can we be going from digital to Analogue, by registration we are using digital but in voting we are using analogue, why cant voting be manipulated,
What stops us from using technologies like BVN, because with the use of this technological systems issues of rigging and vote buying will be a thing of the past, and I can even vote at the comfort of my room, and the result will be displayed on the city with a big projected TV at intervals, we find the best computer gurus to design and program this voting system that it can't be easily hacked or compromised.
Instead you are asking me to go and use my finger to thumbprint on a paper that would be counted manually be humans and collected in a place called collection center manned by corruptible humans. Which will now still go to a final announcing center in Abuja for final result, all this carried out by man that is corruptible, and you ask me to go and waste my time to be part of this 15th century system.
Do you know between these three process anything can be done to compromise the real data,
Who are we deceiving, until we get it right when I know my vote will count then I will vote

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Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by musa7m(m): 8:02am On Feb 23, 2019
unpeaceful political environment,
Re: Why Are You Not Voting Today? by Kayyy: 8:03am On Feb 23, 2019
Apart from first time voters that might be excited to be voting what is so exciting and promising about the next four years between major contenders, infact has any of them given us a real direction, policy, blueprint and expectations for the next four years through out the campaign, and dont tell me to go read any plan online, has anyone revealed how and through what means the plans would be achievable?, is anyone looking/watching international politics , can you see the process through which the democratic party nominees are putting themselves up for contesting their primaries, town hall meetings, plans, programmes ? , have you been watching bernie sanders, kamala harris, tulsi gabbard, cory booker etc yeah even in international politics loads of politicians are owned by coporations and usually sell their lies but my argument is their discussion is deep, its wide and interesting, its inclusive, we dont have half that over here, atiku and buhari do not excite me one bit and none will offer a promising four yrs ahead , thus my reason to sit at home.

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