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Nairaland Forum / Entertainment / Literature / Maria: The Sequel (83766 Views)
Black Maria 5 - Retribution (The Final Book) / Black Maria 4 (Nemesis) / A Fatal Love {Sequel to 'The Sugar Mum'} (2) (3) (4)
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Re: Maria: The Sequel by Palmerbarry: 7:33pm On Feb 19, 2019 |
Welcome back Larry |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by Kaycee9242(m): 12:11pm On Feb 20, 2019 |
I don't understand how far with black Maria book 2 or is 'let the gun speak' the name? |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by LarrySun(m): 6:37pm On Feb 24, 2019 |
Palmerbarry:Thank you, boss. |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by LarrySun(m): 6:38pm On Feb 24, 2019 |
Kaycee9242:Let The Guns Speak is another story entirely. Available on |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by LarrySun(m): 6:41pm On Feb 24, 2019 |
Maria continues in a moment. |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by LarrySun(m): 6:48pm On Feb 24, 2019 |
III (Update 4) The 4th Protocol About three months later, Maria returned home from school to a sad news that nearly shattered her. Matron Nene would be transferred to another state. “I’m following you,” Maria said matter-of-factly, “I don’t care where you are posted. We’re leaving together.” Matron Nene shook her head sadly, “It’s not as easy as that, Maria.” “Is it about my school? Don’t worry, I will start schooling wherever you go.” “I’m not allowed to take any child with me. That’s the government’s policy.” Maria started weeping, “Please don’t leave me,” she begged. “I have no one else. Please don’t leave me, Mom.” The matron began to weep, too. “Another person will replace me, Maria. She is going to take good care of you. You will grow to love her too. Just give it some time.” Maria shook her head vigorously, so vigorously that a cracking sound was distinctly heard. “No, no, I don’t want another woman. I want to follow you. Please take me along.” “There is nothing I can do about it, Maria. I would if I could.” “Please…please mom!” “You’re making this harder than it’s supposed to be. Don’t you understand that this is very painful for me too? You know you are my favourite. I have written to the council. I have begged them to allow me take you with me, but all my pleas fell on deaf ears. I begged to not be transferred, too, but their decisions have already been made.” Maria wept bitterly and ran out of the room. The little girl was devastated. Matron Nene wanted to run after her to offer a comforting hand but stopped herself. The only comfort she knew she could give the child was either staying or taking her along. She left the girl to steam off. She had a week before leaving for Cross River. She would try to make up with Maria within the short moment she had. Matron Nene wondered if she would be able to cope without Maria when she left. The girl had been a major part of her life. She was the most important person to her. If she had a child of her own, she would want that child to be like Maria, not taking anything out. Maria was the total package; a refined, innocent, intelligent, loving and beautiful girl. She was full of life. The light of her soul; but knowing that she would be deserting the girl very soon, the light was slowly dimming. No one would ever fill the void the loss of Maria would create in her. It was like she would lose the only child she never had. She never knew that she could love anyone as much as this, especially the fact that the child was not her own blood. She wondered if she would even love her own child as much as she loved Maria. It was strange. Even if God decided to give her a child now, she might turn down the offer and ask for only Maria. That was how much she loved the girl. She could jump in front of an oncoming train to save her. Apart from the fact that the little girl was beautiful and innocent, everything about her exuded greatness; there was not denying the fact that Maria would become a very great person in future. People would love her, men would follow her, everyone would worship her. Young children would aspire to be like Maria. Although she was not a girl who favoured the spotlight, she had the gift of leadership within her. She had the power to control a large followership, only if she could discover her talent. And Matron Nene believed strongly that she would actualise this gift when she grew into a woman. Even in the orphanage, other children looked at the girl with respect; they knew she was special. It wasn’t like she was the most brilliant girl the home had ever seen, or that she was the most intelligent, but there was something sparklingly unique about her. No matter how much she tried to hide herself, that unique quality she possessed usually found a way to flourish itself. It was like she had a halo over her head. Once, a kid in the home had called her a saint. Whenever they played in the compound, Maria was always given the role of a mother because she was motherly; and other kids desired to be her children. Everyone somehow wanted to attach themselves to Maria. And the girl herself was accommodating; she never played favouritism, she treated everyone with equal love. She respected both her peers and those older than her. There was no way anyone could hate the girl. She was an embodiment of love. She was cheerful and kind, understanding and compassionate. When it was time for Matron Nene to finally leave, a new woman came to the orphanage that morning. She was introduced to the girls as their new matron. She was to be called Madam Comfort; she had been transferred here from another orphanage in Jos. She was very active the moment she was introduced to the kids. She cracked jokes and the children laughed, except Maria who didn’t laugh at any of her jokes. There was something about the new lady that unnerved the little girl. It was like the new matron had a fire of evil burning about her, like she was Medusa with the snakes for locks of hair. This was the first person Maria would ever hate in her life, and the stare the woman rewarded her showed that she knew she was not liked by the girl, and she didn’t hide the fact that the feelings the girl had of her was mutual. Maria begged and pleaded to Matron Nene to take her along with her. She struggled with everyone trying to hold her. She clung to the hem of Matron Nene’s skirt, dragging her back, begging her to stay. If she was not going to take her along, at least she should stay here with her. She didn’t want to stay with Madam Comfort; there was nothing comfortable about the woman. She was a lady with a touch of the devil in her; others might not see it but the little girl saw it. If she was left with the woman her life would be shattered. She wanted no one but the only mother she knew. Matron Nene gave her some money and boarded the waiting bus. She was the only child among all the girls in the orphanage that she gave some money. But Maria didn’t care about the money; she wanted to go with the kind woman. The little girl grabbed the handle of the door to open it but the door had been locked from within. She cried and cried. Matron Nene could not look in the girl’s face; she turned her face to the other side. Maria ran round the vehicle and looked through the other window; she never stopped begging the woman. The Matron turned her face again to the other side, trying her best to hide her own tears. “Don’t go, Mom,” Maria pleaded, “Don’t go. Don’t leave me. Mom!” Matron Nene urged the driver to move. She couldn’t take this anymore. The little girl’s tears tore her heart to pieces. If she waited any more minute, she might force herself to remain here. But what was at stake was greater than her, or what she wanted. There were destitute children in Cross River who needed her. News had gone around that Matron Nene was the only woman in the country who could save the dying children. The kids were dying by the day, most of them when they were only babies, and the others were felled by sickness no one knew the cause. It had been later established that the only person who could take perfect care of the children was Matron Nene. Others had tried but failed. It was like only the elderly Matron who had the perfect remedy for the problems. If anyone could save the children from dying, it was the Matron. She had begged to bring a child with her to Cross River but her request had been denied. The government had said that the disease in the orphanage might be epidemic and they couldn’t risk bringing an already healthy child to such an environment. They couldn’t approve of her bringing anyone else until they knew the cause of the death and found a permanent solution to it. After then, she could bring anyone she wanted. Hell, she could even return to the orphanage in Lagos; that was, of course, after she had found a permanent solution to the problem of the orphanage. Matron Nene had sworn that she would bring Maria to Lagos as soon as everything was back to normal in Cross River. She would have liked to return to her orphanage in Lagos and be with her original children, but she didn’t want to be the one who would cause Madam Comfort to go out of job. She had to consider the poor woman’s welfare, too. The most she could do was bring Maria with her to Cross River as soon as possible. She would have told the little girl this but she didn’t want to put her hopes high and eventually disappoint her. What if she couldn’t find a lasting remedy to the Cross River Issue? What if she had no way of bringing the child over? She didn’t want to put the child through that kind of disappointment. Maria had suffered enough – she was suffering too much. She looked forward to solving the problem in Cross River and later coming back to pick the girl. She imagined how happy Maria would be when she saw her, and she told the girl to go and pack her clothes – that they were going to Cross River together. That was the kind of pleasant surprise she was looking forward to. The car finally revved up and travelled – slowly at first – down the dusty road. Madam Comfort collected the money given to Maria and held the girl. Maria broke free of her and ran after the car. Her little legs were too small to carry her as fast as she wanted. She fell into the dusty ground and wept horribly. She sat in the sand and watched between tears as the bus travelled away and turned the corner. She remained in the street crying. She was crying for over an hour; Madam Comfort left her there and packed the other children into the orphanage. Maria cried until she lost the strength to cry. When it was getting dark, she managed to pick herself up and return to the orphanage. Suddenly, the place she had always known as a home seemed strange to her; it was as if she was returning to the place for the first time. Surely, the place would never be the same again without the caring and understanding Matron Nene. Now with this evil woman in charge, Maria wondered what the future held for her – the future was very bleak, quite a blurry one to her. She was left with total loss of recognition of self and ideals. She would never be that saintly girl Matron Nene had trained her to become. There was no love lost between her and the new woman. She didn’t like the woman, and she knew the woman knew she didn’t like her. And Madam Comfort herself never hid her resentment of her. Somehow, she was going to find a way to protect herself from the evil lady. She slowly stepped into the orphanage and walked towards Madam Comfort. “Can I have my money back, please?” she was as polite as ever. The woman looked at her like she was a maggot just growing from a plate of rotting food. “What money?” “The money my Mom gave me,” Maria explained, “The one you collected from me.” “I didn’t collect any money from you.” “That’s a lie, you –” She didn’t expect the slap she was rewarded before she completed the statement. She had never been physically abused before, and so this attack came as a shock. She didn’t feel the pain as much as the sock of being whipped across the face. Matron Nene had never laid her hands on her before, not even her teachers in school. She was right; this woman was evil. She had started victimising helpless children the first day she came. Maria wondered how she was going to survive in this kind of harsh environment. It wasn’t fair of Matron Nene to leave her here. Her mother had subjected her to this kind of brutal treatment. She felt betrayed. She felt unloved. Perhaps Matron Nene never loved her in the first place; how could she have left her with this kind of woman? How could she? “You don’t call an elderly person a liar,” Madam Comfort roared. The children became quiet. They were all staring at her with fear on their faces. They had never seen anyone meaner in their entire lives. Surely, things in the orphanage would change drastically. The woman was a lioness and she was letting all the other cubs know that she was in charge. No one must question her decisions. The children were her slaves; they would do whatever she wanted them to do. “You obviously lack home training,” she told Maria and faced the others, “Listen up, all you small brats. I don’t take rubbish from anyone. And I am not going to tolerate any nonsense from any child. Anyone who goes against my wishes will find herself to blame. I am not here to kid around. I am not your former mistress, I don’t play around. You all must abide by my rules or there is going to be serious problems.” Maria would have cried had she any tears left in her eyes. Instead, she stared at the woman blankly. “What are you looking at?” the woman glared at her, “Get away from my sight.” But Maria didn’t hear her. She was too shocked to understand what she was saying. “Are you deaf or something?” “I said get away from here!” She was about to hit the child the second time when an older girl named Titi quickly stepped in and dragged Maria away by the hand. “What were you thinking?” Titi asked incredulously, “Were you planning to fight the woman or what?” Maria wanted to speak but she was short of words. Rather than speaking, another bout of weeping bobbed from the depth of her throat. Soon, she burst in tears, new stream of tears flowed down her cheeks. “Oh, you poor child!” Titi said and held her close to her chest, placing the little girl’s head against her growing breasts. Titi was thirteen years old and she was growing into a woman already. Although she was three years older than Maria, her body had not yet developed as much as Maria’s. However, Maria acknowledged the fact that the girl was her senior. “She-she-she,” Maria wanted to speak but she was stuttering badly. Her chest was heaving heavily, like there was a great load placed there. She wanted to say something but the sadness she felt was too much for words to escape through her mouth. She finally found her voice and spoke. “She co-co-collected my money. The money Mom gave me. She collected it.” “I know,” said Titi, “I saw everything. I knew when she collected it.” “She is a bad woman, sister Titi. She is a very bad woman. I don’t like her.” “We have to be very careful around her. For now, there is nothing we can do but obey whatever she tells us to do. She is in charge right now and we are powerless against her.” Maria thought deeply about what Titi had just told her and wondered how she was going to survive living under the evil woman. One thing was sure; her stay her would be a nightmare. Madam Comfort would make her life – and the lives of all the other girls in the home – a living hell. 9 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by LarrySun(m): 6:52pm On Feb 24, 2019 |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by LarrySun(m): 1:13pm On Feb 25, 2019 |
A sixth update (The 6th Sense) is also available for N50 only. 09061754872
Re: Maria: The Sequel by zesh(m): 3:18pm On Feb 25, 2019 |
Why not just compile everything then we pay fr the whole book. |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by Kaycee9242(m): 12:28pm On Feb 26, 2019 |
Larry for the update we are following |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by queenitee(f): 6:35pm On Feb 26, 2019 |
Hmmm 1 Like |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by Creeza(m): 11:33pm On Feb 26, 2019 |
queenitee:The only moniker on Nairalanf that never goes on leave... Always available and eagerly reading all she can . madam I hail thee.. ![]() |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by Nobody: 12:11am On Feb 27, 2019 |
Nice one Op |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by queenitee(f): 5:45am On Feb 27, 2019 |
Creeza:Creezaaa!!! where art thou been? Ahn Ahn. How have you been? When is a new story dropping? 1 Like |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by Creeza(m): 7:47am On Feb 27, 2019 |
queenitee:av been busy... A new story will soon begin but m already uodloading a shot one here...just so angry right now . my phone fell screen wards last night. the screen is damaged on one part, its so annoying mhrn |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by queenitee(f): 10:56am On Feb 27, 2019 |
Creeza:I'm sorry |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by Creeza(m): 12:06pm On Feb 27, 2019 |
queenitee:No problem dearie... thanks tho |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by LarrySun(m): 7:43pm On Feb 27, 2019 |
A seventh update (The 7th Wonder) is also available for N50 only. 09061754872
Re: Maria: The Sequel by LarrySun(m): 7:46pm On Feb 28, 2019 |
An eighth update (The 8th Element) is also available for N50 only. 09061754872
Re: Maria: The Sequel by Ann2012(f): 10:10pm On Mar 01, 2019 |
Well done OP |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by LarrySun(m): 11:05pm On Mar 01, 2019 |
Ann2012:Thank you, ma'am. |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by rukidanty: 10:28pm On Mar 02, 2019 |
Ann2012:you have reach here again |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by Ann2012(f): 10:39pm On Mar 02, 2019 |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by Nobody: 11:07pm On Mar 02, 2019 |
Huh? |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by LarrySun(m): 7:34am On Mar 03, 2019 |
A ninth update (The 9th Cloud) is also available for N50 only. 09061754872
Re: Maria: The Sequel by LarrySun(m): 7:35am On Mar 03, 2019 |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by LarrySun(m): 7:45am On Mar 03, 2019 |
IV (Update 5) The 5th Horseman Maria became more careful around the new matron; she watched herself well, she didn’t want to do anything to upset the woman. Madam Comfort was not one to spare the rods, literally. She had a cane for every child, and she kept the rods around her. Any miscarriage of her orders would be rewarded with brutal flagellations. A day would not go by that she wouldn’t beat a child to stupor. She usually derived pleasure from inflicting pains on little kids. Whenever the cane was not handy, she would make use of her footwears or any available broom – especially brooms. She would beat a child so much that the broom would become a little bunch of broken stems; much of the splinters would have embedded themselves in the little child’s body. There was a time she tied a child to a child and beat her senseless because the girl had mistakenly broken one of her favourite plates while doing the dishes. Madam Comfort never lifted a finger to work in the orphanage. All she would do was perch in a large chair like a frog and pronounce orders that must not be disobeyed. She made the children do the works even adults would be scared of doing. She would make many of them work on the orphanage farm from dawn to dusk. The bountiful harvests, however, were usually sold in the market and she would pocket the money. The children barely had enough food to eat. They worked like elephants and ate like ants. They would sweep, clean, scrub and wash. Madam Comfort would pack her dirty clothes and make the children wash them. They made her food for her. She never shared the same pot with the children. She lived like a queen in the orphanage and the children were her slaves. The girls never had the freedom they enjoyed under the leadership of Matron Nene. Maria, in particular, was most hated by Madam Comfort partly because the little girl was more intelligent than she would ever be. As a matter of fact, Madam Comfort’s hatred stemmed from the fact that she was jealous of the little girl. Maria had everything she ever wanted to have but never got. It was like Maria was living her life. And so she always did everything she could to frustrate the girl’s life. The girl, too, always wisely tried to stay away from her vicinity. She would keep himself out of her sight except when the woman called on her. The first slap she had received from her had made the girl recoil into her shell. Since Matron Nene left, a smile had never crossed Maria’s lips. She never had any cause to smile. She was now a shadow of herself. The smiling jovial and cheerful girl everyone had always liked was gone. Now she was replace with a personality built with a loss of joy and hope. With Madam Comfort deciding things around here, she knew the bright future she had always imagined having was just a mirage now. She had no aspiration; her dreams were shattered. She was going to live the rest of her life in the service and fear of the cruel woman. She was all alone in the entire world. A few months after Madam Comfort’s arrival, things began to take mysterious turns. Things that had never happened before in the orphanage began to occur – men started coming into the home. It was something the girls had never experienced before. Young and old men frequently drove into the compound of the orphanage and they would have long discussions with Madam Comfort. Most of them usually came in their cars and the matron would always send the girls into their rooms so that she could have some time with her guests. Maria, and many of the young children, always wondered what the men always wanted. The men would arrive in the afternoon and leave late in the night. At first, their visits were usually once in a while, but after some time it became frequent. Whenever it was around five in the evening, the children were usually asked to go to their rooms and never come out. They were to remain there till after the matron’s guests had left. The children welcome this respite. When the men came, they would not have to do any work again as the woman would be busy with them. In a day, as many as five different men could pay the woman a visit. The children didn’t always care as long as they would not have to work like donkeys. Every day, they would look forward to the arrival of the men because that would mean that they would not have to do any work again for the day. Whatever the men and the woman were doing was none of their business; but they found it strange. Matron Nene had never done something like this before. Whatever this new woman was doing, it couldn’t possibly be right. There was absolutely nothing they could do about it. No one among the children would be silly enough to question the mean woman’s decisions. She did whatever she pleased and damned the consequences. She was in her own kingdom; she ruled it anyhow she desired. Maria in particular was more concerned about what was going on. She knew the men coming to the orphanage were just as evil as the woman who accommodated them, if not more even. There was a way the men usually stared at her whenever she came. She didn’t like the stare at all. The way they usually stared at her always made her uneasy. One of them had once approached her and demanded to know her name. The man, who could be old enough to be her father, had started rubbing her body with his paws, especially her chest. Maria was old enough to know that there were some parts of her body people were not supposed to touch. However, she felt helpless because she had no one to report the incident to. Madam Comfort would do nothing about it if she told her. And so after that day, she always kept away from the man. Whenever the man called on her, she never answered. Soon, the man stopped calling her and started calling other girls instead. To Maria’s utter astonishment, some of the other girls seemed to enjoy the attention some of the men were giving them. One night, Maria left the room she was kept in with the others. It was already quite late, at around midnight; she had woken up and had come out to relieve herself. The other kids were asleep. Everywhere was silent – at least that was what she had thought at first – as she entered the lavatory. While she was relieving herself, the only sound she heard was the splashing of her own urine, until she heard another muffled sound as soon as her urine stopped. It was faint but she could hear it. She was now fully sober to know that someone was making a sound, a sound that nearly covered the snores of the other kids. She was now fully awake to hear it clearly. It was as if the sound was getting louder with each passing second. It was the sound of a woman at first, then she heard that of a man, too. They were a man and a woman. What’s going on? she thought. To her, it was like a man and a woman were fighting. One was definitely crying. She could determine that the crying woman was Madam Comfort – she knew her voice very well. There was no doubt that she was the one. Who is beating Madam Comfort? What has she done wrong? Who is the man beating her? Where did the man come from? Maria was worried. If someone was beating Madam Comfort, then they the children were not safe, too. The man beating their matron might later come and beat them too. She was scared. She had to do something about the situation. She thought about waking the other kids and informing them about the danger they were in; then she thought better of it. That would be a rash thing to do. She had to find out what was really going on first. She would be discreet and make sure that she was not discovered. She slowly opened the door of the lavatory. The hinges of the door cracked so loudly in her ears. She had not bothered about the noise when she entered the toilet, but now that she suspected that something was amiss, she was nervous about every sound. As she came out of the restroom into the dark passage, she pulled off the slippers she was wearing. If she wore it, the man might hear the flip-flap of the approaching footwears. She crept stealthily down the passageway, making as much zero-noise as possible. The sounds became more definite as she came nearer to the door. The man was grunting like someone hacking a heavy log and the woman was moaning. Maria didn’t know what the moans signified but she was sure that Madam Comfort was being punished. She wasn’t sounding like someone laughing. Maria expected to hear the sounds of whip just like she usually heard whenever Madam Comfort flogged the children. The man might be flogging her too, but that familiar sound was not heard. If he isn’t flogging her, Maria wondered, then what is he doing to her that’s making her cry? As she came closer to the door, she started hearing a third strange sound. It was the creaking of furniture. Maria knew what kind of furniture was contained in this particular room the two people occupied – it was a bed. Evidently, it was the bed that was creaking out so loud. What’s happening again? What has the bed done to the man? Is he beating her on the bed? Even if he is truly beating her, why did the man choose this late night to beat her? Why didn’t he beat her earlier in the day? And why would Madam Comfort allow herself to be beaten at this time of the night? Nothing made sense to Maria. The things that were happening around here right now were very weird. Fortunately for her, the door was not entirely shut; there was a small crack. When she peeped through the crack, she was only able to see a friction of the room. The only definite thing she saw was the edge of the bed. It was moving forward and backward to the creaking sound it was making. She knew the older people were on the bed but she couldn’t see them. The lighting in the room was blue and dull, and the fan hanging from the ceiling blew steadily. The movement of the bed seemed to be faster and Maria desperately wanted to know what was going on. She thought about pushing the door forward but she was afraid it might make a creaking sound like the toilet, and it might attract the people’s attention. She knew what Madam Comfort would do to her if she caught her snooping. Despite the fact that she was being beaten by a strange man, Madam Comfort would never pass the chance of beating Maria senseless. The grunting and moaning grew louder but Maria didn’t know what to do – she was seeing nothing. She waited at the door for about two minutes, deciding on whether she should push the door a little bit forward or not. Finally, she decided that making that risk was not worth the danger she would be subjecting herself. She decided to walk away. She would keep this within her tonight. By dawn, she was going to tell the girls what she witnessed. Maybe someone else had a better explanation for what she was hearing here. As she was about to leave, she suddenly tripped and fell against the door, opening it as wide as it could go. Maria wished the ground could open up and swallow her before the occupants of the room discovered her. She was in deep trouble now, she knew. Madam Comfort would almost kill her. The man, too, might beat sanity out of her. For a few seconds, she remained lying on the ground; half of her body was already in the room, the other half out in the corridor. She was waiting to hear the familiar scream of anger Madam Comfort usually made before pouncing on her: Maria! But to the little girl’s utter surprise, the scream didn’t come. Hell, the couple didn’t acknowledge her presence. In fact, the moaning and grunting continued in earnest. Still lying down, she looked up towards the swaying bed; she could now see everything clearly. As she looked up, all she saw were four legs poking out of the end of the bed. The legs seemed restless as if the two people were fighting with their legs. Nothing had seemed stranger to Maria in her entire life. She couldn’t see the occupiers of the bed except their legs. She slowly raised herself to a sitting position and stared. She wished she had not seen what she saw. Indeed, she blamed herself for trying to find out what didn’t really concern her. What Maria saw threatened her innocence; and it was something so horrible that it might have scarred other children for life. But Maria was a very intelligent and clever girl who would not allow immorality to overshadow her morality. Matron Nene had instilled in her such a value that had been embedded very deeply in her subconscious; and it would take a whole lot of more shameful immoralities than this to shatter her innocence. There were two people on the bed quite all right, but they were both naked – as naked as the day they were born. The man was on top of Madam Comfort. He was so large that his bulk seemed to cover all of Madam Comfort. To Maria, he seemed to be hurting the woman, of course. But evidently, he wasn’t beating her. He was hurting her in a different way. It was obvious that there was another form of punishment that came with two parties being stark naked. Maria wanted to understand the reasoning behind this kind of weirdness but she couldn’t. She watched as the strange man flogged Madam Comfort with his waist. The man’s waist was coming up and down in a sequential order. Maria watched in horror when she saw the man’s cane. It was long and fat! Indeed she was only seeing half of it because the cane would come out a few inches and go deeper into the woman’s body. The man had chosen a strange part of Madam Comfort’s body to flog her in – he was flogging her where she was supposed to be urinating! At first, Maria wanted to rush at the man and push him off the woman. No matter how much she and Madam Comfort shared hatred, she would not stand back and watch someone else torture her guardian. But the man was too large. There was no way she would be able to push him off the woman. The only thing she could do was tell the man to leave her guardian alone. Then as she was about to speak out, she heard something that shocked her to the marrow. “Oh, don’t stop,” said Madam Comfort, “Please don’t stop.” Maria stared dumbly. What’s going on here? she thought. Why would Madam Comfort beg the person punishing her to continue the punishment? What is wrong with Madam Comfort? Has our matron gone mad? As if her words were a catalyst, the man started pounding her faster. The bed cried even louder than Madam Comfort. The woman was crying and begging the man to continue. The groaning too was louder. He was grinding very hard at the woman, threatening to crush her under him. But the woman seemed to be enjoying this punishment. She grabbed the man and pulled him firmly against herself. Then she locked her legs around him like an octopus and the grinding continued. She was glued against him so much that Maria thought it was only one person on the bed. The final scene that knocked her amazement off the cliff of rationality was when Madam Comfort turned the man over. Maria stared wide-eyed at the bed. Where has Madam Comfort found the strength? Now the woman was on top. She was doing the grinding. She placed her hands on the man’s chest and started rocking him. Her waist turning and turning. Her flappy breasts were jumping up and down, swaying left and right, rolling clockwise and anticlockwise. Maria decided that she had seen enough. She wished she could pull the image off her eyes. She crawled out of the room and tiptoed back to her room. As she walked away, she heard the voice of the man. This time around, it was the man begging Madam Comfort to continue. Maria frowned. What was really going on in that room? It seemed like it was Matron Nene flogging the man now. But what was she using to flog him? Did she have her own cane embedded in her body, too? Or was she using the man’s cane against him? Nothing made sense. The more she thought about it the ridiculous it seemed to her. She wished she had managed to shut the door behind her as she left. She was sure that they would not be aware of her presence even if she stood up and grabbed the handle of the door. They were lost in whatever they were doing. It seemed like they were in another world entirely; to hell with whatever was going on around them. But Maria cared; she wouldn’t want another girl to wake up and discover what she had discovered. No matter what the situation was, Maria was sure that what the older people were doing was evil, and it might ruin the lives of the other children in the home if it continued. The little girl shuddered with disgust. Even though they wanted to do something so dirty, why couldn’t they just lock the door behind them? And keep quiet for crying out loud? She wished she could return to shut the door, but she wouldn’t dare. It was too risky; she should be glad that she escaped without being discovered. If she decided to return, that might be the time the couple were through with whatever they were doing. Maria had decided that she was going to keep her discovery within herself. The other girls did not have to know what she just found out. If, however, another girl discovered the same thing, then the report would come from the other girl’s mouth, not hers. She had enough wits to know when to keep her mouth shut. As she entered the room and shut the door behind her, there was only one conclusion Maria made concerning the two people in the other room – they were both mad! *** 8 Likes 1 Share |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by Fazemood(m): 7:49am On Mar 03, 2019 |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by LarrySun(m): 7:58am On Mar 03, 2019 |
Fazemood:Updated, bro. It's been a while. How are you doing? |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by LarrySun(m): 8:00am On Mar 03, 2019 |
The next update (The 6th Sense) shall be posted next week Sunday. But if you can't wait til then, the PDF and other subsequent updates are available for sale at N50 only. Contact me via WhatsApp or call to know how you can make payment. Thank you and God bless you. LSD 09061754872 1 Like |
Re: Maria: The Sequel by Ann2012(f): 8:56am On Mar 03, 2019 |
Well done OP 1 Like |
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