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If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About - Religion (3) - Nairaland

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Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by OpenYourEyes1: 5:51pm On Mar 27, 2019

"Anaximander was the first recorded person to suggest the Earth is a sphere. Erastothenes basically worked out the circumference. It was proven 1800 years later by Magellan's voyage".

Well, according to the Internet, Anaximander thought the earth was shaped like a drum.
Erastothenes didn't say much about Earth shape.

By the way, book of job was written before both men were born.
Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by dalaman: 6:08pm On Mar 27, 2019

Well, according to the Internet, Anaximander thought the earth was shaped like a drum.
Erastothenes didn't say much about Earth shape.

By the way, book of job was written before both men were born.

Stop telling lies, he was the first person to claim that the earth was a sphere. .

He existed in the 4-5 century BC, book of Job was written BTW 6-7th century BC. .

Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by OpenYourEyes1: 6:20pm On Mar 27, 2019

Stop telling lies, he was the first person to claim that the earth was a sphere. .

He existed in the 4-5 century BC, book of Job was written BTW 6-7th century BC. .


Dear truth teller, why not post the part he mentioned the earth was a sphere.

Moses wrote the book of job according to Jews
Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by dalaman: 6:28pm On Mar 27, 2019

Dear truth teller, why not post the part he mentioned the earth was a sphere.

Moses wrote the book of job according to Jews

Moses wrote the book of Job? Well done. . .
Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by OpenYourEyes1: 6:31pm On Mar 27, 2019

Moses wrote the book of Job? Well done. . .
According to early Jewish scholars, Of course .
Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by Ihedinobi3: 6:55pm On Mar 27, 2019

God is only an idea, perception, conception and belief. Gods don't exist in reality. The writers of the bible and the concept of God they imagined are your God in reality. . .You can't point to any God but you can always point to the fables they wrote down.

Because it's fictional, there is reality and there is fiction. All those things written inside the bible are fictional. They aren't real, they are no different from Superman stories because in the book of superman we have superman flying like a bird once he puts on his super man clothes, he stops airplanes, carries or uproot very tall building etc. These things only happen in the world of fiction and not in reality. I've a leads told you that it's is demonstrably false. Jesus in the bible promised you the ability to do greater things than he did, he went about raising people that died for days and bringing them back to life, he walked on water and calmed storms, he turned water into wine, healed amutes etc and promised you the ability to do greater than all what he allegely did if ONLY you believe in him. You seriously believe in him yet you can't do any of the things written about him because the promise is fictional and a lie. That it was written doesn't make it true, it only means it's fictional and a lie. Your inability to do anything that Jesus was said to have done despite him promising you says that it is a lie. You only believe in fiction, you are no different from kids that believe superman is real. . .
Feel free to rinse and repeat. Maybe if you say it a little louder a few more times, it'll magically become true.
Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by dalaman: 8:22pm On Mar 27, 2019

Feel free to rinse and repeat. Maybe if you say it a little louder a few more times, it'll magically become true.

It has nothing to do with magicand it is very true. You can't do any of the things Jesus promised you the ability to do because the promise is fictional. It is a lie. . .


Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by Ihedinobi3: 8:28pm On Mar 27, 2019

It has nothing to do with magicand it is very true. You can't do any of the things Jesus promised you the ability to do because the promise is fictional. It is a lie. . .
Jesus never promised that we will all be able to do the pyrotechnic miracles that He did. He did promise that we would all do greater things than what He did.

The apostles and special messengers that managed the transition from the Israel Age to the Church Age all did astounding miracles. But all of us believers do something far more jaw-dropping: we dispense the Gospel through which human beings are rescued from eternal condemnation and brought into God's Kingdom as His citizens and legitimate children. There is no miracle greater.

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Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by dalaman: 8:43pm On Mar 27, 2019

Jesus never promised that we will all be able to do the pyrotechnic miracles that He did. He did promise that we would all do greater things than what He did.

The apostles and special messengers that managed the transition from the Israel Age to the Church Age all did astounding miracles. But all of us believers do something far more jaw-dropping: we dispense the Gospel through which human beings are rescued from eternal condemnation and brought into God's Kingdom as His citizens and legitimate children. There is no miracle greater.

Jesus said those that believe in him will do greater things than him. Those that believe he said.
But we know it's not true, you haven't done anything greater than what Jesus did and you can't do it because it is a lie. Jesus was specifically talking about his miraculous ability when he stated it, he then promised those that believe in him the ability to do greater things. You can't do any because it is a lie . Now you are now trying to say that preaching the gospel is greater than all of Jesus miracles. . The apostles all did astounding miracles in mythical stories not in reality. In reality no Christian can ever do what Jesus promised them despite all their belief.

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Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by Nobody: 10:34pm On Mar 27, 2019
Adam and Eve couldn't have been the first humans on earth when you critically look at history and all the fossils of our ancestors from the Neanderthals to homo habilis that have been unearthed over the years.

Theres no such thing as one human race. Human is not even a race. Race is like a sub specie. Just like there are different breeds of dogs, every race on earth is an admixture of different human species that once walked the earth thousands of years ago. A white person and a black person are both humans but they are like different species of humans. Black can never bear a white and vice versa. Just as a German Shepherd can never bear a Labradors even though they are both dogs.

According to anthropologists, the white race surfaced only 70 thousands years ago when homo sapiens(Africans) migrated out of Africa into Europe and interbred with Neanderthals. Neanderthals lived in Europe for thousands of years before they made contact with homo sapiens. It was this interbreeding with homo sapiens that created the white race however the Neanderthals died out. The reason they did is still under debate .

There is no such thing as one human race!
Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by Nobody: 10:41pm On Mar 27, 2019
Here's a photo of what Neanderthals possibly looked like.

Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by Chronicgenius: 4:08pm On Mar 28, 2019

Of course, everybody does. That is the point. The existence of God is never really in question, nor is the veracity of the Bible which is His Own Testimony.

Why would it be difficult to believe that a God Who can create such a wondrous Universe could also give animals the faculty of speech? Or that such a God can sustain physical life in some of His Own Creatures for that long? Or that He can raise the dead? Or that He can stop the natural motion of the Universe at will? Or that He can populate the entire world in 4000 years from a family of 8? Why would any of that be hard for God?

What would be the alternative explanation for such things? When scientists spend ages teaching apes to talk and solve simple problems, and in fact succeed to some extent, why do you find that more believable considering the glaring limitations of the human nature than for a God? In fact, why is it a surprise that an animal had faculty of speech when human beings who, according to certain evolutionary ideas, are mere animals themselves not only possess the faculty of speech but also speak a staggering number of highly complex languages? Isn't the latter more incredulous than a talking snake? How do you explain it without telling fairy tales yourself?

I'm not about to get into another round of absurdities with you, dalaman. As I said, there is no choice when I have to choose between believing the Bible and believing you. You don't even begin to deserve audience, much less the benefit of the doubt.
Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by Ihedinobi3: 8:29am On Mar 29, 2019

Jesus said those that believe in him will do greater things than him. Those that believe he said.
But we know it's not true, you haven't done anything greater than what Jesus did and you can't do it because it is a lie. Jesus was specifically talking about his miraculous ability when he stated it, he then promised those that believe in him the ability to do greater things. You can't do any because it is a lie . Now you are now trying to say that preaching the gospel is greater than all of Jesus miracles. . The apostles all did astounding miracles in mythical stories not in reality. In reality no Christian can ever do what Jesus promised them despite all their belief.
Now he is also teaching me the Bible!

Dalaman, it's entirely your business what you want to believe. I am not responsible for that, only for proclaiming the Truth where I can meaningfully.

You can believe that the Lord was promising that we would all heal the sick, raise the dead etc, just as you can believe in the Yeti and pie in the sky exactly as you please. It's not my problem. My concern is that you are telling a lie. The Lord promised that believers in Him will do greater things than He did. Nowhere did He define those greater things in terms of the signs and wonders that He did. The rest of the Bible teaches that the conversion of one sinner to the righteousness of Jesus Christ is a miracle that Heaven itself rejoices at. Why then should I believe the lies that you tell?

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Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by dalaman: 9:59am On Mar 29, 2019

Now he is also teaching me the Bible!

Dalaman, it's entirely your business what you want to believe. I am not responsible for that, only for proclaiming the Truth where I can meaningfully.

You can believe that the Lord was promising that we would all heal the sick, raise the dead etc, just as you can believe in the Yeti and pie in the sky exactly as you please. It's not my problem. My concern is that you are telling a lie. The Lord promised that believers in Him will do greater things than He did. Nowhere did He define those greater things in terms of the signs and wonders that He did. The rest of the Bible teaches that the conversion of one sinner to the righteousness of Jesus Christ is a miracle that Heaven itself rejoices at. Why then should I believe the lies that you tell?

If the Jesus says a you will come and say B because you know that the Jesus was telling lies. . There are many other things and promises Jesus made to you that are also false. They are demonstrably false for example:

"And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son".John 14:13

Here Jesus is telling those of you that whatever you ask in his name he will do it. . .But we know that it is a lie, you ask many things in his name and nothing gets done, Christians gathered in his name to pray for Boko Haram in 2014 and shortly they were attacked by the same boko Haram and killed in large numbers. The bible is demonstrably false and all the promise of Jesus answering your prayers if you ask him for things is all a lie. But then once it fails as it always does you cone up with other ridiculous excuses and change what was written and promise. You can only keep telling lies to yourselves. .

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Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by CEZEJUST: 11:31am On Mar 29, 2019
Any clues Or can we say the bible story is false

You see my brother there are things that is beyond human comprehension (things like the creation)

Now let me give you some clue....

1. Like other people said the Bible did not specify the color of Adam or eve

2. According to Genesis Adam leaved over 800 years bearing sons and daughters apart from Cain, Abel and Seth. It does not also specify their colors.

3. Remember the tower of Babel when people start speaking different languages... Their colors was not specified and apparently people with same color and language went separate ways.

4. If you go to your village ask about your 7th to 10th generation great grandfather, they will tell you maybe he was the first to inhabit that village of yours (in the Bible that's how the old people leaved once you marry you go far distance. You can take Cain for example)

Now for you and any other person who is disputing Bible I want you to think this way.

Your 10th generation great grandfather and mother did you know them? You don't.

Apparently you only know your father and grandfather and grandmother... And the story of your great grandfather was told to you. Now since you didn't see or meet them and you only heard about their story, does that mean they don't exist?

So in summary one day you yourself will be a story to your great children just are we all are being told the story of our great grandfather Adam and Eve.
Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by Ihedinobi3: 3:56pm On Mar 29, 2019

If the Jesus says a you will come and say B because you know that the Jesus was telling lies. . There are many other things and promises Jesus made to you that are also false. They are demonstrably false for example:

"And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son".John 14:13

Here Jesus is telling those of you that whatever you ask in his name he will do it. . .But we know that it is a lie, you ask many things in his name and nothing gets done, Christians gathered in his name to pray for Boko Haram in 2014 and shortly they were attacked by the same boko Haram and killed in large numbers. The bible is demonstrably false and all the promise of Jesus answering your prayers if you ask him for things is all a lie. But then once it fails as it always does you cone up with other ridiculous excuses and change what was written and promise. You can only keep telling lies to yourselves. .
It seems to me as if you consider these discussions an opportunity to play whack-a-mole. You attack the Bible on one point, fail, and promptly attack it on another. It's exactly like throwing everything at the wall in the hope that something sticks.

Regarding John 14:13, see also John 15:7, 1 John 5:14, and James 3:2. Only what is asked according to the Will of God is given to us. We are all sinners, and we all stumble a lot, as James 3:2 teaches, so our prayers are not always according to the Will of God, therefore, they are not always granted.

Pick another mole to whack. Maybe you'll actually make a hit.

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Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by dalaman: 4:04pm On Mar 29, 2019

It seems to me as if you consider these discussions an opportunity to play whack-a-mole. You attack the Bible on one point, fail, and promptly attack it on another. It's exactly like throwing everything at the wall in the hope that something sticks.

Regarding John 14:13, see also John 15:7, 1 John 5:14, and James 3:2. Only what is asked according to the Will of God is given to us. We are all sinners, and we all stumble a lot, as James 3:2 teaches, so our prayers are not always according to the Will of God, therefore, they are not always granted.

Pick another mole to whack. Maybe you'll actually make a hit.

Jesus didn't mention God's will in the verse, but even at that, we know what God's will is according to the bible.God's will is stated and his will is that his children should prosper.

When the bible fails as always you find excuses.

So those that gathered to pray for God to destroy Boko Haram but ended up being attacked by Boko Haram weren't praying according to your God's will abi? So it was your God's will that they should be attacked that's why he didn't answer them, eh? Keep telling us why Christianity is just empty fables that does no real work in reality only lies ,self deceit and delusion. .

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Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by Ihedinobi3: 4:10pm On Mar 29, 2019

Jesus didn't mention God's will in the verse, but even at that, we know what God's will is according to the bible.God's will is stated and his will is that his children should prosper.

When the bible fails as always you find excuses.

So those that gathered to pray for God to destroy Boko Haram but ended up being attacked by Boko Haram weren't praying according to your God's will abi? So it was your God's will that they should be attacked that's why he didn't answer them, eh? Keep telling us why Christianity is just empty fables that does no real work in reality only lies ,self deceit and delusion. .
Why did He have to say it in that verse? If He went on to say it in the next chapter, and if the entire Bible teaches it, why is that not enough? You're a very funny person, do you make this same demand of every single thing you read or study?

I don't care what you think of Christianity, dalaman... Not that that would stop you from sharing your ill-educated opinions anyway, but you seem to think that it matters to me for some reason.
Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by dalaman: 4:28pm On Mar 29, 2019

Why did He have to say it in that verse? If He went on to say it in the next chapter, and if the entire Bible teaches it, why is that not enough? You're a very funny person, do you make this same demand of every single thing you read or study?

I don't care what you think of Christianity, dalaman... Not that that would stop you from sharing your ill-educated opinions anyway, but you seem to think that it matters to me for some reason.

You don't care what I feel about Christianity but you can't help it but keep telling me what your opinion of what the Bible says grin grin. You are a very funny person.

So those People that gathered to pray for God to deal with Boko Haram but were attacked by the Boko Haram people instead were all praying not according to your God's will abi? Continue telling us why Christianity is empty fables and lies. . We are listening. .
Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by Ihedinobi3: 4:42pm On Mar 29, 2019

You don't care what I feel about Christianity but you can't help it but keep telling me what your opinion of what the Bible says grin grin. You are a very funny person.

So those People that gathered to pray for God to deal with Boko Haram but were attacked by the Boko Haram people instead were all praying not according to your God's will abi? Continue telling us why Christianity is empty fables and lies. . We are listening. .
I always answer biblical questions asked by anyone for the sake of other believers. I already told you that. Means nothing to me what you personally think of the Bible.

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Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by dalaman: 6:10pm On Mar 29, 2019

I always answer biblical questions asked by anyone for the sake of other believers. I already told you that. Means nothing to me what you personally think of the Bible.

But the bible says that people should call unto the holy spirit for more understanding. It doesn't mention your name anywhere. So how are you the one telling other believers what to believe?
Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by RuthlessLeader(m): 6:23pm On Mar 29, 2019
Question : how come you don't have one species of dogs or cats or any other creature walking on this earth ?
All dogs are of the same species, Canis familiaris. As are cats.

And all humans are of the same species, Homo sapiens. What you are talking of is race and breed.
Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by TVSA: 6:34pm On Mar 29, 2019

Jesus didn't mention God's will in the verse, but even at that, we know what God's will is according to the bible.God's will is stated and his will is that his children should prosper.

When the bible fails as always you find excuses.

So those that gathered to pray for God to destroy Boko Haram but ended up being attacked by Boko Haram weren't praying according to your God's will abi? So it was your God's will that they should be attacked that's why he didn't answer them, eh? Keep telling us why Christianity is just empty fables that does no real work in reality only lies ,self deceit and delusion. .
guy, they will always find excuse for you. If it is not faith excuse, it will be god's will excuse.
Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by Ihedinobi3: 7:31pm On Mar 29, 2019

But the bible says that people should call unto the holy spirit for more understanding. It doesn't mention your name anywhere. So how are you the one telling other believers what to believe?
As I have told you before when you made this objection (further proof of your true lack of interest in anything the Bible has to say), the Bible says also that the Holy Spirit has given some believers to be pastor-teachers for the edification or building up of their brothers and sisters in the Faith. So, it is still the Holy Spirit Who is teaching through gifted and prepared Bible teachers.

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Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by dalaman: 7:37pm On Mar 29, 2019

As I have told you before when you made this objection (further proof of your true lack of interest in anything the Bible has to say), the Bible says also that the Holy Spirit has given some believers to be pastor-teachers for the edification or building up of their brothers and sisters in the Faith. So, it is still the Holy Spirit Who is teaching through gifted and prepared Bible teachers.

This further proves that everything inside the bible is a lie since every Christian lays claim to the holy spirit as his guide. Look at chriet8naity today. Is there any body that is as divided as Christians? Your division is so much that is the same as those practicing different religions, yet you all lay claim to this elusive holy spirit. . .

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Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by Ihedinobi3: 7:42pm On Mar 29, 2019

This further proves that everything inside the bible is a lie since every Christian lays claim to the holy spirit as his guide. Look at chriet8naity today. Is there any body that is as divided as Christians? Your division is so much that is the same as those practicing different religions, yet you all lay claim to this elusive holy spirit. . .
Let me get this straight:

The Bible is a lie because Christians claim that the Holy Spirit is their guide?

Please, explain how one thing leads to the other.
Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by dalaman: 8:26pm On Mar 29, 2019

Let me get this straight:

The Bible is a lie because Christians claim that the Holy Spirit is their guide?

Please, explain how one thing leads to the other.

The YEC and OEC all claim to get their inspiration from the holy spirit. Catholics and protestants also all make the same claim. . But they teach opposing things. .

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Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by Ihedinobi3: 8:35pm On Mar 29, 2019

The YEC and OEC all claim to get their inspiration from the holy spirit. Catholics and protestants also all make the same claim. . But they teach opposing things. .
And this makes the Bible a lie how exactly?
Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by Premiumwriter: 9:42am On Mar 30, 2019
1. How come blacks that have been in america for more than 400 years have not changed colour Forget the mixed ones.
2. How did they navigate atlantic ocean. The aztec or mayans if they had migrated to america would surely say adam is their ancestor. Bt alas them no sabi adam
400 years for skin color to change?

You funny die grin grin

Evolution takes thousands to millions of years to make little changes.

Take for instance, the small appendix in your stomach has taken evolution more than a thousand years to change and even in another thousand years maybe just a few millimeters will shrink.

Evolution requires time. Lots of it. This is why evolutionists can not take the Bible time of creation to account for all changes.

The 6000 years of creation to achieve the complex ecology the world has today is not even up to one-thousandth the time the earth has existed.

So the Bible tale of Adam and eve maybe just a tale. Think about it, every religion in their creation story talks about the first man and woman.

This is not mere coincidence. Our ancestors probably needs to answer questions and they make up stories and what better ways to do this than by having a first man and woman created by an 'unknown' Supreme being?

To explain the skin color differences, as someone said, it might be due to changes in environment. (the biblical time scale however is so small that it is very unlikely)

Personally I believe in evolution. And yes there's proof for it.

Pick up an ss3 biology textbook and read evolution. You'll see lots of basic proofs or read Charles Darwin theory on the origin of species.
Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by dalaman: 11:15am On Mar 30, 2019

And this makes the Bible a lie how exactly?

What is the biblical position? YEC or OEC? Which is the biblical position? To tithe or not to tithe?
Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by Ihedinobi3: 2:34pm On Mar 30, 2019

What is the biblical position? YEC or OEC? Which is the biblical position? To tithe or not to tithe?
You have a difficulty showing how these claims you made mean that the Bible is a lie?
Re: If Adam And Eve Were First Humans How Did Other Races Come About by Dtruthspeaker: 3:12pm On Mar 30, 2019
You guys just over underestimate the Mighty Power of God. He is sooo Mighty and Great that He used and mostly uses One (1) to achieve His purposes.

You all keep making the mistake of thinking because You are like Him, He is therefore like you.

He is greatly more than you! Infact He has not really started showing His power

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